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Everything posted by eazy57

  1. I use one of those electric wet/dry body groomers. Does an alright job. Razors left bumps all over my chest. Not a pretty look. No the trimmers aren't as close as a razor, but if it's just to look good at the beach, no-one will notice. My wife prefers my chest with some hair.. trimmed. makes me look bearish and manly she says. LOL. I use it on my chest, back, legs, crotch (not balls) , and ass crack. Pretty quick, no mess, and a lot less irritation.
  2. So you were running 700mg a week? Wow that's a lot. I bet you looked awesome. I'd be a raging lunatic! Wow. I'm currently running 100mg of ace eod. So that equates to 300-400mg per week. Seems to work for me well in the 400mg range.
  3. You give some great advice. I'm going to show my wife this as well.
  4. I workout fasted. I do cardio fasted. If I'm really trying to cut I won't eat until noon.
  5. Sucks people have to put up with this shit. Brings the whole community down when people play games like this.
  6. At my age (almost 50) I go to a TRT dose of test only. If I was younger and concerned about my gonads and having kids down the road etc., I'd do a PCT. That being said, i saw an interview once with Arnold saying they didn't have PCT cycles back in the day. I think Yates may have said the same thing. Much has been learned since. I've done stopping cold turkey, PCT and TRT... Can't say I had a noticeable difference. But this is just my experience. And you shouldn't take it as what you should do. As others will share what works best for them. Ultimately, your body will tell you what's best for you.
  7. I used viagra preworkout last Saturday before a arm workout. The pump was so insane it was quite painful. Won't be rushing to do that again. I usually take Cialis on friday night and does me well all weekend.Pumps are decent but not overwhelming. I also like the added increased sexual desire effect of Cialis.
  8. Thanks man.. Interesting chart. You're really selling DNP on me. I'm going to pick some up.
  9. Very cool. I look forward to reading it. I've done well by clen... but who doesn't want to improve and use something better if they can. I've always been a "use enough as necessary" guy as far as AAS goes. But you know how some bro science goes on these boards. Guys running ridiculous amounts of shit. I'm looking forward to reading how you use it.
  10. That would be great. I know of it but haven't invested a lot of time researching because I hear how dangerous it is.
  11. Very intriguing. But don't over exercise? You don't train as normal? I would be tough to back off lifting and maintain some mass.
  12. Very interesting. I've heard of helios but haven't really considered it. I always use clen on a cut. I think I'll pick up a bottle or 2 of helios and see how it compares. The spot reducing aspect is interesting as I was always led to believe that spot reduction wasn't possible,
  13. To be fair... negative reviews are a part of a fair and balanced conversation. I think it offers transparency and honesty. And any good lab shouldn't be afraid of it. The rep offered to discuss, or clarify, or resolve the issue.. the person with the review may be like me... at work and may be able to respond right now.. but at any moment my boss could walk in and take me to do something. I could be gone 10 minutes, or the whole day. I personally get a little suspect reading a thread where all the reviews are all popcorn and bubblegum. Deleting his comments are a little extreme and assumes that we as readers are idiots can't see through the trees. Yea , I get it that every board has a lab or 2 behind them and it's not too hard to figure out who they are by how hard admins come down on criticisms. And usually the biggest bashers are yes.. behind other labs.. bit for many of us who are trying to make the best decisions with our hard earned money, we aren't playing the political game. We just want the best gear at the best price. So all things being equal, fairness means reading things one may not like, agree with. For example, a lab got hammered last year/ early this year in numerous places. Before then they had a stellar reputation. So at the time they were my #1 lab to try out. Yes, I was disappointed to read what I read and was somewhat trepidatious... but I ended up ordering from them anyway. They have been excellent. So while I respect the fact that reputations can be ruined by irresponsible posts, I think it's important for us readers to be able to digest the entire conversation. Those of us buyers have no skin in the game and will likely buy where they want anyway.
  14. Wow.. you look amazing. I've only ever seen 2 other women in person with a physique similar to yours. Both are GFs or wives of other serious lifters here in my hometown. You're definitely in rarefied air! 200 lbs of muscle at 5'2".... WOW!!!!! VERY, VERY IMPRESSIVE. On another note. Depression is what got me into lifting. I was in my late 30's, I had split with my ex-fiancee. For a few years I sat around feeling sorry for myself. Drank too much. Ate like shit. The next thing you know I was so big I couldn't even see my "parts" anymore. Then a buddy of mine encouraged me to go to the gym. It took me a good year or two before the bug really set in and it became a lifestyle. I now have more than surpassed him and am forever grateful for it.
  15. Great link. I think I'm going to give OMAD a try.
  16. Add me to another proponent to intermittent fasting. I've done the 16/8 fast for each of my cutting cycles over the past few springs. The first week is a bit of a challenge as you get used to being hungry.. but after a while you don't even notice. I haven't tried the OMAD fast yet. Reminds me of the warrior diet that was being touted a few years back. Although I have done a 24 hr fasts. Just not on a daily basis. Worth a try. Great topic!
  17. I'm going to show this to my wife tonight...
  18. I pinned Genetec tren ace on Sunday and got the cough for the very first time.. Lasted about 30 seconds.. but wow! I've read up on lower test/ higher tren cycles and how people experience the benefits of tren without some of the sides... Or lesser sides. I just added tren to the back end of my test-e/Mast-e cycle. I've only done tren-e before but I can tell a definite difference between the two. I'm already experiencing "tren-somnia", and night sweats. All the things I felt about 6 to 8 weeks in on tren-e. So I've been running 250mg/wk of test-e and 400mg/wk of mast-e. I've added 100mg tren-a EOD with 50mg of anavar ED and this week switched the test-e to test-p. In about 2 weeks I'll switch from anavar to wintrol for the remainder of my cycle. I'm using all different labs really. All ones I trust. I'm using the Genetec tren-ace i got a few months back. Love their products. Out of the labs I've used, their near the very top.
  19. As I mentioned in your exact same thread on another forum.. I take all of my orals preworkout first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.. People do things differently.. at the end of the day.. just do what you want.
  20. I was thinking of doing just this for my spring cut next year... How are you liking it?
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