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Everything posted by GainTrain

  1. Excellent post. This confirms what I’ve read, heard and experimented with myself.
  2. I’m pretty new myself. But I had enough respect to read the rules when I joined. This is not a source sharing site...
  3. I don’t like getting stoned. But a single puff pre- or mid workout really seams to strengthen my mind muscle connection. Reaching failure I can go almost trance-like and push just a little further.
  4. TD CanMed. Sweet! My goodies have arrived! Ty CanMed. Here’s a pic of my wares.
  5. Hey man. I’m pretty new too, but welcome. Pretty small community here, and I like that.
  6. Killin’ it MG! Love the log. I really ought to add wrist curls into my plan.
  7. I’ve actually just started using CanMed products. I’m on the tail end of my 4th cycle. I’m on week 17, I’ve got 5 more weeks on. Started with test at 300 (normally use 5-600 and tbh I prefer it high) Npp at 400mg swapped for masteron at week 10. Mast is at 600. I’ve run eq since day one, 500 to start 750 at week 10. All products have been finnea, or global for anabolics, my test is pharma. I thought I’d try CanMed as they were highly recommended and carry a few “choice” items. Dhb and melanotan2. The melanotan has given 4-8h hour boners a few hours after pinning, and my tan is epic after one months use. The dhb, while it does bite a bit is smooth compared to another labs. And after a few weeks at 350 mg CanMed dhb my pumps, strength and vascularity are up. I can say for sure it’s a powerful compound. I’ve also switched to their equipoise, but I don’t feel eq like I do test, so no comment, and no complaints. This order is mostly for tendon health and healing items. I’ve been pushing myself to the limits, elbows and shoulders are feeling the strain. I could back off, but I’ve had great results pushing thru in the past. Mk677, bpc157 and tb500 being the combo I’ve used and am about to use. Tho I did grab a mast enth. When I am on cruise I can and will swap my 120mg pharma for 120mg CanMed enth and we will see how it compares to my existing labs. I get bloods every 2 months or as I request on trt. More than happy to post results and share. All in all. The CanMed items I’ve used seem great. Clean, smooth oils. Dhb is very potent and pip is manageable. Melanotan 2 is fire. I’ll also be trying a sample of their cialis/levitra this weekend. heres a few shots of my current shape. 36 years, 206 lbs , 14-17%bf this was right before my cycle
  8. Update. Not only have I received my tracking info, I’ve been told shipping is free on my next order for the one day wait. Which imo is phenomenal customer service. CanMed clearly has customer service that matches their quality. I must say I’m very impressed so far. I should have me goodies Monday. So stoked!
  9. Update: monies accepted, and I’m excited. Really need those peptides, my elbow is killing me. Was told to expect my tracking number last night but still haven’t received it, or a reply to my inquiry on said number. Lol, I always get nervous on a first order. Not worried tho. Not much time has passed. Ill keep everyone updated. I will say this tho. CanMed DHB is fire. I can see it becoming a staple in my cycles.
  10. I f’n love melanotan 2. Epic tan, and those NRB’s are great lol. I pin at 6pm, and four hours later Im rock hard, wake up in the morning like that too. Even at a mg I don’t get nauseous. Love that stuff.. nice tan, if I do say so myself!
  11. I have placed an order with CanMed at 9am aug 28th. It is my first thru this rep. Mast E, bpc157, tb500, melanotan 2, and mk677. I’m looking very much forward to a lil tendinitis healing lol. I’ll update you all as the order progresses. So far I’m loving the dhb and melanotan I’ve gotten thru my buddy!
  12. Damn, that’s taking it easy? You’re a cardio beast! 17k? Damn, I’m lucky if I get that in two weeks. Killer work!
  13. I’m on day 17 of dhb, 350mg ew. I’m pinning 1cc eod. It’s noticable so far. Strength is up, vascular, and great pumps. I quite like it. My stack is 750eq, 600 mast e, 300 test e. I will definitely run it again. 2 hours ago. Back and chest workout. Tan courtesy of Melanotan 2 by CanMed.
  14. Yes very young. In fact, first thing I said to him was “well I’m officially old!” He asked me how so. “Well my docs gotta be ten years younger than me..” lol
  15. Imo that’s the sweet area too. Feel great, build muscle and recover fast. No sides other than the boners lol
  16. I’m very lucky. My old doc retired and I got a new doc. Very young Asian gent. I went in on blast to check my bloods on my first cycle. He was shocked at my test levels. I told him what I took (400 mg test) and right away he asked how I got it. I told him my friend is a bodybuilder. He said he’d feel better if I got it from him. He started me at 50 and kept asking how I felt, once I hit 125mg I told him I felt good and that’s where I cruise. I tell him what I need. Blood panels and such and he helps. I feel very lucky to have him. still, when he comes in “how do you feel?” What a great doc.
  17. Why not Im injections? They aren’t bad at all.
  18. Some Bluetooth jbl. Great sound, good price. Nice dock and hold a great charge
  19. Nice cycle! May I ask why you switch from sust to enth? I’ve just done that now, no reason other than I’m outa my pharma.
  20. I’ve used, and still use finnea for my last and only three cycles. Test, equipoise dbol and duck pills. I’ve been pretty happy with my bloodwork on their test and have had great results off their equipoise. Everything I’ve tested with labmax came back positive, (Npp, test and equipoise) except maybe the anavar. The var didn’t look like colour it was supposed change, tho I’m not 100% sure. I’ve also never had issues with ordering or shipping, and the one time an oral was missing it’s under the lid seal I was sent another. I’m actually quite curious as to if others have used them and what they thought.
  21. Good thread man. Keep it up, your hard work is showing! BEAST
  22. it would appear you are not! Looks like you could out lift some gents tho.. I did not see your welcome post when I said that.. thank you! it’s nice to be here.
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