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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Im going to leave the thread up as mentioned but we need to move forward, I have locked the thread due to the amount of anger and angst gents we don't need it here we all know whats been done and its in the past lets all move on and keep this locked as a way to warn newer members. who may not know better
  2. I have to say whats been said has been said and we as a board need to move on and focus on the future. I will leave this post up as I hate and will never silence anyone from speaking their minds about any or all sponsors good or bad as long as there is proof. I am one to say that if you will go out and call someones gear garbage or under-dosed you had better have proof IE blood panels to back up your claim.....I See and have seen so much bull shit out there about BT using under dosed gear and I have to say that its bullshit. I have actually had the stuff tested in an actual lab and we know that the EQ is eq which is what was tested and it was actually a little overdosed by a few MG.....I have ran their test as im on TRT and my panels were through the roof. I have never had any issues with anything I've used from BT and or any other labs associated with Grox XXL or NM or NL hell even used Bigfishes gear and it was fine. There is a lot of talk about fake gear and this and that listen there is alot of bullshit talk out there if BT was bunk why are they still in business 6 years later. I am not one to get into east side vs west side feuds. I believe there is enough room in this business for everyone and everyone is welcome here. HOWEVER I will never allow any one including sponsors to save or hold emails or info on any member that is intact FUCKED and only one reason why someone would do that. 1)as a bargaining chip on a bust. 2) as a reason to blackmail. just my 2 cents either way I will never have anything to do with someone like that....
  3. I remember rex I was one of his mods on Gen xxl back in the hayday. I miss that guy Alot, Yes they have changed the name but northern peptides is the place to be and I cannot say enough good things about them, Rex rips were great but this stuff is next Level stuff if the quality stays the same it is going to get quite the cult following
  4. Okay so today is a rest day and i am damn glad too my bicep tendon is starting to feel better but still sore when r if I were to lift with that arm. I Had to move my high shots to 6pm as I was taking them an hr before bed but was having issues waking up after a few hours of sleep and I feel it was messing with stage 3 sleep last night was perfect and hit all 3 stages of sleep without waking up once. My hands felt like the skin was gong to split open as I was laying there falling asleep at a few points they went numb. What can I say that my blood serum gh test hasn't already said. I love love love the nouveaus and my body does as well you can see now that the shoulder sand back is widening finally abs all 6 are in now and u have a small bit of fat left around the mid section but this cycle did its job and by next week I can start to bulk. I will still do IMF a few days of the week. but I will be moving up to mrs cals and upping everything from protein to low GI carbs, I know I will pack on some weight but im not worried at all about it as I've seen how easy it is too loose the BF gained in a bulk when one states focused and cleans everything up. I tossed up a photo taken this morning I got into position to show the obliques are starting to get more defined as are the Abs im amazed at the difference in just such a short time
  5. hahaha Eazy I hear you the title is killing me hahaha. On a bright note I ordered my seeds got them in 4 days though 10 sounds was a lot more than I thought hahah. They sent me some figs too and wow amazing I will be adding those to my diet now too
  6. Today was a leg day and ya I hated every second of it but I powered through it, not sure wats going on but the last few nights I have not been getting decent sleep I moved GH shots a few nights ago to just before bed and am thinking or wondering if that's the problem,. I will move back to mornings pre workout and see if sleep comes back online
  7. its all her form here on out brother, she just got her account verified and will be running her log from here on out.
  8. Agree Eazy57 100%. I love deca and found im able to keep the bloat off by using the sauna or hottub 3x a week and keeping a close eye in estrogen sides. I will harden with Tren and bulk with deca.... But this ment I will play with and see how the water weight is if the diet is in check I would hope that the water weight co opertes
  9. I can say this It tells me a lot about the key people that pulled that board down they had more to loose ny ripping it down than keeping it up. It broke my heart to see it play out the way it did. LOIN myself and OLY as well as dumb bled for that board when I started it. And to see it go away really Hurt, BUT it shows me the calibre of integrity the guys had by pulling it down. They chose member safety and security over profit that to me is the main reason I came back to help steer this ship. because how can you say no to someone like that
  10. its true its a cat shoot but whatever they need to do to feel safe I fully support one day hopefully soon the govt gets it right and legalizes AAS again. I just don't get it alcohol is pure fucking poison (delicious) but poison and its legal the only reason I see it being illegal is because the drug companies can't compete with the raw market,
  11. we are getting there I have now added an inch to my arms which is insane and she is really been kicking ass in the gym today was a leg day she did leg curls 4x10 hamstring curls 4x10 squats 4x10 donkey calves 4x failure sumo squats 4x failure standing calf raises 4 x to failure she battled through it like a trooper and is really doing well the vcitoza is kicking her ass as in zapping her of strength and energy she is barely able to eat I have to think it works in 2 ways 1 controls appetite and 2 it must play a role in IGF because she said and I quote the pumps feel like her muscles will pp out of her skin. this to me tells the story of increased IFG levels. Im no expert but from what I have read this is a sign.
  12. there are a couple we use some olive oil salt and pepper and roast at 375 until ready. we usually also use flavour god seasoning too as its pretty clean stuff and low in sodium. options are endless with their array of seasonings. we will be doing others too the prices at nuts.com are actually pretty damn good and a lot better quality then the bulk barn
  13. well here is where we are at day 3 she is now at 178 so has lost 4 pounds over the last 2 days being on Victoza. This seems to have super charged her metabolism and is causing. dramatic weight loss as this medication is expected to do if you eat clean and don't start from the plan. we will be hitting the gym this morning and get into the meal routine. for the 6 or 7 hour window we can eat. she will be starting her var min ir Tuesday and will run a 4 week cycle to start this is getting interresting
  14. Steroid When to start after last admission Length of PCT Testosterone Enanthate 2 weeks 3 weeks Testosterone Cypionate 2 weeks 3 weeks Testosterone Propionate 3 days 3 weeks Testosterone Suspension 6-8 hours 3 weeks Sustanon 3 weeks 3 weeks Winstrol 12 hours 2/3 weeks Dianabol 6-8 hours 3 weeks Trenbolone 3 days 4 weeks Deca durabolan 3 weeks 4 weeks Primabolan depot 14 days 2 weeks Anavar 8-10 hours 2 weeks
  15. im not a sponsor so how or if they choose to verify is up to them this applies to the new people who come on here without a referral. I made this post to keep the new members from being sketched out should a sponsor choose to some how ask for verification. They have the right to refuse service and not deal with any member they choose as safety is their right. However or whatever they need To do to protect themselves I support
  16. so I placed an order with a place online Nuts.com. and have to say amazing. I am a pumpkin seed fanatic but I prefer to roast my own so I went on a hunt for raw uncooked seeds and found this place. I ordered 10 pounds and prices was amazing and very reasonable with delivery I paid about 6 bucks a pound. They have an amazing selection and the ability to cook and roast your own at home allows you the ability to cut the salt and crap out of your diet
  17. nothing wrong with doing both it would be no different than slamming 10 iu a day really MK 677 shows great promise in people that have used it have said ther GH serum levels have increased and so have their IGF LEVELS. I say you have found some success though the edema is not something I would welcome id dial back the mk 677 some and or drop HGH to 1,5 IU
  18. This is by far the greatest thing I've read today just amazing
  19. im sure JAKE has a few tricks up his sleeves the guys gifted as hell
  20. Just a thought im thinking of say for xmas everyone who wants to participate buys tickets are are either given numbers randomly by computer or pick numbers and we do the draw xmas eve or day. we get sponsors to kick in 1 or 2 items each and we draw for a massive gift pack. obviously proceeds will go back too sponsors and the remainder goes to the board for mercy giveaways and or other draws we could make this a weekly monthly or yearly thing onto pf the regular auctions. if no one wins we add more the next one and we keep it going. who knows you could be the one that ends up with a cycle for a year lol.. THOUGHTS?
  21. Due to a lot of the issues that have happened over the years we have given ALL sponsors the right to VERIFY should they choose to prove you are who you say you are. After the first order you will then be in good standing, and should not have to do this again. Sponsors have the right at anytime to ask for verification. What I will look at doing is allow the sponsors to create a tab, or star system to then show you have been vetted and are in good standing. This should alleviate the need to have to re-verify should you move from sponsor to sponsor.
  22. okay here we go starting weight 182lb yesturday she started Victoza at 1.2 mg every day anavar 5mg to start and we will ramp it up from there she will not be fasting due to Victoza but I will have her carb cycling and doing her protein shakes in the AM,,,, goal here will be her eating 3 meals a day with snacks in between, she and I work out 5 days a week for 1 hour to 1 hr 15 5 days a week so here we go day one she woke up feeling a tad nauseous but went back to sleep right away woke up no problem went to the scale and was already down 1 pound. Victoza is only being used to help her get the weight she gained when she blew her knee out and quite her workouts when I got sick she didn't go far...........so we are starting from scratch and it took her 7 months to loose 14 pounds nothing was working so I finally after 10 years got permission from her to train her LMAO . before all the crap she was 114 pounds so we will get her to about 145 to 150 as she wants muscle and a lot of it. so we are going to do that. 2 months in the gym everyday and nothing was working so its time to hit the hormones
  23. Talon


    products were ordered and shipped in 24 hour window the delay was my doing lol I changed my mind I'm one of those assholes that keeps finding something new to play with LOL.....stove pics will follow and so will the logs. I have to say yet again im blown away by the speed and how accommodating they were, TOP KNOTCH as always THANKS BT
  24. you need to know the way medical vs rec works. You don't get to write rec off when you do income tax You do get too for medical. Next drug coverage is coming for medicinal scripts, third there is a big difference as a lot of CBD strains rec vs medicinal too some of the LPs will never release their medicinal strains in the rec market......Quality is also a big difference. Trust me when I say I know my shit in this area.... There are also different rules for use rec vs medical In Liu of where and where you may not use etc etc judging from the rumours I am hearing you may not eventually be able to get CBD in the rec stores Heath canada is playing with ideas https://www.thebruns.ca/articles/health-experts-stress-difference-between-medical-and-recreational-cannabis
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