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Everything posted by Corey5150

  1. Kind of like a banded Y raise... I love Y raises - anyone who doesn't respond very well to lateral raises should give this a try.
  2. Any steroid can increase RBC... but also can a bunch of lifestyle factors.
  3. So an update on what I've been doing - current weight has gone up to 262lbs (hovering between 260-262). Pretty happy overall with what we've accomplished so far. Diet hasn't changed much calories still remain at the 5K mark - I've made some food changes just to keep it interesting but like i said still pretty much the same. I changed the gear probably about 10 days or so ago. I dropped the NPP and decided to experiment with MENT at 50mg/day - I had a couple bottles laying around decided and for the last push of this month lets give it a go. We'll be continuing on with the test/eq and gh, insulin has been out for a month. So like I said I'm going to continue pushing until the end of the month, then come January I plan to dial everything back. Switch the compounds up a bit as well as doses, introduce some cardio, bring training volume down as well as bring food volume down. I will lose some weight but its a necessary evil to continue to progress forward.
  4. I'd recommend moreso you deload, dial back the food and resensitize yourself. If your digestion is starting to shit the bed - thats the sign I wait for to bring it back down.
  5. I agree that would be interesting. I'm currently about 262lbs at 5'9
  6. I tend to sit around 1.2 to 1.5g weekly (unless cruising or priming). I find at my size now, lower doses just don’t hit quite the same lol i think in regards to any compound there’s diminishing returns at a particular dose - but that’s very person dependent. Just like some guys respond very well to lower doses and will never need to go to 1.5g other unlucky bastards may have to. I should also mention, I don’t have too many estrogen related sides at this dose currently.
  7. Im not in the camp of low dose test cycles - tried it for over a year and found minimal progress unlike when I've ran higher testosterone. So from my experience and from those I've worked with, I wouldn't. I'm also not a fan of dancing around doses and pushing other drugs when not needed (ie Caber). You stated you've ran Tren before without any harsh sides - did you utilize Caber then? Personally, I feel Tren Enth under 200mg does very little. 300 for most is the sweet spot - but 200 can have some positive benefits. You also state lean gains - does your diet support this? Or are you just referring to a lack of "wet" compounds? And I'd also just like to mention, typically, as the doses go higher and higher - overall toxicity from the gear will 9 times out of 10 impede appetite... and I'm not talking 1 to 1.5 grams total I'm referring to 2-3g per week.
  8. Whats the overall goal that you're trying to accomplish? You said energy boost but thats kind of vague... normally for energy I'd suggest a coffee lol JK Do you have blood work to support the need for Caber at that dose? Seems a little unnecessary to me.
  9. Keep it up buddy. I will agree with most opinions in here. The Gear at the moment really isn't needed - get the base down to a T... diet and training. Then when you're at a good spot introduce a light dose of anabolics to further yourself along.
  10. There are also plenty of lactose free options - or is it a whey intolerance? Some times I find people can mix the two up. I currently use liquid egg whites, so I'll agree with that option. However, theres also the Redcon 1 MRE protein that is whole food based and contains no dairy whatsoever - much easier to digest than a full beef protein.
  11. What would the point of this be? Because adding in other compounds is not TRT. Why not just run an effective dose? And why the need for Caber? What are you experiencing in terms of side effects?
  12. I have mixed emotions when it comes to Tren - I think its a great compound and even several years ago I'd use a fair amount of it. I've done 50mg eod, up to 200mg ED... I think its a great drug when used in the right spots - I think it should only be used sporadically and for short periods of time. My reasoning behind this is, as I've noticed time and time again, with myself and others there seems to be a point where you just stall and sometimes I find the look it brings actually starts to diminish (which I'd associate with the harshness of the drug). So for anyone looking to jump into this drug keep usage short and low. And about being an asshole - get control of yourself lol
  13. I do like and advocate (DEPENDING on a multitude of factors) pre workout insulin usage as well as post workout. I think they're both great opportunities for added anabolism. Like you mentioned though, pre workout insulin is a bit more tricky in terms of carbohydrate metabolism and thus more care has to be taken.
  14. I actually LOVE this advice... A lot of people almost have an aversion to using cables or machines - but matched to the right movement pattern it allows us to place the tension exactly where we need it and work a muscle through its an entire range of motion (in a fully shortened and lengthened position).
  15. So it’s been a bit since my last entry to my log. My calories have remained the same as well as gear - nothing fancy has changed. Reason being why I haven’t changed anything as I’m seeing changes in the mirror. I’m seeing new veins and getting stronger, energy is good, digestion good - all signs that my recovery is still on point so I’m going to continue on. Heres a picture from a couple days ago just to show where I currently am. (Hard for me to suck the stomach in post workout lol)
  16. Hey brother! I'd actually say a gain of 1.5 pounds per week is a solid increase. Too many guys want there weight to shoot up wayyyyy to quickly. Thats a great way to mess with your health and gain a whole lot of fat. When gaining weight I don't really like to see the scale jump more than 2lbs per week - unless I'm glycogen depleted. So I'd say continue with what you're doing until the weight gain stalls, then re-evaluate what you're doing whether that be by gear, training, nutrition - however you want to go about it.
  17. Whats the rate of loss per week? I'd ditch the metformin - I think thats a terrible drug (if you're not prescribed it that is)
  18. I think thats a common thought - but you have to think of risk versus reward. Primo on the side effect scale is VERY minimal, so its something you can run longer and get progressively better with. Now I'm going to assume you're comparing it to things like dbol/adrol/test, etc... Now all those are comparatively stronger but are also steroids that cause mass amounts of water retention (dependent on the person) and will also cause the most "loss" after use - primo will have no such loss. I don't think its a drug for everyone - BUT I think more people could benefit from something like this in their realm of use. Now DHB is something I'd love to try - but as I mentioned not many labs carry it.
  19. Well now I think I'm going to have to run a little bit here myself lol
  20. My intra workout shake varies depending on my training cycle, diet, what I'm trying to accomplish, etc... But several of my mainstays are a mixture of BCAA/EAA, Hydrolyzed whey, Electrolytes, Gatorade, Vitargo/Karbolyn/HBCD I'm not very huge on having shakes Post Workout so this basically stops the need for it, but every case is different.
  21. How much cardio are you doing? Whats the intensity like? Are you doing every day? Are those portions of protein cooked or uncooked? Is this an increase in calories or decrease from your previous diet? What gear and doses are you doing? What are your workout looking like? how many days off? What your perceived recovery like currently? Have you taken any body measurements? BF callipers? or just scale? Progress Pictures? My honest opinion initially is for a guy your size, this is VERY skimpy in terms of not only protein but calories as well. Other than the protein portions being larger in a given meal - I have Figure and bikini girls that I diet for a show on more calories than this. HOWEVER, its all dependent on what you were consuming prior to starting this diet. I also notice you carbs are spread throughout the day - any reason for this? Why are you eating Pork? Your fats are nearly non existent - any reason why?
  22. I've never used ACV for this purpose so its kind of neat. My methods for improving insulin sensitivity can be simple or complex lol I think for the majority of people the best advice for maintaining insulin sensitivity is to simply never go over board. Or if you have to go high carb - make sure you'll utilizing a training phase that requires that amount of energy. Another very simple solution is to pull back on the carbs introduce more fats, perhaps restructure the diet a little better and introduce some cardio. The other method I use sometimes involves insulin, but I won't get into that because its not the safest.
  23. Thanks brother! Funny how we were just talking about this. Hi Mike! So I think what needs to be determined is what is the overall goal of what you're trying to achieve? Strength? Size? Whats the diet looking like? I'm hoping that you bloated your way to a "235" instead of "335" - typo I assume? How is the diet going to support your goal? In terms of water retention - WAY too many people attribute that to the drugs they're using... but leave out all the cheat meals, or the incredibly high (or even inconsistent) sodium intake, lack of drinking fluids, etc... Another way to think about this as well - you're trying to gain 7-12lbs... is your diet going to be high in carbs? That alone could put significant water retention. 7 to 12lbs of tissue is a FAIR amount to put on. The diet is key here. Why are you opting to use Masteron as an AI? If you're looking to use an AI use an AI. The effects that masteron has to suppress estrogen are quite minimal (not that you're using a lot of test). The second part, and I'm not trying to be rude but, you really won't notice the hardening effects unless you're already quite lean. And my final little piece is not to overly restrict estrogen on cycle - I preach this left and right. You need estrogen to grow - why is everyone so quick to reduce it? Estrogen is not the devil, it only needs to be controlled. Why is dianabol such a great drug? Because it aromatizes highly - some of the more powerful compounds for growth also cause a large spike across all hormones. And frankly with 25mg dbol and 400 test - you shouldn't require an AI unless you're overly sensitive. Use an AI when its needed. If you're trying to eliminate or avoid water retention use compounds that don't aromatize as heavily. Don't drugs that are going to cause you to use more drugs.
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