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Posts posted by eightyeight14

  1. 53 minutes ago, Jthewolfk said:

    You two fight like little brothers and poor @CapeBretonDadBodhas to be the oldest brother to keep you in check. 

    nah i’ve said if a billion times , actually trying to help someone is one thing , giving your opinion, and then pushing further by calling them mentally delayed, mentally weak , overweight etc. you’re just being a plain old asshole at that point. And i’ll be the guy to call it out. it’s that simple. I already had to deal w/ another clown that acted the exact same way the internet is FULL of trolls trying to put me down EVERY SINGLE DAY because i put myself and my picture out there. 

    im fucking sick and tired of 35-40 yr old vets coming in, dogging on the new kid who hasn’t even been training a full year yet , comparing their six packs and diets to mine, it’s insecure and pathetic . and then because i’m not shredded they call me obese and unhealthy and overweight , when i’m athletic and strong as fuck at like 185 lbs 5’9 rn. 

    they do this shit UN-IRONICALLY, just putting me down constantly for whatever reason . sad, pathetic scum of the world , it makes me so mad because not a SINGLE PERSON has EVER had that same energy to my face , not a single time. but been called fat/obese/gay by over 30 online trolls AT LEAST

    • Like 1
  2. Just now, Blitz said:

    If you can't take honest feedback you're not going anywhere. I hope it fuels you. I'm not posting here because I want you to stay fat. I'm posting because I want you to get healthy. You can insult me but I'm sitting here with a six pack not taking DNP 😉 my advice might be worth something.

    lol that’s cool i never gave a fuck how you got your six pack that’s the difference between us it you think your better cuz u got it natty i have zero shame in being a synthetic made champion.

    you just feel salty because you know i’m gonna look shredded and shortcut all the time you yourself put in and it bothers you so you’re picking on me over insignificant shit and telling me i’m mentally weak and shit . idk if that’s how you talk to your friends but nobody appreciates that shit take it somewhere else . 

  3. 7 minutes ago, Blitz said:

    Don't eat sugar for 30 days if you're not mentally weak. It's not a bold statement, this entire thread is proof. You're addicted to garbage and that addiction is because your lack the mental toughness to push through little cravings long enough to get into decent shape.


    okay brother can you stop with that shit now? nobody wanna hear that shit i’m over here tryna get shredded bitch idc what you think about me i’m solid as fuck...stupid ass clowns like you are free fuel to me anyway. you just piss me off and make me angry which is free energy and makes me stronger ... keep talking your just gonna make me stronger , more focused etc

  4. 6 minutes ago, Blitz said:

    Honestly if you're too mentally weak to not eat a treat everyday, hell twice a day according to this post, you shouldn't be taking any drugs. How are you going to feel when you finish this DNP and you still aren't shredded? Are you going to look for the next drug? Literally anything to avoid addressing the issue.

    no way i’m not gonna be shredded it’s day 3 and i’m feeling tight as hell already i can feel atleast a lb difference each day . 

    you are right about the cereal now that i think about the sugar in milk. that’s getting up there for sure . i guess i’ll switch back to eating 80 cal gummy pack at afternoon and at night.

    i don’t consider myself mentally weak and think you’re wrong about that part but hey that’s how you feel. that’s quite a bold statement to make over some gummies or cereal.

  5. 2 hours ago, BodyTechPharma said:

    Well Vector is 15g of protein try it.

    just checked it out, im allergic to soy protein so thats a no go. I think im just gonna add some more brown rice and chicken to try and see if its just "calorie" cravngs that can be curbed by regular foods. 


    for me personally i believe in a 1 or 2 SMALL cheat "snacks" every day to keep you good and not craving sweets day after day, slowly becoming a madman. this could be like 2 packs of 70-80 calorie gummies with real fruit, or a bowl of cereal, etc....as long as it isnt something ridicoulus like a chocolate bar or a bowl of ice cream, its quite a healthy way to manage your cravings.

    If you are superhuman and dont ever get any cravings at all, then yes obviously you would have no purpose to just eat sugar for no reason...for people like me, theres a method behind the madness.

  6. 14 minutes ago, BodyTechPharma said:

    I’m not a cereal guy but I even consider vector junk , But if I’m on the run with my kids I’ll have a bowl and adjust my calories accordingly, But that is even better than cinnamon toast crunch, Try it if you must.

    any other healthier recommendations for curbing the DNP carb cravings? I really think cereal with skim milk isnt bad ONLY DURING DNP, normally I dont crave things like this but i think all things considered as well as how it help your mental..seems fine to me but idk. I dont like spiking my blood sugar a bunch all day so prefer somthing other than fruit. 

  7. 2 hours ago, Blitz said:

    Please don't call cinnamon toast crunch a healthy treat. It's literally chemically processed garbage.. It's fine to have treats but remove the word healthy from pretty much anything you buy off a shelf.

    i think we all cereal isn’t good compared to much else, but it falls in the middle for me because of the vitamins i miss and isn’t just straight junk. i’m not gonna act like it isn’t a treat , but it’s perfectly fine to eat a couple bowls of cereal and skim milk when you get carb cravings from DNP...we are talking like 350 cals here bro! it’s the only treat i eat LOL

  8. 6/28


    update, heat is steadily increasing each day. Not sure if its the humidity outside or if Im just hotter on average now, but does not seem feasible to hike in the current weather. also now is the time ill tell you guys i started 400mg the first day and lied... heheheheh

    Today I will be chilling around, maybe take a walk at night, and just do some ab stuff, no gym today. I can feel the creeping heat and dont want to find myself out and about with no cooling station so im just riding it out and seeing where this heat is gonna go. Every night I am lightly sweating even with a fan , I also wake up like 3-4 times to drink water and just from being uncomfortable.


    I started at 190lbs, defintely losing a bunch of fat but have not weighed myself once , because i am a firm beleiver the scale will just fuck your focus up and make you change too much stuff when you are constantly checking it.....so I will only use it right at the end of my 2 weeks! i am defintly feeling tighter and less jiggly tho!

  9. @Ryujiin I did take your most of your advice i think, here’s what i run to supp-


    v8 vegetable juice

    v8 berry blast diet juice with b , c vitamins 


    elderberry (powerful antioxidant)

    1x citrizine daily before dose (similar to claritin)

    1x hydroxyzine daily before dose  (a better , prescription strength benedryl i already had on hand)


    -i am missing a multi vitamin tho. and need potassium or to buy 🍌 

    that’s about it...i’m drinking water whenever i can mixed with the v8 berry juice. eating light carbs moderate protein light fat , not eating more than 1500 cals per day max. appetite just isn’t there . i’m doing just walks/hikes daily for cardio, and only 45 min gym sessions with half the weight i normally do


    -only thing i’m binging on is a couple bowls of cinnamon toast crunch cereal per day , its got vitamins mixed in it, only 11g sugar per cup, 3g protein and hella cinnamon . the milk got protein too obviously, and i drink low-fat , so it’s really just a healthy treat more than anything , and i’m still way in a deficient and it keeps me sane. 

  10. update - did a 2-a -day at the gym with my buddy who asked me to lift when I already hiked and lifted this morning. I just spotted him and did ab work, as I could tell I was pushing the limits of my energy on the DNP. The heat also kicked up a notch, so much so I went ahead and bought a high velocity shop fan at walmart directly after the gym. 

    this thing is on speed 1 and its displacing the entire room of air in 2 seconds, very good choice. its a little loud but we're freaks baby we dont care !! i was a bit hot when i returned home and was wanting to delay my 2nd dose, but after I set the fan up I cooled down quickly and will be dosing shortly!

  11. 3 hours ago, Jthewolfk said:

    Boston is not one that we should take examples from, he is one of the ones that will end himself by doing his methods. 

    At the end of the day, you will do what you will; I agree with @BodyTechPharma about the creeping effects. Side effects creep up as well. 


    Whatever you do. Just stay safe. I've enjoyed reading the comment wars between you and others too much to see them stop. The general consensus here seems to all show care and concern, so you should be proud of the fact although have your heated conversations everyone wishes and wants the best for you.

    We all want young 88 to stick around and keep the entertainment factor up. 


    dont worry the feeling is mutual I like you guys and know its all love. I will defintely look ater myself, I push limits but definitely not self destructive..I truly believe I will be fine. 

    I will always be around to entertain you guys!! Ive noticed Im a bit of an entertainer everywhere i go, people are interested in me and the things I do and the way I talk, even if I bother people by shaking things up..Im just really like that in real life, but I say its a character so I dont look crazy LOL

    • Like 1
  12. 46 minutes ago, BodyTechPharma said:

    This is highly not advised you need to wait atleast a week and let it build , it creeps up on you and this is not something you can build a tolerance less is more with this , this is a Fantastic but dangerous compound , I recommend give it a week at 200. 

    i feel bad about not listening to you guys but i will be honest and say i think you are all too wise to the point you do things too safely for young 88 . I watch a guy bostin loyd , he’s one of the crazy mofos that’s pushed it to the limit with every compound so from his stories i kinda get a feel of how bad it is, because he thinks like me and is willing to do almost anything to achieve their goals

     ppl are telling me to watch out for allergies though but i’m taking citrizine and benedryl 1x before my morning dose and i’ve not registered any reaction or rash so far. The heat reaches its maximum point at day 3 correct? or do you mean it maxes at 1 week? 

  13. update , today i started 400mg after reading a bunch of stuff 200mg seeming much less intense than you guys were making me think , i keep reading you get almost no sides at that dose or that dose is used for a female . This is NOT my style , you guys know this . So it’s 400mg from now . I dosed this morning , took a short hike , then grabbed a mcdonald’s sausage burrito afterwards and hit the gym with moderate weight. Whenever I started to feel dizzy or weak I just put the weight down and rested for a few mins , heat was never a problem. just really the lethargy , and also getting hardcore sugar cravings ....again mentally i was prepared for these and nothing phased me , it’s a similar feeling to keto which i’ve done 2 times.

  14. first night dnp update , i’ve woke up about 3 times from sweaty pillow, but i do also get minor tren sweats, and my last dose of tren / test was also today so that could be a factor. i usually still sleep better though , defintely sweating more . heat isn’t there unless i eat some carb and even then it was barely noticeable but noted . wondering how the heat will increase , i could handle triple the heat with ease, anything more i’d be quite uncomfortable i’d imagine, like hiking in a rainforest in 90c .

    really, heat isn’t my problem, what i avoid like the plague are stimulant fat burners like clen or even t3, makes my heart all wonky and anxiety creeps in, couple that with my mild tren anxiety , and you got a recipe to feel like a nervous wreck . if you guys have never tried cocaine, that’s what the comedown feels like , except clen is like just a very drawn out coke comedown. it’s much worse . 

    ive only tried t3 a few times, grabbed a bottle with my tren because i heard they stacked well or whatever, but by the 2nd day on 50mcg t3 i can feel my nervous system on overdrive and my heart beat is noticeable when laying down or resting etc .... not for me . but i can take raw heat.

  15. first update about 4 hours after taking my first dose and taking a nice walk around the area in the evening -


    defintely feeling toasty already , but the temp is 80 degrees right now and i’m in the middle of walking . i don’t feel any heat just laying around the house as of yet, obviously the dose has to build up for a couple more days . 

  16. 3 hours ago, Ryujiin said:

    Not a fan of where this is going, but just some advise as you are going to run it:

    2 cans V8 (1 post workout) 

    1 banana (pre-workout)

    2 grams Vitamin C day (divided doses)

    1200 IU Vitamin E day (divided doses)

    600 mg Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) day (divided doses)

    10 mg Claritin in the morning 

    Multivitamin in the morning

    Pre-workout or 16mg Ephedrine at gym time (lethargy is a bitch)

    Stay hydrated  

    45 minutes – 1 hour cardio post-workout

    No Drugs. No drinking. Watch your carb intake and don’t go hypo. 

    thanks bro!! 


    okay so i just got it in the mail this morning i’m about to pop the first 200mg right now i’ll keep you guys updated .. i heard ppl saying only take 100mg spread out but there’s no way i’m gonna do that every time and risk getting yellow everywhere so wish me luck!! 


  17. Also, ive shifted my training style over to like 6 explosive but controlled reps , 3 sets each diff movement after listening to dave palumbo on rxmuscle 

    I find my muscles are reacting much faster and better than trying to do comfortable weight at high reps. the stimulus just wasnt there before. im also taking more rest days now instead of lifting almost everyday as he talks about how much you grow on rest days and how important they are. so far a couple weeks training like this my body is telling me and showing me that he for sure knows what hes talking about. Also the guy WAS 300 lbs...so i trust him!!!

  18. 9 hours ago, Blitz said:

    Well I'd fucking die at 400mg a day for 7 days but I guess if that's where it want to start.

    Okay i for sure will start with just 200mg and see how I feel at day 7. Its just some guys say they dont even feel it until using 400, but now i see you saying you burn up and I feel like I would react in a similar way because i get tren sides and all that. 

  19. 1 hour ago, BobTheOldLifter said:


    hey yea i can be like that guy in the fantastic 4! 

    lol all jokes aside i’ve heard 200mg is not very noticeable as far as any real heat. i have a feeling at 400mg i would be stressing because i’m hotter than the average person already (not temperature wise but i’m usually the hottest person in any situation unless there’s an obese power lifter around...but if my temp is still 97-98 that shouldn’t matter any)

  20. 17 minutes ago, MedicusResearch said:

    Start lower it creeps up on you heed my warning . Slowly move up , I know we all joke with you 88 please be careful this stuff can kill you .

    so maybe starting with only 200mg per day for the first 7 days and see how i feel?

  21. okay guys i’ll be honest with you i did end up ordering some dnp but it’s totally fine because it’s just gonna be a 7 day experiment nothing crazy.  I got like 50x 200mg caps. i know you guys are worried i can’t handle this but i can, that said any last words of advice on best way to run it? Planning to start it like July 1st, run for 7 days at 400mg a day , take a week off, then do another 7 days same dose, nothing above.......how bad is the heat at 400mg? 


    what do u guys think .

  22. 6 hours ago, Blitz said:

    Honestly if you want to do DNP you can but despite what people say online it isn't magic. You need to learn how to get down to a healthy 12% naturally. At that point at least you have your mind in check. If you need drugs to get down to 12% there is an issue with mental fortitude. 10-15% is healthy. It doesn't matter what this pussy, fucked up, lizzo loving world says being fat is not healthy. As a man being over 15% is unnecessary and suboptimal. Once you get to 20% you're just plain unhealthy. 

    I like guys like you who can keep their friends reality checked. I for sure agree. I think my problem, and ive always had this, is I am impatient with the result time.

    I got this high bodyfat from years...of just sitting around no gym no cardio just eating junk and taking drugs. Ive changed all that shit , my diet is good, training is good ,  no hard drugs just some weed. no junk food ever, it makes me sick now. it wasnt too hard because i was into bodybuilding in high school.

    I just have a problem with waiting for the results. I will be more patient, I see I must be rushing if so many people are saying similar stuff . im in my mid 20's but I am 18 forever so yes I do have a very young bull style of doing stuff 

  23. 22 hours ago, Ryujiin said:


    Don't take this the wrong way man @eightyeight14 but DNP is not for you. You don't need it and honestly, I would be worried about your ability to self moderate. 

    Take it slow and steady, adjust week by week. I know you want to get peeled and drew a line in the sand for July, but your health is one of the most important things you have. 

    alright .. can you explain a bit tho who would it be used for? I thought chubbier guys like me use it to get down to 10-12% really easily. not big already ripped guys. for now i’ll follow your advice. as far as the moderation, i do definitely go crazy sometimes but with stimulants/fat burners is one thing i am very sensitive to and use extremely lightly. So i would never go over 400mg per day or ever want to, and would be tethered to a box fan and window ac maxed out.i do work from home so it isn’t impossible because i can be in climate control all day. 

    i will be honest and say i really am curious now about using it. but for now i’m sticking to the healthy way and seeing where i end up on july 4th 


    here’s a lil update pic today, definitely lost some water after the dose of letro. still digging away day by day at the muffin top. there is a filter on it cuz i uploaded it to my instagram, lol my bad..


  24. 19 minutes ago, BodyTechPharma said:

    No you need to keep the doses low and SAFE , and scatter your days say 2 on 1 off 3 on 2 off , This is one of our products and I tell everyone they need to do their homework and respect it , this is something that feels like it’s not working and people up the dose then it hits them full force and that’s when you run into trouble.

    Ok it’s good to know you carry it. Might have to fuck around after that pitch. Damn i’m impulsive. For now keep it bookmarked and read more on it, haven’t looked into it since 2014 and still never took it.

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