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Everything posted by FitGM

  1. I think I'm going to experiment with this next bulk, looks very intetesting!
  2. I'm a BIG believer in all the benefits of fasting, not only from a health stand point, but as a ridiculously helpful tool for reaching a very low body fat % as well. Any doubters out there? Any one had a negative reaction to fasting? Meaning something worse than just extreme hunger(harden the f up!)
  3. Any of you guys tried dtp? Gethin calls it his Dramatic Transformation Principal. It's a high rep, high intensity type of training, definitely not for beginners. I'll use one of the harder exercises in the program for an example, leg press. Start by loading up the leg press with the amount of weight you figure you will fail at about 30 reps. With your feet narrow and at the bottom of the platform, pump out 50 reps. You should have to use rest pause to complete all 50. Then rest for 45 seconds, add some more weight aiming to fail at around rep 25, and complete 40 reps. Rest for 60 seconds, add more weight and complete 30 reps, rest for 1 min 15 sec, add more weight and complete 20 reps, rest for 1 min 30 sec, add more weight and complete 10 heavy reps. Now rest for 2 minutes before changing your stance to wide and high on the platform, and work your way back up to 50 reps following the same rep/rest scheme and taking weight off the machine set by set as the reps increase. Example: Leg press narrow stance 50 reps, rest 45 sec 40 reps, rest 60 sec 30 reps, rest 75 sec 20 reps, rest 90 sec 10 reps, rest 2 min Leg press wide stance 10 reps, rest 90 sec 20 reps, rest 75 sec 30 reps, rest 60 sec 40 reps, rest 45 sec 50 reps
  4. Wendy's power mediteranian chicken salad is my go to. Also, star bucks has macro/calorie friendly egg snacks
  5. Thanks! That was excellent and actually cleared up a couple questions I had.
  6. I have used sildenafil on and off for years as an amazing pre work out addition. The otc pump products dont even compare, viagra produces vascularity and pump like nothing else I've tried. Perfect for pre photo shoot or stage, dont think it should be taken every single work out, only because then when you dont have it, you will be ruined for all other regular pump products.
  7. Flat of beer a weekend? Hah maybe cut back on the alcohol consumption before upping your drugs.
  8. I 100% prefer dnp over clen also. I 100% agree and prefer dnp over clen.
  9. These look delicious! I'm going to try but I am truly terrible at cooking/baking. How much of each ingredient?
  10. I have used dnp, kept the dose low and only stayed on for a short period, took the nessecary ancillaries, made sure to stay very well hydrated, and I lost a great deal of fat in a short time with minimal side effects(some night sweats and lethargy). Did bloods and checked health markers before and after and the only thing that changed was my insulin sensitivity was much improved. It was like I reset my body where I could get away with a far higher amount of carbs with out fat gain for several months after each dnp run. I like the fat burning properties obviously, but I can do that with diet and cardio easily, just takes longer. But I've never experienced anything with the insulin resensitizing effects like dnp, which is what I liked most from my experience with it. When i read an article about dnp, it's easy to tell if the writer is for or against this particular compound. Reading this one would make it seem like a person would have to be a brain dead moron to run dnp. Over at enhanced athlete, which was obviously a very pro dnp atmosphere, there were 100's of success stories from users who experienced little to no sides and had dramatic fat loss results. In my honest opinion, I think the safety and risks of dnp land some where in the middle. I definitely do not think it's as dangerous as some anti dnp people make it out to be and I certainly dont think it's safe as tylenol when used correctly, like a lot of pro dnp people will say. Just my two cents
  11. Many might disagree, but i think Rhoden will move up from last year, not fall in placings. Rhoden was obviously off last year. He had a broken jaw for the first 6 weeks of his prep. Then 3 weeks out of the arnold, which apparently he was looking his all time best for, he was hospitalized and had to pull out of the show. Thats gotta be hella motivation to come into this Olympia pushing harder than ever before. I feel like hes going to surprise us this year and may even get back in that top 3 battle. I hope so anyways. And yes, bumstead for the win in classic, although I dont think people give Regan enough of a shot here for a top placing. In my opinion, regan has all the attributes of a classic bodybuilder(tiny waist, decent vacuum, amazing lines) but with fullness of an open competitor. Not sure why hes getting all the hate.
  12. WOW, you look great! Amazing transformation and just flat out amazing physique. Well done!!
  13. I've had a tremendous amount of success with fasting, personally, and while prepping people. Do I think it's the most optimal way to build muscle, no. For cutting on the other hand, it is HIGHLY effective. As long as your daily caloric intake is met, and you hit your required macros every day, muscle loss is not an issue. The idea that we need to eat protien every 2-3 hours or we will go catabolic or lose muscle, has long been proven incorrect. As long as you get the amount of protien, carbs and fats your body requires in each day, you will progress. Doesnt matter if its spaced out all day, or all in one meal. The human body knows what to do with the food you put inside it. Fasting through our the day means once you start eating in the afternoon/evening, you can actually get that full and satisfied feeling. Even when a guy or gal is deeeep into a diet, and calories are scarce, saving all of them for one or two big meals means a feeling of fullness and satiety that otherwise, isn't felt on a diet. Eating little meals every 2 hours all day was how I dieted for many years because that's what we were told worked. I was always hungry, always tired, and it made dieting miserable. Fasting changed the game for me and I'd suggest anyone who has a big appetite like myself, to give it a try next prep or diet.
  14. I like dbol pre work out but it does have a shorter half life (4-6hrs I believe) so you should split it at least twice through out the day.
  15. I've asked this before but we do have a lot of new members and I really like and am interested in MK. Let's hear your thoughts!
  16. This chemical is very interesting, my girls sexual desire has steadily declined over the years to the point where she is no longer interested in sex. Unfortunately, she is scared of needles to the point where she passes out every time she gets a shot, so she refuses to get blood work done to identify the problem. Her fear of needles doesn't bode well for me with trying this chemical, but hey, still interesting!
  17. I love tbol and I feel it's a little underrated. I do believe it has some synergistic effects when run along side test and other compounds as mentioned above compared to it on it's own. I think turinabol is an underrated drug that most over look when designing their stack.
  18. FitGM

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