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Everything posted by Physlifter

  1. A bit more full body. Still can't say enough good things about how this cycle is going. Pumps and strength are fantastic. Fullness, vascular, the whole deal. Eating 3000 Cals a day. 20-25 mins of cardio 3-4 days a week. I'm definitely in the classic physique stage.
  2. 238 lbs today! Still have ab lines! Man. This has been a frickin awesome offseason! My freaking arms feel like their bigger than my fat head now!
  3. 2nd place??! NOT GOOD ENOUGH! AHHHHHHHHHHHH Damn man super impressive!! But you have leggggggggggggggggs you could do classic as well!! You looked frickin great!
  4. Got it uploaded to YouTube https://youtu.be/HnWekswGcww
  5. Well I PR'd another tonight with 3.5 plates per side on shoulder press. Got that vid up too but gotta figure out how to embed it without taking such a huge frame in the box. I feel great!! This is by far the best offseason i've had for steady gains, strength, growth. And it's nice and simple really.
  6. 230 lbs. Getting bigger! Staying lean! Turkey gains are coming from this thanksgiving! New PR row row rowing that heavy 315 lbs ass weight up for a crude 6 at the end of my workout. Be thankful for something! I'm thankful for my family, my health and career, and especially the blessing of being able to wake up every day and make a difference, no matter how shitty the day begins or ends. 20191014_183451~2.mp4
  7. calcific tendonitis within the long head biceps is plausible any forward movement that causes pain is almost exclusively biceps. If you do band movement from internal to external and back to internal rotation, does that hurt? Does chest pressing hurt at the most down stretch position? if those two don't hurt, then I can all but guarantee it's long head biceps. Lots and lots of low grade band rehab repeating that movement helps flood blood to it. Avoiding long reach and loading movements helps. Keep palms up and in close if you have to lift things. If it's a constant throb add ice to it first, then proceed with heat. If it is calcific tendonitis, there's lots in physio that can be done to help break down the deposits, absorb back into the body, and reduce the overall inflamed tendon. If there are larger deposits, nothing short of shockwave therapy will help that (and that hurts like a bitch), if it does at all. Lots of people have calcium deposits have zero symptoms either, so it may or may not be correlational.
  8. Sitting at 225.6 this morning and I look bigger and possibly leaner! Arms are absolutely bigger!! I found a nice pose for myself too that seems to work!
  9. Starting a new log today. There are some interesting changes this offseason regarding total athleticism and not strict bodybuilding. I am opening up a Tae Kwon Do club with a fellow master 5th dan instructor, and after 17 years of not practicing, i'm getting back into the fold. So this means I have to not only attempt to get to the splits again (and improve all general mobility), but I also have to have my cardio jacked way way up, or else i'll fail the upgrade dan tests miserably. I see this only as an extremely positive thing. So i'm contining my bodybuilding offseason mass building sitting at 227 or so pounds (see new pic), but I will be training towards a 10 km run by the spring. This past week I'm starting at 2 km. Can do it at 5.5 mph in 13:30 mins. I suck. OMG i'm out of shape. Heart rate constantly at 160 bpm. Splits training has got to be the ABSOLUTE WORST i've ever done. I can't believe I was able to be full side and long splits as a 17 year old. Not anymore as a 36 year old. It's improved a lot, but I have months to go to get anywhere close to bottom. Every inch of muscle in my pelvic girdle has shortened to unbelievable lengths..sitting for 8 years in school, practicing for 10 years as a physio sitting at a desk charting. I know this will positively affect my squats, deads, etc having better mobility too. Current cycle: Body tech Test 800, Equipoise 600, NPP 450 weekly. Dbol 50 mg daily for 6 or so weeks. I will be starting genetic cardarine at 10 mg daily to see about the improved cardiovascular effects, as well as mk677 12.5 mg, bumping up to 25 once I am accustomed to it and not wanting to eat everything in sight.
  10. I think you've got the safest bet. For all the 'excitement' this Olympia is supposed to bring, it seems pretty boring with already knowing who's going to win. I would LOVE Dex to win it. Just bring the same package from the last show and it'll be hard even for Brandon to beat him. Then Dex can finally retire. But honestly it'll probably be 1) Brandon 2) Roelly 3) Dex 4) doesn't matter after that
  11. they translate to big long hard sexy time!!
  12. 100 IU is a full ML, which would be a full plunger back if you had a 100 iu syringe. Each major line is 10 iu, each minor tick is 2 iu. So like goto 10 IU first day, then just do 5 iu the next week every day, then every other day until you get the tan you need, then go maintenance.
  13. So I've been on a constant 2000 IU dose for the last week (after seeing my endo last wednesday and said just keep a constant 2000 IU) I feel more improved wellness if I can use that term. Sexual dysfunction has improved, but I also started taking HCG with a 1000 IU shot 4 days ago. Going through a 5000 IU bottle now at 500 IU every 3.5 days.
  14. You're very thick! What divisions are you competing in?
  15. keep exercising and doing your physio steroids are not going to make whatever rotator cuff muscle is torn magically heal faster. It doesn't work that way. If anything, being on a huge cycle may make it worse as the contractile power of the muscle is so greater than the tendon strength you're at even greater risk of fully rupturing it. I did do a TB500 cycle (shown in a log), that helped my tennis elbow. Maybe think about that? Lightly work through your movements with pain levels not exceeding 3/10, as full a range as you can without compensation movements, 3-5 sets of 10-12 to fill it with blood. Rehab is a completely different beast than bodybuilding. If you want to lift proper again with reduced risk you need to take the necessary steps to doing things right, and then once back into lifting, adjust how the training was done (different ex's, weights, positions, etc) so you can be successful.
  16. So that pain is likely your sub scapularis muscle. Long head biceps irritation is always palpable and thickened in the groove it sits in. Subscap sits deep under that and mimics it. That hand behind back movement that's painful is pretty much the test for subscap. Your description of what doesn't hurt also eliminates supraspinatus and infraspinatus/teres minor. How to treat it? Obviously stay out of that range is one thing. Rep out internal rotation movements on the pullies at neutral position and up at 90 deg abduction as long as it's relatively pain free. No huge stretch loads from chest days. Heat as needed 2-3x a day to keep it warm and blood flowing to it.
  17. So there's some good info here but a lot of info missing that's vital to a good diagnosis. Doctors like to throw around tears a lot but if it's a true tear you're going to be in trouble, plus your symptoms are not reflective of a tear (it being significantly more painful). 1) is your pain with active range of motion to the front over head? Side over head? External rotation? Or hand behind back only? 2) do resisted flexion at 90 deg, abduction (to the side), External rotation on the corner of the wall, or lift off with hand behind back. What's painful? 3) pretend your arm is out front, elbow at eye level direct in front of you, either put resistance on your hand with the opposite or allow it to fall into deep internal rotation. Any jabbing pain? 4) bring your arm up you the side, thumbs up, then pretend to empty a drink or can in that position allowing the hand to full turn down and in. Any symptoms? 5) tender and thick along the long head bicep where it goes in the front inner portion of the arm? What about the AC joint? Anything on the lateral side to that? Based on what hurts and doesn't, it's likely a mild tendonopathy. No tears. Give me some info back.
  18. Well not as lean as I once was. Saw endo the other day and I've got a full clean bill of anabolic health. About to do another order from body tech and genetic and get my offseason started! 225 this morning. Here are pics after a hard back day.
  19. How many of you have bought insulin straight from the pharmacy? Are there reputable places online to buy insulin? Given the large american 'caravan' that came into windsor a few weeks ago to buy large swathes of insulin, there should be no reason to not be able to go into a pharmacy to buy it...but I feel that's even more weird than buying pins, especially where i'm bigger than most of the population. Advice needed on where to look into buying? Usually the humalog fast acting for pre/post-workout injection.
  20. holy crap that place has awesome prices. Finally!!! I wouldn't mind supporting the other suppliers but jesus christ the shipping costs more than the pins themselves!!
  21. nothing to worry about. the speed of injection, the depth of it, the angle of the pin, and yes even how fast you pull out would create a negative pressure and spurt out blood. You may have a small bruise, i wouldn't worry about that. I'm all about worrying you lost some gear though!!
  22. I'm taking 4000 IU a day now for the next two weeks. Saw my GP this morning and quizzed him. He thinks the number isn't something to worry about, it could be my normal, but does say because of my skin and how easy I tan I'm likely not absorbing as much compared to pasty white gingers or lighter skin folks. He told me to take 4000 IU for two weeks then drop down to the standard 1000 IU and that should level things out. As it stands, no change in any sexual performance either, thoughnot expecting anything yet if any.
  23. PSA is great and has been unchanged ever since i started my official TRT even with blasts. I'll up the dose. I'm worried a bit about toxicity though but you seem to be knowledgable with that I won't? It was done in my blood work.
  24. Did you find out if there's something up that's blocking the absorption?
  25. Little bit of history: I have low test, had teenage gyno (removed two years ago), been seeing an endo for going on 2.5 years now and I've been put on permament 200 mg of test E weekly. Feeling great, but lately the last few months i've been having a harder time maintain erections or even getting strong ones. I just got bloods done and my natty test levels typically between 200-600 was at 364 instead of the normal 480 region. Also, which seemed alarming, was that my Vitamin D levels were tanked to low levels. That seems weird, as I'm always out in the sun, have a great tan, eat lots of fruits and veggies. Biggest thing is the sexual dysfunction...so poking around I found some interesting info. See below. I started taking 3000 IU of vit D today and will see what changes happen, if any, over the next week. https://www.webmd.com/erectile-dysfunction/news/20151113/vitamin-d-deficiency-might-be-tied-to-erectile-dysfunction https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30395842 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5503426/ https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ije/2018/3720813/
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