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  1. I’d keep it to something simple man run 500ml of Test E or C per week, I’d keep some Arimidex on hand in case it’s needed. No need to add anything else for a first blast
    4 points
  2. Personally i don't like to use multi-esther compounds. IMO test-e is the go to for most who want to pin twice a week. You'll just have to be a little more patient to feel the effects, but consistently spaced and equally dosed will serve you well with minimal issues.
    3 points
  3. Absolutely. I would say there's nothing more important than diet.
    2 points
  4. If you're gonna take Sustanon instead of TestE be sure to heed the wisdom of injecting it E2D. When I used it last year I went E3D and the peaks and valleys from the short ester made me noticeably more emotionally volatile.
    2 points
  5. Hey there guys, A few days ago I placed my first BT order. They threw in two of their new products and asked me to write a log/ review of it for them. I'm in the last 4 weeks of my current cutting cycle. I'm not planning on stepping on stage. My goal is to get lean and ripped as fuck by my birthday October 31st. Actually for the 27th when I am hosting my 50th masquerade party. My stats are: 5'4 - 155lbs BF I'd say is around 15%. I've dropped 20 lbs of fat since February (I was 178lbs) Now just dialing it in for the last few weeks. I've been on a keto diet for the past few weeks with my wife. I'm eating about 1-1.5g of protein per lean body weight. I'm not counting calories as most of my food is meat and vegetables. No breads, sugars, rice, pasta, or anything. So far my cycle has looked like this: Test E 250mg/wk - wk 1-8 Mast E 400/wk - wk1-8 Tren A 100mg eod- wk 5-12 Winstrol 50mg pwo - wk 1-4 Anavar 50mg pwo - wk 5-8 Clen 100mg ed 2wks on 1 wk off T3 50mg ed -1-8 Now that I'm in my last 4 weeks and the new BT products on hand I'll be switching to BT from all other labs from here on out. My cycle is going to look like this as of today: TNT450 - 1cc/wk Tren A 100mg eod Replacing Mast with Stanolone - 60mg pwo Madol - 20 to 30mg pwo I also picked up some DNP and will be replacing the Clen with that when I get a proper micro scale that I ordered from Amazon. Exact dosage I haven't decided whether it'll be 100mg or 200mg ed. Sould be here by Thursday. Workout wise I started this cycle doing splits of Chest/tri's, Back/bi's, shoulders, legs. Now I've been doing full body workouts for the past 4 weeks with cardio on non workout days. For the first month I chose a lagging body part and worked them every day. It's a Christian Thibaudea program I found on T-nation. So last month was arms. This month is shoulders. it's a 10 set routine that you do everyday. I even do them on cardio days. it looks like this: Set 1 - Warmup (15-20reps) Set 2 - Use weight you can lift for 10 reps but do 6 reps Sets 3-6- As heavy as you can lift with perfect form for 3 reps Sets7-9 As heavy as you can lift, fuck the form for 3 reps. Set 10 - Use half the weight you used for sets 7-9 until failure. This little program works great. Originally it was just for arms, but I figure it's useful for any body part aside from maybe legs. So I was out of the gym for most of last wqeek because of my crazy work schedule. I worked anywhere from 12-18 hrs everyday from Monday to Saturday. By yesterday I could barely get out of bed. But I had an engagement my wife and I were hosting ar Woodbine Racetrack so I didn't have a choice! That being said, I was back in the gym this morning after pinning the TNT, and dropping 20mg of Madol, and 40mg of DHT and 100mg of Clen. I was planning a lightworkout to ease myself back after a week off. it looked like this: leg extensions 100x15, 150x10, 180x10 One arm machine chest press(cross body) - 100x15, 120x10, 150x10 Wide grip lat pulldown - 100x15, 130x10, 150x10 Machine Side Laterals - 50x20, 80x6, 100x3 4sets, 120x3 3 sets, 60x20 Leverage preacher curl - 50x20, 80x10, 100x10 Incline EZbar triceps extensions - 50x15, 80x12, 80x12 Seated calf raise - 150x12 3 sets I was super fucking tired as I am still adjusting to getting back to my regular schedule. I was up at 4:30 and off to the gym by 5 and on the gym floor by 5:40. I felt good and ready to go as being in the gym always gets my juices flowing. I was surprised how effortless it felt moving the weight. I could've easily lifted more but didn't want to over do it, or crush my CNS for the remainder of the day. I don't like to make knee jerk prognoses after one dose of a product. But I could definitely feel it as my body was buzzing this morning and that was unusual. With most AAS I don't "feel" anything besides the odd tren cough every now and then or pip. As I said, I was impressed with strength to spare this morning. I didn't expect that. And if it's any indication, the end of this cycle is going to be good for sure. Side note, At the racetrack yesterday I ate a plethora of carbs for the first time in weeks. When I was hitting the showers after my workout the vascularity was insane down my arms and though my shoulders. My muscles look full and dense. Exactly what you want to look like on tren and taking other drier compounds. I do believe the Madol and DHT had something to do with it as well. Looked good, felt good. Tomorrow will be cardio and I'll do a 10 set shoulder routine of some sort. I usually decide when I get to the gym. But I alternate between a lateral, a press, a shrug, a row, and some rear delt exercise to hit all the parts of the shoulders. Just one exercie... 10 reps. I'll post that up tomorrow. Well here we are. Wish me luck. I'll post some pics tonight when I get home. I'm really excited about logging these 2 products (madol and DHT). They sound really interesting. If all goes as planned they'll likely be a regular staple in my cycles going forward. Thanks again to BT for the extra goodies and the opportunity to share my experiences of them with the board. Service and delivery were top notch. I'm looking forward to reaching the finish line of my cycle with BT running through my veins!
    1 point
  6. This is a good and we all have seen these type of men at the gym.... This doesn't go for ALL men, but MANY fit into stereotypes that you can see at any time, at any gym, anywhere. I’ve put together a list of types of men to avoid at the gym. Enjoy! A popular question among women that workout is “what gym do you go to?” To men this question literally means what is the NAME and LOCATION of your gym, not - why did you join, how do you like it, does your ex go there, does your ex go there with his new girlfriend, is she ugly, can the Zumba teacher really dance and is her butt real or any other such additional details we women would deem a natural part of the conversation. "Putting all the stories together and we began to see a pattern among the men...Stereotypes" Once we move past what is superficial chit chat to us, but would probably make a man’s head explode, we get into the stories. Yes, the stories. Juicy, hilarious, I-had-to-change-gyms-stories. I call these Sex, Lies, and Rock Tape. If you are too young to get that reference, I feel sorry you because it is a damn good one. Every woman has a gym story. Of course some have more than others and well some are more scandalous than others. As stories were exchanged amid a lot of laughs and eye rolling, we noticed a pattern. Putting all the stories together and we began to see a pattern among the men. Stereotypes, if you will. Not all but many fit into stereotypes that you can see at any time, at any gym, anywhere. And now for benefit, I’ve put together a list of types of men to avoid at the gym, how to recognize them and how to avoid them in order to preserve your gym going experience as long as possible. Because let’s face it, it sucks to juggle your schedule or cancel your membership over some clown. Below I give you the Three Types of Guys to Avoid at the Gym 1. The Gym Diva This guy is the peacock of the weight room. There is not a reflective surface he does not like. He primps. He struts. He stares…a lot…mostly at himself. He is in relative good shape but probably not as good as he thinks he is. As the name implies, it is all about him and his pageantry. The world is his runway. Between his indifference to women and flamboyant gym gear, you question is sexual orientation. He is neither hetero nor homo, but asexual (like a starfish). What to look out for: Likes to cut t-shirts just enough to see show his man nipples. Keep an eye out for excessive and unnecessary stretching so that others may feast their eyes on his shaved areolas. Detailed in coordinating his workout OTD. Everything matches from his weight belt to ear buds, to head band to compression tights. When asked how many sets he has, he will hesitate then answer 5, which are more like 8, if you count the minute it takes to perform the exercise and the two it takes to look at in the mirror immediately afterward. “Damn, I’d do me if I weren’t me.” Yes, he is likely to talk dirty to himself and send nude photos to himself, as well. Usually works out alone unless it’s with a partner equally as narcissistic with matching nipple peek-a-boo t-shirts. Motto: “I’m sexy and I know it. How to Avoid Him You don’t need to. He is the center of his own universe. 2. The Stalking Dead This guy is relatively harmless. He is not a creeper. He is not a serial killer, unless you count how he will kill your workout mojo. He is generally polite and friendly and likes to talk, and talk, and talk…and talk. Did I mention he likes to talk? Don’t be fooled into thinking that a smile and hello will be enough. Ha, ha, no. Just as soon as you answer one question, he has 10 more already lined up. You being the polite person that you are go along, figuring that at the some point it has to end so you can both get back to working out. But it doesn’t end. It never EVER ends. You hope it was a onetime thing but nooo. You are now BFFs and you can’t even remember his name. Within days you are hearing about his old sports injuries, kidney stones or inflamed prostate. OK, I’m exaggerating, I don’t even know if prostates get inflamed but for the first time in your life you envy Hellen Keller or some other famous deaf person. Anyway, with this guy you are the deer on a lonely road and he is the Mac truck with the paralyzing headlights. What to look out for: If you feel a set of eyes burning holes in the back of your head that is him. He will invite himself to workout with you even if he was on his way out or not even working the same body part. Asks A LOT of questions. More interrogation than conversation. Your eyes may or may not glaze over, so be careful when operating heavy machinery. How to Avoid Him Ladies you must master that peripheral vision. Know your surroundings at all times. I always forget where I parked but I know the gym traps to avoid like a ninja. Chances are you feel him make his ascent so you either make a quick getaway or resume working out but this time with an angry face with lots heavy almost animalist breathing. But whatever you do, or else your dead in the water, DO NOT take out your headphones. “I just put my headphones back in and walk away.” That works in most cases but he is a tenacious breed. You must preempt any move. Adopt a buddy system like in your club days. Have an S.O.S. signal arranged between you and a friend to be used in times of rescue. 3. The Gym Douche This alpha male wannabe is the worst of the bunch. Due to a tremendous ego, and ridiculous overcompensation for insecurity he will throw anyone under the bus that threatens him. He is the king of the iron jungle and spends hours there holding court and preying on the female sex. He stares at you and every woman. He wants you to see him staring. Why? Because he is a man! With needs, with loins and a penis, it’s all for YOU and anyone else desperate enough to fall for his game. He is easy to spot as he loves to draw attention to himself. What to look out for: Tries to be your friend and warn you about shady people, but really he is shady person he is speaking of Will offer to explain why he has so many female “friends” even though you never asked Most of his female friends are strippers or bartenders Will openly talk negatively about other people especially other alpha males in the gym He is a personal trainer … “personal trainer” Likes to give himself titles like “I am the (fill in the blank) here.” Draws attention to himself either through obnoxious laughter, ogling, weight throwing or gorilla stampede about the gym. How to Avoid Him: You will know him because his gaze will make you feel like he wants to impregnate you. He fearlessly and shamelessly hit on you within seconds of hitting the gym. He may or may not get secret weekly updates to new female members. The best and only thing to do is be cold. His ego can’t handle it. The consequence will be he might talk about you behind your back, which he will anyway. Your choice is as to how. As a chick he hates or chick he is sleeping with. I am sure there are more types that can be added to this list but I’d like some feedback and support on who you think should be added to this list to protect fit woman of all kind....??
    1 point
  7. I see guys talking to women all the time in the gym. I can't be bothered. I'm there for me. My training, my body. I've finished entire workout while they talk. If I was a chick I'd be pissed they're wasting my workout time. I've gotten smiles and smiled back. But I've never used it as an opportunity to start a conversation. Thankfully it's the chicks in great shape who like to give me the wink. And not some fucking talker.
    1 point
  8. Great article! Explains everything you need to know to set up your macros for you! - msclmama ???? HOW TO COUNT YOUR MACROS (A COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE) Posted by Michael Vacanti This is a comprehensive guide that details how to count macronutrients. The information is clear and simple. It is best suited for beginners, but it could also serve as a refresher for anyone. In this article, we will cover the following: What are macros? How to really read a nutrition label (and sift through the BS) Foods with and without Nutrition Facts Macronutrients versus Calories Measuring and Weighing FAQs “Macros” What are they? There are three macronutrients, or Macros: Proteins Fats Carbohydrates And, technically, alcohol is a stand-in fourth Protein Flank steak, extra rare. What’s it do? Well, adequate protein intake will help build muscle and/or prevent muscle loss if you are in a calorie deficit. It controls appetite and staves off hunger better than fats or carbs as it causes you to feel full longer. It also requires more energy than other macros for your body to digest, thus effectively burning more calories gram for gram through the digestion process. All of these reasons make high-protein diets great for fat loss. Where do I get it? Meat, fish, eggs, dairy and protein shakes are all good sources. There are many commonly cited “good” protein sources, like nuts or beans, that are actually terrible sources of protein. Only about 15-20% of the calories in these foods come from protein. Almonds, for example, are 73% fat and only 14% protein. This is not to say you shouldn’t eat almonds, but it explains why “nuts are great protein!” is rarely coming from a credible source. How much do I need? It really depends on your weight, bodyfat % and goals – as low as 0.5 grams per pound of lean body mass (per day) and as high as 1.5-2 grams per pound of lean body mass. Lean body mass is your total bodyweight minus your fat. For example, if you weigh 200 pounds and are 20% bodyfat, your lean body mass is 160 pounds, or 200 – (200*20%). So, if you weigh 200 pounds and have 160 pounds of lean body mass, 0.5 grams per day would be 160*0.5 = 80 grams of protein. Fat What’s it do? Fat is an essential nutrient that our bodies require to live; it assists in vitamin absorption, hormone regulation, brain function, and more. Where do I get it? Meat, fatty fish, nuts, nut butters, oils and countless other sources. How much do I need? Moar Fatz, Por Favor Again, it depends on your weight, bodyfat percentage and goal – probably somewhere between 15% and 45% of your total calories. However, it can vary based on your total calories consumed and whether you are in a caloric surplus or deficit. Somewhere between 0.35-0.7g per pound of lean body mass is a good range. Carbohydrate What’s it do? Carbs are stored in the liver, brain, blood and muscles as glycogen. Our bodies use carbohydrates for energy. Where do I get it? Fruit, vegetables, grains, many processed foods/drinks, and seemingly everything you obsessively craved if you’ve ever tried a low-carb diet. How much do I need? It depends. Technically, you can live on zero carbs. But, bodybuilders or endurance athletes have consumed 700+ grams per day. So, the range is pretty wide. 0.5-2 grams per pound of lean body mass is probably a decent range, again, depending on activity level, weight, bodyfat percentage and goals. Alcohol What does it do? Well, it can make you cooler, funnier and more social, or possibly louder, angrier and more violent; it can make you more confident or more dumber, better or worse at sex, euphoric or depressed — all depending on who you are and how much you drink, of course. In all seriousness, alcohol is not an essential nutrient, but it does contain calories which is why it stands in as a fourth macro. Where do I get it? From teh booze, duh. Beer, wine, liquor and my personal favorite, mouthwash. How much do I need? As much as it takes to forget your problems, comfortably interact with the opposite sex, and pump your brain with enough dopamine to make barely tolerable co-workers new BFFs in a 90 minute Happy Hour. . Can You Mathhszzz like him? Let me introduce you to my man, Chunk. If you can’t tell, Chunk obviously kills it at the maths, and he is only 10 years old. Which means that if you are older than ten, I expect you can also perform the basics: (+), (-), (x), (/). What’s that? You can? Good. Then we can move forward. Oh, and apparently Chunk used his arithmetic skillz, cuz look at him now: Macros counted, good looks achieved Each macronutrient yields a certain number of calories. One gram of protein yields 4 calories. One gram of carbohydrate yields 4 calories. One gram of fat yields 9 calories. One gram of alcohol yields 7 calories. If you would please take a peek at the nutrition label below, we uncover the relationship between macronutrients and calories. Protein = 13 * 4 = 52 Carbohydrates: 36 * 4 = 144 Fat: 1 * 9 = 9 144+52+9 = 205 calories Pretty close, outside of the unavoidable rounding error. This should be easy for you. If it’s not, practice on a few items in your cupboard before we move forward. . Food with a Nutrition Label When counting macros, foods with a nutrition label are easy. Just take 30 seconds to look at the label, jot down your macros and move on with your day. They’re freebies. Lay-ups. No, they are easier than lay-ups. They are breakaways on a pulled goalie. . . Patrik Stefan was a former first overall pick. He didn’t count his macros. Now he’s a European hockey agent. Look at label, write down macros, don’t “blow it.” In all seriousness, there is a lot of nonsense on a standard nutrition label that you can skip over which allows you to focus on what really matters: Proteins, Fats and Carbs. And burying the puck. Let’s breeze through the nutrition label. Serving Size The information listed on a nutrition label is for one serving. It is important to keep this in mind because many consumer products contain 2-3+ servings in a package. For example, the macros listed on a bottle of mountain dew: Fat: 0g Protein: 0g Carbs: 31g However, there are 2.5 servings in a bottle. So, the macros for a bottle of Mountain Dew are actually: Fat: 0 grams (0g*2.5) Carbs: 78 grams (31g*2.5) Protein: 0 grams (0g*2.5) Don’t get caught in the trap that gets the average, brainless consumer. 31 grams of sugar? 110 calories? That’s nothing. *Chugs bottle* Calories Calories provide us with energy, you probably know that. As we discussed earlier, all calories come from proteins, fats, carbs or alcohol. Micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) do not contain calories. Should I Count It? No. Saturated Fat Saturated fat has been painted as leading villain to heart disease and obesity for the past few decades. This is turning out to be not so true; in reality, a constant calorie surplus (eating more cals than you burn) fuels these diseases. Saturated fat does not. Saturated fat has actually been shown to have some benefits: mainly, it is a precursor to testosterone production. It also improves brain functioning, nerve signaling and immunity. Should I Count It? Saturated fat, along with unsaturated fats (including trans fats) make up the total fat column. There is no need to count sat fat specifically. Cholesterol Cholesterol, like saturated fat, is produced naturally in the human body. Also like saturated fat, it has been vilified for years, but doctors and researchers alike seem to be coming around to the idea that it ain’t so bad. Should I Count It? Nope. Sodium Sodium is a mineral, so it does not contain any calories. Sodium gets a bad rap, and low-sodium diets have become increasingly popular. This is very faddish — sodium intake is irrelevant to long run bodyweight (I say long run because manipulating sodium intake can cause drastic fluctuation in short-term bodyweight). Look, the human body needs sodium to function. So unless you have high blood pressure or another disease that requires a low sodium diet, I wouldn’t stress too much about this micronutrient. Should I Count It? Only if you have high blood pressure or another relevant disease. Dietary Fiber We discuss fiber more in the FAQs below, but for now, fiber is a carbohydrate. A carbohydrate with many benefits: it slows digestion, decreases blood cholesterol and increases satiety/fullness. Should I Count It? Nope, just count carbohydrates. That being said, it is important to get adequate fiber in your diet, so be sure to include plenty of fibrous veggies/fruits. Sugar We are going to skirt the endless is sugar bad and how much can you eat debate. Here is what you need to know: Sugar is a carbohydrate. With regard to intake, moderation is probably best. All of your carbs should not come from sugar, but you certainly don’t need to ditch it completely. Include a bunch of fruits and veggies in your diet, and feel free to mix in some sugary desserts as well to reach your total macros. Should I Count It? Nah. % Daily Value This is the government recommended daily intake of each nutrient based on a 2,000 calorie diet. I would suggest completely ignoring it. Seriously, pretend this column doesn’t exist. It’s like everything else the government does: the food pyramid, or social security, or the outright theft of money via the federal reserve, or the manipulation of Pat Tillman’s death (friendly fire at best, probably murder) into war propaganda, OR that feeling when you realize your tax dollars are paying for two traffic cops to stand under a perfectly functional stoplight waving wands at cars… Yeah, that’s basically % daily value. The recommendations are wildly inaccurate and provide an unhealthy macronutrient distribution, making them a contributor to obesity. Your parents thought they were doing the right thing feeding you 11 servings of bread per day. So did mine. Let’s forgive ‘em and move on. Should I Count It? Please, no. Don’t even acknowledge it. Food without Nutrition Facts Counting macros in food with a nutrition label is straightforward, but there will be many situations where the macros are not printed nicely on the package. Here is how to handle those times. Fruits/Veggies For produce, look up the nutrition facts online. Google Nutrition Data Calorie Count You may see a small amount of variance, but in general, each of these sites will give you accurate numbers. Notice that you can adjust the serving size as follows: Generic: One medium apple Metric: 100 grams US: 1 cup While you can eyeball the size of fruits/vegetables to get a decent estimate – small, medium or large, for a more accurate number, you should use a food scale. You might be surprised what qualifies as “small” or “large” when eyeballing. If you have never used a food scale, I made a good video for you further down in this guide. Meat You can search online for meat nutrition facts just like we did for produce. Remember to weigh your meat raw, as the meat’s weight will decrease when cooked and the nutrition label is representative of raw meat. Actually, I wrote a fairly detailed post on measuring meat macros here. Restaurants Restaurants are getting pretty good at publishing their nutrition data online. Fast food restaurants usually have a pdf on their website. Some companies, like Chipotle, have macro calculators where you can build your own meal. Not all restaurants have reached this level, and it poses a problem if you are counting your macros. I don’t have any tips or shortcuts here. Cold guessing the macros on a plate is hard. The longer you count ’em, the better you’ll get at estimating any meal with relative ease. Until then, let me do it for you. Seriously, tag me in a pic (@ontheregimen) and I will guess your macros. It’s basically my only God-given talent, so let me use it. Measuring Food Now that we have all the theory down, let’s put this into practice. Food Scale I suggest buying a food scale. They are cheap, absurdly simple to use and a great tool for your kitchen. How to use a food scale: Measuring Cups & Spoons But Mike, weighing my food on a food scale seems kinda obsessive. Can I just use measuring cups or spoons? Yes, you certainly can. But here’s the thing: The food scale isn’t obsessive. It’s actually an incredibly useful tool for your kitchen and saves you time scrubbing peanut butter and olive oil out of tablespoons. People are are really, really bad at measuring food by hand. (Please excuse the dramatic audio and text) Cliffs: We overfill the cup or spoon This leads to eating several hundred calories more than we think we are eating Most or all weight loss progress will be eliminated We get sad, frustrated and remain fat Get a food scale and learn how to use it. At the very least, you will have it for the following situations: You are just starting to learn how to track macros You are dedicated to a specific goal (lose 20 pounds by class reunion) and want an exact macro count You hate doing the dishes, inaccurate measurements, and the inability to lose weight . Counting Macros versus Counting Calories Alright, I get this macro stuff, but can’t I just count calories? The truth is, yes, you will definitely lose weight if you focus solely on calories and consume fewer cals than you burn. That’s just plain old science. And if there was one thing we learned from the Twinkie study, it’s that the laws of thermodynamics (calories in – calories out) are for real. But the quality of your weight loss will suffer if you ignore the macronutrients. For example, inadequate protein during a calorie deficit will cause you to lose muscle. Inadequate fat intake will negatively impact many of the hormones that help your continued weight loss. And inadequate carbohydrate intake can negatively impact training performance in many instances. So, while you can drop weight by counting calories, we aren’t just interested in dropping weight. We want a good lookin’, athletic, healthy body. For that, counting calories ain’t enough. You need to count your macros. Macro FAQs Q: I often see lists of food that are “good protein sources.” For example, Chicken thighs and steak are listed, but they also contain fat. Do I just count the protein or do I count all of the macros? Good question. The answer is that you count all of the macros even if a food is listed as a good protein or fat source. So, you would count both the protein and fat in the thigh. A good fat, like nuts, will contain primarily fat, but it will also have some protein and carbs. You should count those too. Q: What’s with the “free veggies” I see in some of your programs? Those have carbohydrates. Don’t I need to count those? There are a few reasons that certain veggies (generally non-starches that have pretty high fiber) are “free”, as in, you don’t need to count the macros in them. The micronutrients. These foods contain tons of good vitamins and minerals (which do not yield any calories, remember?). Most people don’t get enough micros, so veggies with no macro-debt incentivizes this. One word, fiber. Dietary fiber, though a carbohydrate, does not yield 4 calories per gram. Soluble fiber yields ~2 calories per gram, and insoluble fiber yields 0 calories per gram. Additionally, fiber decreases absorption of protein and fat, thus reducing the calories from these sources. You stay full and happier. These veggies help a ton with satiation while not adding many calories at all. This makes diet adherence more manageable and increases your rate of success by decreasing binges and diet failure. So, between micronutrients and high fiber, the benefits of these free veggies far outweigh the cost of some additional calories. Q: Alright, I climbed the learning curve. I’m pretty good at counting macros. But it still takes up more of my time than I’d like. I don’t really care enough to do this forever. Yes! This is perfect. You shouldn’t feel the need to count your macros forever. Having the ability to track your macronutrients is a weapon that you want in your arsenal. It is something you want to able to use if you need to. It is absolutely not required at all times. Currently, I make broad estimates of my daily macro intake. But if I want to get serious about a goal, I can flip the switch at any time. I am in control of changing my body. . Q: Okay, I’m going to count my macros. Should I keep track of my calories also? Nope! There is really no need for you to track calories, as was previously mentioned. If you keep track of protein, fat and carbs – then whatever your goal macros are will hit your goal calories also. They are one in the same.
    1 point
  9. Just got my new scale from Amazon. So i measured some out for shits and giggles. This stuff is gonna last forever. 100g is such a tiny amount.
    1 point
  10. Carbs seemed to cause more sweats for me. I like the slow steady approach, I would just stick with the 250mg for 2 weeks and reevaluate
    1 point
  11. I agree with Corey, just bump up your test to 500 mg a week for 12-14 weeks and see how you respond. Then drop back down to your trt level for another 12-14 weeks.
    1 point
  12. Before I begin today's entry for those who are curious about Madol, here is the a post by Olympic that explains what the compound is: https://northernlifters.com/topic/120-madol-desoxymethyltestosteronegod-of-strength/ With that out of the way let's get on with it. I'm still adjusting to my normal body clock. I have no problem waking up, but as soon as I started to lift It felt heavier than normal. After a good warm up set I was good to go. My first thought was that I lacked some energy because of the keto diet. I had zero carbs last night. I usually like to have a small serving of carbs just before bed so I have energy in the morning to lift. I really noticed a difference today. Won't be doing that tonight as I have a serious full body workout in store for tomorrow. As I mentioned in my OP I'm doing full body workouts for the remainder of my cycle which began yesterday. (the final 4 weeks.) So today is essentially a cardio day. But I also mentioned that I am doing a specific body part program as well. That body part this month is shoulders. So again, one exercise, 10 sets. 1 warm up set. 1 set of 6 with weight you can do for 10, then 4 sets with the heaviest weight you can lift with strict form, 3 sets of the heaviest you can lift and fuck the form, then a final set with half the weight of those final 3. Its a phenominal workout for those with lagging parts. I plan to incorporate it on every body part over the course of a year. On waking at 4:30 I downed 20mg of Madol, 40mg of DHT, and 50mg of Winstrol. I was planning on taking winny to the end of my cycle and after reading that Madol and winny work well together I plan on keeping it in. I followed that up with a shot of espresso and I was ready to go. On the gym floor by 5:30, today's workout looked like this: Superset Leverage shoulder press & Ab crunch machine Set 1 - Shoulder press 100x15, ab machine 150x10 Set2 - Shoulder press 150x6, ab machine 150x10 Sets 3-5 - Shoulder press 170x3, ab machine 150x10 Set 6 - Shoulder press 170x3, hanging leg raise x10 Sets 7-9 - Shoulder press 190x3, hanging leg raise x10 Set 10 - Shoulder press 100x20, hanging leg raise x10 For those keeping count that's 10 sets of 10 for ab work or about a 100 reps. I on'y do this about twice a week. Next up I did running intervals on the treadmill for 30 minutes. 2 min walking at a pace of 3mph, and sprinting at 10mph for 30 seconds. and repeat for 30 min. Total workout time was about 57 minutes. I followed that up with a protein shake of vanilla protein (30g of P), a banana, and 5 strawberries. I need some variation. Getting tired of protein and water or unsweetened almond milk. Sometimes I throw in peanut butter and banana or whatever. Usually a banana for post workout carbs which i desperately need after workouts or I feel like I'll fall asleep and die. Some interesting observations. My vasularity was off the hook this morning. During my intervals my veins were literally popping off my shins. My fucking shins of all places. I'll post up a pick from the locker room and show the vascularity in my arms this morning. Fucking impressive. I was starting to get that nice look with mast. But I believe the Stanolone is already taking it up a notch. Other than the initial set I felt pretty good for my second day back after a week off. I lifted what I was using before the timout so I'm happy with that and can add weight now going forward. I'd like to be able to shoulder press 200lbs in the next week or 2. Pretty good for a short fucker of a 155lbs I think... I don't see many guys shoulder pressing more than their body weight in my gym. Lunch is a keto recipe my wife made last night of cabbage and sausage. It's actually pretty good and I don't even like cabbage. So nothing till noon then lunch. I have an apple and some oats if needed for energy late in the afternoon. I find I can't go as low as 25g or less on carbs and lift the way i want to. I find I need at least 50g to keep me a happy camper. Anyway, this is long enough, I'll post up pics in a few minutes.
    1 point
  13. So i've gone through all training days, and restarted at A1 yesterday. I was able to get through the previous record easier and notice considerable increases in strength already, but that may account to the gear i'm on as well. I'm also more confident, less worried about injury and the painful soreness afterwards. Today is just cardio only, tomorrow is workout B1 again. Diet is going well, but not as plentiful as i'd like. There's still a mental block that's not allowing me to get the amount of carbs in I need for fear of getting fat. Granted, i'm still plugging away probably at minimum 3000 cals a day, with 250 g of protein, but I want 300 g of that plus around 300-400 g of carbs. I'll get over it eventually as this is long term, but there's still a strong mental game to this.
    1 point
  14. yeah its shitty. I like when when people just ask me to write them a diet. I never do it
    1 point
  15. I normally stay very quiet when it comes to reviews, but I have to give acknowledgement on how prompt this rep was. Quick replies and very fast processing and delivery. Couldn’t have asked for more on that end. I will post a product review once I start my winter cycle. Ordered Deca 300, T400, dbol and some Anavar for the girlfriend. Being on TRT and having previous prostate issues, I am a fan of “mini blasts” going only as high as 600mg/week test for 8-10 weeks with a little dbol kick to start. The Deca I only plan to blast a little with at first then running low dose long term for joint and back rehab. Ordered enough for two mini blasts and nearly a year or so of low dose Deca. Excited to start ?
    1 point
  16. First time trying BT clen took 1 tab (50mcg) this morning and after about 45min i started feeling really anxious and shaky. Good stuff
    1 point
  17. This is a fantastic read: as we all know bodybuilding is not a cheap hobby or sport... Bodybuilding is not a cheap way of life, so the first thing you need to do is come up with your budget. When budgeting for your supplements it is important to stay basic.Multivitamins and minerals could be the most important supplements for bodybuilders or athletes. It is also essential to supplement your basic amino acids or BCAA's. Also budget for whey – there are many different types of protein but whey is the ultimate. Other cheap sources of protein include: chicken/beef liver, chicken gizzards, eggs, Brewers yeast and gelatin. One of the cheapest is gelatin, so you can make Jello your guilt-free, anytime dessert. Here's the recipe for a dirt-free protein shake: gelatin + Brewers Yeast + 1 egg with a little honey, cinnamon or Nutra Sweet. You can also add nuts and raisins for a total of 20 grams. Protein is not only found in meat, fish or poultry – it's in plants, too. Plant proteins such as beans, lentils, peas, soy, tofu and peanut butter are less expensive than meat and are healthy and tasty. A few times a week, eat high protein vegetarian dishes. You need about three servings of protein per day. You can take one serving of whey directly after your workout, another at suppertime, and a serving of a mixture of whey and casein before you go to bed.Casein is less soluble than whey and encourages muscle enlargement while you sleep. It also helps to prevent protein breakdown. However, you should know that eating right is more important than the supplements you take. There are no miracle supplements, so it's important that you eat right, train hard and sleep well. Do you believe that eating right means blowing your budget at the grocery store? In the long run, "real foods" are cheaper than a lot of supplements, so nutritionists advocate getting as much of your protein as possible from fresh foods. Fresh foods also supply high-quality nutrients. Most supermarkets offer lower prices on meat, poultry and fish if you buy in larger quantities. Supplements are precisely that, they are supposed to supplement your well-balanced diet, and your hard work in the gym. They are not a substitute for this. If you do not train properly and eat a well-balanced diet, supplements are actually a total waste of money. In addition, supplements must be used properly to be effective. They must be taken on your off days from training as well as when you are working out. Clearly some supplements are more important to take than others. It's very important to incorporate sports nutrition and supplementation into steady weight training, cardiovascular training, and nutritional habits. Because some products such as creatine and whey protein are so important to bodybuilders who are really dedicated to taking their bodies to the next level, they can be considered staples rather than supplements. Creatine works for about 70% of people, so it may be good for you. Initially you retain water and your weight will rise, but this is good for two reasons: • You'll look bigger • Water retention is thought to increase your protein synthesis. When you stop taking it you may lose a kilo or two, but that is only the water. If you're on a strictly limited budget, you should put your money (about $15 per month) toward creatine. A lot of youthful bodybuilders discover that the central restrictive issue in their bodybuilding progress is money. Take your budget into consideration when deciding on a supplement regimen. If you can afford about $85 per month, in addition to creatine, you can take glutamine, a multivitamin/multimineral pack with essential fatty acids. If you have a high-end budget, include pre-mixed get big drinks for a grand total of about $155 per month. Any low-carbohydrate fiber product, should also be included if your budget can accommodate it. Another good supplement is an essential oil, which can also be taken in capsule form. Bodybuilding is a lot like running a business. For starters, businesses need to create revenue in order to develop and be successful, and so do bodybuilders. It's very easy to compare bodybuilding accomplishments to a company's success; each entails hard work and resources: two requirements that can easily function as restrictive factors to ultimate success. Bodybuilding and buying supplements is also a lot like buying cars; most of us know vaguely what we would like, we have read a little about the selections, but we always, in the back of our minds, know we are going to get the raw end of any deal we ultimately make. Americans are spending $4 billion a year on herbal supplements. These products don't go through the same rigorous and extensive testing as regular drugs to ensure their safety. Before you decide to take the next miracle pill, gather as much information as you can from your doctor, your pharmacist, or the Internet. Make sure you take the recommended dosage, and check in with your doctor if you plan to take any substance daily for an extended period of time. A high-quality workout plan can assist you in saving money and perhaps make more money … and you can put into practice an effective, complete training program at very little cost, while reaping significant health benefits. Studies have confirmed that persons who workout on a regular basis save thousands of dollars in medical expenses over a lifetime.
    1 point
  18. we are not stopping nouveau the updated version is officially domestrically produced,as is the raw material. Nothing form china anymore and is on par to government standards for the pharma industry of canada Previous nouveau was produced here but raw came from china
    1 point
  19. Anyone that knows me is aware that BT is ALL I use! Completely painless across the line! If you haven’t tried it. You will need to before you believe even t400 is painless along with the tnt 450!
    1 point
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