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  1. The 7-day DNP fat loss plan:The 7-day DNP fat loss plan involves a moderate to high dosage of DNP for fat burning. The DNP fat loss plan involves a 7-day on, 7-day off approach with four distinct phases. Most athletes using DNP follow this type of cycle. The phases are as follows: Phase 1: The 3-day Carb-Depletion Phase.Phase 2: The 1-day Thyroxine (T3) Re-normalization Phase.Phase 3: The 14-day DNP Phase.Phase 4: The 2-day Post-DNP Phase.Phase 1. The 3-day Carb-depletion phasePhase One has a three-day duration and begins the four days preceding the ingestion of DNP. The purpose of this phase is to deplete muscle-glycogen content by restricting carbohydrates. This is achieved through a Ketogenic style diet.Kcals should be restricted to 10-12 times bodyweight in lbs. And carbohydrates should be restricted to less than 60g/day. Protein is consumed at 1 gram per pound of bodyweight or higher and the remaining dietary calories should come from fat.This phase lasts exactly 3 days, and will reduce muscle-glycogen levels so that the body is forced to rely on fat as fuel more readily when you start your DNP cycle.Phase 2 The 1-day Thyroxine (T3) Re-normalization PhaseThis is a new concept for DNP dieting. During the past three days, the athlete has restricted carbohydrates and as a direct consequence T4-T3 conversion is slowed down resulting in reduced T3 levels. This is bad for the DNP phase, as you need enough active T3 to last throughout the entire 7-day on DNP phase.Day four of the DNP cycle involves a mega-carbohydrate meal at mid-afternoon (4-6PM) designed to create a massive insulin spike and re-normalize T4-T3. This concept has been extrapolated from ketogenic diets and has been shown to dramatically increase serum concentrations of T3.Day 4 involves Keto eating until the Mega-carb meal. Then in the late afternoon, at least circa 250g of carbohydrates must be consumed to create an insulin spike. Any sugar (fructose, sucrose, maltose etc.) is fair game. Fructose in particular is good because it primarily re-fills liver glycogen which is directly involved in T4-T3 conversion. (Empty liver glycogen signals the thyroid to decrease T4-T3 conversion).As a side-note, a 250g carb-meal after three days of Keto dieting creates a more pronounced insulin spike than would a 250g carb-meal after three days of normal eating.Kcals during Phase 2 should be kept at 15X Bodyweight in lbs. Macro-nutrient break-downs can be calculated by the athlete. The only carb intake on day 4 should be the 250g carb-meal.Phase 3 The 14-Day DNP PhaseThe first two days of actual DNP consumption are the most important to follow correctly. During Days 1 and 2 of the actual DNP portion of the cycle, it must be determined if the athlete will have an allergic reaction to DNP.Day 1: 200 mg of DNP is ingestedDay 2: 200 mg of DNP is ingestedAt this point the dieter should be able to assess if an allergic reaction has occurred. A DNP-stimulated allergic reaction will lead to swelling in as little as 1 to 2 days time. Approximately 10% of athletes will have such a reaction. The unfortunate few who experience this type of a reaction must terminate the cycle immediately. Benadryl or Ketotifen (Anti-histamines) can be used to treat mild symptoms. Obviously a doctor should be consulted should the symptoms prove more severe.Day 3: Dieters making it to day 3 of the DNP phase have the option of increasing their dosage. The normal dosage for beginners is 400mg DNP/day. Even an amount this small should provide outstanding results. A word of caution. DO NOT TAKE MORE, if you are not experienced with DNP-use. More advanced users may chose to go higher based on past experience. The 400mg/day dosage is maintained from Day 3 through Day 9(Exactly 7 days). The last dose is taken on Day 9. Supplementation and Nutritional Protocol for a DNP cycle:1. An ECA stack is beneficial while on a DNP cycle as it as it acts as an anorectant. DNP raises Neuro-peptide Y levels in the brain, which is directly linked to increased hunger. Consuming 75-100mg total of ephedrine alkaloids/day should be sufficient to suppress appetite. PPA (Nor-ephedrine) should NOT be used as it causes lethargy when combined with DNP. 2. Anti-oxidants. Due to the DNP induced rapid combustion of fats, free-radical production skyrockets up-wards. To combat this, anti-oxidants must be used. Anti-oxidants are the single most important supplement to take on a DNP cycle.a) Fat-soluble Anti-O: Vitamin E: 1000mgs/day b) Water-soluble Anti-O: Vitamin ? 2-3g/dayc) Alpha Lipoic acid: 600-1000mgs/dayDual-anti-oxidant: BOTH fat & water-soluble actually re-cycles other anti-oxidants.3. Glycerol: Although optional, glycerol is often consumed at 15ml's 3X/day. Glycerol increases hydration for many athletes.No additional supplements are really required other than these three. All the rest you have read in various DNP articles are more for peace of mind than improved functionality. I consider them overkill.4. Water: Not a supplement, but an absolute necessity.DNP causes sweating and can be incredibly dehydrating. Dehydration is the NUMBER ONE cause of most DNP problems and deaths. Excessive dehydration results in over-heating. Dieters who do not replenish fluids properly while on a DNP cycle could die. The consensus among athletes is that at least two gallons of water must be consumed daily.5. EAT FRUIT while on your DNP cycle.Fruit for some reason has been found to greatly reduce the lethargy associated with a DNP cycle. It also has a high water content, therefore it helps to keep the dieter hydrated. Watermelon is an obvious recommendation.6. Dietary intake: There are several schools of thought on this matter, but sticking to the old standard always works.Kcals should be kept anywhere from 10-15X Bodyweight in lbs. Macro-nutrient break-downs should be kept at around 20% fat, 30% protein and 50% carbs. (Changing the ratios in favor of more carbs and protein w/ less fat will result in a more fat loss but nothing special. Also, remember that more carbohydrates means more heat.) Take for example the 220 lb (100 kg) bodybuilder. He would consume anywhere from 2200 to 3300Kcal /day (Depending on his appetite control).WHAT NOT TO DO on a DNP cycle.a) Do not under any circumstances consume alcohol or ANY type of diuretic while on a DNP cycle. Alcohol and diuretics will dehydrate you and can cause SERIOUS problems. b) Do not remain in a hot environment without replenishing fluid loss due to perspiration. This too can also cause SERIOUS problems. c) Do not begin with a high dosage of DNP if you are a novice. This is just asking for a trip to the ICU.The half-life of 2,4 Dinitrophenol is 36 hours. So, after 36 hours, there is only 50% of the DNP remaining in your system. Therefore, 72 hours later 25% remains. Then 12.5% remains after 108 hours. After 5 days (120 hours), there's roughly 9% of the DNP left in your body that you had on Day 9. This DNP concentration is low-enough to allow you to begin Phase 4 of the cycle -- the 2-day Post-DNP phase -- without compromising glycogen synthesis rates. Kcals during Days 10-14 should remain the same as during days 3-9.Phase 4: The 2 day Post DNP Phase.The whole purpose of this phase is to get muscle-glycogen levels back to normal. The Ketogenic carb-up can be used as a sort of template for this phase.After Phases two and three, muscle-glycogen levels are depressed and need to be replenished.Day 15: Carb-intake should be 7g/Kg of LBM (lean body mass = bodyweight minus body fat.) So assuming a 220 lb bodybuilder has 0% body fat, lol, he would consume 700 g of Carbs. Protein-intake remains at 1g/lb and fat is restricted as low as possible.The focus on day 1 should be on High-GI foods like Fat-free Ice-cream and all the other non-fat high sugar desserts. Calories should be around 4000 for the 220-lb bodybuilder -- in other words, 18X bodyweight in lbs.Drastically restricting fat is CRITICAL here, as the body is still burning fat for fuel as you replenish your glycogen stores. In essence, the dieter is still losing fat while carbing up.Day 16: Muscle-glycogen has increased, so carb-intake should be decreased from day one’s 7g/Kg to only 5g/Kg of LBM. That would be 500g for our 220-lb bodybuilder. Protein is 1g/lb again. Fat remains as low as possible. Kcals for the dieter are reduced to 3000 Kcal range, or around 14X Bodyweight in lbs. The focus of Day 2 should be low-GI foods like vegetables, milk, lean meats etc.Additional Precautions:Dieters feeling extremely nauseated or who vomit during a cycle should discontinue use immediately and not restart for at least 36 hours. Dieters should carry a pocket thermometer at all times. If body temperature rises above 102 Fahrenheit then the dosage should be lowered or the cycles should be terminated. Additionally, the dieter should take a very cold bath to lower the temperature. In addition to water, V8 juice should be consumed. Drinking gallons of water depletes the body of electrolytes pretty badly predisposing the dieter to shock, nausea, lethargy, and even death. V8 is the best for replenishing electrolytes as it contains 950mg of potassium per 8oz compared to Gatorade’s 35mg of potassium in 8oz. Massive amounts of fruits and sweets should be consumed if one becomes nauseated or vomits – i.e. force feed yourself. Dieters should never allow themselves to become overheated on a DNP cycle. Always stay next to a fan and keep the air conditioner on. Do not attempt a DNP cycle if you work out doors in a warm climate or another warm environment like a kitchen. Even at low doses this can build up and be potentially dangerous. There are two versions of DNP – regular and crystalline. Know which one you are taking. When taking the crystalline DNP caps, never take more than 200mg at once if you've never used it before. Even if you are used to it, it is still much safer to spread the dosage throughout the day. Crystalline DNP is much faster acting and can rapidly elevate temperature.Post-Steroid Cycle Use of DNPOne of the primary causes of muscle breakdown after a steroid cycle is suppressed TSH. Anabolic steroids suppress TSH, which in turn lowers T3 and T4 production by the thyroid gland. The reduction in TSH is one reason that anabolic steroids are such excellent muscle builders.Soon after the completion of a steroid cycle, TSH up-regulates, which in turn super-stimulates the thyroid. This excess stimulation causes the thyroid to produce above normal levels of T3 and T4. This increase in thyroid hormones is highly catabolic and is the main reason why people lose muscle post-cycle.Athletes have learned that they need to restrict T3 production post cycle to prevent muscle loss. A novel approach to achieving this goal is the use of DNP. About 80% of the body’s endogenous T3 is produced from the metabolically inactive T4 to the metabolically active T3. The de-iodinase enzyme is responsible for this conversion. It literally cleaves off an iodine molecule.By ingesting 200mg DNP/day, the athlete can correct the over stimulated Thyroid, returning T3 levels back to normal. DNP directly blocks the production of T3 from T4 via the de-iodinase enzyme.As a bonus, the reduction in your ATP stores because of the DNP is counter acted by an increase in the oxidation of triglycerides as an energy source. The benefit is the elimination of any potential fat-gain from the low post-cycle testosterone levels. And as DNP is non-hormonal, it has no effect on HPTA recovery.After cessation of DNP use post-cycle, the athlete will reap the benefits of the "Anabolic Rebound Effect" which further lends credence to the use of DNP as a post-cycle ancillary for the elimination of any post-cycle muscular losses.Macro’s DNP Supplements200mg alpha lipoic acid 3x a day with meals 1200-1500mg magnesium in 2-3 divided doses. 2-3000mg vitamin C1200IU of vitamin E 200mcg of selenium. 1000-2000mg of calcium (can’t take it with the magnesium, though. Take it before bed) Melatonin if you can’t sleep and it is also one of the best and cheapest anti-oxidants. 50mg of zinc a day one iron tab as hemoglobin is a protein as well. A potassium gluconate tab or two a day Taurine at 3g a day. Glutamine at 15g-20g a day . 1 table spoon glycerol 3 x a day at least 2 gallons of water a fan to point at your head while sleeping- or at work- basically anytime you can point a fan at you 500mg grapeseed extract 300mg cranberry extract 600-900mg of green tea a good mulit vitaminEC+1g of tyrosine 3x per day and 20mg of yohimbine topically 2x per day- for added energy and fat burning effects
  2. This is just what I do for myself other people have have other things they may do instead that work for them....?
  3. Arms and back i love when i cant bend my arm after an arm workout ??
  4. Well i got my BT DNP and just bought my scale to measure out 150grams... I took it with fluid and it was disgusting never do that again burns your throat like a son of a bitch gonna try to put in food and just swallow it down that way miss the caps...? So far got a bit of the sweats going on nothing too much Yet!!!!
  5. Good job its a love hate relationship with legs ??
  6. Anyone ever tried this sarm before? Love to know about your experience if so... SR9009, also known as Stenabolic, is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) that has been referred to as ‘exercise in a bottle’. Initial trials on mice showed an increase in muscle and metabolic rate without exercise, and enhanced stamina with exercise. Essentially, SR9009 has shown promise to improve endurance and metabolism to become leaner. History SR9009 was first developed by Professor Thomas Burris from The Scripps Research Institute. Initial findings were published in the journal Nature Medicine in 2012, with studies showing that Stenabolic significantly increases exercise endurance in animal models. [1] The compound affects the core biological clock, synchronizing the body’s circadian rhythm with the 24-hour cycle of day and night. How it Works The compound SR9009 works by binding to one of the body’s naturally occurring molecules, called Rev-Erbα. This molecule influences lipid and glucose metabolism in the liver, the production of fat-storing cells, and the response of macrophages (cells that remove dead or dying cells) during inflammation. The study showed that mice lacking Rev-Erbα had decreased muscle metabolic activity and running capacity. However, Burris’ group demonstrated that activation of Rev-Erbα using Stenabolic led to increased metabolic activity in skeletal muscle in both culture and mice. The difference was a 50% increase in running capacity for mice treated with SR9009 – even when exercise was restricted. Professor Burris explained that the study resulted in animals developing muscles just like an athlete who has been training, even when they haven’t. He believes that Rev-Erbα affects muscle cells through the creation of new mitochondria, and the removal of defective mitochondria via macrophages. The Benefits of SR9009: A Drug Causing Major Breakthroughs There are 7 primary benefits that have been observed in both initial studies and user-reported reviews. Stenabolic shows great promise in increasing weight loss, even without exercise – which is why it’s being touted as “exercise in a bottle”. In initial studies, researchers chose mice with low skeletal muscle and metabolism to treat with SR9009. Over a 30-day study, the muscle and metabolic rate of the mice increased, even when they weren’t allowed to exercise. Increased mitochondria activity was noted in muscle, as well as an increase in macrophages – cells that remove dying or dead cells – enhancing the energy output of the animal’s muscles to create athletic, oxidative muscle without any actual exercise. Due to this increase in muscle activity, SR9009 helped the body burn calories instead of turning them into fat, effectively allowing an increase in weight loss. SR9009 increases stamina and endurance Additional to muscle conditioning, initial studies showed that once the mice that were treated with Stenabolic for 30 days were allowed to exercise, they showed a 50% increase in endurance – running longer and covering more distance than controls. [1] This may be due to an increase in the glucose oxidation in skeletal muscle, allowing the body to go faster for longer with a higher level of strength and stamina. According to Burris: SR9009 may lower blood cholesterol Mice treated with SR9009 for 7-10 days showed reduced blood levels of triglycerides and total cholesterol. [1] Another study [2] suggested that targeting Rev-Erbα may be an effective method for suppressing LDL cholesterol levels using SR9009. Over an 8-week period, genetically modified mice with a similar fat profile to humans were treated with SR9009, resulting in significant decrease in total cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL cholesterol. SR9009 indicates a decrease in inflammation Stimulation of Rev-Erbα activity by SR9009 was shown to greatly diminish ventilator-induced lung edema and inflammatory cells in rats. [3] The study suggests that the circadian rhythm affects the immune response, which may exacerbate inflammation. As Rev-Erbα plays a role in regulating the circadian rhythm, SR9009 may help reduce inflammation by activating Rev-Erbα. SR9009 may increase wakefulness Due to ist ability to activate Rev-Erbα, Stenabolic can affect the wakefulness of mice. As it affects the circadian rhythm, when SR9009 was injected into mice during periods they usually sleep, they were kept awake longer and had less REM sleep. However, when the mice were injected with SR9009 during their normal awake hours, there was no perceptible change in their behaviour. This suggests that Stenabolic may be useful for sleep-related disorders such as narcolepsy or shift workers. SR9009 may reduce heart disease Studies show that both normal and genetically modified older mice had improved heart function when injected with SR9009. Mice with surgically-induced heart growth (hypertrophy) showed a reduction in heart size and weight without affecting their blood pressure after two weeks of treatment with SR9009. SR9009 may effectively reduce anxiety Mice injected with SR9009 twice per day for 3 to 10 days showed decreased anxiety-like behavior. Interestingly, it has been suggested that SR9009 was as effective as a benzodiazepine, even though it shows potential to increase stamina and endurance of athletes. Tips For Dosage SR9009 SARMs Dosage Table Stenabolic should be dosed at 30-40mg per day for a 10-12 week cycle. As there are no clinical studies yet on human dosing, these are guidelines only and users should adjust their dose by 10mg to find their sweet spot. Due to the short half-life of SR9009, it is recommended to spread the dose across 3-4 times per day. This would look like 10mg every 3-4 hours. Men 30-40mg per day Women 30-40mg per day What About the Side Effects of SR9009? Stenabolic does not work as a fat burner, thyroid accelerator or appetite suppressant – yet still allows an increase in weight and fat loss. There has also been no suppression of natural testosterone shown, and it is suggested not to be liver toxic. However, as there have not been any human clinical trials, we still don’t know long term indications or side effects of taking SR9009. Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) is required when taking SARMS to help preserve muscle gains, prevent fat accumulation, maintain mood and motivation, and retain strength in muscles. Cycling also helps to allow hormone levels to return to their natural state in order to prevent unwanted dependency. Typically, a PCT will last the same duration as supplementation. So if a user supplemented with a hormone for 12 weeks, a PCT of 12 weeks would also be required to bring their hormones back to baseline. Stacking Many users recommend stacking SR9009 with Cardarine (GW501516) for ultimate far burning. Others suggest a triple stack that provides a holistic range of SARM’s to provide endurance, strength and fat loss during a single cycle. Dosages: SR9009 (Stenabolic) – 30-40mg directly increases fat loss and endurance MK2866 (Ostarine) – 25mg increases recovery LGD4033 (Ligandrol) – 10mg increases strength and lean mass
  7. RAD 140, also known as Testolone, is an orally bioavailable, non-steroidal, selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) that has the ability to increase lean muscle mass and reinforce the effects of testosterone without the unwanted side effects of anabolic steroids. Early studies and user reviews have delivered better results than steroid use with minimal side effects, making it one of the most exciting and powerful SARMs to date. Read on for a comprehensive review of everything you need to know about RAD 140, including benefits, side effects, studies and results for increasing muscle mass and preserving gains. History RAD140 is currently being developed by pharmaceutical company Radius. Its initial discovery was originally published in 2010, which means studies are limited. However, initial studies, company reports, and anecdotal user reviews have been highly promising for building muscle without the side effects of anabolic steroids. Discovered via an Internal Discovery Program, Testolone is actually being developed for the treatment of breast cancer and muscle wasting in postmenopausal women. According to the company’s website, the FDA accepted their Investigational New Drug Application and the first human clinical trial was expected to begin in 2017. How RAD140 Works The androgen receptor (AR) primarily targets normal human sexual development, but its activation by compounds (such as testosterone) also affects bone, muscle, liver and the central nervous system. The problem within the medical and bodybuilding communities is that using testosterone to activate AR signaling for increased muscle and bone development also affects the sex tissues, resulting in testicular atrophy, enlarged clitoris in females and even risks of prostate cancer. [1] RAD140, a nonsteroidal selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) bypasses this issue. Due to the way RAD140 binds to the androgen receptor, different cells respond by releasing different proteins, with only some androgen receptors being activated throughout the body. This stimulation results in androgen receptor activation in bone and muscle cell, rather than raising liver enzymes or affecting sexual tissue. According to the Cambridge-based pharmaceuticals company Radius: Benefits There are 8 primary benefits that have been observed in both initial studies and user-reported reviews. User Review 1. RAD140 helps increase muscle mass The number one benefit of supplementing with RAD140 is its ability to increase lean tissue without increasing fat. In fact, during initial studies done on monkeys, scientists observed an average weight gain of more than 10% in just 28 days. This was done using only RAD 140 and without any adverse side effects traditionally related to testosterone. 2. RAD140 may enhance speed, stamina, and endurance during high-intensity workouts Want to work out longer, harder and get better results every time you hit the gym? Reports of enhanced speed, stamina, and endurance during workouts are common when supplementing with Testolone. Additionally, thanks to its ability to increase lean muscle tissue and decrease fat, high-intensity workouts and interval training can be optimized every time. 3. RAD140 has a greater anabolic effect than testosterone Similar to other SARMs such as LGD4033 (Ligandrol) or S4 (Andarine), RAD140 produces similar results to testosterone but without the side effects. RAD140 interacts with the hormonal receptors of muscle and bone tissue in the same ways as larger doses of testosterone, all without the estrogenic side effects caused by anabolic steroids. Many users on forums also report greater anabolic effects than testosterone and is sometimes used as a PCT for steroid users to retain muscle mass between cycles. 4. RAD140 may reduce the side effects of testosterone When taken in conjunction with anabolic steroids, initial studies indicated that RAD140 reduces the side effects of testosterone stimulation on the prostate and seminal vesicles of monkeys [2]. Additionally, many anabolic steroid users report concerns for the health of their liver. However, during the 28-day trial, these monkeys also showed minimal liver enzyme elevations on a dose 10x higher than the fully effective dose, even though a weight was gained during a short timeframe (which can cause liver strain). Our advice? With the results from RAD140 already proving better than anabolic steroid use, users may be better off forgetting testosterone altogether and sticking to SARMs. 5. Testolone does not appear to have the same side effects of anabolic steroids on reproductive organs Initial studies on mice have found that low doses of RAD140 are all that’s needed to stimulate muscle growth without affecting the weight of the prostate. This means that RAD140 has the ability to selectively stimulate muscle and bone growth while reducing the effects on sex tissue such as the prostate or clitoris. (So yes, this means RAD140 is safe for women) 6. RAD140 may aid weight loss by increasing fat loss RAD140 indirectly reduces body fat by increasing muscle and bone cells, which are more metabolically expensive to maintain than fat cells. By increasing muscle mass, an increase in the metabolism is seen, which results in easier weight loss [3]. Users also report increased muscle growth and decreased fat stores thanks to RAD140’s ability to increase stamina, endurance, and speed during an interval training. 7. RAD140 is being trialed for the treatment of breast cancer RAD140 was discovered and is currently being developed by pharmaceutical company Radius specifically for the treatment of Androgen Receptor (AR) and Estrogen Receptor Positive (ER+) breast cancer in postmenopausal women. In vitro studies completed in 2017 showed that RAD140 inhibited the growth of AR/ER+ breast cancer cells. Results from these studies supported further investigation of RAD140 as a breast cancer treatment, and the first human clinical trials were brought forward [4]. 8. RAD140 is indicated to be neuroprotective for brain health in neurodegenerative diseases As testosterone levels in men decline, the risk of disease in androgen-responsive tissue (including the brain) increases, implicating the development of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s Disease. However, treating AR diseases with testosterone may increase the risk of prostate cancer. Recent studies suggest that RAD140 may be as effective as testosterone in reducing cell death without side effects to the prostate. [5] Side Effects As with most SARMs, studies show that RAD140 does not appear to have any side effects common to steroidal compounds. Unlike testosterone, RAD140 does not cause prostate enlargement or testicular shrinkage. However, as it is still in early developmental stages, this does not mean that there are no long-term effects. Some user-reported side effects include headaches or insomnia that disappear with correct dosage. Dosing Recommendations Testolone studies are still being produced, but it has been known to have equal potency and effectiveness to that of LGD4033. Studies on male primates suggest 20-30mg per day every 24-36 hours is optimal for maximum skeletal hypertrophy, in line with anecdotal testimonials from users. Safe durations for research have been tolerated for up to 12 weeks, however, developing trials may indicate a tolerance for up to 24 weeks. It is important to note that RAD140 systematically regulates the neuroexcitatory amino acid Kainate which activates glutamate receptors in the brain. Kainate acid’s role in neuronal cell death (specifically in the hippocampus) has been shown to be a primary contributor to Alzheimer’s disease. RAD140 has demonstrated positive results in the prevention of Kainate acid production and medical based research published by The Endocrine Society suggests RAD140 can improve brain health through neuroprotective properties in as little as 13 days (Jayaraman, 2014). Although safe for women, lower doses ARE recommended. Females are advised to start at 5mg per day with an upper limit of no more than 10mg per day. Although there is no official human dose for RAD140, its potency and effectiveness have been compared to LGD4033. Current research indicates that it is tolerated for use up to 12 weeks. Stacking Although great on its own, RAD140 can be stacked with other SARMs for added benefits tailored to your individual needs. Many users report stacking RAD140 (Testolone) with MK677 (Nutrobal) and MK2866 (Ostarine) to provide a powerhouse for building muscle, burning fat, boosting growth hormones, joint recovery and improved sleep. Testolone is particularly beneficial for older users who benefit from reduced muscle wastage, joint health and better sleep for recovery. Dosages: RAD140 (Testolone) – 30mg MK2866 (Ostarine) – 25mg MK677 (Nutrabol) – 12mg
  8. What are SARMs? The topic of SARMs (or selective androgen receptor modulators) have been a controversial one since the early 90s when they were first introduced in mainstream science. Now this isn’t to say that SARMs haven’t been around long before this period. In the 1940s, steroidal SARMs have been used for medical use in multiple diseases including cancer, hypogonadism, osteoporosis, and a number of other diseases that affect muscle and bone wasting. These SARMs had a very strong effect on muscle building due to its “high affinity”, which in non-scientific terms means it’s attraction to a receptor is high and that is what makes a chemical reaction in the body more powerful. Unfortunately, steroidal SARMs came with side effects such as estrogen conversion causing gynecomastia (puffy sensitive nipples in men), decreased libido, and damage to the liver and kidneys (related to its methylation). Another side effect was that steroids can change the DNA of multiple cells such as the prostate and heart cause them to enlarge. Steroidal VS Non Steroidal SARMs In the early 1990s, scientist created a non-steroidal version of these SARMs by making them protein based. The difference between these two types of SARMs is most easily described as a lock and key system. The cells in the body act as locks and the binding sites of the cells are like key holes. Steroidal SARMs have the ability to act like a master key unlocking every cell to promote protein synthesis and growth, even in cells you don’t want to “unlock”. Nonsteroidal SARMs are designed specifically for one type of lock, therefore, it will only affect areas of the DNA that prevent muscle and bone wastage while also promoting growth in these areas. Nonsteroidal SARMs have been used for bodybuilding, powerlifting and a multitude of other sports since the start of it popularity. Their benefit to side effect ratio have been tested since the 1990s with no evidence suggesting harm. This breakthrough in scientific technology continues to suggest SARMs is the future of anabolics and will eventually replace steroid therapy. Now this is not to say that nonsteroidal SARMs are the answers to all our problems. Although a protein based SARMs have very limited side effects with large benefits for strength and muscle gains, they also require a much longer period of use and cannot yet compare to the effectiveness of a steroid. The comparison of benefits and unwanted side effects have been researched for decades. Unlike testosterone cypionate, SARMS are more than 200 times more powerful in muscle stimulation and 80 times more selective for muscle. SARMS vs. Prohormones Prohormones were the first ones introduced to the market. However, steroids or testosterone supplements don’t have the muscle growth effects of authentic steroids and they carry the same adverse side effects making them unsafe for human use. Meanwhile, SARMS are an upgrade of anabolic steroids. It can be administered orally, minimizing the effects in testosterone blood levels. SARMS are also believed to cure various diseases which steroids and other medicines treated earlier. It also shows promise to replace androgen which can yield similar desirable results on muscle tissue as steroids. According to a study conducted by the World Anti-doping Agency (WADA), approximately tenth of the worlds athletic population uses SARMS (particularly Ostarine) to enhance their body and performance (which is considered a safe performance boost). How Do SARMS Work? As we age, our endurance, power and skeletal muscle mass deteriorates due to the loss of type 2 muscle fibers. This hinders individuals to function normally. With SARMS, skeletal muscle mass and strength in androgen-deficient people can be enhanced. There are 2 types of administering SARMS – orally or in injectable dosages. The anabolic effect is expected to be the same as testosterone. Moreover, it’s also said to produce dose-dependent improvements in bone mineral density and motorized strength apart from the ability to decrease body fat and increase lean body mass. SARMS link to the same receptors that old steroids such as Dianabol and testosterone would connect to, but minus the drawbacks and side effects of traditional steroids and prohormones. This is a fresh start in the advancement of muscle pharmacology as SARMS can help enhance muscle mass, while helping you reduce body fat and boost athletic performance beyond your imagination. The Most Popular SARMS There are many SARMS, but here are the 4 main SARMS that are currently offered and most applicable to athletes, bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts: LGD-4033 – a potent, non-steroidal bodybuilding supplement for enhancing lean muscle mass and reducing body fat Ostarine (MK-2866) – selective for anabolic activity at certain ARs, great for maintaining and increasing lean body mass and recomping S4 (Andarine) – selective for bone tissue (mostly low virilization), aimed to cure osteoporosis and won’t produce the development of prostate and other secondary sexual organs RAD140 – this is probably one of the most exciting SARMs, as well as the most current. In fact, aside from the muscle building effects seems to look like a possible cure for Alzheimer. Other compounds like GW 501516 (Cardarine) considered the kind of endurance supplements and SR9009 are usually grouped with SARMs, but are not the same. The Benefits of SARMS SARMS is believed to have the capacity to employ the benefits of anabolic supplements while reducing the side effects of steroids. Non-toxic (won’t cause liver damage) Avoids bone loss (direct action of testosterone in bone thru the AR-mediated conduit is critical for its anabolic effects in bone) Decreases the threat of prostate problems in men without muscle mass loss Won’t impede your HPTA Similar effects with testosterone No estrogen and Dihydrotestosterone (a hydrogen hormone) conversion For muscle builders, taking SARMS will give: Muscle loss prevention (during cutting period) Lean muscle development Improved strength Faster injury recovery Joint healing abilities PCT use following anabolics Let’s a took at a few of these benefits in more detail… Increased muscle strength In the Asian Journal of Andrology, subjects increased muscle strength 20x more than those in the placebo group. Subjects continued to gain strength and size in muscle tissue for up to 5 months but with significant decreases in effectiveness after the 3rd month (Dalton et al, 2014). Increased muscle size Deductive evidence has proven a significant increase in muscle tissue hypertrophy (growth of muscle tissue). Inductive evidence suggests subjects will gain between 3 to 15 lbs of muscle tissue over the a 12 week period (Dubois et al, 2015). The amount of muscle hypertrophy is dependent on diet, training, and the characteristics of the SARM. Mild SARMs such as MK2866 will range much lower in hypertrophy than more potent SARMs such as RAD140 or LGD4033. Tissue selectivity According to the Oxford Academic journal of Endocrinology, nonsteroidal SARMs have been designed to attach itself to area of the DNA responsible for skeletal muscle protein synthesis. Unlike other anabolic agents, non steroidal SARMs do not affect any other tissues in the body (Dubois et al, 2015). Inhibits cancer cell division In an unrelated study to muscle growth performed by the Public Library of Science’s (PLOS) Peer Reviewed Open Access Journal, nonsteroidal SARMs have been studied for its effects on breast cancer. Androgen receptors are known to play a pivotal role in the treatment of breast cancer and due to the inability for nonsteroidal SARMs to convert to estrogen, there is a very narrow probability for negative repercussions. The results have not only confirmed that tumor cells decrease in weight by 90%, but it may even inhibit the potential for breast cancer development (Dalton et al, 2014). Regulation of libido Recent studies have indicated healthy increases in sexual desire in both men and women with the use of nonsteroidal SARMs. The males with hypogonadism, testosterone therapy is a common practice. In testosterone therapy there are many side effects that result is severe consequences for the user, such as thickening of the blood (commonly causing strokes and heart attacks), enlargement or development of cancer on the prostate, and gynecomastia (characterized as the development of female breast on men) due to an overproduction of estrogen. A 2014 article published by the Asian Journal of Andrology stated “SARM’s beneficial pharmacology and desirable pharmacokinetics offer considerable promise in the treatment of late onset hypogonadism. The convenience of once daily oral therapy combined with defined safety margins surrounding a proven efficacious dosage form may one day challenge testosterone replacement therapy as the gold standard in treating late onset hypogonadism” (Dalton et al, 2014). In the Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Researcher reported positive effects of nonsteroidal SARMs on females with low sexual motivation indicating noticeable increases in sexual desire (Jones et al, 2010). Safety and tolerability In the Oxford Journal of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, the popular nonsteroidal SARM LGD 4033 (Ligandrol) has been recently studied for it’s effectiveness and safety in healthy young men. Results were favorable indicated by hormone and lipid levels returning to normal without the use of a post cycle therapy. No dangers were detected throughout the study. although there was noticeable suppression in testosterone and HDL cholesterol, it was not significant enough to cause adverse reactions. Because LGD 4033 is considered one of the strongest and most potent nonsteroidal SARMs available, it is not likely that less potent SARMs will produce any harmful effects (Bhasin, 2010). Side Effects of SARMS What’s great about SARMS is that its side effects are minimal, so you don’t have to worry about any negative effects. If you overdo it, however, some people may experience shut down or even gynecomastia if currently predisposed to it. Be responsible, and in 99.9% of cases users will not have any side effects from the use of SARMs. Current research has so far agreed with that conclusion.
  9. TB-500 TB-500 is a peptide fragment hormone that is primarily used in the treatment of various muscle injuries or pain caused by inflammation. There is very little official human data available for this product; however, it has been a longtime hormone used in racehorses. TB-500, although synthetic, serves to act as a synthetic form (loosely) of Thymosin Beta-4 (TB-4). TB-500 is not TB-4; although very commonly confused as TB-4, it is designed to provide the benefits of the naturally occurring thymus produced hormone. TB-500 Functions and Traits The thymus gland as well as in various localized cells in the human body produces thymosin Beta-4 (TB-4). TB-4 is found in cytoplasm in high levels of concentration as well as in wound fluid. TB-500 is designed to promote the actionable area – the part of TB-4 that promotes healing. More importantly, manufacturing TB-500, despite not being TB-4 is possible while the latter is extremely difficult. The primary purpose of TB-500 lies in its ability to promote the upregulation of cells in the body. Upregulation increases the cell’s sensitivity to action, specifically in proteins such as actin. This action helps to regulate inflammation in injured areas of the body as well as provide new blood vessel pathways. Of interesting note - TB-500 possesses a very low molecular weight allowing it to carry a high level of mobility in the body. Simply put, TB-500 can travel long distances through the body, virtually to all locations. TB-500 does not have to be administered to the injured area but will find its way to all injured areas regardless of administrated location. Effects of TB-500 In the world of performance enhancement, TB-500 is not meant to be used to bulk, cut, lose fat or increase strength. This is a peptide hormone that is designed to promote healing, specifically the healing of wounded or injured areas of the body. TB-500 can be used to treat muscle tears or strain, tendon inflammation and even skin injuries. This peptide will not cause instant healing of an injured area. If a muscle is torn it is torn, but use of TB-500 will in many cases speed up the healing process. For nagging injuries, those that don’t keep the individual out of the gym but slow his progress, it may provide the edge he needs to continue his training without it being diminished. The effects of TB-500 have also been linked to hair growth, specifically the reversal of hair loss caused by male-pattern baldness. However, how significant this effect is and how much truth it holds scientifically is still highly questionable as no official data exist. The only data on hair growth is anecdotal. Side Effects of TB-500 The side effects of TB-500 are lacking in official capacity as the peptide has been primarily used in horses since the early 1980’s with almost no human data available. As with any injectable medication, especially peptides, the most common side effect will be skin irritation at the injected site. However, this does appear to be less common with TB-500 as compared to other injectable peptides in terms of anecdotal reports by users. Headaches and other ill-like symptoms also appear to be very rare. TB-500 Administration TB-500 comes in freeze-dried (lyophilized) form and must be reconstituted with bacteriostatic water for administration. The most common dosing range in human use is 2.0 to 2.5mg of TB-500 two times per week for approximately 4-6 weeks. Once the 4-6 weeks of use is complete, once the injured area has improved, some users will reduce to one to two injections per month for injury prevention. Many users report greater muscle flexibility when using TB-500, thereby reducing further injury potential. Higher doses of TB-500, those beyond 2.0-2.5mg twice per week, there is no data available to support how much stronger such dosing plans will be. There is very little data to support the lower doses beyond anecdotal but even less when it comes to higher doses. As healing and injury prevention is the primary point of use and the 2.0-2.5mg plans seem to carry a high rate of success, this does tend to lend to higher doses being unnecessary.
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  11. MK 677 (commonly known as Nutrobal) is an orally administered growth hormone secretagoguethat is designed to stimulate the pituitary gland to release growth hormone. It was originally formulated to manage health problems like osteoporosis, obesity and muscle wasting, but MK 677 has been shown to promote an increase in lean body mass as well as a boost in IGF-1 serum concentration during clinical runs. For this reason, it didn’t take people in the bodybuilding industry very long to start using it as a way to enhance their performance. How MK 677 (Nutrobal) Works Like most other SARMs, Nutrobal works by targeting specific androgen receptors and alters the way they function in the body. As a result, this stimulates them in a way that can mimic the anabolic effects of steroids and prohormones. MK 677 (Nutrobal) is rather similar to peptides like Ipamorelin and GHRP-6, but you won’t experience any of the typical side effects. This is why SARMS like MK 677 are considered as game changers in the world of fitness and in pharmaceutical science. Moreover, here are the positive effects of MK 677 (Nutrobal) in terms of improving growth hormone pulse intensity: Inhibits the signaling of somatostatin receptors Slows down the activity of somastostatin in the system Improves somatotroph signaling in growth hormone releasing hormones (GHRH) Amplifies and increases the overall production and release of GHRH Benefits of MK 677 (Nutrobal) Aside from a dramatic change in your IGF-1 and growth hormone levels while on MK 677, you can experience many benefits from a cycle including: a more rapid healing of ligaments, tendons, bones as well as old injuries builds lean muscle mass and size gains increases the oxidation of fat and has even been shown to loosen tight skin after weight loss! In Terms of Sleep: Most users who have already tried taking MK 677 shared that they experienced better sleep while on this growth hormone secretagogue. They also had an increase in vivid dreaming in the process, which made going to bed much more satisfying and exciting from their perspective. In Terms of Skin Improvement: A number of users relate that they experienced an improvement in their skin when they integrated MK 677 in their bodybuilding program. In Terms of Achieving Gains and Shredding: MK 677 users relate that they noticed positive changes in their overall physique in just a few days’ time while using this GHS. Apart from having their muscles looking fuller and vascular than before, the gains they are able to achieve are much more distinct as well. Possible Side Effects Akin to other products that stimulate the elevated amounts of growth hormones in the body, MK 677 (Nutrobal) can cause a slight increase in appetite, temporary bouts of lethargy and numb hands. Some claim it could lower GHIH levels, but that’s still to be determined.
  12. Ostarine, also known as MK-2866 is a SARM(selective androgen receptor module) created by GTx to avoid and treat muscle wasting. It can, later on, be a cure for avoiding atrophy (total wasting away of a body part), cachexia, sarcopenia and Hormone or Testosterone Replacement Therapy. This type of SARM cannot only retain lean body mass but as well as increase it. Ostarine is often mistaken as S1 but S1 was created earlier and is no longer going through more expansion. Benefits of Ostarine MK-2866, although totally safe, can provide subtle but consistent gains in muscle, size and strength in your rodent. It’s safe to say you can easily gain 5-10 lbs of muscle over several weeks. What’s most important is that the gains you receive are lasting and will stay with you for the most part. Some of the other benefits include: Increased lean mass gains Better strength More endurance Joint healing abilities Anabolic (even at doses as low as 3 mg) In fact, many athletes take Ostarine for those very reasons, like Amanda Ribas UFC fighter who was tested positive for the compound in June of 2017 and suspended for two years over it. The Science Behind Ostarine SARMS bind to the androgen receptor (AR), which then show osteo (bone) and myo (muscular) selective anabolic activity as a result. This tying and stimulation intensifies protein synthesis and builds muscle. Ostarine causes muscle growth in a similar way to steroids, but without the negative effects, you would typically experience like on the prostate or other secondary sexual organs. Benefits MK-2866 uses its anabolic effects on muscle tissue fully so it’s not only a potential cure for muscle wasting ailments but brings incredible benefits to athletes who want to build muscle. It is also an agent to reduce degeneration during recovery times from serious surgery or similar conditions. *Ostarine has undergone 8 scientific trials by GTx with about 600 subjects plus 3 efficiency studies. A 4-month Phase IIb medical trial including 159 patients have shown a complete boost in total lean muscle mass compared to placebo and the secondary goal of increasing muscle strength. In terms of bodybuilding, Ostarine users have proven that MK-2866 can help improve lean muscle mass and strength levels. Ostarine for Preventing Injuries The effects of MK-2866 convert to anabolism in bone and skeletal muscle tissue, which means it could be used in the future for different purposes such as osteoporosis and as a simultaneous treatment with drugs that decrease bone density. So, it has great use as a compound for injury recovery, specifically bone and tendon related injuries. Uses of MK-2866 Benefits of the well known SARM Ostarine have been documented in countless studies with effective dosages ranging from 25mg to 50mg per 24-36 hours. There is no evidence that surpassing the 50mg dosage will provide any increases in benefits. Even though MK2866 resembles a mild version LGD4033, it’s duration and tolerability throughout multiple studies have demonstrated safety and effectiveness for up to 6 months (24 weeks). For Bulking Ostarine shines best when used for gaining lean muscle (bulking) or putting on extra size. Suggested dosage is 25 mg for 4-6 weeks. PCT is not necessary. An increase of 6 lbs. of lean, keepable gains can be observed during this period. You can take Ostarine as high as 36 mg for 8 weeks BUT only if you weigh 210 lbs. Suppression is expected in higher doses so PCT after a cycle is a must. For Recomping Ostarine shines in recomping due to its nutrient portioning results. A calorie is used to build muscle which helps in weight loss and enhancing muscle mass and strength. Suggested dosing is 12.5-25 mg for 4-8 weeks. *Your diet must contain 30% of lean sources of protein to achieve the best recomp result. For Cutting MK-2866 can help cut whilst preserving muscle gains and decreasing calories. Suggested dosing is 12.5-15 mg for 4-6 weeks. Timing MK-2866 has a half-life of 24 hours. Each dose should be taken ONCE per day. Ostarine Side Effects MK-2866 is fully side effect free. The only threat is that it’s possible to experience some mild natural test shut down in cycles over 4 weeks, but the time between cycles are only 4 weeks.
  13. GW-501516 GW-501516, better known as Cardarine, is a unique medication officially classified as a PPAR receptor agonist (PPAR-RA). Research for this medication began in 1992 in a conjoined effort between GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and Ligand Pharmaceuticals. Research into this product was set forth in an effort to provide treatment for various cardiovascular diseases, as well as diabetes, obesity and other conditions. It was soon discovered that the PPAR-RA was highly effective at enhancing endurance, but it was also shown to carry a high potential cost. It was discovered that Cardarine increased the chances of cancer significantly, and as a result, GSK dropped all further research. However, the studies that produced cancerous results used doses of Cardarine that were 500 to even 1000 times the amount that a human being would take. If cancer is a risk with standard dosing is unknown. Cardarine Functions and Traits Cardarine (GW-501516) binds to the PPAR receptor, specifically a group of nuclear receptors (sensors that detect thyroid and steroidal hormones in the body) that initiates the PGC-1a enzyme. This action leads to gene expression, specifically genes that revolve around energy expenditure. Studies involving GW-501516 have shown to increase the metabolism of fatty acids in rats. It was also shown in the same studies to reduce the odds of obesity despite poor eating habits as well as prevent Type-2 diabetes. Cardarine was also shown to increase HDL (good cholesterol) and decrease LDL (bad cholesterol) in a study using monkeys. The effects seemed to hold true with or without exercise. Effects of Cardarine The effects of Cardarine are fairly significant and may be a welcomed addition to the stack for a performance athlete. Increased endurance may be the PPAR-RA’s most incredible attribute. Those who use the medication will find they do not tire out as easily and can train harder and longer. The cardiovascular endurance that comes with Cardarine is so strong it has been shown to do away with the cardio issues that surround the popular anabolic steroid Trenbolone. Many who use Trenbolone report breathing becomes a bit more difficult and that cardio becomes a more arduous task. Cardarine seems to negate this negative effect when using Tren. The effects of Cardarine also help tremendously with fat loss. If nothing else, you’re able to perform your cardio more intensely and longer. Further, it doesn’t carry any catabolic effect that is associated with many thermogenics or fat burners, meaning muscle loss due to use is of no concern. More importantly, GW-501516 has been shown to increase nutrient efficiency. Simply put, you make better use of the nutrients you’re consuming. Those who use the compound will find increased levels of glucose uptake and fat stores reduced. Side Effects of Cardarine The known side effects of Cardarine primarily surround increasing the chances of cancer; however, it’s not quite that cut and dry. Studies that showed increased cancer rates in rats used doses of the PPAR-RA far above and beyond what any human would take. Further, additional studies have shown GW-501516 decreased existing cancerous tumors and in effect cured the existing cancer. The truth behind the relationship with this drug and cancer is unknown at this time. Because there is a potential relationship between the medication and cancer, we may never know the truth as it’s unlikely any major pharmacy group will undertake any additional study. Estrogenic: There are no estrogenic side effects associated with GW-501516. Water retention, bloating, gynecomastia and high blood pressure associated with water retention is not possible as there is no conversion of testosterone to estrogen. Androgenic: The side effects of Cardarine do not include any of an androgenic nature. Hair loss, acne and virilization symptoms in women are not possible with this medication. Cardiovascular: There are no negative side effects of Cardarine associated with cardiovascular health; in fact, lipids may improve. In a study done by the Journal of Cardiology, GW-501516 was stated to possibly reduce the risk of heart attack. Testosterone Suppression: GW-501516 will not suppress natural testosterone production. Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) is not needed when using this PPAR-RA. Hepatotoxicity: Cardarine is not toxic to the liver. Cardarine Administration GW-501516 is taken orally. The most common dosing range for this PPAR-RA is 10-15mg per day for 8 weeks. However, some reports state the medication needs to be used for 12 weeks for optimal results, with 20mg per day being well tolerated by most individuals.
  14. Thyroid Function - Part #1 There are many components that affect and can assist in improving thyroid function and thus improving weight loss and optimal function. Nutrients that can assist in the conversion of T4 to T3, healthy gut and reducing reverse T3 levels, iron levels and reducing cortisol (stress hormone) are just a few. Here is just the first part as there is a lot of information to digest. Nutrients - T3 and T4 There are many nutrients that are required to create thyroid hormone in the body, in addition several are involved in the conversion of T4 to T3. When you are deficient in these nutrients your body will not convert thyroid properly. For this reason it's critical to optimize these nutrients. The most common being: Zinc, Selenium, and Vitamin B6. But, not everything has high quality zinc, selenium or B6 in it. For that reason it is recommended to supplement with these nutrients: Zinc - Zinc helps convert T4 to T3. Zinc is also a powerful anti inflammatory and it helps regulate the immune system. It's also great for your skin. Selenium - Selenium helps convert T4 to T3. It can also help balance the immune system and has been shown to be effective in helping reduce antibody levels, so keeping foods rich in selenium in the diet is recommended. Vitamin B6 - Vitamin B6 helps create thyroid function and it also helps create and maintain neurotransmitters in the brain. In addition it's required for normal and healthy brain development. Thyroid Function - Part #2 Gut Health and Thyroid Function: Around 20% of T4 is converted to T3 in the gut and as much as 60% can be converted in the liver, so liver health is another key. The composition of the bacteria in your gut is important when it comes to proper thyroid function. When the thyroid hormone is low, your intestines move slower (predisposing you to constipation) and making you more likely to develop conditions like: SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), Yeast overgrowth and Reflux. Gut issues can also cause or worsen nutrient deficiencies as stomach acid lowers due to low thyroid hormone. All of these conditions could also cause you to develop leaky gut. When your intestinal barrier becomes less effective (leaky gut) an LPS toxin (Lipopolysaccharides) can get through into your blood stream. LPS directly lowers T3 levels in the blood. Recommendation: Digestive enzymes help your body break down food and help absorb nutrients. Probiotics (high potency) can reduce local inflammation in the gut and even reduce inflammation. Use Essential Oils to kill off bacteria and yeast like Oregano oil. Iron and Thyroid Function: Adequate iron levels are required for optimal thyroid function. Too little iron levels will lead to a reduced effectiveness of thyroid hormone and too much can lead to inflammatory states caused by iron overload. So it is important to check iron levels and know your ideal level before supplementing with iron. Low Iron makes Thyroid medication less effective - Iron is required for proper T4 to T3 conversion. Iron is required for proper adrenal function - When your adrenals aren't working they put increased strain on the thyroid and lead to adrenal fatigue and adrenal burn out. There are foods that can increase iron and Thyroid function. Eat sea vegetables Avoid soy products Eat foods high in selenium Eat foods high in zinc, copper and iron - i.e. pumpkin seeds, spinach, lentils, mushrooms, tomatoes, sunflower seeds, whole grains, and almonds Hypothyroidism leads to Iron deficiency - Thyroid hormone is required for proper Iron absorption. When thyroid levels are low it leads to iron deficiency which in turns worsens thyroid function. It has been reported that Hypothyroidism sufferers do better on liquid (instead of Iron tablets) Iron tablets can actually make constipation worse, so it’s recommend that people with a hypothyroid take liquid because it is easier on the stomach and it is better absorbed. Thyroid Function - Part #3 Reducing Reverse T3: Reverse T3 is basically the anti thyroid hormone. It directly inhibits your free and active T3 thyroid hormone from working properly. It can very easily get out of balance due to a number of conditions including: Insulin resistance, Leptin resistance, inflammatory states and the use of certain drugs (anti-depressants, beta blockers, mood stabilizers and pain medication). When this happens, reverse T3 levels rise and they directly BLOCK your free thyroid hormone. Aside from taking an actual T3 medication like Cytomel, adding HIIT training will help your body create a demand for thyroid hormone and help push T4 down the T3 path. Thyroid Function - Part #4 Adrenals and Stress Effecting Thyroid Function Cortisol is called the stress hormone because of its connection to the stress response and as more is released, thyroid function decreases. Because most bodily cells have cortisol receptors, it affects many different functions in the body. Cortisol can help control blood sugar levels, regulate metabolism, help reduce inflammation, and assist with memory formulation. It has a controlling effect on salt and water balance and helps control blood pressure. All of these functions make cortisol a crucial hormone to protect overall health and well-being. Adrenal fatigue can cause a number of symptoms: Debilitating fatigue even after a good night sleep Wired but tired Things you can do to lower adrenal fatigue: Take an adrenal support Lower caffeine Eat a little extra salt (Himalayan pink salt is what we recommend) Yoga or meditation to calm and decrease stress Replenishing nutrients and taking vitamins such as zinc, selenium, adrenal support, probiotics, vitamin D3 & K and ZMA
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