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Everything posted by GainTrain

  1. Ok cool. Good to know and appreciate the info!
  2. My first cycle was 400mg of test for 5 weeks, then 500 for 5 weeks totalling 10 weeks on. I gained 30 lbs and kept 20
  3. Thank you! I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the kind words, I do put in a lot of work. Yes you are correct, I neglected my legs for a bit. I have been working on them hard lately though .. starting to take shape. I’m doing legs twice a week atm
  4. Yeah, I’ve worried about that once or twice. Where could one procure a filtered syringe?
  5. Dude...I’ll bet you have no estrogen left using that much letro from day one with such a small cycle. What are you on? Week 2-3? Fuck bro, get bloods done. Your gonna ruin your cycle.
  6. The table would prolly break under the stress. Lol... there’s an all you can eat Mongolian grill by my house. The owners face when I roll up we’d put him under. mmmmm lamb
  7. thats my “9-5” lunch not including breakfast, dinner or bedtime eats. That’s how you get big. Ask any big guy. Yes, testosterone helps.. but without lots of clean food it’s pointless. You are what you eat 100%
  8. Fuck yeah bro. You’ll get it if you want it bad enough. Keep in mind I’m f’n nuts. But here’s two cycles over about 12 months. Just to give you an idea of natural to enhanced lifting and eating big for a year. So ya know what you can expect. first two are natural. Next two are enhanced, bout a year between them all. I’m quit a bit bigger and better now. They are old. But should give you an idea of what a normal guy can achieve! Can’t wait to see yours
  9. I hear ya... but rather than beat it. Get a slutty lil slave girl... or two Ladies love money and muscle. Get it bro!
  10. Only once a day? Hmm. Suppose I’m a machine. I’ve fucked multiple times a day, and more than once all day. My sex slave would leave me if I could only fuck once a day Dont worry about your dick. Your cycle will only make it work better. Give it a few weeks... beast mode incoming! regarding being stage ready in a year. Seriously bro? That’s f’n delusional. I mean that a polite as possible. No fucking chance... not in a few years even. I love your enthusiasm! Truly I do. But reality check bro. From your pics I can’t even tell you lift. You’ll get there.... in years tho, this shits a marathon. Not a sprint. All the drugs in the world won’t change that. Keep pushin and pullin tho! Lots of heavy compounds. You’ll get there.
  11. I think your dick got smaller? Gaiiiinz!! lol, mostly kidding. Why don’t you try a classic bodybuilding pose? Back or front double bicep.. Most muscular.. I’m not sure if your even flexing. honestly bro, your gear won’t really kick in for a few more weeks. Wait till week 5..
  12. Yeah man. I’d jump on nolva. 40mg for a week then 25 for 3-4 more. Or until it’s gone. I’d lower my dose too. Maybe cut test in half and add something like mast or primo to make up for the test reduction. now that you’ve got gyno, you’ve got it for life, you’ll have to watch it every cycle bro. But fuck it. It’s only cosmetic and surgery is a possibility. When you were done your cycle you could look into using reloxifene for three months. It’s a little more mild on you than Nolva, and there’s lots of clinical data showing that it has reversed and destroyed Gyno in teenage boys .
  13. Yeah man. I’d jump on nolva. 40mg for a week then 25 for 3-4 more. Or until it’s gone. I’d lower my dose too. Maybe cut test in half and add something like mast or primo to make up for the test reduction. now that you’ve got gyno, you’ve got it for life. Gonna have to watch it every cycle bro. But fuck it. It’s only cosmetic and surgery is a possibility l.
  14. I’ll be running a global anabolics winter cycle right away here. My blood work looks good, just waiting for a few of the goodies and my tendinitis to calm. Then ima shoot for 220lbs
  15. Right on man. And yeah, I love the stuff. Pga FTW
  16. Almost as lame as my “real men eat pussy bumper sticker” Some chicks honk
  17. Global Anabolics. I’ve used them a few times now, with great result. What has me curious is that they seem like they are not ugl yet not true pharma.. They claim to use pharma grade oils and powders and operate out of a government approved lab in Estonia, while being a Canadian company. This website shows their facility and and a bunch of other info (no you can’t order from them or get any ordering information they have only one approved Canadian rep. Don’t bother asking me how to get it either) My experiences thus far have been very positive. Does anyone here have experience with them? Or understand how this is all possible?
  18. Off topic... but how often do you pin sust? On blast I go eod. Cruise e5d
  19. This sounds amazing! I’ve always liked proviron more than masteron... I’m very excited to try this.
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