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On 4/10/2024 at 8:00 AM, nico said:

first order placed yesterday very easy quick response I can't wait to test the product it's not a scam

I've used body tech for 10 years

They put me through 3 shows

Check the members pics section for my recent competition pics and look at my results - hard training, good eating, but the super supps really made the icing on the cake (my preferred is cheesecake!)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not cool when you take a chance and order test enth 400 and receive 250 and tri tren and receive tren e but an extra vial. Just say you don’t have it . And offer a choice of different item. 

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10 hours ago, FitFatMan said:

Not cool when you take a chance and order test enth 400 and receive 250 and tri tren and receive tren e but an extra vial. Just say you don’t have it . And offer a choice of different item. 

i am going to dm you

please provide any proof of conversation with lab and of the accusation

have you tried to resolve issue with lab first?or are you coming here and posting without following protocol?


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15 hours ago, FitFatMan said:

Not so much a complaint , Just an inconvenience. I’m just going to use what I have received. Mistakes happen not bashing here. 

In my experience, and experience from other clients who i've interacted with, every person who contacts BT has had their issues resolved very fast, have had items reshipped, been given discounts, free items, and have been treated to a gold standard.  Yes mistakes happen, we're human, and absolutely no lab is perfect.  But something like this perhaps should have been brought to the attention of the rep first, kept contact logs as 'receipts' as needed, and then posted if things were not in your favour after customer attempts were resolved (or not), as it appears as a back handed attempt to say something was bad but then about face and say it's actually fine?  Just trying to clarify the thoughts here and figure out what's going on?

PS I'm also not on BT's payroll but my job here is to ensure fairness to all labs and voices

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It was a website order , Not trying to bash the boys by any means and no back handed attempt to save face. I simply stated there was an error. But I kind of expect this reaction speaking up. Seems like anyone that says anything about BT gets scorned. Honestly why would I need to save face it’s not like we are all buddies going to have a beer on the weekend . 

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1 hour ago, FitFatMan said:

It was a website order , Not trying to bash the boys by any means and no back handed attempt to save face. I simply stated there was an error. But I kind of expect this reaction speaking up. Seems like anyone that says anything about BT gets scorned. Honestly why would I need to save face it’s not like we are all buddies going to have a beer on the weekend . 

Sorry bud nobody scorning you, I'm sorry if it appears this way there is no intent. If I was running a lab I would just want all these things done with first. No Ill will 🤞

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The mistake was corrected , A different lab came to me and said they have seen the post and more than corrected the order with no cost at all to me. Won’t say the name of the lab don’t want to disrespect the guys from BT. All they wanted from me was to give reviews on 4 different fourms. 

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46 minutes ago, FitFatMan said:

The mistake was corrected , A different lab came to me and said they have seen the post and more than corrected the order with no cost at all to me. Won’t say the name of the lab don’t want to disrespect the guys from BT. All they wanted from me was to give reviews on 4 different fourms. 

So what you're saying is that a different lab, a random organization, WILLINGLY just gave you hundreds of dollars of gear to "correct a mistake" but you are saying you don't want to disrespect the lab?

Honestly @FitFatManthis topic is silly.  Every sponsor post, lab review, etc needs to be backed up with information and not a hearsay.  You can't just come out and say they never gave me anything what I wanted, tried to give something else, nothing was corrected, but that it's "ok" and you don't want to disrespect the lab.  Then say well some other random lab gave me everything and then some, didn't cost me a dime, but you won't say the lab. 

This board, for the sake of transparancy, legitimacy, and respect, needs this information. I am now the main admin running this board and I have expecations of how I want complaints, suggestions, etc dealt with. 

This whole thing sounds so passive aggressive with ulterior motive. 
If you have the receipts, put them up.  Otherwise, the 'complaint' has no merit and will be removed.  This is not to induce a bias, but in fairness to all companies involved in this process.  So please, provide legitimate information, or clarify your statements.

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It doesn’t make sense what you are saying honestly, Why would I go out and throw it in the face of the bt guys and disrespect them by throwing out the name of the lab that corrected it. Nobody needs to know who that was . I don’t need to expose the name of that lab to other forum members when this forum has its own sponsors for forum members , That would only give the members another option to purchase from and direct business away from this sponsors that are here. How would that be good in any capacity to the forum and keeping revenue within the house ? You need to look at the bigger picture than looking at one order mistake and trying to expose. Don’t have a one track mind . Look at the operation of your forum and look after it. So you say the forum is about transparency correct ? So hiding posts is transparent? Only showing the good and not the bad isn’t deceitful practice ? Is that why 99% of the members here are fake ? But you choose to target the one active legitimate member that contributes that’s trying to show activity. And I make one post you disagree with and it becomes a problem. That’s not fairness my friend . I respect you as an admin and a highly educated member.

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13 minutes ago, FitFatMan said:

It doesn’t make sense what you are saying honestly, Why would I go out and throw it in the face of the bt guys and disrespect them by throwing out the name of the lab that corrected it. Nobody needs to know who that was . I don’t need to expose the name of that lab to other forum members when this forum has its own sponsors for forum members , That would only give the members another option to purchase from and direct business away from this sponsors that are here. How would that be good in any capacity to the forum and keeping revenue within the house ? You need to look at the bigger picture than looking at one order mistake and trying to expose. Don’t have a one track mind . Look at the operation of your forum and look after it. So you say the forum is about transparency correct ? So hiding posts is transparent? Only showing the good and not the bad isn’t deceitful practice ? Is that why 99% of the members here are fake ? But you choose to target the one active legitimate member that contributes that’s trying to show activity. And I make one post you disagree with and it becomes a problem. That’s not fairness my friend . I respect you as an admin and a highly educated member.

It is not so much in showing the positive and hiding the negative.

You can not, and will not, post 'bad' things without showing proof.  You can not say they missed an order, gave me something else, didn't acknowledge it, but hey its' ok?  Then all of a sudden another random lab jumped in and gave you tons of free goodies at their expense and only requested you post 4 positive reviews?
Can you not see how the metrics of this looks?  
It looks like blatent attempts to discredit the lab.
You have an issue, we NEED to see proof.  This goes with all labs and interactions with all members.  I want to see proof.  I don't get paid by these guys, don't get free gear, don't benefit from this.  I have been doing this as a gesture of good will because I believe in the community and to rebulid.  To do that, requires us to settle aside any possible differences and build this trust on transparancy.

Show emails, show the 'receipts', show that things were missed and interactions were done to fix the mistakes.  If these aren't done, then it invalidates the complaints and comes across as hearsay and attempts to devalue a lab's reputation, and seems like an agenda.

We have had some good discussions friend, but I take all these matters seriously and I wish to keep it professional, to the point, and with evidence.

If evidence can not be shown, then you need to admit to having no evidence, and the post needs to come down as it can not be validated as true.

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But it seems you are the only one taking issue with it, To me it’s over it’s done. If it were an attempt to discredit the lab it would have been a review saying the gear was terrible or it was bunk or I got an infection from it or bad pip. None of that was said , That would be an attempt to inflict damage on them or discredit them. All labs make mistakes now and then. It happens you are turning nothing into something. Tell me what I just wrote is not true . 

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With all due respect you started a shit show and now are backing down when asked for proofs and not to create hearsay. 

Frankly, reread what you said, as noted above your post, you made a complaint claim then pretty much said oh no its ok, some other lab fixed it for me. 

That to me sounds shady and disrespectful, and now you're backing down. 

If it wasn't bt and you said the same thing about some other lab, I'd agree the same way, you're being shady and disrespectful as stated by the dude above you, like you have an agenda. 

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Jesus bodytech and there board have really hit rock bottom! What happened?


Fact that some of the top labs aren't under lab reviews, what you say has to be approved so they can control everything that benefits them not a good look 

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What is the agenda ? I’ve never trashed them ? I got products on time , I’ve never said they were a bad source . So tell me again what is the agenda by not trashing them. Do you know how ridiculous that sounds . Why would I have to back down from anything, I don’t know you. Several sources at my fingertips. Have fun on your ghost board guys. Btw be honest with people, Let them know you can login as them , let them know you read their dm . All through your AdminCp 

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3 hours ago, FitFatMan said:

What is the agenda ? I’ve never trashed them ? I got products on time , I’ve never said they were a bad source . So tell me again what is the agenda by not trashing them. Do you know how ridiculous that sounds . Why would I have to back down from anything, I don’t know you. Several sources at my fingertips. Have fun on your ghost board guys. Btw be honest with people, Let them know you can login as them , let them know you read their dm . All through your AdminCp 


All I asked was to see proof of your order screw up. That's all. Please do not deflect. I'm sorry you feel the way you do. If you choose to leave, by all means. 

The board will be fine regardless in the coming months. We appreciate your efforts to contribute. 

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You just don’t get it do you, I like you but why keep an ongoing issue. It like the staff loves drama here. I’m over it not upset not angry the gear is fine just not what I ordered . No anger towards BT nothing of the sort . Why make an honest error into a big deal. This is what drives people away from here. Ask yourself the honest question here. Why are the other 2 popular Canadian forums rapidly growing each and everyday ? Why is there more traffic why is there more engagement. For starters people are treated equal . Why does this forum have shortcomings and the other 2 are thriving . I’d take a look inside and see what the contributing factor is . This was made worse by staff not me . I was over it long ago. You don’t attack contributing members . You get to know them talk to them see if they have anything to offer the forum. 

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Never had any major issues with bodytech any issues I did run  into   where resolved in a quick and timely matter, never ordered off the website though always been a rep, last order wasn't that long ago of t400 cyp, cardarine and Nolvadex, they let me know before hand that the t400 cyp would be labeled as 250 due to using up old labels, so like I said never any issues, so the above issue that's been mentioned above I'll be honest doesn't make any sense 

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I was not informed of this, If I would have been informed of this we wouldn’t be having this conversation. Now it makes sense. So I’ll take some blame for posting this but I can’t take blame for labels this was not my fault. I told everyone here I wasnt trying to kick up dust 

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