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Posts posted by BobTheOldLifter

  1. 1 hour ago, Sorbate said:

    Ok, I’ve reread this and yeah, Bob you did kinda attack him



    Well, if you re-read this before it went off the rails, he basically was complaining about migraines but had absolutely no intention whatsoever to moderate dosages or eliminate a compound or two to figure out the culprit.

    I just pointed out the obvious facts that have been spelled out to him ad nauseum  - too much, too soon, too early in development, and no ability to follow advice or look inward and self-scrutinize.   If the truth feels like an attack, he needs to reevaluate his life circumstances in a big way.  Blowing a gasket is all on him.

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  2. 9 hours ago, Sorbate said:


    You have issues that you should seriously seek help professional help for.

    Im nit saying this to trigger you, but am being serious.  Between your steroid abuse, not spending the $2 for tanning glasses and now trying to pick a fight with someone for all you know, is a fucking nutbag that enjoys hurting people, and now is looking you up, because he knows your instagram account info.

    I dint know......

    Seeking professional help is most certainly among the best advice he's received here, but unfortunately won't take of course. 

    I don't think he even understands the main thrust of most of the advice.   He seems obsessed with the defiance of risks, but that's largely secondary.   The primary point is that what he is doing is a waste of time because he's starting small, fat, and untrained.   Any one of which should mean gear use should be postponed, not for safety reasons, but rather mainly for efficacy.   This is one of the many important and valuable ideas that are completely lost on him.

    But there's no doubt that there's a number of shitstorms swirling around him at all times and he hasn't realized that he's at the centre of them all and it's time to look inward.

    Again, professional help is definitely good advice.


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  3. 10 hours ago, Sorbate said:

    Shit I bet if 88 hired Cory, for less money than what he is spending on the gear he could get twice the results of he listened.

    I disagree.   Why? Because he would have to:

    - follow advice 

    - take less drugs

    - have some self discipline 

    - have a little introspection 

    There is absolutely no evidence he is capable of any of these,  much less all at once.

  4. 15 minutes ago, millenium girl said:

    I'm now in bad pain (have been for weeks but kept lifting). I'm now considering dropping the weights for good. 

    My GP told me "no wonder you're exhausted if you walk 10 kilometers or more daily, it's too much"

    I think this GP is "challenged".  I have an office job - basically sit on my ass all day - and if I have an errand to run here and there and go for a short walk to the sandwich shop at lunch, my smart watch tells me I can easily walk more than 10k per day.  Walking 10k per day is not a big deal unless there's another reason for this.

    See a sports doc, they should be able to help much more than a GP.

    A GP once told my brother "You do realize of course, that as soon as you stop lifting weights, all your muscle will turn to fat."  He laughed and said "You're fired."


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  5. 6 minutes ago, eightyeight14 said:

    i’m causing shitstorms from a simple theory i’ve posted, that’s not my problem. that’s an introspection on yourself as to why you get so worked up over a random opinion on the internet.

    I'm not worked up at all, but that's hardly the issue.  To be 100% candid, I'm very concerned.

    "i’m causing shitstorms from a simple theory i’ve posted, that’s not my problem."

    Yes, yes it is.  The problem that you don't see it as YOUR problem is THE problem.  Sure, there are others here that have lost their temper and 'raged', that's a fair point.  Most would agree that this wasn't necessary and could have been handled better.  I can agree with that.

    What's missing though is any hint of acknowledgment of your contribution to the issue.  I sincerely suggest that you really work on trying to get a handle on this and not just lip service, real insight. 

    You don't owe anyone here anything, so you don't have to be contrite, sheepish or apologetic.  But your ongoing, continual and complete deflection of basically all criticism fuels the rage you're seeing hurled in your direction.  This doesn't make it right, fair enough, but the fuel is coming from YOU. 

    You have to get on top of this.  Otherwise, you're heading in a really bad direction - for real.

    I'm quite sure you could get enormous support here.  Life-changing levels I'd say.  But you gotta get a grip on this.

    • Like 3
  6. 1 hour ago, eightyeight14 said:

    i’m sure we’ve all been there in some way or another, be it drugs , jail, maybe even relationships and being abusive to someone. maybe ease up a little , I already clearly acknowledged how dumb it was to take drugs like that, what is the point of repeating that i was dumb? smh

    Ummm, no we haven't all been there.  But the more important point is that you keep missing the friggin' point.

    Yes, people do stupid shit and can learn from their mistakes, fine.  Not the point.  The point is that your implication that having liver values like that means that most people could bounce back from that and therefore we may be over-worrying about liver toxicity is spectacularly obtuse.

    I strongly suggest you humbly reflect on why you seem to cause shitstorms repeatedly.  It's called introspection, but I don't think you can do that, and that is essentially the problem in a nutshell.

    And channeling the immortal Jim Lahey - there will be a shit cloud following you wherever you go until you figure this shit out.

    • Like 2
  7. 1 minute ago, CapeBretonDadBod said:

    Ok I’m beyond excited for this ! I’m a proviron junkie I love how that compound makes me feel !

    Damn!! I wish!!

    I have an idea for a new product @BodyTechPharma are you listening??

    Combination Injectable Proviron, Cialis, Viagra, and Trenbolone - I call it "Sex Offender in a Vial".

    You're welcome - (5% royalty, I'm a reasonable man after all)

    • Haha 2
  8. 19 minutes ago, BodyTechPharma said:

    The bioavailability was determined to be only about 3% of the oral dose

    Hmmm....very interesting...I tried 50mg/d for about three weeks and noticed nothing at all.  With all the stories about raging libidos, I was bitterly disappointed!

    Edit: Oral that is

    disappointed GIF by Rick and Morty

  9. 47 minutes ago, Corey5150 said:

    Id actually argue the opposite, people with natural physiques don’t have the ability to recover like those who use PEDs. So they more so need to manage volume. The point of using PEDs is to recover faster... so why not work HARDER? That statement sounds like someone who is training at say 70% and sure they’d probably get more results than a natural at the same rate. But again why? That’s like saying I’m going to buy a car with 500hp only to drive it under 50km/hr - not happening lol.

    Let's pick this apart so you're clear on what I'm saying - wasn't worded so clearly initially.

    "people with natural physiques don’t have the ability to recover like those who use PEDs."

    Of course, 100% agree.  

    " So they more so need to manage volume."

    Don't know what you mean by 'manage'.

    "The point of using PEDs is to recover faster... so why not work HARDER?"

    Sure, yes, and also more often potentially, but I'm saying for a natural after a certain point, you WILL not get larger if you're not also getting stronger, so naturals should, at least part of time, work in the high intensity ranges.  In fact I think it's a MUST for naturals to grow when they become advanced.

    "That statement sounds like someone who is training at say 70% and sure they’d probably get more results than a natural at the same rate. But again why?"

    Yeah I don't disagree,  but one will still get results and one won't.  My point is that an advanced natural will not gain without significant strength focus as part of their program, whereas a noob AAS user can train like a moron for quite some time and still grow.  Sub-optimally, yes.  Wasteful, yes.  Stupid, yes.   But grow all the same.

    • Like 1
  10. 4 minutes ago, eightyeight14 said:

    I considered this as well. That the super heavy weight might not be as efficient as just doing more reps due to me being on the 500mg test and my muscles being super reactive to basically any stimulus regardless of going super intense or not. So hard to decide on differing opinions, thats why I usually "bastardize" programs and just mix the advice 50/50 lmao...i may just be retarded for that tho and getting 50% efficiency out of both programs

    I'm just pulling this number out of my ass, but I think that at LEAST 80% of optimal gains are achieved with being regular with your workouts, and working hard... very hard.  To get 100% optimal is more technical and individual.  But hard work is MANDATORY!  

  11. 9 minutes ago, Corey5150 said:

    Even myself I find that hard to judge... so how is someone relatively new to training going to figure that out... or at least enough for it to be effective. So in my opinion, I think thats going to lead to a bunch of wasted time and ineffective training.

    I don't disagree, but you can do a couple 'discovery' workouts from time to time to nail this down more accurately.  But I'm a more high-intensity guy myself as well and don't like high volume.  Hell, the high volume might be better for me for growth purposes, I'm just saying I don't like it. 😢

    "Give it your all, get strong as hell, then add in more sets to build volume. Thats basically my philosophy lol"

    Well, yeah I agree, especially for naturals, but assisted you may be able to get away with more growth with less intensity. 

    Just look at those strongmen guys.  If you peeled the blubber off those fat bastards they'd still be mighty huge!

  12. 25 minutes ago, eightyeight14 said:

    okay, that sounds pretty good and much better than what I am doing, looks like i gotta add more sets

    Maybe, but not necessarily.  It depends on a lot of things, perhaps the most important is training status.  4 hard sets is probably overkill if you're not advanced.  Sure you can do it, but two good ones could be enough to grow just as much or more.  Frequency is also an important variable that also can vary significantly with training status.

    Also, there is generally value in periodized programs, but they're not simple one-sentence programs.  The intensity and volume changes over time.

  13. 4 minutes ago, eightyeight14 said:

    so for example, I should go higher intensity, lower reps like 2 sets of 8 reps , then maybe 1 set 15 reps in the start of the set before that , with lower weight just to mix in a bit more activation time under tension? Would this be the most effective approach or am I still misunderstanding? This routine was feeling really good for a couple weeks but now i feel like i’ve maybe outgrown it a bit and I don’t get as much stimulation as when i was natty like it isn’t as challenging . i’ll think of some changes 

    Haha...yes 'the most effective approach'.  To say that this is a topic of debate is a huge understatement.   But the best advice is to TRY them.  Give Isratel's approach a try and see.  Or, give doggcrapp a try (an example of the other end of the spectrum). MONSTERS have been built with DC training.

    But don't do a bastardization of a program.   Do them properly and give them a real chance and see what works for you.

  14. 7 hours ago, eightyeight14 said:

    As for training - As I thought, I knew I could be training harder but fell victim to those claiming max hypertrophy is with a bunch of reps with moderate weight. So you are saying I should raise intensity, meaning lowering the number of reps per set by increasing the weight so i try harder? Or intensity as in more reps and get more pump going with dropsets and stuff?

    Common misconception here.  Lower intensity is a technical term meaning lower percentage of one rep max NOT feeling like you could be training harder.  Even volume advocates like Isratel say two or three reps in reserve max.  Combined with high volume, that is a tough workout.  Even Isratel cautions against 'junk volume'.  If you feel like you could be training harder, your entire workout is probably junk volume.

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  15. 3 minutes ago, CapeBretonDadBod said:

    I’m going to take the high road on this one and not even comment , other than how do you apologize for your actions and then post a vid like that , your right about one thing you posted tho, it’s about to get you banned and we won’t be seeing you in two months, bro it’s not AAS you need, it’s mental health intervention.

    Yeah...is there a mental health condition that causes you to ignore all good advice that you hear?

    My son is exactly his age and as been my workout partner now for the last year and a half.  If he had an attitude like this kid, he'd kill his old man.  I'd have had a stroke a long time ago.  Anyway, my son understands when to take advice and sucks it up like a sponge.   We've put 15 lbs of muscle on him (naturally) and it's so friggin easy to gain when you're young and below your genetic limit.

    Also, it goes both ways too.   I like to play video games from time to time,  but compared to him, I suck.  So he offers quality advice to improve my game and I take it.

    A little maturity and humilty is all it takes.  Life is gonna be a hard road without this for this kid.

  16. 7 hours ago, eightyeight14 said:

    Seriously, can we stop though with the advice and lectures? I dont get you guys.

    Advice is kinda the main purpose of this forum.  And you're being disingenuous,  you DO 'get' it, you just don't want to take good advice. 

    You don't want to accept the reality that you're too young, but mostly far too underdeveloped for AAS to make sense. Also, you don't want to suck it up and at the very least lean out significantly first so even your work ethic is also questionable. 

    You're practically the poster child of who should NOT do AAS.  

    • Like 2
  17. 9 hours ago, Monkey said:

    Well  I  am ranting about it  but today I  again came across a pickup with steel balls hanging on  its hook , I wanted to ask the guy but he didn't looked friendly, I once even saw a chick driving a truck with balls hanging lol, so they claim to be hard bangers??

    I thought about buying a set of these just so I could sneak them on my truck when I knew my wife would be driving it.

    She'd either choke me or beat me with them when she found them, but worth it...

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