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Everything posted by 3ml

  1. Let’s keep these to actual reviews please these types of reviews are garbage IMO
  2. Dennis Wolfe would be up there love lee priest And I know a lot of people dislike Mike O’Hearn but there is no debating he works hard, is always in condition and is strong as fuck
  3. Anyone use him as a coach? i used to power lift when I was younger but too old now. I have been pushing a lot heavier weights lately though and maybe thinking of going for some new PR one last time before I end up in a pine box
  4. I have them and use them but never seem to keep up with it but I know this when I’m working and get no sleep it helps get me back on track for energy
  5. Alright let’s hear it. What is the highest dose of tren you have ever ran? What esters? For how long? How were the results? Anyone find the upper limit with tren where they feel adding more won’t do anything further?
  6. Lol ive never been able to run tren high till I tried the low dose test approach which is working well. The next issue was the gyno getting out of control but caber is amazing
  7. I’m so glad I got the pharma caber from this guys. It’s unreal. I’ve never ran caber but im running tren at 1150mgs and it’s keeping my gyno completely suppressed!! Keep the Caber coming
  8. Mine used to be back when I was a young fella pulling mid 600s on deads now I’m old and have bone spurs in the spine I can’t pull heavy dead’s anymore so I guess still back but I sure miss heavy deadlifts
  9. 3ml

    Mutant iso

    Both really i don’t believe in eating them as a protein source unless you have absolutely zero choice and I think they are grosss and full of god knows what
  10. 3ml

    Mutant iso

    Yuk i really don’t know how people consume protein powder
  11. Eq is one of my fav drugs I like it at 1200mg some day I’ll try it at 2 grams I heard it really shines there
  12. That’s a solid reason to use them for sure i use Cialis daily for BP control and seems to work well
  13. Don’t really see any advantage to doing this other than for fun get your sodium and potassium up you will have huge pumps and more endurance
  14. Super greens karbolyn the rest comes from food lots and lots of beef
  15. Great idea for a thread for supplement users but the only supplement I’ll spend money on is Karbolyn for when I’m running slin money is better spent on Beef and rice imo
  16. I agreee CMS they aren’t the cheapest but I think their peps are superioe
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