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Everything posted by GainTrain

  1. I love how you keep changing the subject. No ones arguing ai use. you said running dht steroids will crash your estrogen. That’s the argument. Dht’s will NOT crash your E Either post some proof or argue with yourself. I’ts Friday, I have a sexy date. Primo and proviron will crash your E!! ..oh boy thanks for the lols son! (Love how u manages one post without an edit)
  2. I don’t care to argue with keyboard bodybuilders. I’m getting Gainz son. Sure mast can lower estrogen ever so slightly. I’ve seen it in my bloods. But no one anyway dropped their ai for primo go workout bud. Put your vast bodybuilding knowledge to good use. *wow! You got a post out without 6 edits!
  3. Sigh... Your attempt at intellect is weak. Thus and therefore I’m not impressed. You claim it’s been documented and link me to a video of Mat Porter rambling in his hot tub. You have to come back and edit everything you say in a pathetic attempt to sound smart.. your not. No one uses a testosterone base to keep their oestrogen high, you’re a dumbass. Bro, are you the kid at my gym yesterday with quarters on the legpress watching Dylan Gemelli vids. maybe I’m a troll. But I put my knowledge to work, I have a physique that I built with my own knowledge. You’re a nobody hiding behind a stupid name on a forum. You are the exact problem with most forums, an uneducated idiot spouting dribble. Thank God nobody takes you seriously
  4. I’ve seen this already, shitty vid. question... how’s that working for you? Imho you’re clueless
  5. My best friends ex girlfriend uses a lot of dbol among other compounds.. She is very muscular and has her ifbb pro card as of last fall. Her voice is very deep, she sounds like a man, if you just heard her speak you would swear it was a man. Her face has changed a lot too. According to my bro her labia and clitoris have grown substantially over the years. Body hair is also an issue for her. Imo when it comes to steroids none are “safe” for woman. Adding any hormones will immediately cause masculine side effects. Depending on how androgenic the compound is dictates how fast and severe the changes will be. Highly androgenic compounds like testosterone, tren and dbol will make you masculine very fast. Where low androgenic steroids like anavar, and Primobolan can be run longer before the masculine side effects are noticeable. Dosage obviously plays a major role in any side effects. That being said. How important is maintaining your femininity to you? And if you like I can pm you my friends ex’s Instagram account. She has been posting for 7 plus years. You can watch the transformation unfold. just my opinion here, I’ve seen a girl bulk up very quickly using deca and it’s less androgenic.
  6. As much as I love repeating myself.. I asked you simple questions. If your next post here doesn’t include that basic info I’ll stop wasting my time. age? lifting 2 years. Sounds good. your goals? (Kinda important) current physique? and no AAS experience? No problem, first cycle is basic. I’ll gladly help you if you answer my questions. Assuming your not a teenager...
  7. If you want my help and opinions. Pls give me your age, stats, how long you’ve been lifting, any previous AAS history, a current physique pic and your goals. I do require that info to properly help..
  8. If you want my help and opinions. Pls give me your age, stats, how long you’ve been lifting, any previous AAS history, a current physique pic and your goals. I do require that info to properly help..
  9. Why? Because steroids aren’t a magic pill to get you jacked. Because you clearly have no idea how to use enhancements. Because you’ll may just put yourself in a worse place than you were before you took them. Because improper use of AAS can lead to many issues, ED, cardiovascular, mental health etc. And I don’t want to see your next thread titles “my dick doesn’t work now” i hate to be that guy... but do you even lift? May I see your current physique? I’ll give you my personal unbiased opinion on whether you even have anything to enhance. It may seem like I’m an asshole, and I may be. I am trying to help you. *feel free to do whatever you like, it’s your body. But if you were my lil bro, friend or nephew I’d be glad to hear an asshole like me was feeding you blunt honesty*
  10. Lol, don’t you dare tell Dexter Jackson 50 is over the hill. IMO lifting smart and proper hormone management can keep a man 50 going on 18 for quite a while.. welcome bro.
  11. Again, you can. But why? If your looking to run a single compound use test..
  12. Running a non aromatizing compound will not crash estrogen. Even proviron or masteron won’t. Proviron is often prescribed alone for low test. Dhb won’t crash your E. Steroids are not aromatase inhibitors.
  13. Incredible work bro! I admire your physique, genetics and dedication very much. Kill it man!
  14. Hope the neck and back pain gets better. Love it MG! Your dedication is inspirational.
  15. Welcome! Bodybuilder with knowledge to share? Cool! Pics? Let’s see what you’ve built!
  16. You can do any steroid alone and get results. Is it optimal? Generally no, as most will cause some degree if not total shutdown of your testosterone production. Imo and many others a base of testosterone should be included in any cycle. Personally I feel for growth and mass it should be the main driver of the cycle.
  17. I’m a huge fan of this Tdrol. I didn’t have much for expectations.. but damn. Talk about finishing my cycle strong! I’m hard, vascular, stamina is up, and that strength! lol, pics or it didn’t happen right?
  18. I dunno a lot. But fish oil acts as an anti inflammatory correct? I dose mine in the morning as far away from my lift time as I can. Mmmm, post workout steak!!
  19. The puffiness is gone and my lump is recessed by at least 50%. However my sex drive and performance has taken a hit. 24 more days of ai/SERM use.. I should get the surgery. Anyone know a good doc in western Canada? Or approximate price?
  20. I’m loving it tbh! I’ve been on it a few days and my strength is way up. Each session I’m adding weight or reps, I’m noticing new veins on my legs and chest that were not there a week ago. I’m taking 1 pill twice a day. So 25mg sdrol 25 mg tbol ED My carb craving are absolutely intense tho. Spent Friday daydreaming of girl guid cookies and Timmies “Tim Bits” lol. But lifted fucking cities come gym time!
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