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Everything posted by eightyeight14

  1. . brother, it’s easy to tell in ur first couple pics you had no cheat and bloated stomach just like me. your arms were mediocre at best and that’s with how much training? I just progress faster than you, and have better insertions and frame. it’s just a fact . stay mad, stay putting others down. you went from “can’t wait to see your gains” in first few pages to “you’ll look like shit compared to me natty at the end of your cycle with no gains “ are you on fucking drugs bro?? or just legitimately bipolar ?? ducking sad trolls. again, NEVER in real life had anyone accused me of looking small. it’s you weirdos that are detached from society and have a screwed perception of what average is and isn’t . in short, as you self described yourself earlier, you are simply an asshole. You seem to take pride in that fact as well, explains your attitude. have respect for your fellow man working in the gym . you’re all brawn no brain
  2. you are fine i have nothing bad to say about you and your advice. Sorry if you thought that was directed to u if u compare these pics, it’s obvious i’ve begun to make some good changes at a rapid rate . i’m sick and tired of clowns in here claiming i’m “princess no gains” it’s pathetic man. only scumbags would put so much energy into putting others down , it’s not the same as respectful advice, period. matter of fact, id reckon i look much better in my early first cycle pics than @GainTrain did when he started . he must be feeling some type of way about that.
  3. bro, you are so lost in your own ego. you see no problem talking to people like that, and it’s sad man. no one likes a guy who is huge, comes picks on the new small guy about how much smaller and more dumb he is and how you look so much better . NOBODY . GIVES . A . FUCK. i really should just move on, but you are so thick headed and disrespectful it’s hard. did your parents ever teach you not to act like an asshat to those who aren’t doing it to you? you aren’t helping anyone with your spiteful, disrespectful comments, challenges, etc man. you just aren’t. so i’m not sure why the fuck you do this for...? to see me mad? to make me feel bad? because clearly you aren’t doing it just to help. you are actively aware you are bothering me but you don’t care. that’s not nice. LASTLY, I respected you before but now i’m gonna let loose. IMO , your physique looks horrible for multiple cycles at your age . I mean it looks good, but your genetics are just lackluster and nothing is gonna fix bad muscle insertions . my arms are well on their way to dwarfing yours at 3 weeks of test only . I wanna take this arm and smash you for talking to me like that sorry everyone i can’t take the negative vibe here. just re read the last page and see how this guy just went bipolar on a whim. lmao you guys living in some fantasy world talking like this, surely IRL you woulda been pounded by now...do you just pick on those smaller to stay safe, or do you just talk all this shit online? farewell to everyone who acted like an actual well rounded, mature , respectful human being . i’m gonna be moving the new updates elsewhere .
  4. how does it feel to bully people online on christmas eve brother? you guys have no shame...merry xmas
  5. well brother, clearly you feel the need to compare yourself to me. for your own ego, or what, idk, but you were the only one who ever challeneged anyone. i think im gonna just move on to a diff forum and continue there. you guys are a trip, 1 sec we are shootin the shit next you puffin up your chest to a rookie. later guys
  6. And honestly @GainTrain , i considered you as being my friend over the last couple weeks of us talking in my thread, and really am confused why you got a bit disrespectful towards me with that last post. Roid rage? Again guys, its a 750mg test only cycle, RELAX.
  7. not really, im not interested in comparing myself to you. Im focused of my own goals and will be judging my own success, you've been doing this much longer than I, and have refined your diet/training/doses over a long peroid of time. Its literally apples to oranges. Maybe you took something the wrong way but, nowhere did I ever challenge you .
  8. for now maybe, which is fine. you'll be eating your words at the end of my cycle brother i promise
  9. im running all my peptides from peptideswharehouse rn, they had good reviews so i grabbed some t4 and mt2 from them, mt2 is for sure g2g tho cuz i got every common side listed (flushing, boners, nausa) saving the t4 for a future high tren low test cycle. im about to cop some cardarine and caber as well from them now. as for my test, its just simply raw test C powder from PPL international. I brewed it myself with mct as the carrier
  10. yea but im really not wanting to go lower than that honestly, im banking on the fact that ill just adjust to the compound and each time itll get better and probably gone by the 3rd inj. we shall see. luckily it comes in waves so i can still eat, its just limiting my window due to having to wait for the sides to go down before the next meal.
  11. very nice bronze look youre rocking man! well, this first inj i did last night just to acclimate to the side effects, unfortunately cant tan today or tommorow until the gym re-opens. but I plan on pinning 250mcg then heading to the gym 30 mins later and immdiately hopping in the tan bed for 10 mins before lifting, EOD. yea, the sides kicked my ass without a doubt. i still felt them a bit today in less intense, irregular waves, because half life is 36 hours i guess. i got the boner sides as well this morning but it subsided absoultely SHIT on my appetite , i turned down going to olive garden tonight because i just knew either A) id sit their with zero appeitite the entire time B) worst case id catch a bad wave of nasusa and combined with all the extra simulus (talking, herbs and seasonings, etc) I could potentially get sick in their bathroom. sucks but we're FREAKS BABY we dont care about missing christmas dinners due to peptide inejctions.
  12. update , 12/24 so i started 250mcg mt2 last night before bed and let’s just say jesus that shit is potent and kicked my ass, no joke guys. made test sides look laughable . within 10 mins I felt the nausea almost hit me out of nowhere but i am well versed in handling that particular feeling and wasn’t very worried, but it was quite intense and not a slight feeling at all, not for the faint of heart. Blood pressure increased , chills, weird flushing in face/back of arms/ legs. Felt like a god damn mutation formula LOL. CNS was stimulated a bit because i had to take a shit very shortly after (like if u hit a bunch of nicotine) shit was gruesome but i got through it just by focusing on becoming a champion and understanding that sometimes it can be rough. My body began accepting it and sides began to reduce within an hour. i then fell asleep, noticed a lot more sweating due to the chills from mt2. all in all it sucked dick and instantly makes you feel like you’ve got the flu, don’t see how the hell kids use this 30 mins before tanning but fuck it if they can do it i can too.
  13. dunno, because i definitely wiped with alcohol before injecting and also before i applied the icy hot in the start . probabaly the icy hot already absorbed through the top layer of skin, being carried from the deeper skin layers into the muscle. the icy hot liquid cannot possibly be more bacterial than a multiple use test C vial . i also use a antibacterial band aid usually after the injection , so pretty much unless my test itself gets “bad” then it’s mostly impossible for me to get an infection.
  14. I’ve just been reading a lot, 500 or 750 for first cycle, so many have said 750 is the best bet and you get your best results, it’s really more so just pushing it to the max i can while avoiding problems. at this point i feel like you guys should know i push things to limits that qualify as potentially unsafe in multiple ways hahahah. my hearts stopped beating before due to an accidental random ODand i was dead for a few mins, nothing scares me because of this now. i’ve thrown up a stomach full of blood while trying to breathe through fluid in my lungs. none of these small risks concern me. It may be seen as hard headed but i see it as a admirable trait, pride in my own decisions . so, if it comes down to using 500 and playing it safer VS 750mg and the possibility of more gains along with more sides, you bet your ass i’m going 750. as far as the icy hot, the amount that gets inside is negligible . it’s more like a thin residue on the needle that just touches the inside of the muscles
  15. update 12/23 pinning left quad. i did a thing and upped dosage to 750 mg per week. estrogen is getting to be a little annoying . the problem is my levels are quite low because i’m getting massive energy loss daily. Like i can take a full 4 hour nap , 4 hours after waking up if i wanted. however when i lower the dose my nips start to become sensitive. so idk what to do , at this point my current solution is simply over power the sides and use some caffeine .long term solution is simply lose bodyfat. this isn’t much of a problem right now luckily as i’m not currently working , but if i was working my regular 8-10 hour shifts there would be a very bad problem of extreme fatigue . i prob would immediately sleep and not lift or even eat .... Also! guys, try using icy hot roll on+ lidocaine spray for PIP and even injections themselves . I tried it for the first time today , because who wants to feel a needle more than they have to right ? it could be viewed as being a bitch but i don’t care at all. anyway, there was zero pain , just that pressure of the needle puncturing the muscle . now a super cool effect is that a bit of icy hot got carried in from the needle due to the surface of my skin still being covered. what followed was the usual muscle mini poke feelings you get as you push down the plunger and move a little with the needle . but in a few seconds the icy hot kicked in and made contact inside my muscle and everything was slowly numbed directly . My entire quad site felt like a mild icy hot inside, in the nicest way. also got some goodies in, melanotan in time for xmas. gonna start dosing that as well , i’m sure since the injections are sub - q that they won’t be able to be felt much at all with the icy hot .
  16. lmao with the help of gaintrains slave pics i can confirm dick still works
  17. 2 weeks 1 day i think . i’ve been doing the same dose the whole time and felt the dryness come on around after week 1 , but it’s stabilized it seems. Does letro build up take longer than 2 weeks tho ? I feel fine . i have the higher bodyfat and an estrogen sensitive so i’m thinking that has offset the higher dose ?
  18. ive been using 1mg letro ED with 500mg test C and i seem quite fine, sex drive works, joints are a lil stiff but thats about it. side effects i feel are random hot flashes in my ears, and headaches. but i ingore them because gains. this is with existing small gyno
  19. okay yea. i for sure need more consistency ... gonna invest in some tupperware , how many calories do you think i should be taking in at 195lbs 5’9 with my comp? i don’t have much activity at all thru the day besides the gym due to the weather if that helps. also how many grams of protein do you believe is needed per pound of lean mass?
  20. im truly jealous, since my last serious ex, i did get a lowkey hoe but kinda treated her too much like a gf and i think thats why she stopped hitting me up. however i did fuck like 15 times so not a loss at all really. its been 3 months tho. dry spell. Tell me, how does one acquire said "slutty lil slaves" ? I am quite interested
  21. hahah thanks for that check. Gotta stay humble always . well until im shredded that is. anyway, not even maybe an amatur show in a year, like low level? damn i mustve kinda overestimated the effectiveness then. no matter, im in this for the long haul anyway!
  22. nah its working but like its not crazy like i want it to be so i can fuck on command. if that makes sense. i can fuck like 1 time per 6 hours rn i wanna be able to beat it up 3 times nawimsayin? it works fine but i need a better boost just to kick it up a notch @BobTheOldLifter @CapeBretonDadBod
  23. honestly i dont know how to pose. im gonna start researching now lmao. fuck it if my dick and balls have shrunk to miniscule proportions we're freaks we dont care about atrophy im obessing with just my body and becoming show ready by the end of the year, these hoes can wait ! but, would you guys recommend maybe having cialis and running proviron as well just to keep my dick working 100% incase i do start bagging hoes in week 6? @GainTrain
  24. yea i figured it was too low it was about 1.5in off my target downwards, o well. is that why its sore as snow bunny getting some BBC for the first time? shits killin me lmao. you break my heart with ur not seeing much comment honestly, i got alot of water weight currently, i feel way leaner and stronger. stupid ab area is just what i need to focus on. gonna hit core hard today. i ate alot of rice , chicken, and 2 tablesppons of soy sauce last night so i think that bloated me up this morning. also keep in mind im not eating to lose fat rn , kinda just recomping, so the muscle changes will be harder to see since my fat level..but still, i feel the fat and muscle ratio is much better, i can do way more bodyweight reps like tricep dips.
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