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Everything posted by DeviousD

  1. You bet, it definitely becomes detrimental after awhile. It also wreaked havoc on my E2.
  2. Oh for sure, I also have a child that was conceived while I had been on for 16 weeks of a 20 week test, eq, & tbol run a few years ago. Same thing, I thought no way but he is gunna be 4 years old....there wasnt a paternaty test done but there is no doubt that I'm the father. Of course, it could always happen but I'm just saying you absolute best chance is if you come off. We wasted a year trying....well, it definitely wasn't wasted effort or fun but we got a year older and time is getting slim to keep having kids....the old ladies eggs are getting old?
  3. I know you're not even kidding because this is actually true!! I try not to let em get that bad LOL but if they do then thats the best way to deal with them....
  4. You bet, i've found it & it works great! Thank you very much.
  5. I will always take caber and believe it is essential when doing any Nandrolone or Trenbolone compounds. 1/2mg of Caber two times a week works great for mild to moderate Nandro or Teen dosages. This keep my dick working and able to bust a nut, without it there is no chance. Nobody wants gyno either so why even chance it, especially gyno caused by high prolactin.
  6. DeviousD

    Good day

    Hey Bags, great to see you here! Waiting and looking forward to all your knowledge and experience! The access that you have to pertaining research is also invaluable!!
  7. I'd be curious to see what your prolactin was at. I was having some high estro & edema symptoms too @ 150mg/wk. i lowered my dose to 120mg/wk a couple weeks before bloodwork & my estradiol came back @ 31.3pg/ml (near thew top of the range) & my prolactin came back above range @ 23.4ug/l with the top of the range being 17.4....that was with no AI I took some adex and brought my estradiol down and am keeping my test @ 120mg/wk where it actually takes weeks for my estradiol to come back up higher where I can feel myself having higher estro symptoms. I took a couple caber for the elevated prolactin and now I actually feel better and have no estro or edema symptoms whatsoever. I did this on my own & did not consult with my doctor....I do have an open bloodwork requisition to do some follow up bloodwork but I haven't used it yet to see the actual numbers cause I actually started a little blast that i want to do for another 9 weeks....so I need to wait a few months lol
  8. Not to be rude at all, its merely a question... Is Primo known to cause PIP? I am 1 vial into some primo 200mg/ml from another lab and its absolutely painfree on its own as well as mixed 1 ml of it with 1 ml of Bodytech's Tritren....zero PIP whatsoever. Absolutely love the Tritren & need to order more of it actually!!
  9. Maybe I'm missing it but there should be a "view first unread" button in each individual thread. It's extremely helpful on threads where there are multiple pages of posts and you've already read most of them. Just push that tab to take you to the first post that you haven't read in the thread.
  10. You're very welcome, happy to help with any questions that you have, I'll be expecting that pm man!
  11. Exactly! Thanks @OLYMPIC. There are many reasons for low testosterone and nobody that actually requires it should feel any less for needing therapy, it's no different than any other manageable medical condition.
  12. I'm wondering that as well, what reasoning does everyone have to actually take it? Do you actually think or know that it keeps your sperm production working? If so, do you have tests that prove that? Does it give guys a better sense of well being? Do you find that you have more conversion to estrogen and need an AI?
  13. Out of any of you guys giving the advice to stay on gear have actually done this and had it work for you? I can tell you that it did not work for me and I gave it a good solid effort with copious amounts of Pharmacy HCG for 8 months. I was on prescribed TRT and wanting to have another child, my doctor told me that I should come right off but of course I didn't want to. I had done countless hours of research and read all about HCG being able to keep you fertile and was able to convince my doctor to let me try with the HCG first. I had a semen analysis before and then after 6 months of HCG and TRT and the sample actually came back lower..... I immediately stopped TRT after getting the results of the analysis. After stopping the test and HCG I did HMG for 12 days and then low dose clomid for two months. The wife became pregnant exactly 3 months after stopping the testosterone....the exact maturation length of new sperm..... If you're serious about getting the wife or girlfriend pregnant then don't mess around, just come off man. If you have any questions about anything just ask or even on pm me.
  14. Ohhh, these are deadly!! I make these too pretty much the same, I just add some ground flax seed to mine as well. I flatten mine a bit and then I freeze them and then eat them frozen. They're so good and they take a little longer to eat so that way you don't eat too many at once.
  15. Nice to see you here too @gettingolder. I always enjoyed your point of view & your knowledge. I especially enjoy all the mamacita stories LOL
  16. I have used quite a few different compounds from Orion & had success with all! I've always had exceptional service from their rep with every order. Orion is top shelf in their products & their customer service. If you have access to them then I wouldn't hesitate to use them! BIG JUGS, who doesn't like BIG JUGS?? LOL
  17. How many guys that are on prescribed TRT are also on prescribed HCG? If so, what are your dosages of each? Are you also prescribed an AI?
  18. Welcome Libo, nice to see everyone is finding their way over!
  19. Never heard of it, sounds absolutely terrible though....
  20. I'm gunna give it everything within my power....life gives us obstacles but we just have to manage them and keep pressing on. Life is gunna get a little more hectic in a few months with the second child due.... Work, training, & family are everything for me, I don't have much time for anything else.
  21. Nice to see you to @bebeav!
  22. Hey man, good to see everyone is finding their way here! I'm shooting to have a recomp as successful as yours @OntarioDude
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