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CanMed Summer Auction! Starting bid $50


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Hello Northern Lifters,

As a thank you to the forum and its members we will be doing an auction. Please post your bids below, bidding will start at 50$ Canadian. Bidding will end Tuesday Aug 18 at 9pm Atlantic.The winner can contact us for payment and shipping details. If you have any questions or comments please feel to send us a PM and we will respond as soon as possible

Thank you NL and memebers and good luck!

The winner will receive:

3 test prop

3 tren ace

2 Anavar

1 Aromasin

1 Cardarine

25 -  BD 3ml syring with 22gx1 1/2 needle for withdrawing

25 - 25g x 1 inch injection needle


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2 hours ago, MaskedMisery said:

Sweet nice stack, on the picture we can see its arimidex but on the post it says aromasin, are they interchangeable?

That was my oversight, apologies! My bias is showing as I prefer Aromasin, haha.  All items are interchangeable as long as cost is near the same, but I'll work with the winner of the bid to arrange what we can after bid is done 🙂

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Ok folks if this Auction goes past $280 the fine folks at CanMed will Add an extra vial of your choice with up to a $50 dollar value !!!!!

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