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Everything posted by eightyeight14

  1. well my logic is if i eat like this ill be able to use as many calories as possible for muscle building and recovery. then on my cruise ill just run 150mg test a week with ostarine stacked and go on an epic cut with ECA stack with t4 and keep all my gains from my dirty bulk. i do agree i need to get in some more protein
  2. well right now i am followed the advice of andrew collura, he benched 650 before and was close to 300 i think at 5'9 ay around 18% bf. he says the best way to get big and put on size is eating what they tell you not to eat, cheeseburgers w/ milkshakes etc. heres a pic of him as he was about to lift the 650 (blue shirt obviously)
  3. hairs over rated but that said even tho i buzz cut my head and get a fade now , i still use rogaine and castrol oil on my head and beard. simply to just prevent my hairline from receding if i can honestly .
  4. i’ve actually found that if you shave your chest with a 3mm and DO NOT use “no guard “ that it’s much less ingrown and itchy when it grows back in. on the downside it’s not gonna be completely gone like shaved look but i like a bit of hair for a manly feel.
  5. lmao ok my diet is a little freaky. I eat pasta with a hefty scoop of meat sauce usually first thing in the morning along with 2 - 3 cups of whole milk and maybe 3/4 cup of chocolate ice cream , with a chocolate chip oatmeal bar shortly after. then I train, after i train I usually grab a couple burgers or tacos with only diet soda or water. ill then eat the same meal as breakfast about 2 hours later, large ass bowl of pasta and meat sauce , milk , ice cream. then, finally later I usually go with someone like steak and potatoes and whole milk for dinner. i honestly don’t do any cardio regularly , i just do it here and there on rest days when i do ab work.
  6. ill get some more detailed stuff soon. ill prob save the left/right comparisons till the end tho for the best effect, just wanted to throw this up real quick. im very bulky right now but im strong and huge..my stomach is the only fat on me , my entire upper body is striaght solid. cant expect the stomac to go away without cutting but i decided that would be wasting the cycle so im saving worrying about abs for after the cycle edit- fuk it heres the comparsion pic what do you think about that, GAINTRAINNNNN, @GainTrain
  7. here’s some mid cycle updates , feeling very well, got the estro dialed in better after letting it raise up a little . sorry lighting was a bit wonky i was feeling pumped af in the tanning booth lmao. i started at an even 200lbs i’m now 212, same bodyfat or a tiny bit less. i’ve been eating like a mad man . i do wanna get cut badly but i’ll handle that on my cruise . i’m bloated from the test and diet but still i’m making lots of progress , although a little dirty bulk-esque.
  8. i’m causing shitstorms from a simple theory i’ve posted, that’s not my problem. that’s an introspection on yourself as to why you get so worked up over a random opinion on the internet. But hey, what do I know. It’s not like my opinion has equal value to all of yours , right bob? jeez, getting to feel like meso rx forum . Similar way of treatment there, the classic “shit on the new members cuz i’m an old pro” and the “douchebag” attitude is really bad there. Like, my post had ZERO bites at anyone at all, yet so much hatred and venom in the replies. it’s just not how I am lol i’m not like that so that’s just sad to me. i only rage at ppl in response. it’s always u dudes starting stuff with a problem . just LOOK at who started the drama in this thread. but again i will always be the one to blame here.
  9. also to be clear to anyone reading this I DO NOT recommend taking liver harshness lightly. The thread is just spitballing. in no way should any speculation on my part be taken as advice, it is purely my own thoughts on the matter.
  10. @GainTrain . go send my pics to more of your bro’s to talk more about my penis LOL let the record show you mentioned my dick 2 times in my thread as well as it being the first subject your friends discussed when you showed my pic. You bunch are weird mfs man. now you’re in my new threads. you’ve got a crush on me haven’t you? sorry m8 i’m not into you like that.. but hey, it’s 2020 , i’m willing to let you be my bottom if i can have my way. DM me if interested. guys, the post is a simple experience of super high liver values , and a simple THEORY that we overblow the liver stress from orals out of proportion. i’m not recommending anything to anyone . i’m simply stating my values got to 800 and it was handled fine without any liver drugs or surgeries, and that this may tell us something as far as how stressful levels of 90 are. a lot of guys claim they can run anadrol 50mg for 8+ weeks, doc approved , when common bro science states never go over 5-6.. i just read about it. 1 guy i saw says he did 8 weeks, got checked out and the doc said it looked like he could easily run it longer if he wanted. it’s just a topic to discuss guys, no need to get your panties in a bunch. in NO way am i claiming that i think orals are not harsh. i’m simply theorizing that our liver handles orals much better than we think . lets also remember we’ve all done things we’ve regret esepcially in your 20’s. maybe in your times it wasn’t dope but unfortunately that’s the bad shit going around these days and i got caught up in it and look what happened . i’m sure we’ve all been there in some way or another, be it drugs , jail, maybe even relationships and being abusive to someone. maybe ease up a little , I already clearly acknowledged how dumb it was to take drugs like that, what is the point of repeating that i was dumb? smh
  11. Okay guys this actually happened a while ago but i just randomly thought on it. it’s a bit off topic of steroids but relates to liver stress that everyone freaks out about with 4 week cycles of orals and having liver values of 80 or something a while back a friend got a hold of some drugs, and pressured me into trying some dope with him . i blame myself fully but still , it’s worth mentioning i’m not into doing hard stuff but for some reason i did it anyway. ended up in the hospital shortly after due to a hot spot. now the doctors told me my liver values were 800 or so. I asked the nurse if that was high and she said the reference range is 45 or something like that. needless to say i was scared shitless my liver was done for. they made me get an ultrasound of my liver before they let me leave due to the astronomical levels. it checked out good, with no visual signs of distress. So this means basically whatever the fuk the drug was exactly, made my liver values go to 800 within a couple days of tiny doses of this shit. basically pure toxic garbage for my body. what did we learn ? well it’s possible for your liver enzymes to reach 800 without liver failure or death. we learned as well the liver can take enourmpus amounts of stress in short periods of time. in conclusion, i think it’s safe to assume that we don’t need to worry so much about 80-90-100 liver enzyme levels even after a month of orals. people act like this maxes out their liver but probabaly does not come close.
  12. I’m in the US, sorry i forget this is a Canadian forum lol. my comment prob doesn’t apply at all then.
  13. this, ive found accutane is truly the only thing that helps the problem at the source aka makes you dry out from the inside . all these liquids do is at best clean some of the outer layer of pores out and clean off dead skin. Oil is still gonna come back in a few hours regardless of what you use unless you use accutane. now, the trick is getting the correct product stack for the drying side effects , and also even better is tweaking the dosing to the point where you get the reduced acne but avoid the dry sides all together . I recommend 25mg EOD on cycle, NO ORALS while using it however. this is a very strict rule . tren not recommended to run with it but it’s still somewhat “safe” aka do-able without any major problems for most people. just don’t fuck around and drink or take any orals on it. I had a 1 single night on vacation in mexico that i allowed myself drinks with a couple locals i met, they wanted to go to the club with me so i said fuck it. long story short i had the most EPIC HANGOVER in my life that next morning and i’m thinking it had to do with being on the accutane, because truly i didn’t even drink a crazy amount or even throw up until the hangover. this is not even on cycle either so that would have been much more taxing .
  14. Keep in mind disclosing this is the healthier and safer option but your doc may also drop you as well as insurance I’m pretty sure. I knew of a guy that kept trying to get bloodwork through his GP through insurance and he’s been dropped 2x now after a few tests go by.
  15. i actually picked this up due to ur recommendation. just came in, i mix a cap full with a hand of my regular shampoo and use a back scrubbed to get around my back. can’t report on the skin effects yet but it’s very gentle , not irritating on skin, smells clean yet mild, but importantly it seems to clean very well , like 2x as easy as my shampoo.im wondering if you can use this on youf head and face for a quick wash off to get those antimicrob chemicals
  16. i’ve only ever used mk677 , 25mg daily with 10iu novalog. Only ran this combo for about a month or so but I felt strong and full the entire time , albeit a bit bloated though. The pumps are epic, you are pumped all the time. It’s impossible to feel flat . only downside is bloating and water weight starts to flare up , this is where people blame slin for guts , usually because you have to cram in so much food in its window of use and you get insanely full. I remember also feeling water retention in my hands and feet, they felt swollen a bit. nothing serious though, maybe taking something like dandelion root could help with that. recovery and sleep quality was improved too
  17. NEVER claimed i was the best. all i did was ask for respect , it was not shown . it has nothing to do with the actual advice part. if you guys can’t simply treat others decently and not say that shit to put them down , repeating it 100x, well you don’t belong in a cycle log really.
  18. please close thread this is insanity that ppl are just allowed to do this shit in log threads . favoritism and seniority truly is a bitch isn’t it. @ElectricRocker @CapeBretonDadBod let the record show that i’ve only ever defended myself in this thread , always someone bigger and in the game longer coming in and poking fun and putting me down every 3 days . it was a nice one while it lasted but i don’t think i’ll be updating any longer
  19. and here’s my original troll in the PMs, he’s waited so long to make this reply just stalking my thread . you are just as weird and prob a member in gaintrains group chat. you don’t even show your face you pathetic loser , do not even speak to me until you do. so, gaintrains has mentioned my cock twice now in this log, was the first to ever speak on it, yet i’m the weirdo for simply stating the size in response. DELUSION holy fuckkkkkk lmao where are the mods
  20. oh i’m so sad i’m gonna go kms now that you’ve totally exposed all the public docs i already uploaded MYSELF to a PUBLIC FORUM. i want you guys to laugh . point and laugh , it gives me rage energy for a better workout ya losers. keep circle jerkin wit ur buddy’s over this shit , leak anything to anywhere, no one cares at all but you my guy. fact is i have an 8 in dick hard with proper blood and hormone levels. i agree it doesn’t look it in the pics , but who the fuck is even worried about that shit, another reason i’m thinking your a little weirder than i thought
  21. lmao look at him using the older pics and not my best current one. you are SO ANGRY you’ve spread my pic to other forums and your personal family. i don’t give a fuck, i have a pic of my ass on my public facebook dumass. now you’re making fun of my flaccid penis size. ??????? anyone else seeing this shit? i mean i get that you’re a vet, and the majority will side with you before even reading, but you need to stand down, you are tripping HARD man. heres an example of someone who shits on you in 1 year of being enhanced vs your 4 . it’s just the first guy i thought of easily. care to comment and discuss these points? course ya won’t. i’m not gonna read your pathetic cookie cutter family comments on my 1st week , 1st cycle pics u weirdo . WHO the fuck just shows their family half naked men on christmas cuz ur mad at him? ur very insecure brother
  22. yes, keep replying with simple caveman like responses , and refute none of my legit points because you cannot. Now claim you aren’t mad, after replying in 5 seconds each time, as well as passing my pics around to your family on christmas to laugh at me. you’re fucking weird man. good luck with the gains, i know guys who look better than you in 1 year of being enhanced than your absolute best pic.
  23. you actually got that mad you felt the need to tell me, you passed your open phone around on your forum, and proceeded to laugh and body shame those on christmas and brought it upon your family as they are enjoying the holidays. you are so pathetic and disgusting, let alone how big you are or aren’t. your family is probably just agreeing with you because they know you’ll go into a berserk rage and beat them up if they disagree. welp, that settles it . that pretty much tells me what kinda guy you are. i will surpass you within a year.
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