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Everything posted by Nixter

  1. Tried and had to quit 3 different times after less than a week. About 2 or 3 days in i start not being able to fall asleep. Id lie there all night staring at the ceiling if i didn't take xanax. Even then i wake up a few hours later. I've tried melatonin, zinc, etc, which didn't help. Weird thing is that even though i get very little sleep, i don't feel tired during the day. The restlessness of not being able to fall asleep is enough to stop taking the stuff though. To bad because i like the feeling on the stuff. As i type this i realise i could have tried just stayed awake until i was legitimately tired and then got a few hours sleep. As i said, i didn't feel tired during the day even just a little sleep. Could be a way to improve productivity lol. Anyways, mostly just ranting here and hoping to hear other's experiences with it.
  2. Wonderful, thank you!
  3. I believe the umm "other board" had a section for selling gear, did it not? Not sure what do with stuff i a got but won't use.
  4. I've actually been on finasteride the whole time
  5. I wonder if that would help seeing as proviron is just straight up DHT, no conversion required
  6. Saw palmetto for skin or hair? Ive taken it before for skin but not sure if it helped
  7. Yeah fuck. I'm stopping the proviron. Hair is not doing well. Good damn, if it's not my skin, it's my hair. I can't win in this game lol. Back to 100mg test a week and that's it. Maybe a test blast here and there. Really hoping the hair comes back, ugh. Fortunately it's just the top/back and I'm tall lol
  8. 5 weeks with the added proviron. I like it but i had to start taking accutane because my back started breaking out more. The combo of the proviron and accutane is causing my hair to thin so i might have to drop both. Other than a trt level of test, i seem to just be really side prone with anything I've tried, skin especially.
  9. I've added 25mg to my trt about a month ago. Scale hasn't moved but i look better, like a little recomped. No real improvements in libido. Should i try 50mg?
  10. This is pretty cool but I've read some info suggesting that finger prick style samples have issues. I don't recall exactly where or when i read this unfortunately. I'll try and look it up tomorrow. Definitely better than the current nothing we have lol.
  11. I have Xanax but i just don't like the idea of taking it consistently while taking clen.
  12. Labs showed e2 within range. I began to think it was maybe an shbg issue
  13. I was having ED issues at 200mg trt with 1mg adex/wk. No difference at 150mg either. Now at 100mg, no AI, and all is good. Haven't had bloods yet at this dose but I have zero E2 related issues. Oddly I had no ED issues when i blasted 500mg/wk.
  14. So i had to stop taking it only a few days in due to lack up sleep. Even at 25mg I wasn't sleeping. Any suggestions on how to sleep with this stuff? I was taking it first thing in the morning. Maybe I need to ramp up reeeaaaally slowly in order to acclimate to the wiredness. Maybe 12.5mg for a week, then 25mg, etc
  15. Just ordered some proviron to add to my trt!
  16. I was recently taking evoke which contains caffeine, Albuterol, and geranium (dmaa). I was taking it as a pre workout mon/wed/fri. It was causing me to only be able able to sleep 3-4 hours a night. Apparently DMAA can build up in your system even though the reported half life is relatively short. Just something to watch out for if you're taking this
  17. Things are still very good. Ive lost a few pounds already though. Cruising up to 100mg to see how that feels. I should probably wait longer but I'm impatient.
  18. Also did nothing for me. Topicals in general don't do anything for me
  19. It wasn't a study. I googled "L-lysine side effects" and pretty much every result warned of potential kidney failure at high dose. Im just saying be careful.
  20. Be careful, L-lysine can cause kidney failure at higher doses
  21. A little update. I dropped to 90mg of subq test e/wk only, no ai. Things are great. Libido is back, ED is gone. Hooray. Ill get labs in a few weeks to check on things but i don't feel my e2 is high because my left ankle is very prone to e2 related edema and it's doing fine. We shall see.
  22. I don't believe it's mental. Reason being is that I've suffered from psychological ED a few times in the past and i know what that's like. Yes, i can get there solo but it's more difficult than usual and sensitivity is down too. And no, I'm not generally getting morning wood, nor throughout the day. Also, when I've had psych ED, Cialis and Viagra helped. Now they do not. Before trt i was low/normal T. I don't have to be on but i definitely prefer it. Coming off would be an option though. My body does not like holding muscle naturally though so let's call it a last resort after i try a lower t dose. Ideally I'd cruise at a max t level where i don't need an ai and then toss in a blast or two throughout the year. I normally pin Monday eve and friday morning. I will forgo this friday morning's test, hcg, and ai. On monday i will drop to 80 - 100mg/wk, no ai or HCG. Reason im skipping a day is to get my levels down faster. I graphed it out with steroid calc and it creates a pretty quick curve to a stable lower dose. I will get bloods once I'm stable. Pre trt my libido was healthy and my natural e2 level was highish.
  23. Interesting! 100mg test plus 25mg proviron. Have you guys had blood work with this? Any negative issues from the proviron? I bet the libido is great
  24. @DeviousDI'm also curious about prolactin and DHT. I ended up increasing T to 200mg and adding HCG back in at 750iu/wk split mon/wed/fri and things got worse in the ED/libido department. I didn't increase adex past 1mg because my e2 was already lowish at 150mg/wk so. I guess there's a chance that the extra 50mg test/wk plus HCG put me in high e2 range. Anyhow, this situation is not cool. I've I've been unable to perform on multiple occasions now and cialis does not seem to help. I'm thinking I might try halving my trt to 100mg a week, see if i can find a dose that doesn't require any ai. At any rate, more test seems to hurt rather aid my soldier. The weird thing is that for some reason when I ran my first blast last year of 500g/wk I did't have any issues.
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