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Life Decision


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Hello NL Family, I’ve been struggling with making this current decision for sometime now, There are a certain amount of stresses that come with being an Admin on a board , I’ve enjoyed getting to know each and everyone of you , Become friends with a lot of you I’ve enjoyed helping the people I helped it was my pleasure to assist you all, I’ve had the pleasure to work with the absolute best support staff in the business, I love all my fellow staff, But it feel like the right time to step down is now , Spend time with my family settle their disputes and work on my own life become a better ME,  So that being said I am proud to have been in your NL Family. I will be back at sometime , But stepping away from the boards for now. I’ll be here stopping by to help until replacement is made. Take care of yourself NL . Stay Safe . CBDB NorthernLifters Admin Team.

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You’re a stand up guy CBDB. We seem to share a lot of the same values with a lot of things.  You’ve always been prompt and fair and have given a lot of insight and experience!   I’m not good at these things, but you take care of things on the home front.  Let me know if there is anything you need me to do.


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Always quality CBDB. I hope you know your work and efforts didn’t go unnoticed. Or your fair stance on disputes or other issues. Keeping a cool head is not the easiest thing to do on the internet. Your no bullshit approach has always been my favourite. 
You will be sorely missed. I hope you’ll be back as just a regular member some time again. 
till then. 

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Really sad to hear you are going away for some time my friend. You are a pleasure to work with and you were always here to take care of everything, welcome, assist and help new members as well as vets. You deserve this time off and I hope you will be back with us sometime in the future, everyone loves you here!

Take care CBDB

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