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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Monday is arm day for me my favourite day also next to back day. I will run this on Monday and report back ill be slamming 500mcg of IGF per bicep too
  2. TREN TREN TREN the magical drug what can I say woke up and checked my weight 199. so I have gained a solid 9 pounds since adding tren at 50mg eod and the IGF with madol. I am loving it I am getting bigger in the shoulders and arms and chest as well as legs yet the waist is staying the same I am amazed. Legs will be tough I have got calves yet quads are my weakness I am not sure if is because I trained endurance with legs all these years but wow they are stubborn. If anyone has any thoughts or tips im all ears. I am so happy with the way this cycle has gone. I think I have the 100% solution on trensomnia and trensweats. For trensomnia I am taking cannabis oil for sleep and for tren sweats I eat nothing past 6pm and have only slipped once needed a towel other than that I have woke up dry every morning which is nice. I will be having to add cebaser soon luckily I have a doc that will write me the script so its free hahaha
  3. welcome to the NL family brother
  4. test at 500 would hurt like a son of a bitch the amount of solvents you would need would cripple you, even at 400 mg can really suck too. eq is a liquid not powder but im sure guys that have brewed that can have insight. as for deca 300 I find is perfect the deca at 400 could be interresting
  5. Mrs Talon will confirm these stories Im a retard and love to fuck with people in a good way. But unlike Eazy I will not lick dead horses. I have pushed the envelope a few times that didn't work out in my favour
  6. OKAY soooooo speaking of mouth hugs in the chat box. So here we go I was teasing the wife that I needed more mouth hugs lol I like to fuck with her hat way anyway she was not having any of it even though I threw out a bunch of bullshit made up science fact etc, so I went to PLAN B. I called my very catholic and innocent mother in law and told her that she needed to have a talk with her daughter and she needed to tell her to give me more youth hugs especially before going to work . She asked what a mouth hug was and I said slag for a KISS hahahaha well FUCK ME doesn't she all my wife and slam her telling her to give me as many mouth hugs as I want and what is wrong with her for not doing them. WELL FUCK I almost died when I got a call from the wife who had to have a very awkward convo with her mother and actually had to explain to her what a mouth hug really was YAAAAAA Christmas will be fun this year
  7. FUCK SLIN bro scares the shit outta me I won't even play with it. I have a few diabetics in the family and I have dodged that bullet I am not going to tempt fate maybe im a pussy but that is not one compound I will play with hell it took me this long to even touch IGF
  8. today was a pretty good day was supposed to hit the gym. but the weather was not going to co operate so I went shopping with the wife and shovelled the driveway as the snow blower is in for repair not to mention I had a horrible sleep last night so I will take today as an off day and will smash legs tomorrow to get back on track I ate 3 eggs and toast and a shake for breakfast lunch was 4 oz of rib rye steak fat removed and 1 cup bassamitti rice with some low sodium soy sauce. I needed the carbs today was getting kind of flat. Now im pounding water like crazy. Tonight I think we are doing whole chickens and barley for me and rice for everyone else so snacks will be shakes apples and cottage cheese
  9. people can talk shit all day this is a body built by BT. I started out fat and broKen and am now in the best shape I have been in In god 10 years. I can see my Dick lol im amazed I thought it was bigger lol,,,, I was a monster a few years back but was never lean like now and what kills me is im gaining weight like crazy but still leaning out its insane In all seriousness I have to say the Tren is kicking my ass in a good way. I defiantly happy and the Madol is also groovy as hell. and yes the tren as said before is painless and goes through a slin pin like a hot knife through butter. I can honestly say Im so happy right now well as happy as tren can make a guy.
  10. doing this next chest day HELL YA I love pushing the limits
  11. Workout went amazing the strength is now in full swing and wow Did I kill it I ran through the Seth Feroce back workout and added extra exercises in to get more blood pumped into the lats. came home showered and ate 3 whole eggs some rye toast and slammed a shake mutant whey. After food I was sweating for about an hour and then dressed and went to the butcher to get a few hundred bucks worth of steaks, chicken and roasts. that will last us the week and of course more barley and low glycemic index cereal grains. I really am in love with this cycle and the Tren is just kicking ass in a good way. I have put on 7 pounds so far and its body mostly legs and back which is amazing im filling out and keeping the waist at 32 inches and shrinking. Not the best pic I took it quick but will get some good ones in this weekend
  12. I would reach out to physlifter he walked me through my bicep injury GUY knows his shit. Hope you get on the mend soon brother
  13. I didn't want to add an oral to my TRT but when only convinced me wow its like putting a supercharger in a car. my body loved the combo
  14. done and Done I like it
  15. Congrats to FULLBLOWN he has made vet status his knee pads paid OFF hahahah, he has earned the status and ENJOY brother
  16. I will ADD please MEMBERS do not hammer or threaten or in anyway threaten anyone in the community WE ARE BETTER THAN THAT we will move on and this will be a learning experience for staff mods members and VETS, you Vets work hard to achieve the title vet lets ensure we live up to that title, this board will survive and so will the sponsors lets keep positive and let the negative people spin their wheels ,,,
  17. I have seen the email and I will post it up here. What my take on this is, 1 he was doing a LOG and was given free shit 2 log was going well until he asked for more freebies 3. his log was doomed as the doses he ran are suspect as no one with a brain would run a cycle like that well except for rich piana 4. the cycle he ran really wouldn't kick in at 8 week mark it would just be ramping up into full beast mode. 5 he made gains but deca and EQ together makes zero fucking sense you are running a lean bunker with a massive water boating bulker 6 when he was denied the 3 free bottle ion IGF he asked for he went AWOL 7 once I had all the facts and gave him a chance to explain himself he stayed logged in and ignored the request, 8. I made the educated deciosn that after he was denied the gear he logged in and all the sudden had issues 9 to me he held the lab basically at ransom 10 and was in agreenece to do bloodwork then Failed to do so.. emails will be posted for super and mod view only so we are all on the same page He has been banned and we will wash our hands of this cancer. we will move on and leave the log up but lock it. I promised members transparency and will hold up my end of the bargain members can judge and decide for themselves Report reply (IP: Kpin 26 Replied: yesterday at 12:07 PM I just didn’t want to waste time with bloods and waiting so I switched labs. I never said bt is bunk gear do I don’t see why it’s been hidden. I guess NL isn’t very transparent.. Quote Edit Options
  18. so weight today on empty stomach 197.2 Tren is a marvellous GEM. I am still running at 1600 cal a day and still gaining size un fucking real. I injected my 50mg into the quad using an 8mm slinkier pin as im blessed with lean legs so it went into the muscle no problem. Slight very slight ache as expected I know I injected there but zero to complain about. I slept pretty good last night still zero tren sweats and im OKAY with that. I found myself not eating after 6pm avoiding alot of carbs with my last meal has kept the tren sweats at bay. I do note that anytime I consume Carbs Im a sweat machine so I have to believe that carbs are the culprit for tren sweats, I am drinking a ton of water daily and am running dandelion root as a mild diuretic just incase I retain slight water. I am getting ready now to pump the madol into me and am gearing up now for the gym so my pre workout meal will be barley 1/2 cup and some chicken breast... then I get to really smash the food PWO.
  19. Fuck ya thats what im talking about lmao. I am nitrous for fucking reusing bottles lets say they all went in the trash lol.......I took what I thought was Crestor once ya it was a clonazepam and ya just before a long drive NOT COOL I am the worst that way LESSON LEARNED. This is a safe space fore us to fucking make fun of our fuck ups hahahaha. I am the king of fuck ups ask mrs Talon. she has a ton she called me bumbles. Tomorrow will be a story if Talon Tren and Cebaser lol. Basically wife said if I run that combo again I will die. OH god Talons first run of DNP is a good one too lol
  20. Okay boys and girls here we go. So when superman pills were first developed I was asked to trial them well obviously me hammering tren non stop and well the addition of cebaser I Said suer why not. WELL I was heading out of country for my wedding and said Hey ill bring a few with me and threw then in a bottle of anti Estrogen caps and well fuck Me. when I gt home I threw the bottles in my drawer and forget about them. So here we go I was pn cycle a few months later and had a briefing I had to give to some senior ranks and welll I needed to pop and anti E so of course I grabbed the bottle of adex an popped one YA it was not adex it was a fucking superman. well as soon as I started to get stuffy I KNEW I FUCKED Up and well lets just say I was hiding behind the podium and in a great deal of pain and severely uncomfortable I felt like Lessard in police academy.... Not great time. Morale of the STORY DONT DO WHAT I DID
  21. I believe a lab is only as good as 1) the quality and calibre of the powder source and secondly the conditions and knowledge of the chef. Of ether of these is off you are fucked. I know I have had gear tested and was amazed at what we found in the products never mid the fact the gear was good to go but when you find cleaner and other things in their thats an eye opener. I stick to well trusted sources and am now extremely careful what I put in my body. SAME goes with supplements
  22. This is how we roll. BY THE WAY more big things coming. STAY TUNED
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