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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/08/2019 in Posts

  1. Used the maple website and got the blood lab paperwork i needed in less than 10 mins. Amazing. Highly recommend that service for anyone struggling getting blood work done in Canada. Gonna bring it in tomorrow and get it done. Really appreciate the help here
    1 point
  2. Ya, I had a chats ession with one of their reps just to get all the info I needed. They chatted me in like 2 minutes and emails were returned within 30 minutes. That's some pretty damned fine service compared to a ton of other online services I have experienced. I'm definitely spending the $50 on this...it's really a no brainer and like @MuscleDummy said, given what we spend on gear, $50 is nuthin! Dyna is a good lab too, the only onew I know of here where you can get the Sensitive Estradiol assay done. On a side note, I just got my donor card from Canadian Blood Services, showed up in the mail way faster than they said it would. Funny thing though, I got a phonecall from them a couple of days ago just to ask me about my experience from my recent donation of a pint. My wife donated at the same time and no follow up call and her crad has not arrived. I was wondering whythat might be. Believe it or not, at 54 years old, I had no idea what my blood type was. I just never bothered to find out on any of the occasions where I could have easily. Turns out I am B+ which is like only 7% of North Americans roughly. A little digging and some info I found leads me to believe that people with more rare blood types get a little extra attention to make sure, or at least try to make sure, they keep coming back. We're going to do it regularly anyway, as I think it's just a good idea just from a civic duty sort of thing, but I also like seeing my hematocrit at 14.1 after 8 weeks on gear. I'm not sure if I might have been a bit anemic b4 as it's possible from my health issues but we'll see what the next one is and the one after that cuz there some Primo in my future on top of the Test E lol...
    1 point
  3. For sure. I did this just to try it but honestly I'll probably find myself using it for things other than bloodwork. Maple has a "credits" offer on their app, so if you buy $200 worth of credits you get a 10% discount. So $200 worth for $180. I'll be buying that next and consulting a doc to get prescriptions etc. that I want instead of having to wait for an appointment or having to skip work. I think because the docs on the app get paid per successful consultation (meaning if they can't help you you don't get charged), they have an incentive to give you what you want
    1 point
  4. This isn't a source board, take your small penis and fuck off!
    1 point
  5. Atta girl. Looking great
    1 point
  6. Needles was once my only fear. My very first pin I was sweating, shaking, pretty sure I almost past out. Till you get a few in you and realise there's fuck all to it. Dont waist your money on this useless "cycle" you've described
    1 point
  7. Ya and what kind of arsewipe would it take in this day and age to give you grief over it....that's someone needs a trip out behind the woodshed as my grampy used to always say.
    1 point
  8. Thank you! I work out around injuries and two major surgeries. I'm also older than most here. Sometimes I'm very tired but I force myself and train anyway. Fasted workout Shoulders Seated db press 15, 15, 15 Shrugs 15, 15, 15 Reverse flys 15, 15, 15 Frontal raises 15, 15, 15 External rotations 15, 15, 15 Upright rows 15, 15, 15 I missed the first bus to work this morning and instead of just waiting at the bus stop, I walked 6 kilometers. Work 10 kilometers PM 4 kilometers to loosen up the calves Still tired but sleeping better.
    1 point
  9. the amount of drug required to have any cancer risk would be stupid high and for stupid lengths of time. You're going to get cancer from the sun before taking 10 mg of cardarine a few times a day for a few weeks. So nothing to worry about.
    1 point
  10. Actually, this is another area where technology has changed the entire dynamic. Most fruits and vegetables that are sold frozen now are harvested while at their peak and then flash frozen which means that they are literally locked in time, but more importantly they are locked in their nutrient rich state. That will only start to degrade after they have been in that state for roughly a year, give or take a bit depending on the fruit or vegetable. The flash freezing is th extent of the processing. They are no longer blanched, a process that was seriosuly detrimental to the nutrient state. So go right ahead and buy good quality frozen fruits and vegetables as you aren't missing out on a thing. Now this does not apply to growing your own and freezing them. The flash freezing process is critical to the conservation of the nutrient rich state!
    1 point
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