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Everything posted by WADA'sWorstNightmare

  1. Who the hell told you anadrol was good for appetite? Aside from stomach cancer or perhaps watching Human Centipede, i cant think of anything WORSE for appetite. Anadrol is the enemy of eating... which... is testament to its power, as it is STILL a wicked mass-builder. Anavar/winstrol aren't much better. And though over the years i've grown inured to this effect of var, in the beginning it was brutal too. Someone mentioned the ECA stack... also not a great appetite builder, though this is primarily the ephedrine. This was why the ladies were so hot for this stuff a few years back, popping this shit like TicTacs and shredding up. EQ on the other hand... pass the fucking pasta. This works so well that i have to addend my previous statement about var. I never lose my appetite on var, but then again, i'm on EQ 365 days a year. Hell, i train on a minimum of 24mg of ephedrine too (or as much as 32mg), and even on both that and var, the EQ still keeps me hungry. Great drug.
  2. After the third (and final) 'big' forum i was on went tits up (and i lost my data), i swore never again to online journals. Its too bad, as thats all i ever needed as far as documentation went, and others got a kick out of it too. Now, i just have a 'notes' style app open on my home computer, and fill it out when i get home from the gym, and i keep a list of PR's on my phone... which is all the programming i need. Phones get lost or broken, so keeping data there is not an option either. I really should have just kept up the pencil and paper logs. I regret stopping that.
  3. Unfortunately, with higher doses comes higher estrogen, and that can cut into 'a man' if not addressed. Thats the worst part of high test doses... managing that fucking estrogen. I dont get hit too hard with estro sides, but its still a fucking pain to try and figure out. I'd also say that due to my extreme tolerance, i'm probably sitting well higher at any given time than i should be... and thats not good. I really like masteron for levelling it out, and it works really well for that, but fuck... how much shit do you put in your body? And mast is NOT cheap. I've decided that for me, test is just not worth it. I'm gonna run my cruise levels forever, just enough to keep those low test symptoms away, and blast away with the other drugs when its time.
  4. I'm a minimum effective dose kinda guy. less is more. If you've never gone above 750, then try 1250, or 1500 first. That'll kick your ass i'm sure.
  5. I've not run dbol for more than a month. In that month i saw maybe 10lbs more on the bar (and this was at 100mg), and i can get that from bloody creatine, so i dropped it. I've tried dbol 3 different times, and did good solid experiments with it. It does not work with me. I get a better response from 10 days of anavar than a month of heavy dbol. That said, based on a lot of anecdotal evidence, dbol seems a rather safe drug, compared to many of the other favorites. I know (well, have known) people to run it all year round. One guy ran it all year round and then blasted hard with anadrol, on top of the dbol twice a year for 6-8 weeks. He was a relatively healthy guy. His levels could have been better, but he was also 300lbs and fat... I'd also assume his diet was shit too (strongman). Dbol was a favorite of ol' uncle Abadjiev... the famous Bulgarian weightlifting coach, and his athletes hit that shit HARD, and for long periods. He gave that shit to kids. No one ever died. The ones that died younger (in their 50's) were also heavy drinkers, so that correlation is flawed. I've done long runs of anadrol though (upwards of 13 weeks), which is even worse, and really long runs of anavar (21 weeks). Felt fine. I had all my values checked after the heaviest blast i ever did (lots of test, lots ov tren E and A, lots of EQ, decent masteron dose, tons of var, a little halo near the end. Got the tests done about a month past. Levels were decent, save cholesterol obviously. Did a 8 week run of decent dosed anadrol and had values checked not long after i came off, nothing too out of place, again, save cholesterol. I think i'm prone to bad cholesterol though. My diet could be better. A good sign of liver issues is lethargy, and i've only had that twice, once with a heavy anadrol run, about 4 weeks in, and another time experimenting with metribolone.
  6. You guys are gaining appetite with anadrol? Christ, that shit NUKES my appetite. Like, enough that its pretty much a cutting drug for me. When i'm on that stuff... i dont eat. Never been able to try superdrol or M1T. Last time those were available to me i didn't trust the lab i was using to get it right. I'm on a new lab now, and so far so good, and now i see both on its menu. Hmmm...
  7. 3-4 weeks? Hahahaha... Man, i would not hesitate to run dbol for 3-4 months. Anecdotally, it strikes me as one of the safest orals out there. Watch the estrogen sides though. Dbol personally is one of those drugs that has almost no effect on me though. Its not fair. Safe and cheap, and works wonders for everyone else...
  8. No Platz? No Platz, no play. Sorry. For the ones shown though, i have to ask a question first. When did synthol start showing up onstage? What year roughly?
  9. Not gonna divulge much here for obvious reasons; strength athlete... elite level raw powerlifting, Olympic lifting, some throwing (shot-put)... anything generally explosive and violent. I compete untested now and then, but coach tested lifters (who are actually clean, and staying clean). In my 40's and been lifting a long time, been a student of AAS the entire time (and a fan my whole life... gee THANKS STALLONE...), but i've only been on them only the latter half. Migrated over here from Canadian Juice Monsters. Not the forum junkie i used to be, just too busy now, but i miss the forums, so lets try this one out... And yeah... thats my man, fucking BEN in my avatar.
  10. Training. Absolutely training is more important than diet. As long as you're eating enough for your goals, the training is what separates the guys people look at in the gym from the guys in the way. That said, NOBODY eats enough. Clearly, none of these 160-190lb guys that want to be 220+ eat nearly enough. Diet is important, obviously... Dont bother with blends (t400, sust, etc.), keep it simple. Two shots of 200 or 250mg test E or C per week is gonna make you smile (i do every 4 days). Easy math, easy everything. Get some arimadex, just in case. Pay attention, take notes, keep a log if you must. Be scientific about it. Save the anavar for the next blast. THE KEY... is to learn something new every time you blast, cycle, or add a new drug. You cant do that if you add two new things (more text AND var) at once. If you must do both, run the higher test for at least long enough to note the full effects... say, at least 6 weeks, before adding the var, and then at least you can note any differences. Var is an AMAZING drug. After 8 years in this trench, easily my favorite.
  11. On the tren... I think everyone (who is serious and with enough overall experience) should at least try it, i mean, if they think they might get something from it. Tren offers a lot to nearly any agenda. You might not get the sides. I know i dont. No rage, no real notable increase in sweating, i sleep great, no bad dreams, no weird shit at all really. If i use a ton, i'll notice some sexual sides after a time, but thats it, and to be fair, i could be more scientific about my caber game. Tren just makes me feel REALLY FUCKING GOOD... more like myself really, and of course, it shifts my eternally static bodyweight to a harder one, which has literally no downside (i'll lose about 2%BF over a 3 month blast with no change in diet or training). I'm a strength athlete, and a high level one, but i look like a bodybuilder. On EQ, this is another great drug. Personally, i wont lift without it. No sides at all, and even those who get sides... this one is weak in that respect. Maybe some anxiety, but that's easy enough to counter. The other negative is price, as it tends to only really show its worth at higher doses. Personally, and i realize i'm in the vast minority here, i'm not a fan of test. I need it, obviously. I've been blasting and cruising long enough its a way of life now, but it never did much for me. I've run it up to 2gr. I have to run a LOT for it to do anything, damn this brutal drug tolerance. I cruise on more than some people's blasts. I've tried many different approaches, all the esters, blends, all the doses, tricks... and i've almost always had the best gear available, including real pharma... it just doesn't impress me. If i could ditch it, i would. For me, orals are king. That's where the magic happens...
  12. Heh heh... purely random string of words... i assure you...
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