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Everything posted by NorthernLifters

  1. I'll be posting screens today but roided is an absolute asshat. Disrespectful roided up kids who can't handle their gear. Rep speaks politely and roided further gets agitated. GameChanger has no record of orders, so God knows how old it is. If he got an infection as he claims, who the hell injects again from the vials? And why not contact the rep if you got infected As a home brewer, I make 10+ odd vials I can't imagine labs. If it was a bad batch then there would be many issues, not an isolated case. Isolated case is typically a hygiene issue being pushed over and blamed on a lab. Since this man child who lacks a braincell cussed at bodytech when his parcel was lost by courier service when it showed delivered, didn't ask for signature after he implied he lived in some ghetto. Shows that this idiot doesn't belong on this board and we made a mistake by giving him a second chance. Now you're dumb ass is permanently banned, hopefully you can get your emotions grounded you pathetic brat. If anyone posts on any lab before approaching the rep, you will be shamed and banned. Follow the fuckin rules 1) email rep 2) email us if issue is not resolved.
  2. Please send screens,i will review. till then thread is locked. Breaking of protocol has to stop,if you cant read or follow rules then you got no place here
  3. welcome to NL,glad you are with us
  4. dm our account manager for a feature,please dont pm us. That way you are anonymous
  5. Guys, in the first post the reps name is given. Email is under his signature Best bet is to contact rep first. This is a review section, not a Q&A
  6. souinds good brother,just some miscommunication,all good
  7. hey brother,yes i can see the confusion. In the first post i was discussing about carrier oils only. In the other thread which was genetecs,i said i have yet to see 100mg successfully dissolved without guaicol.
  8. i was simply comparing carrier oils by saying you dont need eo if you can get good mct,i didnt mention any ingredients or anything else
  9. ok and if i did word something wrong id gladly apologize. we are all here to help one another,its my sole purpose
  10. well now you can answer my question,where did i make that statement? you said that i maybe forgot or confusing but i never made such statement that you said. SO lets clear that up Lets just assume you misread my friend, cheers
  11. Seems like you misread because here is what i wrote, Where did i say it cn be done with mct? guaicol has a distinct smell,i really hope if its in there it should be on the label ive yet to see anyone ever produce 100mg of dhb wihtout super solvent and not crashing @GenetecResearch care to chime in here?
  12. not sure why you seem offended?i simply said that for years many could not do dhb without super solvent at 100mg. and the ones that claimed they did were typically underdosed or a fake raw. One thing you will have to get use to is confrontation,cant get offended. And my other post was on genetecs post,wasnt to you. My final statement was microwave radiation,big reason why major big companies and users dont use a microwave
  13. well,eo is a solvent and also thins out the oil,bb is also a thinner. Sometimes thinning out an item will make it crash. I hope this note is taken by brewers Microwave is great due to the high temp,something like winy with an high melting point would be perfect but ive never been a fan of microwave due to the radiation
  14. Deus does and will have every opportunity,as does afflicted. Cant talk shit if you got no evidence. One thing this board wont allow. That is and will always be a universal rule here When stuff about taureau and dracorex came up,i made sure there was evidence and i reviewed all screenshots before permitting it here. We even offered any one of taureaus friends includiong taureau himself to come here and prove these accusations false,he did not and nor did any of his staff there We even went one up and shared info with biguglynewf form cjm,who agreed to speak to olympic but after many failed attempts,olympic backed off. Storing personal info is a horrible practice and hated by all big boards and results in an instant ban but seems like in the canadian politics its all fine if one of your own do it. So that should help all members see that CJM nor CB actually follow any type of law or enforce any law. They only implement it when it suits their agendas,where as this board wont allow shit. Time for members to open up their eyes aswell and start to understand,when you see a lab getting bashed on cjm or other boards,9/10 is has a political agenda and motive behind it. These owners dont give 2 shits about you or your info,they care about your money. Wake up and get a reality check,support a board that actually isnt owned by a bloody lab. We will always give a chance and voice to someone getting bashed,thats our promise Afflicted has another day or 2 to follow up,if he fails to do. You all can decide what the truth is,im not going to be the shit stirrer. But we will ban Afflicted because this board will not tolerate accusations with no evidence. This will be an example for future members who wish to leave a negative review,be ready to back it up or be prepared to get banned. The days of bullshit politics form shills and lab owners/board owners are over P.S if anyone has contact with CJM mods or CB staff and they wish to rebuke any accusations I have presented,they are free to come and talk. This board will be a platform for all in a fair manner.
  15. Don't want to discredit your brew but I find it extremely difficult for dhb to not crash at 100mg,without solvent Who's raw did you use? I've tried tons of the big labs on pm and bop and they themselves can't get it to hold at 100 mg without super solvent This is why most people say if you see it at 100 without solvent, the raw is most likely fake Kind of why you won't see Winny in oil at high dose and test base and primo ace.
  16. He's done nothing of that sort. Affliction spewed an accusation and he defended his self. He has not promoted any sales nor contact info. So let's be diplomatic here, deus has every right to defend himself and affliction can provide proof of his accusations. I am also in touch with the mods from sst.
  17. In a nut shell, quality posts and not just posts but knowledgeable replies etc. All valid points
  18. you want to bulk at 20% in the spring/summer?just trying to understand before i reply sir
  19. Alright guys, we would like everyone's input on this. We will be doing a monthly giveaway, just a rough idea of what 1) $50 gift card per month,12 giveaways a year 2) This excludes any promos etc from sponsors, this is simply from the board to the members What we want is everyone's input, what type of contest would everyone like? Examples below, but please do leave your input after this post Top member contribution Most posts Most rep
  20. platform is yours,it would be unjust if we did not let you speak up. This will also not be turned into a war,afflicted will be given the chance to prove his story. This will not be a dick war of words,i will not let it happen. Please keep it professional
  21. placebo effect,your balls may shrink because of lack of production but your dick should forever be hard and larger(well not all day but you get the point) the rest of your story is what we call fake news aka bro science by haters who hate steroids
  22. i am also thankful that @StraightSideways spoke up and voiced his opinion,if we oppress people,why would they stay here?every one of you are permitted to voice an opinion but if you state an accusation/allegations, you better be able to back it up with solid proof,that way all members can see it and make a decision. If you state something with no proof,you will be banned and i dont care if you a vet,mod etc. Rules are meant to be enforced,no staff is above rules.
  23. the issue lies in the truthfulness from peoples input. As i said in my post, i have never seen so much drama in the intl boards as I have seen in the canadian side. People are creating accounts on different boards ot leave fake reviews. Board owners are allowing anyone who fits their agenda to post away,anyone who offers an opinion that doesnt align with their motive is banned. So in all due respect,what truthfulness is left in any of these reviews?There needs to be accountability,there needs to be a level of respect of that person who is offering a review When taureau was exposed here,it was permitted with evidence,he was also given this platform to rebuke or counter any claims that may be fake. Does any other canadian board allow this?i dont see a single board in the canadian side that will let someone on the opposite side speak. Ihave done my research on cjm,cm,cb and none of them fit this criteria. Most of you are well aware that cjm went on a straight bash of bt,banned anyone who spoke positively about it,cm was no different. CB has no credibility because it is run by a scammer. Question is,how can you vet reviews?Reviews should only be permitted to people of a reputaiton,especially when allegations and accusations are done. Look at the above scenario, If i did not allow deus to challenge claims stated by afflicted,what would happen to his rep?it would be damaged. This is what dwbo means by allowing and not allowing,there is way too much fuckin drama here. So first rule i am implementing,if you are going to bash someone and present accusations,you better back it off. If you provide such info and no backing,you will be banned. I dont care if youre a vet or mod. This he say she say shit cant exist. Freedom of offering reviews of other labs is fine,because people genuinely want to know about another lab and to make sure its legit or not. In the same token,many people use this as an excuse to promote their brand without actually being a sponsor. I think most of you do not understand the shit us staff are put into being in the middle. We have to find a system that keeps all parties happy and that is nearly impossible with all the drama in canadian boards and labs Tell me one board aside from us,that has permitted someone to come out and challenge claims against them?not a single fuckin one,so how about you guys support and help staff come up with a proper solution vs saying we are simply censoring everything. Look from all angles and discuss with us Best example is deus pharma,if we was banned and not given a chance to speak,his rep would be damaged. Atleast now,he is given a platform and afflicted can provide proof and or deus can show proof that afflicted is lying and the staff will make a decision. But long are those days where we will simply let people come here and talk shit without nay proof. If you want that,then stay loyal to cjm or cb because it wont happen here
  24. Well dracorex is run by a scammer and an info collector, who's listed on all the big boards as one. Trans and bt are patrons here and both are legit.
  25. I'd do stanolone at 2-3 tabs Inject pre workout. The dryness from stanolone will make masteron look like nothing
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