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  4. Pinning this post because it's a freaking good one!
  5. anyone here work in Ft McMurray?
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  7. I finished my contest, the Jim Morris Classic, on Saturday, April 13. I weighed 197 on stage, the morning after I weighed 199 after some food, a little bit of water, and a couple of damn good cookies. What you're seeing is a series of pictures between the morning after the show at 199 lbs to today's date, April 30, 17 days later, at 213.6 lbs. Then what you're seeing is a massive recomp done where I weighed the same 213.6 on January 24, 2024 as I was dieting down for the show. Post show rebound weight "guidelines" - first week : let bodyweight come up 3-5% above stage weight, then 1% the next two weeks, followed by .25-.5% after that. So i'm pretty much on target for this. However, it's not without its' caveats. I have struggled HUGE post show with food cravings, hunger, loss of control a few times, eating about 7000 calories. We all succumb to it at some point We need bodyfat to restore daily fxn - in fact it's only the last couple of days that my sex drive has turned back on and I feel more human. It's hard on the head though seeing the fat gain even though you KNOW you need fat on you to gain more muscle and to recover. We can't just be 6% bodyfat all year round, not without potential serious health risks. To combat the extra increased calories, i've stayed on my T3 and clen at low dose while still continuing to push 40-45 mins of cardio everyday, as well as running 400 mg test and 200 mg primo per week, 4 IU Gh split into morning and night, 50 mcg of IGF1 for a month, and using 4 IU of insulin on shoulder/upper body days post workout. If you stop everything end of the show, your metabolism crashes, and you're consuming 3x the amount of calories. That's a recipe for disaster and losing ALL the amazing prep you worked so hard on. So i'll be continuing to run this until June (another month), and then by then my body should be stabilized. As I taper off the drugs and back onto my standard TRT dose scripted by my endocrinologist, I can take a good long healthy break and continue throughout the summer nice and lean. Food/Junk cravings have went down a lot, i'm eating more normal. My diet is now 3000 cals with 300 p/c, about 50-60 fats. What this post is displaying as well is the POWER of the post show anabolic window. It's insane the difference in the physique at the same weight. I'm scared to take pictures lately, but I would be lying if I said the pics today didn't boost my mental health in giving me assurance that I AM doing ok, and if i put on a little more weight it's ok. If I get to 220 lbs, i'll do a mini cut. By then, it should be easy to diet down a bit as i'll have had a good rest period of eating normal. Let's have some discussions!
  8. Lol, I've made the decision to hop on some tren and add low dose of t3 25mcg, gonna be ordering again. It's summer coming up, and I don't like slow gains, being an old fuck doesn't help either, so I am going to see how it affects me. I haven't run t3 in a million years and I only ran it once, but reading about it, it seems a 25-50mcg dose helps people with sleep quality (split in morning/afternoon). I loved always being dry/thick, and... test and masteron just doesn't cut it for me, slow ass compared to tren. I think the above advice includes a lot of goodness, and true even 200mg of tren is night and day to butt loads of test lol... I've been off tren for over half a year now and I improved my overall health, but, now that things are a bit more calm for me, I am gonna hop back on carefully. I used to run tren continously for years before, insane i know, but different times, different vibes. I restarted BBing 3 years ago and had a serious up and downs in life, but rebuilding myself compared to what I was years and years ago now that I am older, I will give tren one more try. I sure looked better and had better focus, but it isn't for everyone. Being in the right environment and set of mind is an absolute and being self-aware and even then some people react bad. I overall am a chill guy but some dudes blow up and have emotional rollercoasters. I've always been a jolly giant, but some tiny perps get their ego to the sky on things like tren so check yourself first haha
  9. Hey man, Your first mistake is thinking tren @300 mg is a low dose. It is not. Like it or not, compared to even what you've ran, tren is extremely harsh and sides can occur at any dose. Your life isn't the same as it was when you were running previous cycles. You have different variables. Same lab? Same ester? Physical, mental, job, life, gym, sleep, etc all these little things get compounded together. Thinks may appear fine externally, but internally they aren't. You may appear healthy, but inside you're not. Have you gotten your bloods done before you cycled? If you're having this reaction, you need to get off the tren now. You need to reset yourself. Get back to baseline. You need to establish what went wrong OBJECTIVELY to qualify your subjective feelings. You need to figure your shit out mentally - because take it from someone who's done a lot of psychotherapy, there's lots of things going on in your head you may not be aware of. These are just suggestions - you're free to choose what to do, but if something like this has happened, it's going to happen again, and again, and it's going to get worse. Tren is a beast that must be respected. You can not tame it, just work within its' rules.
  10. welcome my friend!! Let's get going and get some content created!
  11. I haven't touched tren in 8 years but from what I recall note this was in my mid 20s but the worst side for me on tren was how it messed with my emotions. I'd go from feeling emotionally great, life, work, girlfriend everything felt great... then 3 days later I'd feel like shit, want to just go to the gym and keep to myself, be sleeping next to my girlfriend thinking man she cheating for sure not in an anger towards her cheating but sad like why, dreaded going to work... then I'd pop back into loving life. Mostly why I haven't touched it in years unless I were to compete I just see no need for it personally.
  12. We have a reddit page that members can link up to if they want! Please join us, have some fun discussions, and help get members here! https://www.reddit.com/r/NorthernLifters/
  13. I get a DNS error when I try to go to your site (taken from your profile banner in Sponsors). Is the site still running?
  14. You can get legit/legal TRT from Jack Health. They're out of Ontario, but I suspect that's not what you're looking for.
  15. I apologise if this is in the wrong board. I've tried accessing NP's website and I get an error message/timeout. Do they still exist? I've sent a message to the rep, but no answer.
  16. Welcome bro, physique progress on point
  17. I mean I've had things actually happen in my life that affected me so I can't relate if that was when I ran tren but as far as energy and mood ephedrine always uplifted me but I'd recommend just speak to your doctor. The problem is they may get you hooked to antidepressants or some other junk even if you don't actuality need it. Do some introspection but don't let your thought consume you. Anxiety is thinking of the uncertainty of the future and you can only control what you can, we are never fully in control of life but we are of our actions and responses
  18. For those of you playing with tren and getting mental sides what did you do? I run tren here and there actually extremelly rarely i never get sides other then night sweats and hard time falling asleep but i still get minimum 5 hours, something new happened last month i got an anxiety attack and just had to leave the house i didnt know what those were and overall i’m a very happy man sociable etc… so i called a friend of mine and felt this intense feeling of despair roam over me i couldnt understand it at all i make a 150 k i have an amazing woman in my life my parents are healthy i feel good look good i have no reason to feel this way and yet. I drove to my mothers house and man i just cried my life away in her arms. I have ran tren at high huge doses in the past multiple times but this time at a low dose of 300 mg it destroyed me. I was thinking of calling my doctor to get a prescription but something changed the minute i added ephedrine to the mix mood shot up i’m back to my old self i have massive energy i workout like a freak now and can push myself so much harder idk it might not be related. I have no history of depression in my family and never have i one day been depressed in my life before this happened… man was that scary not being able to control my feelings, the anxiety.. anyonehave similar stories ? I could never understand people going trough depression… but after feeling it shit it’s scary. Anyone else have similar stories what happened? What did you do?
  19. Looking fantastic my man!! Hope to have you actively participating on the board and creating some great content
  20. Hey guys, used to be on board couple of years ago on ironlifter befor things got weird. Used to love it there hope its the same here been training for a few years hope i can help and learn. I’m from montreal if theres anyone from there too
  21. I've used body tech for 10 years They put me through 3 shows Check the members pics section for my recent competition pics and look at my results - hard training, good eating, but the super supps really made the icing on the cake (my preferred is cheesecake!)
  22. This was day after the show. Definitely shredded beyond shreds.
  23. the one on the left? for sure...he's only exercised for a year - it was a big awakening for him he said backstage.
  24. Never was offended at all. I let my body do the talking and I suffered for it. Once i get the official photos this week i'll upload more.
  25. That one dude be looking legit natty.
  26. Good job bro , sorry I doubted you
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