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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/17/2018 in all areas

  1. We added 5mg Anavar to our list because our ladies who are the boss demanded so. Its a positive thing to see more females lift and we want to make sure that here at BT we can accomodate both parties
    3 points
  2. Our NL intro sale Stealth Shipping methods used for USA domestic Orders are shipped within 24 hrs post payment. Payment methods are emt(if you are in canada) and bitcoin for usa and canada We ship xpresspost for canada and usps priority for usa domestic and provide tracking. Please use a correct address,we are not liable if there is a shipping error. We have our special distro list,to receive a distro list please email me. We have many new items upcoming,ill be making seperate threads for upcoming items ******EMAIL***** btrep@bodytechpharma.com Pharma GH, we offer single vials for testing purposes,we encourage members to try and test for serum results 50$ per 10iu vial. Canadian made Pharma gh,made in a canadian government approved facility $250 for 10vials/100iu(kit) Generic hgh $160 Bulk orders can be discussed Pharma IGF des/1lr3 1mg Igf-1des. 75$ 1mg IGF-1LR3 $75 Peptides Bac water $15 Melanotan 2 10mg $25 ipamorlin 2mg $10 CJC 1295 (Mod GRF 1-29) 2mg $12 tb-500 2mg $30 (best healing peptides when combined with BPC-157,accelerated healing by 50%) BPC-157 5mg $30 (best healing peptides when combined with TB-500,accelerated healing by 50%) hgh frag 2mg $12 Selank 5mg $15 Semak 5mg $15 Synthol 100ml (made form the highest grade of mct,flows like water) $70 Injectable Stanolone(water base) 50mg/ml $35 Inj Anabol Dbol 10mg + Anadrol 30mg $30 Nectar Of the Gods: 50mg test base,20mg superdrol,20mg anadrol,10mg dbol $40 Injectable Superdrol 30mg $35 Injectable dbol 20mg $30 Testosterone Propionate 100mg/ml $30 Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/ml $30 Testosterone Cypionate 250mg/ml $30 Sustanon 250mg/ml $30 Test base 100mg/ml $30 Tren base 75mg/ml 35$ TNT base 37.5mg tren base/37.5mg test base DHB 100mg/ml $40 TND 450 (250mg test E & 200mg Deca) 450mg/ml $55 Nandrolone Decanoate (Deca) 300mg/ml $40 Decaplex 100mg deca 50mg npp 45$ Nandrolone Phenylpropionate NPP 150mg/ml $35 Boldenone Undecylenate (EQ) 300mg/ml $40 Sustanon 350mg/ml $40 Test Enanthate 400 400mg/ml $40 Test Cypionate 400 400mg/ml $40 MENT (Trest Ace) 50mg/ml $60 Trenbolone Acetate 100mg/ml $35 Masteron Propionate 100mg/ml $35 Trenbolone Enanthate 200mg/ml $45 Masteron Enanthate 200mg/ml $45 Oral Tren(MEthyl Tren) 250mcg/ml 30ml $50 (oral suspension you drink pre workout for insane power) Hulk Smash (Metribolone) 1.5mg/ml 30ml $50(oral suspension you drink pre workout for insane power) Tren Parabolan 76mg/ml $65 Ripped 50mg Winstrol,50mg Pure Dht(stanolone)(water based) 100mg/ml $40 Injectable Winstrol(water based) 75mg/ml $35 Shredder 50mg Test P/50mg Tren Ace/50mg Mast P $65 TnT450 250mg Test E + 200mg Tren E 450mg/ml $65 Tri-Trenbolone (Tren Blend) 200mg/ml $60 Mast Blend(100 Mast Prop 100 Mast E) 200mg/ml $60 Primobolan Enanthate 100mg/ml 10 mil vial $75 SARMS S4 Andarine(50mg/ml) 30 ml $50 Cardarine 10mg/tab $45 Cardarine 5mg + Helios 2.5mg Albuterol+2.5mg Yohimbine hcl+40mg Lcarnitine acetyl $60 Mk677 12.5mg/tab $60 MK2866 25mg/tab $45 LGD-4033(Ligandrol) 5mg/tab $45 LGD-3033 10 mg $70 Rad140 $55 Orals (All orals have 50 tabs) Anavar 5mg/tab $30 Anavar 25mg/tab/ $55 Anadrol 50mg/tab $40 AnaBol Dianabol 10mg + Anadrol 30mg $45 Dianabol 20mg/tab $35 M1T 10mg/tab $35 Madol 10mg/tab $40 (insane pre workout,similar to halo) Halo 10mg/tab $60 TDrol 25mg/tab $45 12.5mg Tbol+12.5mg Superdrol) Turinabol 20mg/tab $45 Primo Ace 10mg/tab $30 Proviron 25mg/tab $45 Stanolone(Pure DHT,amazing for cutting) 20mg/tab $30 Superdrol 20mg/tab $45 Winstrol 25mg/tab $35 Sexual Enchancers Priligy/Pornstar( treatment for ED but used by pornstars to bang forever) 20mg/tab $45 Jack Hammer Cialis 10mg + Levitra 10mg/tab $40 Cialis 20mg/tab $30 Levitra 10mg/tab $30 Fat Burners Liquid T3 30ml 100mcg/ml $60 Helios 2.5mg Albuterol+2.5mg Yohimbine hcl+40mg Lcarnitine acetyl $45 DNP 10grams(crystaline)/ $75 Clenbuterol 50mcg/ $45 Albuterol 5mg/ $35 incinerate Cardarine 5mg + 2.5mg Albuterol+2.5mg Yohimbine hcl+40mg Lcarnitine acetyl $60 SIbutramine(Meridia) 15mg/tab Best Appetite Suppressant $35 Anti Estrogens Accutane 25mg/tab $45 Aromasin 25mg/tab $45 Arimidex 1mg/tab $30 Nolvadex 20mg/tab $30 Letrozole 1.25mg/tab $30 Prami 30ml 250mcg/ml $60 Caber 30ml .5mg/ml $180 Clomid 50mg/tab $30 HCG 5000iu $60
    1 point
  3. I did enjoy the tnt
    1 point
  4. These days, foam rollers are everywhere: the gym, your physical therapist’s office, your living room and even your suitcase. After all, foam rolling has emerged as the darling of the fitness world and the cure-all for many different aches and pains. Essentially, foam rolling is a form of self-myofascial release, or self-message, that gets rid of adhesions in your muscles and connective tissue. These adhesions can “create points of weakness or susceptibility in the tissue”. If the muscle isn’t contracting uniformly from end-to-end, it could lead to injury and pain.” Foam rolling also increases blood flow to your muscles and creates better mobility, helping with recovery and improving performance. Fig 1. Foam Roller Table of Contents 1 What are Adhesions 2 Top 5 mistakes 3 Conclusion What are Adhesions? Your Body is covered by Fascia, think of it like the Covering on a Sausage. Now you have an adhesion (a sticking point), so now the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nerves can no longer move freely under the fascia. This can lead to chronic pain and reoccurring injuries. So what can we do? we can Foam Roll the Area. Foam Rolling can restore proper blood flow to the affected area. Sounds great, right? Yes, foam rolling offers tremendous potential to relieve pain and help you move better, if used correctly. If not, you risk irritating, and possibly injuring, your body further. This is a list of five common mistakes people often make when using a foam roller, and how you can fix them: Top 5 Mistakes Mistake #1: Rolling directly where you feel pain, not a good idea. That would be our first inclination when we feel pain, to massage that spot directly. However, this could be a big mistake. Areas of pain are victims that result from tension imbalances in other areas of the body. So, a sympathetic pain response can occur, causing a host of problems if left unresolved. For Example: Let’s take the IT band. Foam rolling is a commonly prescribed remedy for iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS). While religiously rolling out your IT band might feel good, the idea that you are going to relax or release the IT band is a misconception. The phrase roll out your IT band itself makes it sound like you are rolling out a piece of dough, but your IT band is anything but pliable. It’s a remarkably strong piece of connective tissue, and research has shown that it cannot be released or manipulated by manual techniques such as foam rolling. If you iron out areas of inflammation, you can increase inflammation. And if you are in pain, your body will be too stressed to repair itself, and that’s not what you’re looking to achieve. The fix: Go indirect before direct. If you find a spot that’s sensitive, it’s a cue to ease away from that area by a few inches. Take the time and work a more localized region around areas that feel sore before using larger, sweeping motions. For the IT band, work on the primary muscles that attach to the IT band first, specifically the gluteus maximus (the largest muscle in the buttocks) and the tensor fasciae latae (a muscle that runs along the outer edge of the hip). Also: If you are having repeated problems with your IT-band, you most likely have a Weakness of the Gluteus Medius, and that’s causing your pain. Mistake #2: You’re rolling way too fast Remember this isn’t a Race, so slow down guys! While it might feel great to roll back and forth on a foam roller quickly, you’re not actually eliminating any adhesions that way. You need to give your brain enough time to tell your muscles to relax. The fix: Go slower, so that the superficial layers and muscles have time to adapt and manage the compression. Feel where the tender spots are with the roller, and use short, slow rolls over that spot. There’s no reason to beat up the whole muscle if there are only a few sensitive areas. You’re defeating the purpose if you do that. Mistake #3: You’re spending too much time in one spot on those knots. Taking too much time on one spot is counter-productive. We’re often told that if you feel a knot, spend time working that spot with the foam roller. However, some people will spend five to 10 minutes or more on the same area and attempt to place their entire body weight onto the foam roller. If you place sustained pressure on one body part, you might actually hit a nerve or damage the tissue, which can cause bruising, and more pain. Believe me when I say, you don’t want to ever hit a nerve. It may Spasm and cause pain for hours on end. The fix: Spend 20 seconds on each tender spot then move on. You can also manage how much body weight you use. For example, when working your IT band, plant the foot of your leg on the floor to take some of the weight off the roller. Mistake #4: You have bad posture Remember your Parents and Teachers telling you to sit up straight. There was a point to them incessantly repeating that. What does your posture have to do with foam rolling? A lot. You have to hold your body in certain positions over the roller, and that requires a lot of strength. When rolling out the IT band, you’re supporting your upper body weight with one arm. When you roll out the quads, you’re essentially holding a plank position. If you don’t pay attention to your form or posture, you may exacerbate pre-existing postural deviations and cause more harm than good. The fix: Work with an experienced personal trainer, physical therapist or coach who can show you proper form and technique. Or, consider setting up your Smartphone to videotape yourself while foam rolling. That way, you can see what you are doing right and what you are doing wrong, like sagging in the hips or contorting the spine. Mistake #5: Using a foam roller on your lower back. Ouch, I’m cringing just thinking of that. You should never ever do that. Your spine will spasm and all the spinal muscles will contract to protect the spine. The fix: Use the foam roller on your upper back because the shoulder blades and muscles protect the spine. Once you hit the end of the rib cage, stop. If you want to release your lower back, try child’s pose or foam roll the muscles that connect to your lower back — the piriformis (a muscle located deep within the glutes), hip flexors and rectus femoris (one of the main muscles in your quads). The Child’s Pose is a Yoga Movement that can be done either with or without a Roller. Conclusion Using the Proper Method for Foam Rolling can save you from a whole lot of discomfort and pain. No matter what type of Roller you use, use it wisely. Most importantly, understand what the origin of your pain is before you start. Know what you are trying to achieve through foam rolling and how to do it properly. And don’t forget to stick with it. To get the benefits of self-massage, it’s repeated exposure that’s most important. You have to show up and put in the work. Fig 2. Foam Rolling Exercises
    1 point
  5. I did a one week blitz but first I did a massive carb depletion ,literally like keto for 3 days. went upto 600 mg. Best fat loss blitz ive ever done in my life,ill be following along bro. Stay hydrated and keep the supplements up. I use to add in some glycerin aswell
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. i can imagine how much testosterone is running through this thread You are killing it MB
    1 point
  8. I posted in the wrong section before ,i did my method which is 10iu . any real gh would show its sides at that dose. I felt like passing out,possibly the best sleep ive ever heard. DIdnt even use ZMA this time I usually dont get the wrist pains issues but i definitely do suffer from bloat,this whole kit wil be tested at 10iu every day. I will now split into 3 doses a day. The vacuum is perfect on the vial aswell. Presentation is decent but im not paying $900 for something that simply looks good. Very happy so far as the deep sleep was a big green light for me @Talon said he will help me find someone who can do a gh serum test here in ontario as the rep said that they would fully sponsor it
    1 point
  9. doesn't really matter, whether you spend 30 bucks or 100 bucks they all do the same thing; whatever feels comfortable to you.
    1 point
  10. Just a little video of me doing triceps with a 70lb dumbbell 20180925_234135_1.mp4
    1 point
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