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Everything posted by WADA'sWorstNightmare

  1. I've been on around 1000mg of test forever now. I absolutely do not respond to test, so i have to jack the doses just to cruise... it sucks. I dont even bother blasting it anymore. I literally get low T symptoms (like, all of them) at anything less than 800/week. That said, i would have thought i'd need to keep some AI in there to keep shit balanced. I've had sexual issues for some time now (very similar to the OP's), but i've also been blasting and cruising for a solid 5-6 years now. I'd run out of arimadex a couple months ago, and so i was running without all this time since. It FEELS like the estro is creeping up. I get 'the feels' a lot now... and thats always been my marker. BUT... i just had a full panel bloodwork done, with all my gear running perfectly stabilized for once (ie: no changes for at least 3 months, 1000 test, 800 EQ, 60 var/day) and i was shocked to see my estro was normal. If anything just slightly on the lower side of normal. What the hell? So much for needing AIs.
  2. Lots of bench press, even more close grip bench (one hand width in from bench), incline press, standing press, board presses (for tricep strength), super close grip 3-board press (for strength), JM press (different than shown in video, for mass), skullcrushers (done a certain way, for mass), and finally (and my favorite mass builder) one called a Judas press... which is basically a behind the head seated DB press, with elbows in, paused, and the most extreme ROM possible. Finish with assorted grip-variant pressdowns. I dont like floor work, never did, and aside from the Judas press, i dont like DB's for building triceps. Thats all you need.
  3. Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! Riiiiiiiight. I can, off the top of my head, list a thousand reasons why they will NEVER legalize AAS. Keep dreamin'. Sucks... but that's reality. On pricing. Yeah, its sad people still buy into the hype. There is a certain lab, been around years, BIG name (always top 5), was good stuff at one point, not sure about now (honestly, just not sure, i'm not saying anything bad). But man, i've gotten probably 20 different lists from many different guys over the years on this lab, for a good while i wanted to try them, but it is ALWAYS a solid 20% more than anyone else, often a lot more. How the fuck they stay in business (and they do good business) is beyond me. Never tried 'em, never will.
  4. Maybe i've just seen bad examples, but for the most part, i have to agree. Most go too big, and it just doesn't look right. There are a couple in my gym right now with some rather obvious can jobs, and man, both are small girls. Like overdone make-up, its too much. In my opinion, if you get it done its to have that 'perfect' rack, that nicely balanced body... not to advertise that you're dating a rich gangsta with mommy issues...
  5. Huh. What is that exactly? Is it really fast-acting? As in, could you take it the second you knew the cough was coming? or would you just take it pre-emptively beforehand, just in case?
  6. I'm guessing your cholesterol is a mess. I get that dizzy shit very occasionally, and mine is HIGH (as in, bad). I can feel it when its worse (during spells of bad nutrition), and thats when it'll happen. I cleaned up my cholesterol and that shit went away. The fact that the psyllium husk helped backs this up, as stuff like Metamucil is GOLD for fixing cholesterol. What kind of cycles/gear were you running? Compounds, doses, durations, etc.
  7. Quite frankly, the ONLY chance we have of not seeing this shithead's smug, ignorant face on the front pages the day after the next election is if Harper decided to take another shot at it. Not that he was perfect, but at least this time he wont be arrogant about it (which is how he lost the last one), and well... suddenly he looks a LOT better than he did last time...
  8. So... you honestly think that stupid fuck is NOT going to get back in? Who else is there? Lets forget the fact that most paintlickers in this country vote with their eyes, or go for the prettiest signs/stickers, or that most voters in this country think guns literally shoot children by themselves and that rainbow colored crosswalks is social justice... but who else is there? Can ANYONE name a single solid challenger? No. You cant. I'm no career politician, but i dont know... i think perhaps a START for having a shot at the biggest office in the country might be that at least 10 people knew your name. This country is fucked. PROPER-fucked. This fag is gonna get back in, and there will be no one there to stop him. Look at the last one, there was a BIG name, the biggest. Harper. Love him or hate him, he was big, popular (enough), and hadn't pissed off EVERYBODY in the land yet. Further, he wasn't weird-looking had an easy to pronounce name. Sadly, thats a big deal. He lost. No... i think we're in for another stint of hyper-PC over the top liberal madness, and even more posturing and financial pandering to our enemies. So far? as i see it? the traitor wont even need to campaign...
  9. I only do quads, only ever have, and i am so... fucking... sick to DEATH... of injecting quads. Fuck. Time to quit fucking around and start with the glutes i guess. At least i'm more flexible than i used to be......
  10. Its hard for me to have sympathy when i hear about this. Yeah, evil government, yeah corruption and outright theft... but we've KNOWN this for a long time now. This is nothing new. What IS new however, is people pissing their rights and freedoms away, and gambling HARD on their future, by allowing cash to die as a form of currency. Almost everyone i know is afraid of cash now, and thinks that going full-electric is the way to go. Yeah, how convenient. How easy. How safe. Yeah sure... until the government, for whatever reason, decides you dont need your money anymore, or decides to take more than you want them to (hey, didn't pay that fine on time because you know, your family had to EAT?), or decides to cut you off, or (and this has happened elsewhere already) runs their own shit into the ground and closes up shop... cutting you off. When there is no more real, actual money... you are 100% at the mercy of whoever is running this circus shitshow. My issue is, that not all of us are so trusting, or so naive, and us few have stuck with cash and other forms of money, but now thats not good enough. Now everyone else has decided that I need to place my life in the hands of crooks. There are many things now that i cant buy... with real actual money. Fucking stupid. Thanks. Still, i wont bend until there is NO money left, or no where to spend it. I DONT FUCKING TRUST BANKS, OR GOVERNMENTS. So when this shit happens? and people that do get fucked? Well... its hard not to laugh. Yeah, i'll get fucked in the end like everyone else, but until then?
  11. Seen $80, seen $120 (that might have been both shows, dont remember), seen over $50 many times. I dont understand why it has to be so much. No, its not my cup of tea, but i've had MANY friends do shows, and you know, it would have been nice to support them.
  12. Ahhh... but i was speaking specifically OF the potheads, the chronics, the joint-flag-waving advocates. Maybe i know more of them than you do, i know a LOT of them, and frankly, i'm fucking sick of hearing about how benign it is, how it can cure cancer, disease, war, and make your dick grow three inches. Its fucking pot. Shut the fuck up and smoke it. Nobody cares. And to be fair, any cop that would 'jack' you for smoking a joint today sounds like the kind of prick that'll jack you for pretty much anything. Here's a fun exercise; research how many laws you could break regarding any and all aspects of pot before last week, and research how many you can break now. I'll give you a hint, the country has NOT become a better place. More laws = less freedom, and some of us are particularly invested in personal freedoms. Again, if this were the Paranoid States of America this would be different. They are STILL fucking 'jacking' people for a fucking joint. What a shithole. I know even more people that just enjoy it as needed, a little here and there, like you. Not MY thing, but nothing wrong with that at all. Those people do not really have it much, or any better. As for getting 'bad' pot, well... that was one of my arguments for some time, and if i had a joint for every advocate that swore up and down that there is NO POSSIBLE WAY to get 'bad' pot, well... i'd be able to corner the market. So, that argument has been LOCKED. People cant use it one way pre-legalization, and then flip the other way after, no fucking way. Are you actually going to buy it from stores now? Does it not gall you to pay more because the government wants a cut? The same government that was 'jacking' people just a week ago? Fuck them. I'd still be buying from a dealer. At least a drug dealer is honest. This is actually one of the more galling aspects of all this for me. On your last point. I'd argue we just lost more personal freedom than we gained, and that too is my point. Worse? Myself, and many other non-smokers did not gain a fucking thing... and yet, we still lost everything you did. THAT... is fucking bullshit. You know, at least we can be civil about it. I thought for sure i was getting flamed on this one...
  13. Relatively new to this one, but since Newport has long shit the bed, and the Northern/Teragon i liked has become uh... problematic... to deal with, i got a line on this stuff and so far, fuck, i'm impressed. More as i learn, but so far, the test is excellent and the anavar... best i've had (and i'm a var junkie). I'm running 60mg/day, and i have never run that little... never less than 80/day, and i'm getting some shocking results. And I just found out they have haaaaaaaaaalooooo... . . . . Oh dear...
  14. I have a fully stocked/equipped gym at home with better stuff than i've found in ANY gym; Eleiko, Ivanko, Rogue. I have a 400 watt thumper of a stereo and no one will complain about the music. I have a 27" 4K monitor and YouTube that i can use to bring up technique videos, or put on 'background' (ie: lifting with the Russian national team). I can make all the noise i want, dropping barbells from overhead even. I can train with no shirt on, hell, leave my shit loaded if i want. I can swear, make a mess, and rampage around like Bull fucking Hurley on a cheque drop overdose if i want to. And yet... Its covered in dust. I just cant get away from people. I LIKE training around people. The more the better. I just dont get all these misanthropes that say they hate people around. EVERYONE i know hates training with people around. I train at the biggest god damn rec center in town... clown fucking central. I love it. As a lifter/coach in two niche sports, i can create exposure to these sports, and as a coach (a very good one) i can help people who need it. I can find new lifters. Plus, fuck it... i like to show off sometimes. I dont have a crew there, which sucks... my town sucks, too many pathetic glass egos, but i do have a few people i train with, and one VERY dedicated, National-caliber lifter i coach who is always there. I make friends, and the uh... talent... is everywhere, and VERY distracting (the BEST part). I get none of that at home. I might as well sell it all, but its handy if the gym is closed for some stupid reason (snow, outage, terrorist attack). I can also finish my workouts at home if i run out of time there.
  15. There was NO need for it to be legal. Not all of us are happy about it. Medicinal concoctions; oils, etc, thats different. But pot? Jesus, not like anyone here give a single flying fuck. Its not the States where a joint can get you locked up. No one here cares. Only the potheads did, and now they've just made it easier to create more potheads, and the collective IQ suffers. Why people couldn't just shut the fuck up and light a joint i dont fucking understand. Yay.
  16. Every one i've wanted to see was $50 to $100. No fucking way. I can see powerlifting or weightlifting Nationals, even World Championships for $10 or less (often free, and these are NOT cheap shows to run!). It is utterly absurd for them to charge what they do, and i wont support it. Plus, we all know the good stuff happens in the later shows.
  17. Make sure its a GOOD LAB! And i mean seriously. I've seen dbol labeled as anavar before. Do not experiment when it comes to women and drugs, be sure.
  18. Though its not MY thing, I'd love to watch a bodybuilding show. I've had dozens of friends compete over the years, and i have never seen one show. And perhaps when watching one show doesn't cost more than a full week of training, i will. Pisses me off, actually.
  19. Yeah, there is always that 'well i do it and it works great' argument, but thats not to say you wouldn't do BETTER with it. Yeah, vegans can build some muscle, but it is a LOT easier with murdered flesh in the diet...
  20. 8-10 hours, quality sleep, religiously. I'm one of those people that can do well on little sleep, but to do THIS well, i need those hours. Makes all the difference. People underestimate the value of sleep.
  21. No, it isn't. I'm not a bodybuilder. Performance is everything. I'm an elite level raw powerlifter, i haven't done every experiment, but 15 years of empirical experience has definitely driven in certain basics. Dont get me wrong, i can perform, and i could certainly get a good workout, i could build muscle, but that last 5% would elude me.
  22. I train about 2-3 hours after waking, and if i've not eaten twice before then (one small snack/breakfast, then one decent clean balanced meal), there it literally no point. I dont know how people do it...
  23. Funny... i'm the opposite. I had no stress in my life until i hit elite lifter, and now the only stress i have is training. Still way down there on the stress scale, but still. Training has sucked, bad the last few years, and when you've been up there, well... it sucks when you lose it. Its been a long time since training gave me any sort of cathartic release, sadly. Rage fueled my workouts in the start, and it got me to where i did with it, but these days, its just not enough anymore.
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