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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/27/2018 in Posts

  1. Just recieved my first order of BT products. Very excited to give these guys a try. Just picked up a few things to compliment my stash and finish out my current cycle. I'll be using their products for the remainder of the run. Communication has been top notch. Maybe the best I've encountered so far. Shipping was lightning fast. Look for a log next week I'll begin on a new product of theirs... madol. I believe Oly has a write up on if you want more information. Thanks again for great service and some extra goodies. It's being a kid in a candy store!
    3 points
  2. I just finished capping mine the other day. I dont know what kind of scale it is buts not a food scale. Im grams it goes to 3 decimal points and is very sensitive. After i filled a bunch of caps, i just said fuck it and started eye balling it
    2 points
  3. If you want mass and the nice full juicy look, then Deca is for you.
    1 point
  4. That is how it comes from BT. They state that it will come In powder on the bt product price list. You'll need to go get a mg scale and weigh and cap yourself, it's not difficult
    1 point
  5. The guy that invented them deserves the order of Canada or some kind of medal! although they can be too good sometimes disguising, let’s say not top notch ass
    1 point
  6. Gear with MCT oil is very clear and flows like you describe, and its g2g. Ive had some thin grapeseed oil Tren E before and it was good too.
    1 point
  7. Oh I get it. A couple weeks ago it was so bad I thought I was gonna die. It was from Ace, and it hit like a freight train just as I pulled out the pin. Ive gotten it from E and TNT before. I seem to get it once or twice a month.
    1 point
  8. I use to run higher dose short blasts but im done with that. Right now i added 100mg/day and im going to running that until the end of oct. I will drop it 10 days from my Dominican trip. I can still train like a mad man and it doesnt fuck with my performance at work
    1 point
  9. Abs are coming in nicely! Keep it up man you're doing amazing
    1 point
  10. Its a major distraction for me in the gym lol. But asses look so amazing in those!
    1 point
  11. I've ran as high as 1,400mg Tren Ace before... Back in the good ole' GH15 days - more of an experiment than anything. I really like 700mg of Ace a week, thats about as high as I go now, and thats only the last couple weeks during a contest prep, never touch it otherwise. In all honesty, I noticed no difference in doubling the dose (keep in mind it was only for a week and a half - but still).
    1 point
  12. You should always change cycle compound, not because it work the first time you need to repeat it wait 2 more cycle before you repeat it . I believe when your over the middle of your cycle and you hit plateau , that's where i would add pills other then that i hate them. why don't you stop them for now or just change them for dbol . Form experience the weight is more related to food then steroids .
    1 point
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