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Everything posted by Synyster

  1. No need to even use a 25ga. U can use a slin pin with this stuff for even less pain/scar tissue
  2. If ur trying to drop fat there are plenty of ways to do it which work amazingly. No need for DNP....and especially no need for a DNP imposter. -diet -cardio -keto -full body workouts -eca -albuterol -clen -injectable carnitine -yohimbine -helios -t3 -hgh -hgh frag -sr9009 -gw501516 -MT2 -insulin -carb cycling All these will work really well.
  3. 1st thing id do is reduce my tren dosage slightly. Switch to tren ace if u arent already on it. (Tren e is just not ever an intelligent choice in my opinion). And the big one...id do my injections ED. Any time im having unwanted sides I'll try to lower the dose slightly+increase my injection frequency. Hopefully that fixes or atleast reduces the issue so u can then start creeping back up on the doses.
  4. For ur first cycle ur in a great position. And an important one. Ur gunna make gains regardless of what u take. The main rule when it comes to taking anabolics is: you always want to take the minimum effective dosage. That sets u up for a future of gains to look forward to bc ur not maxxed out now. Id do test only...save DBol for ur next cycle. Test enth or cyp @ 300mg/week. Your duration would normally be influenced by bloodwork but because this is such a mild cycle your bloodwork would likely be fine forever on this dose. So I would personally go for 12-16 weeks. At that dosage 20mL will last you 16 weeks. So I'd stop there bc I have OCD and then u use exactly 2 bottles. At that dose I wouldn't take an anti estrogen at all. You wont need it. Unless ur personally super sensitive to estrogen or very high body fat or both. But never a bad idea to have an anti estrogen on hand. Always use aromasin over arimidex...its less detrimental to your lipid profile. Your next cycle you would go from 300mg/week to 400mg/week of test enth/cyp. And ur duration id bump up to 18 weeks (ocd once again this is exactly 3 bottles)...and that DBol u have leftover you could use to frontload ur cycle the 1st 3-4 weeks @ 40mg/day but my approach would be to run it preworkout only @ 15-30mg for a longer duration. Blood work will tell you when to come off but u should be able to make it work atleast 8 weeks. Hopefully ur liver values are fine the entire cycle and u can stay on for the full 18 weeks. Then cycle #3 you have some choices of what your average person would do. Most people would try a second injectable along with the test. Such as test enth/cyp@500mg/week + deca or EQ or masteron enth@200mg/week for 15 weeks. Or you could run a similar cycle to ur 2nd one just with a different oral compound. Such as anavar this time. Which would would run at 40-50mg/day for 4 weeks or preworkout again at 20-30mg for 8+ weeks. Or perhaps mk677 @25-30mg/day for entire cycle instead of your oral. By cycle #4 it gets a bit more complicated usually but if youve followed these general steps you'll see incredible gains each cycle with minimal side effects (altho that's greatly genetic). Just my two cents.
  5. There is no proper protocol.....ideally u want to use none. -Anti estrogens are horrible on the lipids..especially arimidex. Always use aromasin instead. -estrogen is very important in building muscle and strength. Sure if ur getting on stage soo or have a photo shoot or wedding load up on anti e to look good foe that event but staying loaded with them 365 is only killing ur gains...and ur health -they make tendons and ligaments brittle. Many people think these bodybuilders often get injured while deep in prep bc theyre dehydrated. I disagree completely. If anything theyre MORE hydrated deeper in prep bc theyre drinking water to try to satiate their hunger a bit. Its from taking more and more anti estrogens. With all of that on the table the proper dose is determined by your bloodwork. Just like anything else. Why guess when u dont need to?
  6. Update here... tren ace is terrific. Still at little girl doses. But not for long. Masteron enth is killer! Mast is a very under used compound. Seems like people only use it when running prop and tren ace with it (which works great) but it's so much more than that. Mast will harden you up like winstrol except it won't obliterate ur lipids within 5 days. I'll NEVER take a cycle again without adding mast to my test base and keeping it there. Unless maybe I do a cycle without test entirely but that's another topic. I was at 1400mg/week of Test and starting to feel tough to breathe (typical..too much water retention). I dislike using AI at all but at that dose it must be done to some extent..atleast with my fat ass. Added mast and it dried things up nicely...i feel 10x better. No additional AI needed to be used. Superdrol still going well. Only on it for one more week so im going to crank it up to 40mg/day and see what happens. Next month planning to: -come off the Superdrol. -Up the tren from 245mg/week to 420mg/week. Then increase weekly by 70mg/week and probably wont go above 800mg/week but I may go well over 1gram/week of tren in August if I feel decent and bloodwork checks out. End of August tren comes out. -up masteron enanthate from 500mg/week to 800mg/week. Probably hold there. -get bloodwork. I'll likely need to remove some blood (high hemoglobin+hematocrit). And hopefully liver values are back to normal by August 1st (high dose choline+inositol+methionine+NAC) for 30 days fixes any liver issues ive EVER seen in under 1 month. Then I can throw orals back in on August 1 which will likely be a mixture of winstrol+standalone+superdrol+anadrol -also will be adding oral yohimbine aswell as cardarine on july1st Goal is to essentially "peak" for September 1st. Take progress pics+measurements etc. Then starting Sept 1st I'll be on my cruise which is cardarine + 200mg test + 400mg primo Ideally id like to last from september until January 1st on that cruise. But I'm sure I'll end up throwing in some other friends into the mix.
  7. If ur going to use t3 at all u need to be very careful with dosage. Particularly with clen. But with that said...this cutting combo was super popular about 13-15 years ago. The side effects are greatly avoided by #1 starting at a lower dose amd #2 using a real product. Ive used clen many many many times and id estimate it was real (and not underdosed) under 50% of the time. Most chemical research sites sell something with a powerful stimulant in it surely...but its not clen. Or atleast its not pure clen. Real clen u wouldnt be able to break 200mcg/day let alone 300mcg/day which ive done with some of these products. I always recommend running clen 2 weeks on + 2 weeks off to let your beta 2 receptors to reset essentially. However you can stretch this to 3 weeks on + 1 week off if u take Benadryl before bed each night. This allows ur receptors to remain clear for longer. I recommend to start at 20mcg/day always...then after 2 or 3 days go to 40mcg for a few days and so on. No need to ramp down while coming off on day 21. I always took my whole dose at once immediately upon rising...then id begin making quick breakfast/preworkout meal. Wait 25 minutes then off to the gym. So im at the gym about 60 min after taking it. Which was perfect for me. I do think albuterol may be a good idea instead if uve never tried these stimulants before. Bc the halflife is so much shorter. Ud dose albuterol 4 or 5x a day. Atleast i would. It improved my cardio to a degree that was absokutely scary. The endurance i had for a 6'4 310lb man was no joke. Ur t3 id keep in the 20-30mcg/day range. This u dont need to cycle...just remain on it consistently. I wouldn't go above 50mcg/day. No need. The clen Will do most of the work. U may even just want to avoid t3 altogether as it can cause more problems than its worth. Instead you could replace it with hgh frag or cardarine (which also greatly increased my endurance)
  8. Tough to recommend what gear for u to use without examples of the physique you're trying to achieve. As Well as where u are in comparison. Because different compounds have different looks to them.
  9. 23 gauge for this stuff is like using a garden hose. In fact I literally probably wouldnt need to touch the plunger amd it would empty on its own within a minute or so. Ive always been a fan of pinning every single day. Even if I'm using longer esters. To me it just means that I'm setting myself up to have as little fluctuations as possible of the hormones in my blood. It can be a pain in the ass shooting daily when ur doing 3 or 4 compounds and most or all are longer esters because I'm drawing for instance 0.65mL of masteron prop + 0.9mL testosterone enanthate + 0.2mL trenbolone enanthate + 0.75mL boldenone cypionate. 2.4mL of oil per day x 7 days a week. But major pain in the ass to draw that up every day accurately with a 3mL syringe. Id much rather take 3 shots every day with a slin pin where i can more accurately measure the 0.65mL also. Only downfall is slin pins only are available in lengths up to 1/2" and when you're 337lbs like me....1/2" isn't anywhere near deep enough for my glutes or hams. Or quads but I make quads work no problem...its just not ideal. But that tiny needle allows me to hide the oil in all kinds of places that I usually wouldn't go with a 25 gauge.
  10. I agree 100%. Im usually not a fan of using EQ and nandralones together. Better off using one for 6-8 weeks then switch.
  11. Two days into taking BT tren ace. Had only taken one shot (80mg) and I'm experiencing my typical tren sides already. Heartburn. No night sweats yet but I'm sure that'll come eventually. Also day 2 of 20mg BT superdrol. Pump was disgusting...major fullness.
  12. If ur gunna do superdrol I'd suggest 10mg for 6-8 weeks. Or if u want to stick to 4 weeks id definitely go higher with the dosage. 3 weeks @20mg/day (6 days on 1 day off) then final week @ 30mg. Keep an eye on your blood pressure.
  13. Was that experience with pharma hgh or url/Chinese?
  14. With gear use being so hugely prevalent nowadays...everyone has an opinion and it's tough to discern the asshats from people who know their shit because even amongst top guys in the industry some of them believe in completely opposite ideas. In talking to one of my old buddies from the US who has used gear since college (10+ years) and "oversees many athletes who do so also". He recommends to me to keep it simple....high dose test 1-2g/week depending on size + 2 iu of growth. This will provide ample growth of new tissue with minimal side effects and more important minimal health issues. As time goes on if budget allows..hgh can be increased but with respect to growing new tissue 2iu hgh + saturation dose of test is all thats needed. Diet is of course adjusted based on personal body image requirements rather than tossing in tren and clen to drop 15lbs of fluff like many guys do. What are ur guys thoughts on this? Would we be better off with our anabolic use being simple every time and just add in (or ramp up if doing blast and cruise) test + growth. Versus trying all kinds of different dosages and mixes of compounds and durations etc. I'll admitt it would be much more simple and likely have FAAAR less health issues as a result. But ive never done hgh so I cant comment exclusively. Thoughts ?
  15. #1 id never run tren e regardless. Always tren ace. Sides can be too harsh and u dont want to be stuck with them for 3 weeks once they begin. #2 id suggest running two separate cycles here. 1-test+trest Then 2-test+tren Then I could add possibly a third compound to each cycle which makes sense based on your goal. Ie) cycle 1 perhaps you would add a moderate dose of anadrol/dbol. Maybe run ur trestolone at beginning of cycle and anadrol/DBol at the end. Or vice versa. I definitely wouldnt run them together....or imo a better approach would be to drop your test dose right down to TRT level 150mg/week and add a healthy dose of EQ for the majority of ur anabolic activity. 500-750mg for ur entire cycle would work great in my opinion..depending on ur size and cycle history u may need to adjust the dosage. Then save that 40 days of trestolone until the very end to finish strong. Cycle 2 id suggest adding masteron for the entire cycle. Starting at 1/2 your test dose and to titrating the dose equal with the test. Or another option would be winstrol but personally I think masteron is a better way to to. It can be run for longer..at higher dose and doesnt affect lipids nearly as adversely and wont dry out ur joints like winny does.
  16. Out of curiosity which general health supplements do you recommend? Everyone seems to have a different approach.
  17. I always enjoy the insight with ur replies. #1..i plan to keep the t3 in and run it as low as possible. I'm kinda scared of it to be honest. Ive seen others run it too high while dieting and lose incredible size in a matter of a few weeks. #2. I definitely will be keeping an eye on the dht sides. Particularly prostate and cholesterol. In the past I have absolutely zero side effects but dht drugs. In fact I have almost zero side effects from all anabolics other than night sweats on tren and heartbearn from even low dosed anadrol. But that's as bad as it gets. #3 meal changes were more so related to my schedule. Plus ive had better luck in the past with smaller, more frequent meals. Best results ever were eating ever 2 hours....this was two seperate occasions. For both a cut...and a hypertrophy/strength phase. It seems to agree with me. #4 I get blood work done regularly while on cycle. Frequency of my bloodwork depends how hard I'm pushing the drugs but I wont go more than 10 weeks on anything without bloodwork. I also do self phlebotomy as needed...usually every 6 weeks I remove 500mL of blood which seems to keep me in almost perfect range for my hematocrit. I'll be starting the tren and masteron probably june 1st. And Will be getting bloodwork done close to that date so I have an on-cycle baseline on just test and a couple weeks anavar. I had some major BP issues in February which ive NEVER had an issue with previously. I was prescribed minimum dose of ramipril (2.5mg/day) and that brought it down immediately. The last two weeks or so ive been taking magnesium, 5-htp at high dose and Viagra every 2 or 3 days and havent needed the BP meds. BP this morning was 116/76. I'm 34 year old...somehow. Fuck. 6'4" and currently 337lbs. Bodyweight is high. I graduated high school with multiple full scholarship offers for baseball...at 265-270lbs. So ive always been a big dude But athletic...for instance At 17 years old at 265ish I could dunk a basketball. I dont know my body fat..but I'm sure it's high. I included a pic from when I was 351lbs...in my opinion I don't look like a complete fat piece of shit at this weight. Similar to a strongman competitor I'd say. I "bloomed" in the era of the fat powerlifter (2004-2009 ish) so that type of training and mindset was tough for me to shed. I was 404lbs in September and weak as fuck....ive been 400lbs before in my life and was extremely strong a the time....this was not the same. This was my body going downhill fast. Ive managed to drop the 60+ lbs while gaining a fair amount of muscle back. With a partial tear of my left quad tendon. It doesnt allow me to do legs with the frequency that I want unless I really go easy. So its a matter of pushing it hard and only being able to do legs twice a month...or super light fluff n puff once a every 6 days. I can still do cardio tho. My plan is to do a slow cut until I get all the way down below 250. Then hold there for a month or two to see how I like it...then I'll choose an ideal bodyweight for me (which I feel as tho 275 is about perfect) and recomp there long term. And ideally get back into powerlifting at the lower weight class.
  18. Thanks a lot guys for ur input. Bottom line...i fucked up and didnt plan this very well. I should've come into this situation running my test lower and getting the gains from a 2nd compound like EQ or primo perhaps. If I were to do this again I'd be running test @ 400mg/week and primo @700mg/week and the same anavar that im currently running. That way..i drop the primo and add the tren and mast at low doses while keeping my test at 400mg/week. Every 2 weeks id increase my dosages of mast and tren and likely keep my test at 400mg/week. In the end id be more comfortable going higher with the mast than the tren. Id imagine id top out around: Testosterone@400mg/week Masteron@1400/week Trenbolone@700mg/week Likely with the last 4 week's also including 60-100mg/day of anavar or 50mg/day winstrol tabs. Thats best case scenario. Now.....with my current situation my test is super high and I dont like the idea of lowering it and starting a hormonal roller coaster because I'll be starting low with the tren+mast and increasing. Currently I'm taking: 1400mg/week sustanon 60mg/day anavar tabs 50mcg/day t3 25mg Viagra 3x/week preworkout I'll be adding: trenbolone acetate@280mg/week Masteron enanthate@500mg/week Switching to cialis @20mg EOD altho that makes no difference Continue with t3 and anavar for 3 or 4 more weeks until the mast kicks in. In the end id imagine I top out around here: Test@1400mg/week Mast@1400mg/week Tren@525mg/week Next time I do a cycle like this I'll be taking growth hormone also. Which should make a substantial difference I think. I realize most people would start their masteron lower...but I really didnt notice anything from low dose mast in the past. Plus i feel like mast and test compliment each other....so ideally if u had higher test ud want higher mast. In my opinion. Then the tren works separately. Im very very excited for this. Ive ramped up my training...and my cardio this month. As well as my number of meals. Instead of 3 larger meals ive broken that same amount of food into 5 smaller meals...then added a 6th also. My body is going to change very abruptly....its just a matter of if that 6th meal has my fat loss slowed too much. Which just means I'll be gaining muscle and strength much quicker. But we'll see.
  19. Just did 1050mg of sust in my side delt a few hours ago. Most ive done was 2750mg (two full cannons both in my left quad bc I didnt have anywhere left to inject from all my previous injections) Was going on vacation for 10 days so haf to load up.
  20. I appreciate the detailed response. Prior to this I have been on the test only for 6 weeks. And recently added anavar @ 60mg/day. Anavar Will stay in for anywhere from 4 to 8 weeks. Also added igf1 DES @40-60MCG/training session. The var and igf I'm only 6 days in. If i keep igf1 in when I add tren I'll switch to LR3 as there's a major synergy there which is often overlooked. Diet is as clean as it needs to be. Getting stronger and adding size while losing 1.9lbs/week on average. Which includes a small "metabolic reset" that I did about 2 months ago where I removed cardio...added some calories back in and focused very much on strength for a 4 week mini block. Then back to the cardio etc and it worked wonderfully. I also have oral winny sitting here which I may dabble in a bit with the TTM or replace masteron with the winny entirely at the end of the cycle. Thats to be determined.
  21. I just began encorporating t3 into my recomp/cutting cycle. Just curious how u guys dose ur t3. There seems to be two camps. Camp 1 starts at 40 or 50mcg/day bc they figure thats what the body naturally produces..and they work up from.there. Camp 2 start as low as possible 12.5mcg or less sometimes a few times a week. The thinking her is that u wont shut down ur natural levels overnight and with something as strong as t3 and its ability to be horribly catabolic if used incorrectly. Many people treat with utmost caution. John Meadows being one of these people. Personally I did the camp 2 aka john meadows approach. Altho he doses very very low. (10mcg/day e4d to start) but hes also peeled before starring prep at 20 weeka out. i started at 12.5mcg/day for3 days...then 18.75mcg/day for 3 days.....now I'm at 25mcg/day where I'll likely stay for around a week...possibly more. Going be feel. Definitely works tho. Even at 12.5mcg/day I was shitting more often. Which is a tell-tale sign that things are working well. Curious what ur guys opinions are on this. Thanks
  22. I'd most definitely say you're worrying too much. If u really want to be overly secure like ur 007 ordering crank u can just send them encrypted emails...then send them cash in the mail. But make sure to wear gloves when putting the cash in the envelope etc..and use a moist sponge to activate the envelope glue. That way u leave no fingerprints or DNA evidence either. No need to worry so much man.
  23. Curious what ur guys preferred doses are for when you use these compounds together. Basically for a recomp phase. I think I'm likely going to taper my testosterone dose down from 1500mg/wk where it's currently at to 500mg/wk and then throw in the masteron @ 500mg/wk to start and the tren ace @ 250mg/week to start and obviously increase from there. Hopefully getting around 700mg/wk if sides are all ggood. What dosages of the test tren mast combo have u guys found worked best for u?
  24. Terrific way to do things...and to save a bit of $ too. Provided u trust ur lab to have their blend to be accurate.
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