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Posts posted by Blitz

  1. 3 hours ago, biglove said:

    Just a thought , since DNP make your heat up and sweat so your always warm , woudn't it be a good way to killing a cold virus . something like a small dose eod ?

    What's your thought on this ?

    Unless you get your core temperature up to 165 it's not killing a virus and well if you're getting your core temperature up to 165 you don't have to worry about that virus.

  2. 1 hour ago, Rosconow said:

    We definitely need some "private" testing in this country. From what i've heard in the states you can get blood work done almost anywhere, you just have to pay for it. Canadians are at the mercy of their family doctors.... if they even have one.  

    I think @Jetpilot found a good looking mail order test that runs a selection of panels. He started a thread on it.

    Yea there are mail in options, think they work the same as this but just have the delay of shipping to and from

  3. 15 hours ago, Rosconow said:

    Would be great if they had more locations. Only 5 or 6 locations as i remember. It would definitely be a valuable tool.

    Yea for sure, apparently shoppers will be rolling this out to lots of locations. For me it was about a 10 minute deviation in my way home from work, which isn't bad.

  4. So I stumbled across a new service recently at www.HealthTab.com, they basically offer easy blood work. Currently there are only two panels Base Line (Lipid and Liver) and Metabolic (Liver, Kidney, Glucose and Electrolytes).

    The service is done inside Shoppers Drug Mart pharmacies. No requisition required. The cost is only $25 a panel. You walk in they lance your finger, suck up some blood and 15 minutes later you have results. They say they are as accurate as a lab, but even if there is a slight variance it's so easy and cheap it's acceptable. I got both panels just to see where I was at.

    Very easy and would recommend. This is a game changer for people who have troublesome doctors or just the fact that you need to go in get the requisition, then go to the lab, then go back to your doc. If a location is near you, it's literally 15 minutes.

    I would love to see them add a hormone panel. They say they are considering more tests and open to suggestions, so I emailed them to ask for a mens hormone panel and a thyroid panel. This could help our community pretty good so I would suggest if you need blood work and close to a location try it out. Also shoot them an email to ask for them to add a hormone panel. The AAS community could probably sway them if they received a couple dozen emails, they'll see dollar signs and we'll get convenience.

    • Like 1
  5. 9 hours ago, Talon said:

    I buy my eggs by the flat cost me about 5 bucks a flat.  chicken I hoard when its on sale.  I get some sweet deals from the local stores sometimes you gotta drive 15 to 20 minutes but if you buy in bulk its cheap.

    Still don't think it would add up, these prices have chicken legs around $1.35 per pound and eggs at $0.10 a piece so if you're paying $5 a flat for 30 eggs you still aren't going to make it. Gotta be $3.00 a flat.

    Like I said principle is the same but even at $5 a flat your about twice the price for eggs and at walmart prices for a dozen you're three times the price. Whole milk you're not going to find at $2.50 for a gallon which this what this is priced at - walmart and no frills have milk at $5.00+


    I hoard sales too but you're not finding any cut of chicken for less than $1.99, and most likely not finding it below $2.99 consistently - at least not for the last 5 years. Milk even on sale isn't going below $1 a litre. Eggs we get hosed on, the average price in the US for generic caged eggs is $1 for a dozen.

  6. On 10/24/2018 at 7:36 PM, mbmuscle said:

    I think Oly is saying that at 100 he isn't suppressing natural functions because his sperm are still being produced. I don't think he is arguing his test is being replaced but the rest of the system is still functioning normally.

    That has me interested. I have low test but I'm trying for a baby so I've been avoiding taking anything at the moment.

    I'm not saying that other things can't work. I'm saying if you take 100mg of test it will suppress natural production of testosterone. If it didn't we would all take 100mg to go from natural levels to natural levels +100. Instead it take 100mg and your body stays at natural levels because either your body is naturally at 100 or your body might be naturally at 150 so you inject 100, suppress 100 and your body produces 50.

  7. 9 hours ago, OLYMPIC said:

    @Blitz there is a range of 10-30 that is considered natural state. as soon as you pass that threshold of 30 your sperm levels drop . Ive been on this dose and have done multiple bloodwork and semen analysis and trust me all is very well.  If i can use that range and my sperm production and levels have barely changed,then i wont change it for the world. That dose is like bringing back your teenage levels again

    My sports doctor is also a competitor so i learn a lot of stuff that is not "bro science"

    Sperm production has nothing to do wth me saying injecting 100mg of test will suppress your natural levels. I'm not sure what you're getting at.

  8. On 9/9/2018 at 2:53 PM, OLYMPIC said:

    100 mg will definitely not supress your test. I'm on near 100 and have always stayed under the level of being un natural. Do blood work, your doctor will show you what natural range is. Beleive the number was 30. I did 125mg of test with Proviron and it took me above the natural level. Semen count went down. So I reduced test to 100 and was perfect. Been like this for 6 months with blood work roughly every 3 months 

    Just because you're in natural range doesn't mean your not suppressed. Your LH will be suppressed. You're shooting exogenous testosterone, obviously you're going to have good test levels lol. You're registering the test your shooting, you're suppressing natural test. If not we'd all shoot 100mg and keep all our natural levels plus an extra 100mg.

    • Like 1
  9. 8 hours ago, Corey5150 said:

    Anyone taking part in or watching any of the upcoming shows in the next three weeks?

    Honestly I use to watch shows but they have gotten so terrible in recent years. The competition is laughable, which is from allowing top 5 go to the next round, where there are typically 5 or less competitors loading to everyone being "provincial level" and now "national level" with the CPA. CPA allowing everyone this year to go from regional to pro qualifier no matter their placing. Allowing people to compete in multiple classes. I've seen girls compete in bikini, figure and physique all on the same day and come in "top 5" in each class. Also having a show every weekend despite no attendance in any class by bikini, mpd and sometimes figure.

    These policies show the organizations don't care about the athletes nor competition. It is pure business and they are looking for entrance fees by any means.

    Do you know how many guys above 10% stand in stage and get a medal. If you enroll in a random show for bbing without doing a prep, you can all but guarantee you'll be qualified for a "pro qualifier".

    • Like 2
  10. 13 hours ago, MSCLMAMA said:

    Amateur, I’m not a pro yet ? I competed this year at the Van Pro AM lol in WBB, 2nd place.

    Ah okay, makes sense now. Thought it was strange that a new pro show like Vancouver picked it up when the rest were dropping it. Well good luck next year!

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, Twistert said:

    Okay first post on the new forum 


    Little Back round got tested had low test doctor wouldn't help. Went about it my self by looking into info the former of this board was the biggest help. I have seen used to labs and I am now going to be using a third which I am pretty sure will be final Lab.

    I started off at 125mg of test Cyp per week to pins equally divided. for the first 6 months 

    I am now up too 150mg  of test Ent per week equally divided 

    Much prefer the test-E over the C strength and size wise and no pip

    I have some anavar stashed away also .

    Now I am not looking to get super huge or anything but I am thinking I want to try a little more to see what it those. So do I get something like Sustanan or do I just add more TEST-E how long, how much more let me know boys whats your opnions


    38 years old


    14% body fat 



    At those stats you don't need to be blasting. You just need to be eating and training correctly. Get those aligned for a year or two then you'll be well situated to run a beginner cycle.

  12. I think it's a bad idea. DNP comes with bloat and a number of other side effects. Nothing I'd want to play with at the most critical time of my prep. Fancy trips make you look like shit on stage. Controlling variables and eliminating them when you can is ideal. A diuretic is not needed most of the time, I've only used it with athletes twice. Once because the guy jumped 16lb two days prior to contest, which I attribute to stress. The other time was to get an extra edge with a figure girl, it was a mistake and didn't do her any favors. It's very easy to deplete glycogen through diet and exercise - so easy it just happens. Have you competed before?


    If you want to use DNP in prep, I think it should be used early at a low dose, even dosed every other day. Ran no closer than 4 weeks out.

  13. 3 hours ago, Englishmustard said:

    Wouldn’t piling too many carbs into your face constitute a shit diet?

    Not at all. A cup (uncooked) of oatmeal at breakfast, a cup (uncooked) of rice with two cups of spring mix at lunch, a pound of potatoes with two cups of spring mix at dinner and 1/2 cup (uncooked) cream of rice preworkout with some other vegetables, fruits and snacks mixed in is a ton of carbs probably close to 400g but it isn't a shit diet. 

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