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Posts posted by NorthernLifters

  1. 8 hours ago, Kat87 said:

    Hi Guys, with Frag... what’s the protocol on days when you are not doing fasted cardio or on a total rest day?  Do you still stick to the protocol? Thanks. Kat 

    i basically use it anytime im fasted

    whether its fasted cardio,or bike riding etc. i have done it upto twice a day for weeks at a time

    to counter appetite issues,i used an item called meridia,works like a miracle.helps me stay fasted longer

  2. On 1/18/2020 at 8:13 PM, Ryujiin said:

    Dude the detail in your log makes my feel like a slacker with mine lol. 

    hahah this made my day

    your log is wicked aswell Ryu

    ahmed,loving the log,the well balance of sarms and or peptides always catch my attention because i feel they dont get the spotlight as it deserves.

  3. Good job man, you're coming along 

    T3 will not eat you alive 

    Taper up and taper down 

    You'll feel next to no sides, doesn't mean it isn't working 

    I'm not a big fan of sarms, I am more of a peptide+hgh guy 

    If you're ever looking for a fat loss cycle with peptides, I can definitely help 

    But rad is known to shut people down, as does lgd at higher dosages 

    • Like 1
  4. 6 minutes ago, Blitz said:

    This is spot on, obviously some supply will fall off, but the mass of licensed suppliers are still in business. However I'm not hoping any misinformation floating around is just ignorance and not malicious to inflate prices further than they need to be. Kind of like when oil went up and the government saw the gas prices increase so they threw additional taxes on it so we would just associate it with the barrel cost. 

    to be honest,i first thought this was some hoax by the china suppliers,trying to cash in before the new year but i did buy some extra goodies just incase

    but i have spoken to a few sources and 90% have gone underground and have no idea when they will resume business,on professional muscle we have tons of suppliers from china and many of them are gone. As i said above,lets see how it plays out. Either way,always hope for the best but expect the worst

  5. from my personal sources in china,there have been over 30 arrests already. All major companies are Underground,some companies who have stock are selling raws at an inflated price. There are already labs on PM that have gone under because they are out of stock

    @Blitz  all these raw companies are distributors,distribution is dead and not permitted any longer. SO even if raws are being produced by a legal lmanufacturer(there are 3 certified manufacturers),raws wont come out because distribution doesnt exist,or possibly some does exist but underground.

    ill keep on updated but you can go on the big boards and you can see how many are gone for now

    • Thanks 1
  6. On 8/11/2019 at 8:36 PM, Blitz said:

    I've gotta say I wouldn't spend my money on it again. I'm coming up to 4 weeks and not really noticing anything I can directly attribute to it. My strength came on like it regularly would with 1000mg of test and now coming up to 4 weeks, vascularity is increasing like it should for 600mg of EQ. Orals aren't ever great for me so it wasn't likely to do much. I would definitely rather run winstrol or M1T. I'll continue to run it until I'm out, we'll see.

    how confident are you that the source was realiable?and product is authentic?reason i ask because there are many positive reviews out there aswell

    sometimes raw and item production makes a big difference

    thank you for your honest opinion and update

  7. On 12/30/2019 at 12:33 PM, Blitz said:

    I know a lot of us have challenges getting blood work in Canada and are always looking for an easier way. There is an app/website called Maple, it connects you with a doctor for $49 and they can order any lab tests you want. You get a PDF of the req, take it to any lab and it gets uploaded. I'm Ontario at least if you are under 40 OHIP does not classify blood work as a medical necessity so you just have to give the doctor a reason. I said I took exogenous testosterone and want to make sure everything is good, however he said if you were starting or stopping a supplement, starting or stopping a medication or using hormones are all legit reasons.

    I got the lab req on Friday and just went to get my blood drawn this morning. I requested Glucose, hbA1C, creatinine, sodium, potassium, alt, potassium, ALT, alk. Phosphatase, bilirubin, lipid assessment, urinalysis, CBC, TSH, free T3 and T4, calcium, chloride, AST, CRP, PSA, SHBG, Estradiol, free testosterone and total testosterone.

    $49 is well worth it not to sit in my doctor's waiting room for an hour just to be turned down or have them refuse some of the tests.

    That's a great find and share. Thank you 

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