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Posts posted by eazy57

  1. Is that some serious article? 

    For instance, "You can blast your arms better than you can in a commercial gym..." 

    Are you fucking serious? This is the most assinine thing I think I have ever read in any forum anywhere. 

    A weight is a weight no matter where you pick the fucking thing up. If you want to do it at home fine.. in a gym... fine. 

    Only the Rock has a gym that compares to what a commercial gym has. Unless you're unloading $10,000+ to tell me how your fucking home gym is superior. 

    You may prefer it... that's one thing.. superior? 

    Bargain gyms aren't opening for serious lifters. More for people who want to "Stay active". 

    As for being around people... I ignore them. Headphones on, zone in, face of rage on point. No-one bothers me one bit. If they try I point to my headphones and say, "no talking while I'm working out." I make no exceptions. 

    Moral of the story is, the best gym is the one that motivates you to lift your BEST. At home, fine. Commercial, fine. 

  2. For the record.. and to end the bullshit... ONTerrible and Taureau are NOT affiliated in any manner whatsoever. 

    My source is 100% accurate. I don't get my info from the internet or another forum, or repeating some post from somewhere. 

    People may want to talk about people and that's fine. But it has to be the truth. From here on out... I will delete any information in this thread to the contrary. 

    Rig pig was bang on. There is no talk about BT or their owners by him.

    So to quote, "If you're talking about him, he must be doing something right."

    I'm not picking sides... just stating the obvious. 

    • Thanks 2
  3. 13 hours ago, RigPig said:

     @GameChanger, here is a link to what you’re talking about https://thinksteroids.com/community/threads/titan-pharma-canadian-domestic-only.134394308/

    and just so you can have all your facts straight, Ontario Dude and Onterrible are not the same person. And Onterrible is also a part of your community here. 

    ...notice how Taureau don’t give a shit about you, can’t be arsed to waste time with even the mere mention of any of you or this place,  but you can’t stop talking about him,...grasping at anything you can try to twist and put his name on...

    He’s owns real estate in your head ...let that sink in for a minute.

    Happy New Year fellas! 

    I posted that thread on another board and got the BS from ONTerrible himself. trying to pass himself off like the shit of shits. 

    I got my hands slapped my the mods there, but I'm all for REAL transparency and fairness. 

    If it's one thing, if you're not legit, your going to get your a$$ raped on the meso board. 

    I've been onto this guy for close to 2 months now. Yes he his here but hasn't posted recently. 

    I haven't checked recently where else he is playing his games. 

    • Thanks 1
  4. 3 hours ago, Zbignew said:

    That's interesting. I need to read more about this.

    My normal year-round is 120mg TestE+120mg Masteron, and this summer I added 120-160mg TrenE (it went up because leaving that last .10ml in the 1ml syringe seemed like a waste) and while I got upside out of it I also got the bronchial tightness and that was no fun at all. That was the only significant side, but it sucked.

    I was thinking about taking it for another ride next month.

    The increased body heat and ridiculous sweating is annoying, but that's the price you pay for leaning out, I guess. Guys talk about "wet drugs" vs "dry drugs" but I think in my case Tren is a winter drug.

    Interesting observation. The test/tren/mast combo got me shredded like nothing other. Great lean gains too. 

    IMO I'd consider it more of a cutter but it's so versatile you can use it either for cutting or bulking. Or summer or winter phases. 

    I'm not running tren now, but I think I could run it all year round as I don't get really bad sides from it. 

    I love mast/test by the way. Adding tren took it to another level. 

  5. On 12/13/2018 at 12:15 AM, Cog said:

    French president Macron actually wants an EU army to enforce its rules......

    I do believe that members of the EU aren't even elected. 

    Can you imagine the military entering a country to quash the legal right of the people to oppose the government in a democratic society? 

    Does anyone else see the absolute terrifying consequences of this? 

    It's ironic that those on the "left" who yea, scream, and shame. those with different views or lifestyles (ie: the right, populists, nationalists, religious etc..) they label them fascists. 

    A critical eye sees the fascism firmly beginning to take root in the left tactics and ideology. 

    • Like 1
  6. I agree with @Corey5150

    I cycle until my body tells me to take a break. Then I cycle. I used to blast and cruise, but I found the cruising part always to be so underwhelming. 

    Mind you, if an older guy is cruising just test for the health benefits of slightly elevated test.. that's another matter. 

    Running all these compounds on these low doses will have some effect, but it won't give you the desired results. 

    So I think, if you can't afford to run a cycle properly then just hold off until you have all the gear you need. Or, if you're just afraid of the sides, do more research, consult with guys like corey who is a coach who can guide you. 

    Or like the rest of us, run a proper cycle and find out how your body will react and what you can and cannot run. 

  7. 5 minutes ago, Fullblown said:

    What is your game plan eazy?

    My big goal year was last year as I turned 50. I really made the big transformation that I always wanted. My avatar speaks to my success on that, which BT helped in the final stages. I was using them when the photo was taken. 

    Now for this year and going forward it's more about body sculpting for me. I'm not looking to be huge. I'm looking to look great and feel great and sculpt a body worthy of the gods. I could still lose some body fat to get my 6 pack chiseled. Even though my cycle ended in October,  I've kept all my size training balls to the wall and eating well. I'm still very vascular, but I have put on perhaps a percent or 2 of body fat. I still have my 6 pack.

    That being said, I'm lifting heavier than I ever have. The difference as been diet (controlling carbs and cravings) and the type of compounds I run. 

    I want to feel functional as well as strong. (Not I'm not going to start  doing crossfit!) How I look and how I feel has changed drastically since I stopped trying to get "huge." 

    I don't feel lethargic and moody, I have no problem with ED or arousal. And I really enjoyed most every about my cycles last year. 

    So the goals are pretty simple, I want to look more like a fitness model than a body builder. So maintain size without putting on a lot of fat in the "off-season", and then come February continue to shred and sculpt as I see necessary. 

    It's more refinement now, as I have kinda have achieved the physique I want. 

    • Like 2
  8. Your probably going to get a mixed bag of answers to this question. 

    From my experience, fasting size gains have always come from orals. So anadrol. But long lasting gains are kept with injects.

    So do you want to blow up, then depending on your diet and training regimen lose some of your gains? 

    Or would you prefer slower but more sustainable gains? 

    Anadrol will blow you up. But like a balloon you'll start to lose the gains as well. And much of the gains will be water. As it is a very estrogenic compound. 

    NPP is much drier compound as I believe it doesn't aromatize. So your gains will be leaner but you'll won't look as "big". 

    After a few years of cycle under my belt now I prefer drier compounds that give me lean solid gains. I've actually come not to like the big puffy look which I see in a lot of guys in the gym. They actually come up to me as say the want the striations and vascularity in my arms chest and legs. I look at them and think either they're too fat and/or they're running the compounds every touts for "getting huge"... like dbol, anadrol etc. 

    So it depends on your goal, the look you're trying to attain. If you just want to be big and not give a shit about how you actually look. Then run a much anadrol and you like. 

    If you want to look muscular, cut, and ripped, you may want to use compounds like NPP.

    Just my opinion.

    • Like 2
  9. I'd disagree. Test when used properly can be of great benefit. How many cycles have you run? For instance, telling someone who has never run a single cycle (which this post is dangerously capable of doing.) To a new user test only is a fantastic first cycle. Maybe even 2nd or 3rd if they're smart and not so damn impatient to poke copious amounts of compounds in their bodies without experience. 

    I still run rest only cycles if I want clean gradual gains with zero side effects. I run things like tren for very specific uses. 

    I'm sorry, micro-dosing tren is fucking waste of time. And if you need caber on a micro-dose then you have more serious problems and perhaps caber shouldn't be your answer. 

    Let's not forget that AAS are supposed to enhance what you are already doing correctly. Not fix the fucked up habits of drug use, poor diet and training you expect them to magically erase for you. 

    12 hours ago, Cog said:

    Test on its own is pretty mundane.I watch blood pressure and weight closely.


    • Like 2
  10. You still haven't answered his question. Sounds like you want to run caber because you think you're going to get limp dick. 

    Tren at those dosages are useless. It isn't an oral. 

    So if you're likely to get gyno why aren't you running compound that are more friendly to those side effects?

    We're trying to understand where you are, and what you hope to achieve. We're certainly not trying to put you down. 

    • Like 1
  11. If you're 15+ BF I would recommend changing your diet. Drugs aren't a miracle drug. They may seem that way with guys with low BF percentages.

    But let's be realistic... it doesn't matter which forum you visit, anyone with any amount of experience will tell you that diet is 99% of the game. You can't out train our out juice a bad diet.

    As a matter of fact, most steroids will make you fatter in the long run.

    Be smart. read, learn, apply the knowledge, then juice. 

    And yes, I was one of those impatient guys who didn't listen and learn. I threw money away hoping for a fantasy. 

    There is no such thing in this game. AAS and their cousins are merely an enhancement to that you are already doing correctly.

    For instance, if you want to look good by summer (At 15% BF) you start in February to look good by June. That's diet.. not drugs.

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