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Francis "Frank" Castle

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Posts posted by Francis "Frank" Castle

  1. 3 hours ago, Crunchysock said:

    Hey guys 42 year old guy on TRT for 6 months and cant afford to buy my meds from the clinics anymore. Im Inerested in ordering from purple panda and learning about mixing my own gear. Seems pretty straight forward. Any tips or links would be great thanks!


    Please read our forum rules before venturing any further. Pay close attention to Rule #19.

    We are an informational hub here, not a marketplace, and do not discuss sources as the one you mentioned. We also have a section for anecdotal home brew info that you can read.

    Enjoy your time here and again, please make sure to familiarize yourself with our rules.

  2. 18 hours ago, ChristianKing said:

    Is everything still ok with these guys? I sent an email Thursday and haven't heard back.

    Don't ever expect a response over the weekend. If you get one, bonus, but like the rest of us, our awesome BT peeps have lives away from the community and as a rule, the weekend is their own.

    Sometimes it takes a couple of days for a response, and not knowing the nature of your contact I couldn't speak on it any further, or on their behalf. I will mention though that if you email with questions that the answers to can be found with little effort and research, on your own part, logically a response may not be a priority ahead of more pressing business. Again, not speaking for the BT folks on that but it makes good solid common sense to me to operate from that standpoint.


  3. On 10/18/2019 at 8:24 PM, LiftingGamer said:

    Just got my second order from BT. Loving this stuff.  Always arrives fast with no hassle.  The rep and threw in a Tdrol freebie for me which is greatly appreciated! 


    Thank-you for your review and the photos attached, and for taking the time to read and then acknowledge the format we are requesting these reviews follow, with/by your post. Very much appreciated.


    • Thanks 1
  4. On 10/12/2019 at 6:38 AM, Igor said:

    Hi every body! Just got my order from BT. Customer service ,delivery and  products Rock. Btrep offered  two free products  Tdrol and  Nectar of the Gods definitely will experiment with  this  two and let everybody know how it is works for me. 



    A little behind this last couple of weeks do to overload of duties/responsibilities in real life but starting to catch up now and wanted to reach out and say THANK-YOU for posting your review, AND in the format you did, complete with photos and details. This is eactly how we want to see it done.

    Much appreciated...well done.

    Everyone who is taking the time to post their reveiws please take note of these reviews that I highlight with my thank-you responses and do your best to follow suit, we really do appreciate it! If I happen to miss saying thank-you to someone it just means I missed it while trying to catch up but I will see it eventually! :{)=


  5. I find it interesting all of this talk about PCT after doing a SARMs cycle. Personally, I think it's all hype spun by the people fronting these research chems to make them look more substantial. If you suppress with a SARM and then stop the SARM, what happens? Well your body starts producing at normal levels again all by itslef, no PCT needed. Is there a SARM that will actually shut you down? I've heard that Ostarine at extremely high doses (much higher than anyone should be running) might...might so why all the hub-bub about PCT if not just to make people think SARMs are stronger than they are!

    For the rest, I can see running MK in order to get the GH boost but if you are already all in on AAS then most SARMS seem to be a waste of time as far as I am concerned as again, as mentioned, test by itself is better than any of them. I'm curious to try an injectable SR9009 purely for the fat loss as I am really struggling with some stubborn belly fat (but will it be better than injectable Helios? hmmm) but other than that and the MK I can't see any reason for any of the rest, (except maybe Cardarine for the energy boost, might try that, but it likely wont be as good as say Adrafinil/Modafinil/Ritalin) when you am happy/comfortable pinning Test, or as is the case personally at the moment, test and Primo, and Primo (oh God I love Primo, lol) and having 0 , ZEEEEETO, lol, sides.

    • Like 2
  6. On 10/15/2019 at 10:31 PM, Lionsfan4 said:

    Post workout favourite for bulk. Ground beef, scrambled eggs, rice. All mixed up with sriracha sauce. 

    With a lb of ground beef and 6 eggs you’re looking at over 2000 Cal’s and a boatload of protein. 

    Thats one of my favs as well except I regularly buy a mix of lean gr beef/pork/veal, then add brown rice, or quinoa, eggs (sometimes just whites) and sometimes sriracha, but I prefer gochujang (korean red pepper paste, and very hot). When I add veg I'll mainly go crucierous with a lot of broc or cauliflower, or skin on sweet potato as the need arises.

    Wife and I are big fans of a Korean food dish called bibimbap which is essential ground meat, veg, rice and egg of top, then a liberal helping of Gochujang. Been eating that regularly for years.

    • Like 2
  7. 39 minutes ago, GainTrain said:

    My big worry here was that someone new to the game may read that false statement, pull their ai while on a dht or even try using a dht as an ai. 

    Appreciate the research, knowledge and level of diplomacy you used to bring some clarity to the situation Frank! 

    Ima go eat some turkey and try for a bench pr! 😁 

    I hear you...Have a great day mate and best of luck with that PR!

    • Thanks 1
  8. On 10/11/2019 at 10:52 PM, method_air said:

    Where did I state that DHTs WILL crash estrogen? 

    The premise of the argument clearly passed you by.

    These facts suggest that large dosages of DHT derivatives like masteron (without a testosterone base) COULD unhealthily lower/crash estrogen, resulting in dry, achy joints etc.

    This was anecdotally supported by Matt Porter:

    Others on the other hand, may never experience these issues.

    While Greg Doucette is entitled to his opinion (albeit admittedly bro-scientific), it does not refute the evidence/facts provided. 

    While it may be easy to forget how immensely knowledgeable Greg Doucette is, based on his comedic, or entertaining delivery, I think you would be hard pressed to find someone more knowledgeable, or with a sounder understanding. IFBB Pro card holder, Power-Lifting World record Holder, PHD level graduate in Kinesiology, I mean the man has smarts all kinds going on, in addition to his physical attributes he has cultivated, not too mention his many years coaching successful athletes. So in so far as expressing his opinions, that may be, but my own experince of him is that he expresses opinions based on fact, and experience, and not on conjecture.

    • Like 2
  9. So there's a lot of confusion regarding Masteron and after having looked at it very deeply I can see where a lot of it is coming from.Here is a quote from a particular source, doesn't really matter which one as the same has been said by many. I'll point out where the problems leading to confusion lie.

    " Masteron is classified as an anti estrogenic steroid. This is because of the ability of the androgenic-anabolic steroid to resist aromatization. Many androgenic-anabolic steroids get converted to the female sex hormone estrogen. This is called aromatization as it is caused or facilitated by aromatase enzymes. Masteron can actually inhibit these aromatase enzymes and block the receptors. This prevents conversions of testosterone to estrogen. The body then has more testosterone available that can be put to good use through workouts. "

    1.Masteron is classified as an anti estrogenic steroid. This is because of the ability of the androgenic-anabolic steroid to resist aromatization - Anti-estrogenic? Only in the most facile sense of the term. Sinply because it does not aromatize doesn't make it anti anything it simply means it will not add additional problems or Estradiol as a result of its use. So right off the bat we have a very misleading statement.

    2. Masteron can actually inhibit these aromatase enzymes and block the receptors - What is happening here actually is that Masteron binds to SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin), SHBG binds to Testosterone thus decreasing the amount of free Test available to the body. By binding to SHBG Masteron then as a result prevent SHBG from binding to testosterone and frees up more Test ie raises your "Free Testoserone" levels. What was said isn't technically incorrect but how it was expressed isn't clear at all and lends to the confusion.

    3. If you look at the product literature for that was initialy disseminate by the manufacturer Syntex they have listed Masteron/Masteril/Drostanolone as a "Powerful" anabolic/anti-estrogenic compound. Now, regardless of the fine points we know that in actual fact it is neither. Whatever effects it does have you are not going to refer to them as "Powerful" - , Masteron: Anabolic/Androgenic Ratio:62:25, that right there tells the truth of it!

    The FDA (not what anyone would consider an authority on AAS) then classified Drostanolone according to the manufacturer's documentation when they approved it for use thus proliferating the misinformation. So taking that, along with a distinct lack of any realy sound, scientific support for either the manufacturer's claims, or the premise that drostanolone is a powerful anti-estrogenic, or really an anti-estrogenic compound of any sort, I think that although it may be fair to allow some leeway for Masteron not aromatizing and not contributing further to Estradiol issues, inhibiting natural Tesatosterone production (as do many/most AAS) and therefor indirectly decreasing Estradiol levels because there is no natural Testosterone being produced and therfore none being aromatized into Estrogen, I don't think it would be accurate at all to say that Masteron/similar DHT derivs can directly tank Estrogen levels as a result of anything it specifically does differently from any other AAS.

    On a side note, as is the case with a lot of this stuff, you can look at many, many, web pages and not only will you find completely incorrect information but even info that contradicts itself in the same page/site. the understanding that this is happening and the resulting confusion can go a long way to explaining why people have so many completely botched understandings of things or why "Bro Science" even exists to any extent. Not even mentioning the people that purposely disseminate ambiguous or downright false info purely for their own profit...cough cough Dylan Gemelli.



    • Like 2
  10. 12 hours ago, Ryujiin said:

    Its a good reality check. To quote GD "Your much fatter than you think".

    Not in a bad way, but a lot of people dont realize just how lean 10% is. 

    Exactly. I love the reality of how Coach Greg puts things. Brutally honest but right on point. I've even got my wfe watching his vids and laughing her ass off. Mostly I showed her for the recipes so that she wouldn't get disheartened during dieting.

    On this topic though he is also very quick to point out that for most people, trying to maintain sub 10% BF full time will basically make you miserable so just don't!

  11. 10 hours ago, brett8431 said:

    I no there not a magic pill I understand that I just was asking a question I thought that’s what these forms where for information so u don’t go into something blind no I haven’t done any AAS nor well I tell I start prep and have some one coach me through it I was just simply asking I’ve worked out for 2 and half years stayed natural heard about this product thought I’d ask my bad

    No one is condemning you for asking questions but no one can responsibly give you accurate and safe, helpful guidance without a profile of your personal info like age, over-all health, BMI (height, weight, etc). In addition, I can see other questions you have asked that show clearly you are new to this and seem to have some mistaken notions about AAS, and obviosusly have been watching or reading a lot of doom/gloom content because you're worrying about thigs like caber, letrazole before even having run a single cycle of anything not to mention looking at advanced AAS without ever having even used supplementa Test. You're just getting way ahead of yourself and as much as anyone wants to help, they're also trying to slow your roll a bit for your own good/benefit and trying to get a pic of where you are at now.

    Even something as simple as knowing your age is hugely relevant. If you are working out for 2 years and tell us you are say 20 years old, no one is likely to tell you that AAS are things you should be messing about with. If you aren't planning on trying to become a pro BB or PL then AAS simply aren't a good idea purely for vanity issues at young ages but unless we have the info we need regarding your profile, again, no one can advise you responsibly.

    • Like 1
  12. On 8/28/2019 at 12:35 AM, brett8431 said:

    what kind of test did u use to help reduce body fat and how low of dosage what did u run with the test?

    Late reply here but I managed to miss getting back to this thread somehow, after planning to.

    1st,  Test is not a fat burner and is not correctly used to burn body fat or to lose weight. There are AAS that can promote lean mass or will help spare muscle while operating in a caloric deficit but in and of themselves they do not cause nor should they be used as a weight/fat loss modality.

    A lot of people though get the mistaken idea that AAS can be used in this fashion as they see people who are on cycle losing body fat, getting ripped etc and think "oh, those steroids sure make you lose fat" but you won't ever see anyone ripped that got there without the right diet and an appropriate workout plan.

    Using myself as an example, since I started back on Test E I have dumped a lot of weight and I haven't really been working out that much so it could appear that the Test is the root cause of the weight loss. The fact is though that at the same time I went back on test E I also did a complete about face in diet, I wasn't working out at all previously so even the little I am now is more, the supplemental Test also got my Test/Estradiol ratio back to the correct place which removes the propensity for storing belly fat that comes along with having excessive estrogen levels in your body. The point is that although the Test E has been a helper in all of this, it wouldn't/didn't do it alone and wouldn't be successful if just used in a weight/fat loss capacity.

    My need to supplement Test is linked to health issues I have and I have had opportunities a' plenty to put what I have just said to the test (pardon the bad pun) and I can say with certainty that even though the test help because of my out of balance hormone levels, if my levels were that of a healthy, normal male, I could have achieved all of the weight/fat loss without any supplemental Test at all. The change in diet was the biggest factor and adding even the light work-out schedule was the other biggest, and necessary, change that resulted in the positive outcome..

  13. Will be interested to hear your review. I'd be very surprised, and skeptical to be honest, to hear that this stuff is of any value at all. There is little to no science at all, and no solide studies, that show any of this stufff actually leads to weight loss directly on its own. The GBB that is/was a buzz boosts Carnitine but even that has been shown to be of most effect in people that are deficient.

    Honestly that looks like a fair bit of money down the toilet!

  14. 11 minutes ago, Mindstar said:

    Cheers, is anyone else having issues with his email? My ProtonMail keeps bouncing the address.

    To the best of my knowledge they rarely answer mails on Weekends. Just like the rest of us they have lives outside of this world and do not take it home with them for the weekend.

    I'm not sure what issue you are having sending email to them but I would suggest that  you wait until Monday and try again then.

    Guys, lets not clutter this "REVIEW" thread up with non review related chatter please. We know that emailing the rep is what is required currently, reading this thread's most recent posts will tell everyone that. Beyond that there is nothing anyone from NL here can do about contact issues. Your best bet is to monitor this site, as in the event there were problems, of anything approaching an extended nature, I am sure our amazing BT Rep would let us all know, just as he did when he gave us the heads up to email him while the site is under construction.

    I will add that "patience is a virtue" and should be practiced at all times when contatcting our Reps. They have always got a lot on their plate and it may take a breath or two for them to get back to you. Realistically there is generally nothing so crucial that it wil suffer from a day or 2 waiting for a response, if it in fact takes that long.


    • Like 1
  15. 22 hours ago, Mindstar said:

    Am I allowed to ask how orders happen if there is no site? I emailed the rep, but given I am new here I might not get a response (which is reasonable I think) 


    please delete if I broke the rules (which I just read lol)

    @Mindstar As the Rep mentioned, in this very thread, you can email him. Until such time that the site is back up from being updated/under construction, that is the only option. Any other questions you might have, put them in the email to send along with.


  16. 24 minutes ago, Trev8420 said:

    Alright guys I’m officially gonna leave my review. I ordered my stuff a while back and was waiting till my other stash was gone. First off the service was fast and great customer service. Always got back to me about any questions or concerns. I’m in week 6 using sustanon 350 tren ace and masteron prop. About 1000 mg test/ week 300 tren and 300 masteron. I have seen great results and incredible strength gain. Today was the best leg day I have ever had period. I can definitely feel the tren working it’s magic. And with that stuff always less is more. Thanks BT for having f great gear at great prices with actual customer service. Will not be getting my gear anywhere else from now on. 
    Just to let u guys know I have used lots of there other products in the past and everything is legit. Again thanks body tech. 

    Thanks @Trev8420 appreciate the review. If you haven't already could you throw some pics up in the pics section for BT. Just of a bit of the gear you bought or even if you wanted to post pics you are comfortable with showing the gear and some pose shots etc, to show off your gains & hard work, and link it back to your review.

    We are really trying to have the absolute best quality reviews we can, whether they are good or bad, and would like everyone contributing to do their best to suppport us in this. the pay-off will ultimately be better quality content for everyone to access, and reviews that people can count on being 100% what they needed to know, and feel comfortable takling as gospel..

    Again, thank-you very much for your review.


  17. 20 hours ago, GainTrain said:

    Placed an order with BT Monday. Product shipped in 1.5 hours. I’m in Bc meaning my gear crossed the country and was in my hands in two days. I’m incredibly impressed thus far! My only complaint (which is very minor) is the orals are not tamper sealed. Thank you very much to BT and it’s esteemed rep!!376D37C0-E7E5-4A62-9CC1-1CD53E7FC304.thumb.jpeg.d44d4a92f33a70d8d31835435e1be6c3.jpeg

    I cant wait for my next pin 😁

    Just a thought, as I have seen others mention this about other labs as well, but when did you ever go and pick up a legit script, at the pharmacy, that had an anti-tamper seal on the bottle? Maybe it's different in differnet places but in all my years not once. The very odd time my old pharmacist would just give me the pills in the mfg's bottle if the script was large enough, but even that was opened because of the legal requirements for the pharmacy to count the script. I think it's not there more as a trying to maintain the appearance of a legit script product than anything else, at this point! Added effort and expense as well, however minimal, but again, I think the appearance is the point.

    • Like 1
  18. 1 minute ago, GainTrain said:

    Thanks Frank! I had a feeling tamoxifen was what I needed. As soon as I noticed this morning I took 20mg. I’ll continue to do so for 30 days. Trust me bro, I won’t be trying to milk myself anytime soon.

    Thank you ver much for the protocol! I appreciate your feedback. 

    You're welcome.

    Like I said though, make sure to stay on the AI as well, whichever one works best for you, Dr Rand doesn't make any distinction beyond that and I certainly couldn't say either other than he has mentioned previously, like @CapeBretonDadBod mentioned for  him, they seem to work differently for different people in so far as which is more or less effective. Dr Rand has a ton of great vids on YT, they're all called "Ask The Doc"...a ton of very useful info...

  19. 23 minutes ago, GainTrain said:

    Yes, I’ll be switching from my IH adrol to BT’s new TDROL tonight.

    I’m not into gyno sides. I’ll run 20mg nolvadex Ed and 1mg Arimidex eod. Bloodwork with the doc on Monday. 

    I’ve always liked tbol, never run sdrol. But it doesn’t have E sides so I’m down to try it. Last month all my bloodwork looked good, only slightly high rbc count. 

    Wish me Gainz fellas!

    Tamoxifen immediately...10mg x 2 per day to block the receptors as quickly as possible...stay on it at that dose for 30 days even if it clears up or looks to be clearing up. Stay on whatever AI works for you as well. Unless you are expressing liquid from your nipples you don't need the Caber. That's the protocol that Dr Rand McLain uses for his patients that are in this exact position.

    Oh, and for God sakes if you do start lactating don't under any circumstances squeeze that shit out like popping a pimple. You'll just make it worse just like a baby priming a nipple by sucking on it!

  20. 6 hours ago, airman said:

    Did a back session this morning.  Always loved training back, just feel a great mind muscle connection and feel pretty strong.   However, after being on Halo for a couple days, and bumping it this morning to 40mg about 1.5 hour pre-workout, my strength went through the roof.  Just felt like a machine.  Could be psychological, but really at this point I should be feeling beat down but it wasn't the case today. 

    Last week, I did dumbbell rows with 140 lbs  for 6 sets of 6.  This week did only 4 sets, but did the 140s for sets of 15!  Was in a zone. 

    About another week and a half of some hardcore training and then ease up the last week leading into the show.  Can't wait. 



    Looking great Brother. I'm sure I don't need to tell you but still, make sure you are looking after your liver while you are on Halo.

    You are looking awesome, you should be damned proud of the results you've gotten as it's obvious the hard work you have put in.

  21. 8 hours ago, Jameslock said:

    I bought 300ml deca 250 ml testosterone and 100 dbols 20mg each. Took 40 mg dbal everydya for over 4 weeks increased my appetite started lifting lots . Was doing one shot of test and one shot of deca per week. It gave me incredible pip for 3 days crazy flares. Could barely walk or lift my arm the first day. And it was every time. Not to mention I gained maybe 6 pounds the first two weeks which I attribute to me eating more and working out more. I started losing motivation with all the pain and lack of energy or motivation. Had no increased strength and noticed absolutely no diffferences from these products from transpharma. I think most reviews are fake giving positive feedback. I’d say never go to them it’s garbage .  Of course they are quick to send the product cause it’s fake 

    If you had bothered to even read this very thread, not to mention our rules, you would have seen that we are not going to allow people to come in here and start slagging Labs with 0 to back it up. You want to post a negative reveiw and run a lab into the ground in this forum then back it up with some evidence or just STFU!

    • Like 1
  22. 23 hours ago, sep said:

    No Problem, but I'm pretty sure that just writing down the address of a website is not against any laws.   What goes on at the website is where the actual crime would take place.

       Its like me telling you about handguns.  That's not a crime.  But buying one illegally or using it in the commission of a crime is.

    @sep It's not up to you to evaluate, critique, or interpret our rules, or how they relate to any legalities, as you see fit. They are what they are, are extremely easy to understand, and are in place as the community shot callers see fit. All you need to do is worry about reading them and following them. Obviously you hadn't read them which should have been your first stop upon joining. I suggest, that if you haven't done so already, you take care of that oversight.

    Everything after "No Problem" in your last post, is 100% devoid of any merit here. There is no "but" only being a good community member and respecting the rules as set out. I mention this specifically so that in the future, should you choose to follow the rules and remain a community member, it is importatnt for you to understand that there isn't any negotiation in the rules, period! They are few and really easy to follow, and again, are in place as the community leaders see fit.

    There you go. After reading this post and the rules, and committing both to memory, you know everything you need to know to start you down the path of being a part of our great community here. After that, tons more to learn but that wil get you started. :{)=

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