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Everything posted by Shelbysdad

  1. Lol, that's what I said too! I was kidding myself though.
  2. Dbol for bulk, anavar for leaner gains
  3. Mk is not expensive, might as well try it. Most who try it like it. It may not be exogenous HGH, but increases your endogenous HGH to a level equivalent to 2-3 IU's of exogenous HGH according to some blood work I have seen. Personally I have never used HGH, I cannot justify spending that kind of money on something that may be fake. I have used mk677 two times. I am on it now, I get better pumps and muscles look fuller, for the price I pay I will do it for life. I buy the raws and it is so cheap that way, can't go wrong
  4. I don't use test for trt, but I've used slot of prop ,enth and sust. I love prop but sust is way smoother, don't "feel" enth as much it seems. I like sust alot better than enth or cyp.
  5. Ketoconazole has been shown type of slow/reduce shedding and sometimes regrow hair, it put in some shampoo. Try a stack of minoxadil with it
  6. Well it's rocket science after all. So it must be magic or a trick of some sort.
  7. I had an accident about 6 months ago which resulted in my left leg having about 50% feeling/strength below the knee. I saw some doctors and specialists who say I damaged my sciatic nerve. After doing some nerve conduction tests they told me it would get better but nerves heal slow and it will be about 18 months-2years. Has anyone had a nerve injury which healed faster using peptides or mk677? Thanks
  8. Someone once told me that if your grandfather went bald you may as well. As though balding skips a generation, does anyone know if this is true cause my dad is in his 70's and still has quite a bit of hair, mine has been thinning alot last couple years. My grandfather on my dad's side died when I was a kid but I remember he was bald.
  9. No problems with crashing but pip there unless I mix it with at least 1/2 cc of something else
  10. Some people will add BB anyways as it will thin the oil s bit.
  11. Test e goes into solution so easy BB is not needed, why put unneeded solvents in?
  12. Well it has been about a week now approx. Summer temp where I am
  13. I think today I'll try it straight DHB, see what happens
  14. Update: So I said there was no pip, but I had been doing the DHB with 1/2cc sustanon it was fine. Yesterday I decided to lower the test and use only 1/4cc sustanon with the DHB. Now I can feel some pip, not at all crippling but then again Ii am not that prone to it, I always use prop with no problems. Anyways, now that the shot is slightly more concentrated I feel it
  15. Bawhaahaaa, u always fuckin w me, lol
  16. I have very rarely had painfull/itchy nips has always happened in the winter
  17. Are u sure your add. Is legit?
  18. He has done alot of blood work re. HGH, mk677 and some very interesting results. Inspiring seeing how out of shape an older guy was then turns it all around, good content.
  19. It's not just you man, I love to smash that guy and get away with it. I never really HATED him until he started giving terrorists 10million paydays.
  20. Shelbysdad

    Gas prices

    I mean about the Tesla being less than a focus, is it mainly because u put so many km per day u save so much on fuel?
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