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Everything posted by GainTrain

  1. I’m curious, if the compound you took was superdrol how did you get gyno. It’s a dht and does not convert to estrogen. Also, you mentioned test D? Yes, post your physique pics. I’m curious, sounds like your pretty serious about the gym.
  2. A natural man in good health produces 40-60mg of test per week. 6-8mg per day. You should listen to CBDB...
  3. Yup.. Ima do it. Gonna place an order with these fine folks tonight. Love the list, the presentation of the vials is gorgeous, those prices (while introductory) are insanely good, and the spokesman here sounds like a good dude! Now... let’s see about the important stuff. IE the rep, shipping and of course, the quality!
  4. Yes, I misread that part. 24 is a different story. i still think you should go see a doc. Tell him your issue and plans for bodybuilding. If you are hypogonadal he will (hopefully) help you the right way. Trt should be, imo through a doctor. 500 mg test is a very solid first cycle. I built a lot of muscle on mine. 12 weeks is perfect as long as blood markers are gtg
  5. First..Damn man, if what you say is true that’s brutal.. Second.. your body will recover on its own if given time. Go see a doctor and get bloodwork. third... 300 mg is not trt, it’s a cycle. My doc gives me trt at 100mg and it’s more than fine. lastly.. Most wont help an 18 ruin his body with running gear.
  6. Holy shit!! Them prices ... k I’m ordering asap!! Ive gots bloods in 4 weeks. Let’s see what 150mg does! I can post results for you if you like? thanks brutha!
  7. I fail to see any lifting achievements. Numbers or physique from you son. I don’t take advice from faceless cartoon characters on a forum, and anyone with half a brain doesn’t either. I’m glad you’re out
  8. Adding meds, especially bp meds is not the right choice to “patch” an issue. Just my thoughts. Backed by some serious ifbb advisers. Greg Doucette, and my bf mike and his gf Nicole agree
  9. Glad I hopped on the BT plan when I did..
  10. Yup, when it comes to pins and things like bac water I send my wife. The only way I’ll go myself is if it’s when I’m filling my test prescription. Fuck the 20 questions and shifty looks. I don’t know why my wife never has a problem, but it’s 50-50 whether I’ll get the shake down. Kind of odd that my wife never gets questioned.. Though, I suppose a glance at me and it’s pretty obvious what I’m doing.. but who cares, use and possession of steroids is 100% legal here
  11. GainTrain

    Don Cherry

    Yes, my employees definitely had a bias when they explained the situation to me. I’ve seen clips of it now.. and as much as I like Don Cherry I’m inclined to agree with his employers decision... Very poor approach indeed.
  12. GainTrain

    Don Cherry

    I did not hear the “you people” phrase mentioned in our water cooler conversation. That does add a racist twist to the scenario...
  13. GainTrain

    Don Cherry

    But did he connect it to race? I thought he said “immigrants”. I should prolly keep my opinions to myself, but I’ve noticed a complete lack of respect from many of our “New Canadians”... So much for free speech
  14. That’s great to hear! I’m actually a lil unhappy with how my stuff has been transported to me lately. (Not Vortex.) a grand worth of vials put in an envelope.. smh. Great to see some companies shipping professionally! Get them Gainz brutha!!
  15. Very thorough looking log. I’m following!
  16. I have used bpc157 with mk677 to help with tendinosis. I used 750 mcg pinned daily sub q, broken into 3 shots forming a triangle around the injury. Mk677 12.5 mg wake, 12.5 mg bedtime. i was gearing up for a cycle when it hit me worse than usual. I was worried I’d have to cycle off. However, for two weeks while starting that protocol I avoided exercises that aggravated it. (For me hammer curls, reverse curls, pull ups. Pronates/supinated lat pull down etc) after two weeks it started getting much better and I added most exercises back in. I ran that protocol for a month with great success. Highly recommend trying it. Hope it gets better bro.
  17. Agreed! Out of all the sports I’ve participated in, lifting takes the most dedication and discipline. Ive been an athlete my whole life, soccer, track and field and football as a child. Boxing, triathlon and biathlon through my teens and 20’s. Entering my 30’s I focused straight on career and fell back out of shape. To answer your question, no... I’ve been training for aesthetics, size and strength for three years this October. It’s my passion, my favourite thing to do. I’m hooked now and I’ll never stop. I love it! How about you? A physique like yours takes decades I’d imagine?
  18. Coming from you that made my day! Thank you. Girls like you are so rare. Beautiful and muscular. (Your moniker suits you perfectly)
  19. Touchdown CanMed!! Another order filled. What can I say? AAA customer service for top shelf gear. I love the rep I deal with, response and mail times are fast AF. The packaging is stellar, very nice vials and oral bottles. And the quality is superb, everything does exactly as I expect it to. My last cycle was equipoise, dhb and testosterone (oh and melanotan2) with a finisher of superdrol. All items but the superdrol were CanMed. Amazing cycle! Shout out to the crew at CanMed! Looking forward to many more purchases. heres a peek at some of the goodies I just bought. And a before and after shot of my physique from my last cycle. Gains courtesy of CanMed. If you haven’t tried them, get on it!!
  20. Wow! Very impressive! *steps on own jaw*
  21. It’s really up to you how long you stay on. 10 weeks is a nice, sorta short injectable cycle. 12 is pretty standard length. And if your still having fun and making good gains 14 weeks like CPDB said is perfectly fine too. Keep in mind the sooner you come off the sooner you can go back on pending bloodwork. Below is my (Dr. Prescribed) pct protocol. I’m joking about the Doc part, however I did get this from Coach Greg Doucette. Pct 2.5 weeks after last long ester steroid shot begin HCG (every other day injections) 750mcg eod 4 shots 500mcg eod for 3 shots 250mcg eod 2 shots Nolvadex/clomid Start day after last hcg shot 25/25mg Ed for 18 days 12.5/12.5 Ed for 14 days
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