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Everything posted by eazy57

  1. Personally i don't like to use multi-esther compounds. IMO test-e is the go to for most who want to pin twice a week. You'll just have to be a little more patient to feel the effects, but consistently spaced and equally dosed will serve you well with minimal issues.
  2. Yes sir. Another couple of weeks and I'll look like a freakshow!
  3. I've taken both Cialis and Viagra pwo and the pumps were too good. Painful and i felt detracted from my workouts. I won't be doing that again. That being said I like to take my Cialis on Friday so i'm good to go all weekend. Viagra is okay. But nothing like Cialis for me.
  4. I can't count the number of "good girls" I got to let my anaconda do some forbidden tunnel exploration in my lifetime. Life's been good...
  5. Yep, I'd have to agree with Matt. The fastest delivery I've had to date.
  6. The first pic is of the vascularity this morning. Not a great shot but you get the idea. Sorry for the harry chest, haven't shaved it this week. Second shot is of me doing the dreaded gay selfie in the gym. The last few shots are me in the past few week and a bit. I'll post weekly updates from here on out. I'm pretty lean everywhere but the stomach. Which for an old guy about to turn 50 is to be expected. Just mentally preparing myself for eating birdseed and leaves for the next little while. Ugh...
  7. Before I begin today's entry for those who are curious about Madol, here is the a post by Olympic that explains what the compound is: https://northernlifters.com/topic/120-madol-desoxymethyltestosteronegod-of-strength/ With that out of the way let's get on with it. I'm still adjusting to my normal body clock. I have no problem waking up, but as soon as I started to lift It felt heavier than normal. After a good warm up set I was good to go. My first thought was that I lacked some energy because of the keto diet. I had zero carbs last night. I usually like to have a small serving of carbs just before bed so I have energy in the morning to lift. I really noticed a difference today. Won't be doing that tonight as I have a serious full body workout in store for tomorrow. As I mentioned in my OP I'm doing full body workouts for the remainder of my cycle which began yesterday. (the final 4 weeks.) So today is essentially a cardio day. But I also mentioned that I am doing a specific body part program as well. That body part this month is shoulders. So again, one exercise, 10 sets. 1 warm up set. 1 set of 6 with weight you can do for 10, then 4 sets with the heaviest weight you can lift with strict form, 3 sets of the heaviest you can lift and fuck the form, then a final set with half the weight of those final 3. Its a phenominal workout for those with lagging parts. I plan to incorporate it on every body part over the course of a year. On waking at 4:30 I downed 20mg of Madol, 40mg of DHT, and 50mg of Winstrol. I was planning on taking winny to the end of my cycle and after reading that Madol and winny work well together I plan on keeping it in. I followed that up with a shot of espresso and I was ready to go. On the gym floor by 5:30, today's workout looked like this: Superset Leverage shoulder press & Ab crunch machine Set 1 - Shoulder press 100x15, ab machine 150x10 Set2 - Shoulder press 150x6, ab machine 150x10 Sets 3-5 - Shoulder press 170x3, ab machine 150x10 Set 6 - Shoulder press 170x3, hanging leg raise x10 Sets 7-9 - Shoulder press 190x3, hanging leg raise x10 Set 10 - Shoulder press 100x20, hanging leg raise x10 For those keeping count that's 10 sets of 10 for ab work or about a 100 reps. I on'y do this about twice a week. Next up I did running intervals on the treadmill for 30 minutes. 2 min walking at a pace of 3mph, and sprinting at 10mph for 30 seconds. and repeat for 30 min. Total workout time was about 57 minutes. I followed that up with a protein shake of vanilla protein (30g of P), a banana, and 5 strawberries. I need some variation. Getting tired of protein and water or unsweetened almond milk. Sometimes I throw in peanut butter and banana or whatever. Usually a banana for post workout carbs which i desperately need after workouts or I feel like I'll fall asleep and die. Some interesting observations. My vasularity was off the hook this morning. During my intervals my veins were literally popping off my shins. My fucking shins of all places. I'll post up a pick from the locker room and show the vascularity in my arms this morning. Fucking impressive. I was starting to get that nice look with mast. But I believe the Stanolone is already taking it up a notch. Other than the initial set I felt pretty good for my second day back after a week off. I lifted what I was using before the timout so I'm happy with that and can add weight now going forward. I'd like to be able to shoulder press 200lbs in the next week or 2. Pretty good for a short fucker of a 155lbs I think... I don't see many guys shoulder pressing more than their body weight in my gym. Lunch is a keto recipe my wife made last night of cabbage and sausage. It's actually pretty good and I don't even like cabbage. So nothing till noon then lunch. I have an apple and some oats if needed for energy late in the afternoon. I find I can't go as low as 25g or less on carbs and lift the way i want to. I find I need at least 50g to keep me a happy camper. Anyway, this is long enough, I'll post up pics in a few minutes.
  8. So you can't drink alcohol for 3 weeks after taking it?
  9. I'd use Dbol as he is in his suggested cycle. I find it makes me retain lots of water as well so as a front end kicker it's a little more useful and you won't notice your diminishing affects as much. I have one more bottle of d-bol left, but I doubt I'd ever buy more. I prefer drier compounds. Maybe I'll trade it for something else.
  10. I wish my wife would try shit like this. So who sells this stuff?
  11. Hey there guys, A few days ago I placed my first BT order. They threw in two of their new products and asked me to write a log/ review of it for them. I'm in the last 4 weeks of my current cutting cycle. I'm not planning on stepping on stage. My goal is to get lean and ripped as fuck by my birthday October 31st. Actually for the 27th when I am hosting my 50th masquerade party. My stats are: 5'4 - 155lbs BF I'd say is around 15%. I've dropped 20 lbs of fat since February (I was 178lbs) Now just dialing it in for the last few weeks. I've been on a keto diet for the past few weeks with my wife. I'm eating about 1-1.5g of protein per lean body weight. I'm not counting calories as most of my food is meat and vegetables. No breads, sugars, rice, pasta, or anything. So far my cycle has looked like this: Test E 250mg/wk - wk 1-8 Mast E 400/wk - wk1-8 Tren A 100mg eod- wk 5-12 Winstrol 50mg pwo - wk 1-4 Anavar 50mg pwo - wk 5-8 Clen 100mg ed 2wks on 1 wk off T3 50mg ed -1-8 Now that I'm in my last 4 weeks and the new BT products on hand I'll be switching to BT from all other labs from here on out. My cycle is going to look like this as of today: TNT450 - 1cc/wk Tren A 100mg eod Replacing Mast with Stanolone - 60mg pwo Madol - 20 to 30mg pwo I also picked up some DNP and will be replacing the Clen with that when I get a proper micro scale that I ordered from Amazon. Exact dosage I haven't decided whether it'll be 100mg or 200mg ed. Sould be here by Thursday. Workout wise I started this cycle doing splits of Chest/tri's, Back/bi's, shoulders, legs. Now I've been doing full body workouts for the past 4 weeks with cardio on non workout days. For the first month I chose a lagging body part and worked them every day. It's a Christian Thibaudea program I found on T-nation. So last month was arms. This month is shoulders. it's a 10 set routine that you do everyday. I even do them on cardio days. it looks like this: Set 1 - Warmup (15-20reps) Set 2 - Use weight you can lift for 10 reps but do 6 reps Sets 3-6- As heavy as you can lift with perfect form for 3 reps Sets7-9 As heavy as you can lift, fuck the form for 3 reps. Set 10 - Use half the weight you used for sets 7-9 until failure. This little program works great. Originally it was just for arms, but I figure it's useful for any body part aside from maybe legs. So I was out of the gym for most of last wqeek because of my crazy work schedule. I worked anywhere from 12-18 hrs everyday from Monday to Saturday. By yesterday I could barely get out of bed. But I had an engagement my wife and I were hosting ar Woodbine Racetrack so I didn't have a choice! That being said, I was back in the gym this morning after pinning the TNT, and dropping 20mg of Madol, and 40mg of DHT and 100mg of Clen. I was planning a lightworkout to ease myself back after a week off. it looked like this: leg extensions 100x15, 150x10, 180x10 One arm machine chest press(cross body) - 100x15, 120x10, 150x10 Wide grip lat pulldown - 100x15, 130x10, 150x10 Machine Side Laterals - 50x20, 80x6, 100x3 4sets, 120x3 3 sets, 60x20 Leverage preacher curl - 50x20, 80x10, 100x10 Incline EZbar triceps extensions - 50x15, 80x12, 80x12 Seated calf raise - 150x12 3 sets I was super fucking tired as I am still adjusting to getting back to my regular schedule. I was up at 4:30 and off to the gym by 5 and on the gym floor by 5:40. I felt good and ready to go as being in the gym always gets my juices flowing. I was surprised how effortless it felt moving the weight. I could've easily lifted more but didn't want to over do it, or crush my CNS for the remainder of the day. I don't like to make knee jerk prognoses after one dose of a product. But I could definitely feel it as my body was buzzing this morning and that was unusual. With most AAS I don't "feel" anything besides the odd tren cough every now and then or pip. As I said, I was impressed with strength to spare this morning. I didn't expect that. And if it's any indication, the end of this cycle is going to be good for sure. Side note, At the racetrack yesterday I ate a plethora of carbs for the first time in weeks. When I was hitting the showers after my workout the vascularity was insane down my arms and though my shoulders. My muscles look full and dense. Exactly what you want to look like on tren and taking other drier compounds. I do believe the Madol and DHT had something to do with it as well. Looked good, felt good. Tomorrow will be cardio and I'll do a 10 set shoulder routine of some sort. I usually decide when I get to the gym. But I alternate between a lateral, a press, a shrug, a row, and some rear delt exercise to hit all the parts of the shoulders. Just one exercie... 10 reps. I'll post that up tomorrow. Well here we are. Wish me luck. I'll post some pics tonight when I get home. I'm really excited about logging these 2 products (madol and DHT). They sound really interesting. If all goes as planned they'll likely be a regular staple in my cycles going forward. Thanks again to BT for the extra goodies and the opportunity to share my experiences of them with the board. Service and delivery were top notch. I'm looking forward to reaching the finish line of my cycle with BT running through my veins!
  12. The bottle I have has only 20mg tabs. It would only last a few days at 100-150mg ed. From what I've read it has the same benefits as Masterone or similarly proviron. I'm going to drop the mast and run this for the remainder of my cycle. They need to up the mg per tab to run dosagwes that are suggested here though. Dropping 7-8 tabs is a bit much.
  13. I've got some stanolone. I was going to replace the masteron I'm running with my current cycle,
  14. Thanks man.... that's what I was planning on doing.
  15. These sound great. I'm going to give them a try!
  16. What do you guys stack this with?
  17. I just received a bottle to review. Which I will begin Monday. I usually take my oral all at once preworkout. Should I split the dosages as you suggest?
  18. So I just got my DNP in. It's just powder. Do I have to cap it? Does anyone does it uncapped?
  19. Just recieved my first order of BT products. Very excited to give these guys a try. Just picked up a few things to compliment my stash and finish out my current cycle. I'll be using their products for the remainder of the run. Communication has been top notch. Maybe the best I've encountered so far. Shipping was lightning fast. Look for a log next week I'll begin on a new product of theirs... madol. I believe Oly has a write up on if you want more information. Thanks again for great service and some extra goodies. It's being a kid in a candy store!
  20. ASS... unless she's lactating... ?
  21. Interesting, I just ordered some and was wondering how to properly dose it. Great read. I think I'll try it too next week. I'm on my last 4 weeks of a cycle. Can I run it till the end of this cycle? My target date is the end of October. Otherwise I'll just save it until the spring.
  22. I absolutely love tren. Ran it for the first time last winter and running it now. it will be my go to compound from now on
  23. I don't "bulk" or "cut" per se anymore. I change up my fasting regimen if anything. For example I may not fast 16:8 everyday. I may do a 24 hr fast once or twice a week. I'll incorporate more cardio for fat loss obviously. When I'm working on more of a strength phase I'll up my carbs. I've also opted for slower more gradual gains rather than blasting a huge cycle that you lose some of when you come off. I've run wetter compounds in the past. This year I've run tren and really liked the results. No, I don't like the insomnia, or the night sweats, or the fucked up shit my mind wanders off to. But this year has been my best year cycle to date and I plan on running these drier compounds from here on out. I may run some dbol in December/January where my focus is all strength. But I begin getting ready for the summer in February so I'm ready to go by May 24th weekend. It helps my wife is a fantastic cook and makes these same ingredients differently and deliciously all the time. She knows what my macro needs are and she cooks to meet those. Every food you listed should be the staples of everyone's diet.
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