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Medicus Research Reviews

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TD Medicus research!

I placed my second order with Medicus on the 16th, my package was in my hand on the 19th! Super fast service. The packaging and care that goes into shipping is phenomenal. It really says something to me about this labs attention to detail. Dealing with the rep Jax is an absolute pleasure. 

Ive now had a bit of time to give a lil feedback on quality. For a few weeks now I’ve been pinning their test cyp im place of my prescription TRT: Oils are very clean and smooth, no pip whatsoever. I feel great. I’ll be pulling bloods in two weeks and I’ll gladly update this. I’m also using Medicus proviron and mk 677. Both are legit as fuck. My sex drive is ummm, rampant... (my poor gf’s) And my appetite and recovery are through the roof. I’m loving this brand. Ate one of their cialis last night, all night and today I’ve been  popping No Reason Boners like I’m 15..

I’ll be sticking with Medicus Research for the foreseeable future, and I highly recommend trying them. Here’s some porn for you gear hounds!29D548C5-612A-46D4-8334-2FCF25BFB846.thumb.jpeg.ce60c96de2e0d8f5a1ce2000f837f6aa.jpeg

Big thanks to Jax and the Medicus team!

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 1/7/2020 at 1:43 AM, whatsup said:

received letrozole. it said 1mg ,compared to the 1.25mg, on the label. No complaints though. probably order from them soon again.

Thank you for your review, but most importantly thank you for noticing my error! This was my fault and it will be corrected immediately!



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Got 2 orders from Medicus. What can I say, Jax is a pleasure to deal with, shipping is super fast, communication is top notch and packaging was perfect also. 

Ordered Cialis, Proviron, Winstrol, Test E 250 and 400mg/ml, got also deca on the way, Arimidex, Letro (says 1mg on the label but Jax noticed the issue! :P) 

I did not try the oils yet, but I will switch to them for TRT next week so I will let everyone know how they feel. Also got blood work in 2 weeks so I will be able to see if oils are good to go!

Tried Winstrol and Proviron atm, both are good to go. Felt the Winstrol almost right away, but I had to stop because of an injury. Proviron is awesome on TRT also! Libido is awesome and SHBG is way down from last bloodwork. 

Will definitely place more order with Medicus and update my post as I try the products!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Apologies to the lab for writing up a review so late. I bought a bunch of gear during the crazy prices for Black Friday and... couldn't resist lol. Canada Post delays meant that the gear got to me some weeks later but that's all good because it's not a fault of the lab. But the lab kept following up with me via email to provide updates, so they didn't go radio silence after providing a tracking number.

Gear came safely packed with no issues. I love that the vials are hot wrapped in plastic for extra security. Nice touch with hologram stickers. The label on each vial is very professional and I like that little attention to detail. Got one of my Anavar packs with some black residue and after bringing it up with the lab I was told there's nothing to worry about and I'll take their word for that. 

I recently started a blast with their TnT (test/tren e) mix and it's smoooooooth. Zero pip from the pin. Actually pins. It's been multiple shots now haha. The day and night after the first pin I was pissing buckets of urine and losing all of that water weight. Probably went to piss something like 15 times in 24 hours. This is typical for me on tren I've found.

I have to say, these guys are very professional with their attitude and I'm very satisfied with the customer service. Shipping, packaging etc. is also satisfactory. I'll do bloods sometime in March and will update then.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
On 4/17/2020 at 12:51 AM, DelFlago said:

Have made around 5 orders with Medicus now, every time is has been smooth customer service, no complaints. The Anavar has been amazing, have 3 people on it making great results!



what is their email? medicusresearch@protonmail.com doesnt work...

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On 4/17/2020 at 12:51 AM, DelFlago said:

Have made around 5 orders with Medicus now, every time is has been smooth customer service, no complaints. The Anavar has been amazing, have 3 people on it making great results!



Yup. Anavar is g2g. Enjoyed it. Didn't enjoy the back pumps lol

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  • 1 month later...

@57 Muscle I wouldn’t be too concerned yet , Canada post is brutal slow at the moment , My wife has waited a week for a package from Amazon that was only a 5 hour drive away from our home, Now as far as tracking numbers some labs have been starting to shy away from them for safety reasons , For their protection as well as yours , I’ve posted this information in a previous thread , In Canada you the end user has no worry with user amounts of gear , On the other hand they want the labs so this no tracking keeps your nose out of it. Because tracking does what it is meant to do TRACK , Ask yourself is it really a good idea to track an underground transaction. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

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