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Posts posted by Blitz

  1. 8 hours ago, LBJ said:

    This is from Fit4Less in Ontario...

    Group 1: Monday, June 29

    Northern Ontario & Eastern Ontario (including Ottawa)


    Group 2: Monday, July 6

    Southwestern Ontario (excluding Windsor, Chatham and Sarnia) 


    Group 3: Monday, July 13

    Golden Horseshoe (including GTA) & Southern Ontario

    GoodLife sent me an email with exact same schedule with the disclaimer that it was pending alignment with the provincial government


  2. 10 hours ago, Ryujiin said:


    I think we are all cheering for you to succeed man. More so in a healthy way. Looking forward too seeing the pics. I don't know about the pussy statement though...lol. 

    This for sure, if he posts up a picture not even shredded but at 10-12%, that'll be crazy progress. I'll be impressed not upset lol. I want to be proven wrong why would I give advice if I didn't want him to succeed.

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  3. 3 hours ago, eightyeight14 said:

    lol that’s funny because everyone else in my real life who’s actually average is complimenting me when that’s never happened before. i’ve been asked 2 times if i’m on stuff , and one friend directly messaged me and asked me what he should take...so reality tells us you are wrong.

    i must be schizo and imagining the entire thing. and i garuntee you i look loads better and much stronger than the average 24 yr old who doesn’t lift and has no diet and drinks. i literally see it on my facebook everyday.

    im not trying to make “accusations” and “justifications” lmao i’m just saying it how it is. i’m not 30% bodyfat currently, in your dreams. i have cuts all over my upper body and starting ab definition . when @MaskedMisery and friends roasted me it was atleast original. you’re late to the party 

    Again, prove me wrong. Post a picture shredded on July 4 like you said.

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  4. 8 hours ago, eightyeight14 said:

    i do appreciate your advice , but i think it’s a bit of a stretch to call me “terribly out of shape” unless you’re comparing me to someone shredded . i’m definitely carrying weight around my midsection but that’s literally it. my lower abdomen was also bloated to shit on chia seeds  when i took the last pic , i said myself i was bloated but you seem to only read the beginning of the thread . also you make me seem like i rely on drugs when i’ve LITERALLY decreased my drugs well under what alottttt of guys are running, and also refined my diet and cardio/training over the last month or 2.

    i also have a very healthy intermittent fasting style approach now as well as cardio 2x a day, 200cals per workout, and i only eat around 1600   cals per day now. i’m literally gonna be shredded by july 4th . but thanks for the input . 

    You're on a steroid focused bodybuilding forum, in that respect you are terribly out of shape. Your body fat is that of the average person walking around who doesn't go to the gym. You don't appear to be carrying any more muscle than the average guy. No one would look at you and think this guy takes steroids, they probably wouldn't think you go to the gym. I've given you the advice you need, you made excuses and justifications instead of focusing on what I said. Prove me wrong. Post a picture on July 4th shredded. 

  5. I wouldn't be doing any tren during HRT. That's a horrible idea to be honest. Use test alone as tren can fuck with your libido. I wouldn't be using letro for 200mg of test. Again that can fuck with your libido. When your libido is fucked, the solution is less drugs not more drugs. 100mg of test every two weeks will keep your libido in a great spot. If your libido is off it's because there is something off in your body, your hormones. Throwing more hormones or hormone altering drugs into the mix is the wrong idea. Balance out for a couple months with just test, 100mg a week is enough. No one has estrogen issues at 100mg a week, if they think they do, they have anxiety/mental issues.

    That's the nice part of my post. And not to be a complete dick but you're terribly out of shape and that's probably why you have libido issues. Carrying that much fat will cause estrogen issues. You need to stop thinking about drugs and get healthy. Your body fat is probably 30% give or take a few. Throwing tren into the mix is asking for cholesterol issues.

    Eat 2200 calories a day with at least 250g of protein and at least 75g of fat, drink at least 3L of water a day, walk at least 15,000 steps a day and workout hard 3 times a week for 1 hour each workout, you should be sweating within 10 minutes in the AC. Do this for 2 months and you're libido will be sky high, you'll be able to see your dick and you'll look the best your ever have.


    ^^ this or something like this is the answer to anyone who doesn't look the way they want to look but having discipline is much harder than sticking needles into your ass. If you would have done this at the beginning of lockdown until now you'd look like an Instagram model if you got a tan. The problem is, very few people are willing to even do that for 2 months let alone years.

  6. I'm doing the baby blast in the next month or so, so it's looking like a bunch of HCG and clomid. Not as fun.

    My during COVID cycle though is test e 400, tren e 300 and eq 450. Going great so far and I just added in yohimbine at 5mg per day. Doing a pretty deep cut, going to be single digits at 220 by the end of June.


  7. Personally I always feel better on the long esters. To your point, I use mast enanthate. My last bulk was test e/d 800, deca 400 and mast e 400 and it was the best bulk of my life. I assume the even blood levels of long esters are what does it for me.

    The one time I would choose a short ester is depending on my prep protocol if I were only using Tren for a short time, like the last 5 weeks, I'd use ace, because there is no debating that it kicks in faster and harder. But even there I would use test e, mast e and then tren ace.

  8. 2 hours ago, Musclet1 said:

    Mask are only mandatory if 2m distance can’t be kept, I think it was a good idea for goodlife not make the mask mandatory, reason, too many people touch their god dam mask and touch everything else, making all surface highly contaminated. I get it, mask are uncomfortable, I used to wear one at work for couple years.  I agree the one hour appointment will suck. Do you know if must gyms are going be running at reduce hours?

    Are you speaking of a province? In Canada masks are not mandatory under any circumstance.

  9. I've tried pretty much everything and never really noticed a benefit compared to just taking it AM. However, as MaskedMisery said, Cialis is top for pre workout. I've also tried Levitra, it works but I find Cialis better. My arms belong in a porno after an arm session on Cialis.

  10. As I've looked into HRT a lot of naturopathic doctors advertise bio-identical hormones. Doing a Google search says these are hormones that on the molecular level are the same as your body's natural hormones. I get that but what does that actually mean? Testosterone in testosterone enanthate is the same as testosterone in my body. Obviously enanthate is different. It's bio-identical unlike deca or eq which are synthetic sex hormones that differ from testosterone. Is this just marketing? Has anyone gone through this process? Do you just end up with a prescription for Delatestryl?

  11. 8 hours ago, MaskedMisery said:

    What kind of supplements do you take to combat low HDL and high LDL on cycle?

    Pretty standard things. Fish oil in a dose that delivers 5g combined DHA/EPA per day year round, ubiquinol the evidence is mixed but I take 100mg every day. I supplement my diet with a lot of olive oil, probably 1tbsp per meal while bulking and 1tsp per meal when cutting. On cycle I take a garlic supplement, plus I cook a lot with it and eat pickled garlic in my salad year round. I don't have issue with LDL ever but if I did I would take a Psyllium supplement before bed and upon waking in a pretty high dose. But fish oil, garlic and olive oil will also help lower LDL.

    • Thanks 1
  12. Do you ever get labs when on? Dante recommends that. Basically says obviously your labs are going to be good when your off or on trt. You eat well and train they should be excellent, if they aren't you should be scared. What you really care about is how they look when you're on. If you do 2 16 week blasts, you're on for the majority of the year and that's what you want to see. I started doing blood work half way through my cycle and my hdl and liver values weren't that great. Considering that are stellar when I'm off. Started supplementing to fix this.

  13. 1 hour ago, BodyTechPharma said:

    I know it can get expensive but have you seen a fertility doc ? If you do just be completely honest about your use of gear and maybe between him and an endocrinologist might be your ticket 

    Not yet, we will if it takes long. Literally at this point we just said let's try this summer, so we haven't had a struggle yet. Definitely open to doing whatever it takes. My wife has seen a endo for her lack of cycle we were referred to a fertility doc but then the whole COVID thing postponed that.

  14. 8 hours ago, BodyTechPharma said:

    Seth Feroce just became a new father so yes you can do it , just stay the protocol with your HCG , Clomid and Nolva, I got an unexpected surprise when I was on a cycle . Good luck my friend I wish you and the wife luck . Don’t get down if it doesn’t happen fast if she is stressed or feels yours it makes it harder , I’m pulling for you guys. A new baby brings so much joy !

    To be honest, we're going to have a tough time. I've done a lot of gear and my wife pretty much doesn't have a period since stopping birth control but at least knowing that ahead of time will give us less anxiety and sets expectations. I'm not expecting it to be quick, if we for pregnant within six months that would be a miracle in my opinion. We'll see how it goes and then look into options. I'll keep you guys posted if and when it happens 🙂

    • Like 1
  15. On 5/22/2020 at 3:55 AM, Ryujiin said:

    Im from the hard time camp. I had almost zero forward motility but low normal counts. 

    Ended up coming off, threw in some HCG and clomid and almost 6 months later she was preg. 

    That said, I have a buddy who runs trt+blasts year round and got his girl pregnant the fist time he barebacked her. 

    Never hurts to get your swimmers checked.   

    Even 6 months isn't too bad, I know couples without the added AAS stress that have taken much longer.

  16. I know we have a number of fathers here, looking for some experiences. My wife and I are now serious about having kids. We haven't put a concerted effort into trying to get pregnant but my wife stopped taking birth control and we think this summer we'll work on timing and see if it happens.

    I've used steroids for more than ten years now, started on my 18th birthday and ran cycles ever since. For the first 7 years or so I did 10-14 week cycles followed by HCG and nolva and equal or more time off. Pretty much 2 cycles a year. The last few years I have ran longer and longer cycles 30 weeks came off for shorter times. Basically start a cycle in February and go until September then come off for a few months. I'm planning to do some pretty aggressive HCG followed by clomid and nolva soon.

    Wondering other people's experiences. I know a lot of people have conceived while on, this stuff doesn't work like birth control. I know others have a hard time.

  17. Want to bump this plus add another podcast.


    All business bodybuilding with Justin Compton, Dom Cardone and Joe Binley. That along with Fouad's real bodybuilding podcast are my two staples. Anyone got another?

    • Thanks 1
  18. What type of pain are we talking? I really don't think any long term use of pain killers is ideal, especially a prescription opiate. If it's required, what else are you going to do but I would exhaust all options before taking that on for life.

    A lot of alternatives won't do shit for most people but once you find the one that works for you it's worth it - physical therapies - massage, ART, chiro, oesto, etc., low impact exercise like swimming, THC/CBD, radio waves, SCS, corticosteroids, heat and/or cold treatments - heat shock proteins have been shown to decrease inflammation and chronic pain.  

    I would exhaust all options even as supplements to help you lower the dependence on opiates 

  19. 10 hours ago, Vortex said:

    its hard to say, and it sounds like the larger chains may even postpone it longer, or so it would seem by the statements put out by goodlife and others. 


    Even when they open it may be a nightmare, limited occupancy, having to book appointment times to workout, etc.. if we are lucky the average sheep and the usual space wasters that hang out in the gym will be too scared to come and those of us that actually workout and train hard will not suffer. 

    If I'm still working from home when the gyms open I don't mind making an appointment but if not I'm sure the 6-9pm slots will be hard to come by.

  20. I'm in Ontario and it seems like we are being on the cautious side but I hope they view gyms for what they are both a mental and physical health facility. Looking around the world you see a couple different views on this, places like Georgia opening gyms in the first phase because of the positive effect on physical and mental health. Other places view gyms as a place with large groups and hard to keep clean thus high risk.

    I'd love to see them open June 1. I have some stuff at home which is helping me maintain body fat and the size of my arms and shoulders but my legs are shriveling up and they don't have much size to spare.

  21. 18 hours ago, Musclet1 said:

    Looking for advice on good squat rack for home gym? have limited space in basement. Was looking at Rogue. https://www.roguecanada.ca/sml-1-rogue-70-monster-lite-squat-stand-1?prod_id=48369&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_O_E1pKT6QIVj5-fCh2-GwrWEAQYASABEgLhOvD_BwE


    That's exactly what I'm looking at. The bands are a good point but I've never actually used bands. Wondering what I'd be missing with that over a full rack?

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