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Everything posted by MrGains

  1. Never been a fan of mk, it does serve a purpose tho. Mikk0090 that’s a great protocol slin and hgh has an amazing synergy, your gonna blow the f up. Good luck at the comp!
  2. Yeah man. It’s so laughable how many people think we just put a pin in our ass and look like Arnold in a few weeks. If it was that easy, everyone would be jacked. Im always very curious about the high end cycles of the stars. If I had to guess I’d say test, primo or Deca and hcg. As those are available pharma grade. But who knows right?
  3. Hi guys! I’m back and I realized I’ve never formally introduced myself. The fine folks here have asked me to come aboard and help the other mods and share the little bit of knowledge I’ve picked up over the years. I’ve been on and off several of the forums for quite some time. And I was a mod on the private forum Nest Of Giants for a time. I have a Facebook and an ig chat room that are basically just no holds barred gear, life and general training talk. I’ve been training 15 years, 10 of which enhanced. I’m a personal trainer and seem to be “that guy” at the gym most people ask for gear/training advice. I’m proud to have helped several people over the years obtain some great physiques. That being said: I’m constantly learning new things and I’m sure I’ll pick up some cool new ideas and techniques in my time here. I already see some very impressive physiques. This is me, just so you know I walk the walk as well as talk. I’d like to thank the management at Northern lifters for the opportunity to hang out and grow with you fine folks. It’s a pleasure to be here!
  4. Looking good you two. I really like these logs. I’m definitely following along. The couple that lifts together stays together. Love it
  5. That’s a cool little bonus.
  6. You got this dude. Lots of us bodybuilders/juice heads have kids. You’ll be ok. And if things do come back sub par there are some good protocols to increase mobility and fertility. Good luck man!
  7. This guy has definitely been making some good gains as of late. I heard him say he’s hopped on the hrt train, but I think we all know “hrt” is downplaying what he’s up to. Great job tho! at that age, even saucy af that’s quite the transformation. Men’s health is such a joke. Their articles make me laugh.
  8. Lol, your not kidding bro. 14 iu of pharma growth? I’d sooner drive a Ferrari. His girl Corrine tho, she’s gonna pick up the torch. She will get her card for sure
  9. Completely agree. No he wasn’t getting bigger, and his waist and proportions have made getting his card difficult. Seth looks great. He’s proof that with good genetics and hard work a generous trt dose can hold a lot of muscle.
  10. That’s probably what’s happening, trading in some fat for lean muscle tissue. Because it does sound like everything is on point. Love the log bro, keep killing it!
  11. Hope everything goes as well as it can. Sad to hear about the first pregnancy.. Yeah, coming right off can be hard. if I come off I use 3000iu of hcg, but that’s not really coming off. Damn bro, 1k cal deficit and stalling? For sure you need to change things up. I’d even suggest taking a week off the diet to reset a bit, nothing crazy all clean food of course. How much cardio are you doing?
  12. Agreed, that’s a lotta juice. I’m a bit of a higher dose guy myself, 1-3G I’m used to on a blast. But 6g? Lol, I wouldn’t know where to put all that oil. I definitely don’t think a pro card is worth dying for. Not even just the gear. But 300+ lbs when genetically you should be 150-200 can’t be conducive to longevity. it’ll be interesting seeing how much mass he can hold on tiny doses. His training is second to none.
  13. I’m sure many of you are aware Jordan Peters will be backing off on usage. Basically abandoning his journey to his pro card. He’s openly used 5-6 grams of gear a week and will be going down to roughly 250 test and similar primo or masteron. I’m very curious about how his strength and physique will change. What do you guys think? Is he making a good choice? How much muscle do you think he can maintain on his new protocol?
  14. I love suspension! Test suspension Joking aside, you’ve got my attention for sure.
  15. I went to a sleep clinic and they found my blood pressure was actuating raising when I fell asleep. Now I’ve got my fancy cpap machine and I’m getting much better rest. Now, even when I hit 240-250 I don’t snore! The ladies are happy with that. get checked out bro. Sleep apnea will kill you slowly
  16. Is it your first kid or are you adding to the pack? It’s obvious your working hard man. Respect. Your still just on trt level dosages?
  17. This is one in depth log man. Gonna take me a bit to catch up lol. Love logs like this, definitely be following along. And congrats on the bun in the oven.
  18. If it’s a pharma pre mix in a pen it should have preservatives in it to help it keep at room temp. If not, exactly as Mikk0090 suggests. Lol, my girl loves gh too
  19. I remember you! The cardio queen herself. Hope all is well, and great to see you.
  20. This is important stuff. Training experience, goals and your “risk to reward” mentality would be good to hear as well.
  21. That is an experienced user level of test. Unless you have run that before I would not go 750. Other than that I like that cycle. Only things I’d change for a client would be the test to 250 (you can always raise it to 500 half way through if you feel it’s warranted) And I’d run the masteron the entire cycle. Anavar over winstrol IMO any day unless going into a contest. What cycles have you run in the past?
  22. I’d recommend adding at least 250mg testosterone. Tho despite what many will say it’s not necessary. (But very beneficial) In fact, if it were me or a client cutting, the cycle would be very different than clen and winny. but.. if that’s all that was available. 50mg winny is plenty. Run it 6-10 weeks. With clen i start at 25mcg and up it every few days by 25mcg until I hit 100. Usually takes a few weeks to peak at 100. Then take two weeks off and repeat. If my hands shake to the point it’s obvious or I feel to jittery I know I’m ramping up to fast. For my clients who pct I recommend starting hcg once the esters clear. 750 iu eod for 3 shots, 500iu eod for 2 shots and 250 iu eod for 3 shots. Two weeks into hcg they might start 20mg nolvadex and 25mg clomid for 2 weeks. Then half that dose for 2 more weeks. (For a short run of 50 winny one might easily get away with only hcg or clomid/nolvadex) Let’s never forget nutrition will be more important than the actual cycle and cardio will be a very valuable tool. Hope it goes well.
  23. Feel your pain bro. Same issue, especially on cycle. Melatonin helps before bed, and if you do wake take 5 more mg. Sadly I have reverted to drugs when it gets really bad to the point I’m falling asleep at work.. currently trying ghb or zopiclon. Tho tbh my sleep apnea machine seems to have made the biggest difference
  24. It’s very addictive if abused. Withdrawal is typical opioid. Don’t use it daily.. trust me I know..
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