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Everything posted by mbmuscle

  1. Still working on getting a trt script. I just ran some hcg & proviron and had great results. Split 5000ius into 3 shots took it every 3rd day and 50 mg of proviron a day. My test score went from 8-19! But it crashed after I quit.
  2. If anybody sees an Apple ipod touch 6 or 7 whatever it's at now, for a great price, give me a shout. I need one for an xmas gift
  3. Well I'm not happy my info was saved but I would feel better if you deleted it otherwise there is no difference. I think your point has been made, info was saved. Every single person doesn't need confirmation
  4. @unknownman just curious. You say that we can check with the new BT rep to see if our info is stored. Why hasn't everything been deleted by now?
  5. Is @NorthernLifters saying there is a Movember contest starting ?
  6. Ment is the only compound that made me lactate! Not cool?
  7. You're going to marry them? Is the a wedding gown too ?
  8. 10-30 is the testosterone blood level.
  9. Cool. This is something I would like to try. It feels like it would make the MK677 affordable long term
  10. Thank you for finally giving some clarity. I respect Oly for not wanting to say much but it really left many of us in the dark wondering who to believe.
  11. Never heard of that lab. I never get any special invites ? lol
  12. 1-test is not the same as test cypionate!
  13. I think Oly is saying that at 100 he isn't suppressing natural functions because his sperm are still being produced. I don't think he is arguing his test is being replaced but the rest of the system is still functioning normally. That has me interested. I have low test but I'm trying for a baby so I've been avoiding taking anything at the moment.
  14. Thanks for the support ?
  15. Made me extremely anxious at 50mg before bed. Zero pain relief ?
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