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Posts posted by Rosconow

  1. 6 hours ago, CapeBretonDadBod said:

    @Rosconow wouldn’t it be nice to be the 3-4 % mark

    I've never been that cut, don't have the discipline and i like food too much. I did get down to 14% measured by calipers years ago. Currently at 23% as measured on my doctors fancy scale where you have to go barefoot and hold a handle with both hands. But currently in a bulk and as far as i'm concerned, you have to be a little chubby to gain any serious mass. 

  2. So do you guys have actual batch/ lot #'s corresponding to product?

    A lot of ugl's just put a generic lot# on the label to perhaps fool law enforcement, (make them look health canada compliant) ie. at airport screening etc. But when it comes down to it, they have no "real" lot #'s. 

     This would make a strong case for q.c. standards above and beyond most labs.

  3. 8 hours ago, Musclet1 said:

    Plan on taking proviron first time, so will see how works, currently take  finnasteride was kinda hoping it would help. But good to know it won’t 

    If you are on test as well, the finnasteride will still help with that conversion. But @Fizzyx is right, finna wont stop a dht that is directly introduced such as proviron, masteron, and to some extent primobolan. 

     I have also read that finna can react badly with nandrolones. Speed up shedding, the opposite of it's purpose.

    • Like 1
  4. On 11/14/2019 at 6:39 AM, NorthernLifters said:

    Solid review, appreciate the honesty 

    I wonder if a factor here is the amount of mg in each injection? For example, dhb at 100mg per spot is fine 0 pip. But any above and I'm crippled 

    I think you're absolutely right. Stuff like dhb at 100mg/ml is fine, as soon as i load 2ml dhb; ouch! Same with some of the t400 products, and that can be said for various labs.

    • Like 1
  5. Everyone has an opinion, so what if people get offended by it.... take it in, discount it or move on.

    Oh wait, we have turned into a pussified snowflake state. Where personal opinions, and free speech are censored by the "woke" police of social media. I for one am so sick of social justice warriors inflicting what they think is "right" for the "all".

    Off my soapbox now. 


  6. 9 hours ago, Corey5150 said:



    4 hours ago, Corey5150 said:

    LOL yet you look over the front load of 1.2g of test, 600mg EQ (which is KNOWN to cause the largest rise in hemocrit) and yet anadrol and dbol were listed? You think the added water retention will affect his blood pressure? You think him being over 300lbs won't effect it? Give me a break. All that I mentioned will affect blood pressure more than a 2-3 week run of methyl tren on training days only. And if he's really that concerned add in K2 (mk7) and carditone, his blood pressure will be in the perfect range within a month - month and a half. Hell if this is a conversation about health - we should be taking a completely different look at everything listed, as all steroids increase RBC count and negatively effect BP. 

    You know how I know? Because I have blood pressure in the similar range and I know what'll affect it more than others. But please proceed to tell how half his choices won't negatively effect his blood pressure. Sure go with anavar, but you know we may want to consider your cholesterol lol There are pros and cons to everything listed. He asked for a boost pre workout, why mess around with things that won't provide near as bang for your buck, and your main concern would have made more sense if it were toxicity.

    Fair enough. If the 1.2 grams test doesnt blow his head off bending down, or fainting when he gets back up... what's a little more on top of it all?

    • Like 1
  7. All the oral aas will raise your blood pressure, so it all depends on your personal risk to reward ratio. 

     I work rad140 into my "bridge cycle" routine and that with my trt dose cruises me along nicely. I definitely feel the rad working as i dose 30mg preworkout. I get very agro on it and my strength stays the same(ish) as when i'm on cycle. I usually only loose 4-8 lbs when bridging after a heavy test cycle. And that is most probably water.

     Give it a try if you havent used it before.

  8. @Russian chick, i made some 5mg ostarine caps up for my woman, which she took pre workout every day, even non training days, for 8 weeks. 

     Her strength went up like crazy at around 4-5 weeks. Leg press was most improved. (Absolutely love it when a guy gets off a machine, and my girl is already putting the pin down the stack!)

    No noticable sides other than a few zits, but we also changed whey protien brands during that time so who knows. She wants to do it again.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 9 hours ago, GainTrain said:

    Oral primo is a good choice for ladies. 

    I may be a contrarian, but currently on 150mg primo ace (oral) as a kick start to my test/ deca cycle. Love it! Not just for the ladies.

    Pumps and veins and strength during the first week. The best part, no liver toxicity; although not the best bioavailability. 

    But yes to primo ace probably being the best overall oral steroid for women. Probably the least androgenic sides going.... say no to bearded ladies...lol

    • Like 1
  10. Yes good to mention the z-track. Just pull the skin over in one direction or the other then inject. When you pull the needle out and relax the skin, it will retract and you wont get any sub-q bleed, which results in pip everytime . 

    • Like 1
  11. Maybe @Physlifter can shed some light on some exercises you can do to help out. 

      What i have learned though through my rehab efforts, elbow tendon problems are a direct result of something else out of whack; shoulder, tricep, bicep....                                                                                                 

    • Like 1
  12. 22 hours ago, Francis "Frank" Castle said:

    I was developing irritation, abscess, etc 

    I'll wager you weren't getting an abscess, just the oil sitting there in a ball, creating irritation/ localized swelling. If you abscessed you'd need antibiotics....  

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