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Everything posted by Corey5150

  1. Anyone taking part in or watching any of the upcoming shows in the next three weeks?
  2. So this weekend was a bit of a shit show lol basically fasted on saturday as my wife and I did some renovations to the house so eating was definitely off. Annnndddd then thanksgiving hit lol Back to everything today, and I should mention as well - I didn't expect much of anything from this initial phase, as we really weren't running too much and the food is still quite moderate. I was also discussing with Nick as well, we aren't really looking to shoot up in weight either - keep the gut healthy and the food moderate and let the training and drugs do their work. I typically get so caught up the scale it messes with me so this will be a different experience. So the next phase will be something similar to 300mg Test E/200mg Npp/150mg EQ M,W,F for the next few weeks. This should be more fun lol I want to also make a couple disclaimers - I'm not shy to high doses of gear, I also don't expect miracles out of this either lol I'm slightly fearless slightly stupid and like to experiment and see what happens. ALSO that photo of me was a MONTH and a half POST SHOW. So yes I'm definitely carrying around more bulk. Now I'll also give my little thoughts about gaining weight... I don't think anyone should get FAT, I've done it don't recommend it. HOWEVER I think if you stay overly lean year round, you'll make very little progression. I think you need to find a good balance of adding bodyfat without getting excessive. Far too often guys are so scared about losing their abs and yet they never get freaky.
  3. I’m all for keto in terms of the health benefits - and I include high fats/very low carbs at certain points in diets for a variety of reasons. However, my main issue with this diet is the mass amount of misconceptions regarding it. ANY diet can work for weight loss as long as a calorie deficit is met. The keto diet is not superior in any way (the only large drop is from glycogen depletion as well as water retention). EAT TO SUPPORT WHAT YOURE DOING. If you’re training in a very metabolically heavy way, consuming low to no carbs is a recipe for disaster. This is obviously dependent on many factors, however I think this is the main problem. There have been studies linking athletes on the keto diet and how performance dropped.
  4. Welcome aboard brother!
  5. That’s crazy!! You must have done pretty well!
  6. All things considered brother, my personal opinion would be to come off, or lower into a cruise dose and reset your body. I see a lot of things that are working against you. I could almost guarantee taking a step back and then reintroducing everything in a more optimal situation would produce much better results then trying to fight your body every step of the way. I also think adding anything else in is simply overkill. Don’t try to patch the problem with a quick fix - deal with the issue and like I said everything else will come much better.
  7. Don’t know who wouldn’t want to take advantage of that!
  8. Orals are notorious for killing appetite (especially Anadrol), high dosed cycles can create terrible lethargicness and ruin appetite. But some of some info you didn’t provide, how much food are you taking in? What are your macros? Do you have a lot of systemic inflammation? How’s your sleep? typcially something id do with a client in this position is pull the food back, reduce inflammation, remove some of the drugs that are killing the appetite - and the one thing I find that helps 9 times out of ten... introduce some amounts of cardio.
  9. There was a theory about androgen receptor multiplying I believe and I also think it was dan duchaine who brought that idea up? Maybe wrong but that’s what I seem to recall. In my experience, and with that of several clients - as long as estrogen is controlled, a higher test leads to better results. I’ve tried low dosed test and experimented with a few different protocols and didn’t like it.
  10. This isn’t necessarily to you, but something I find quite funny is people will load up on ephedrine and caffeine but will either skip the aspirin altogether or find that the part that’s crossing the line. Yet most people know how effective aspirin can be at relieving some of the harshness on your cardiovascular system and that’s the part they want to avoid lol
  11. I’ll be another to say ephedrine - amazing appetite suppressant as well as great fat burner. I honestly find result wise similar to clen with less effects on my cardiovascular system (at a moderate dose).
  12. Welcome! Great to see some folks from CM have made it over!
  13. Yea brother - can't wait to see how this goes for you
  14. Thats the attitude you need to do well! The best at competing are the ones obsessive about it
  15. Awesome man, excited to hear how you like the madol
  16. Corey5150


    I’m indifferent, and 9/10 I’m on my mobile - never actually used it.
  17. Isn’t it sad? I’ve always wondered the great attraction to the other two class’. Because who doesn’t want to be a monster?? Haha
  18. Lol posing is half the battle my man! Doesn’t matter how good the physique is if we can’t display it properly! Normally I’d advise posing either everyday to every other day, so you can work on the obvious things such as displaying the physique and something that’s overlooked: stamina. Also doesn’t hurt to get someone to work with you that knows what they’re doing. I believe there are age categories to every class. So that’s always an option! Honestly man, I say compete in the class that motivates you the most - that is, unless the sole goal is to win. So say your legs are a big hindrance then yea I’d say lean towards men’s physique versus classic or bodybuilding.
  19. Since I haven’t updated this with many photos lately, I thought I’d include this one - it was about 1.5 months post show, probably my favorite look so far. Lean and full... and maintainable lol I don’t tend to take too many photos in the offseason.
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