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Everything posted by Ryujiin

  1. When it comes to health, ignorance is definitely not bliss. Glad you finally know what's up more or less. Does he know about your therapeutic dose of NPP?
  2. They just had a sale a few weeks ago I believe. But I think its over. The code was "SUMMER" if I recall.
  3. Nano Update: I snuck in a leg session yesterday. It was not too bad. A few moments where I had pause and curse. Incline Treadmill x 5min Leg Curls: 3 warm up cluster sets. 3 heavy sets of 8-10. 1 forced negative set. Insert ham string cramp. Leg Press (low and close stance): See above + 60 second hard stretch right after the last set. Leg Extensions: Again, see above format. Some quad and ham flexing in the mirror to see how hard i could contract and hold each group in that contraction. After a week off this actually made me pretty sore. But that was it for this workout. Pretty short, but I cant load anything onto my back or right arm so squats, land mine squats, stiff leg dead's, standing calf press were out of the picture. I tried some walking lunges by my balance is all messed up for some reason. Diet is on point but I dropped the rice from the last meal. Trying to plan out my next push workout.
  4. That's rough man. Slap some A535 on that and have the wife massage you out. Might take a full day off the recovery time. Not wearing your belt for the squats or...?
  5. Anyone seen the trailer? Ill be honest, I am a fan of the books, the original movie as well as mini series and follow up "Children of Dune" mini series. I think this looks pretty bad ass and I cant wait to see it. I do however think it wont surpass the original or mini series in acting, but time will tell. The new worm looks bad ass.
  6. So its been about a full week off from the gym now, which is not a bad thing in that I have been going at it for almost 3 months straight. Shoulder still hurts but its starting to die down a bit so I am hoping to get back to the gym Monday and do some legs. I might stop the NSAID's the doc put me on next week and see how the shoulder feels. I find they are screwing up my balance a lot. Which is odd. I plan to keep the push/pull/legs split going for now, but on push and pull days ill go a little lighter, higher rep and of course everything will be unilateral. Add in a lot more stretching. See how it goes. I also think its time for a diet change. So over the next 6 weeks I am going to run IF low carb, high fiber and see what happens. I might also look at changing gyms soon to one that is closer to my place, they also offer 24 hr memberships which would mean I could get back to doing AM cardio. Also going to add a joint stack into my supplements for the next few months to see what that does for my knee and you know, as Im old. Still keeping test dose around 175/wk. New diet might look something like: 5:30 - AM Stack (Curcumin, Q10, Niacin, Astragalus, NAC, baby asprin) EOD 10mg cialis 11:00 - Joint stack (glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM) 12:00 - 2-3 cups veggies, 100g lean meat, 1 scoop whey, 1 serving chia seeds, 1 serving inulin, multi, fish oil 1:00 - 1-2 serving Metamucil Lemon Smooth (instead of my coke fiber+) 2:00 - 1 whole wheat wrap w/veg, 100g chicken breast, mustard, 1 scoop whey, 1 serving chia seeds, 1 serving inulin 3:00 - Metamucil again (only if 1:00 is a single serving) 4:00 - Same as 2:00 Post-workout - 1.5 servings whey Meal (around 8:00) 100-200g lean meat, 100g rice, 2-3 cups veggies Anyway, will see how it goes. Ya, I know its a lot of powders. Such is my life at moment lol. I really want to get down to 15%, run some HCG to knock up the wife for another baby attempt, and then do a real cycle sometime in the new year. Either to further re-comp or to put on some size as I feel like a little bi-atch right now at around 230-240lbs. (Probably 210-215 if I hit 15%) I know I still own you guys some leg pics for a better assessment. The next 6 weeks I am going stim free. So no pre-workouts, no "fat burners". Zombie mode here I come. Feel free to shoot my plan full of holes lol.
  7. On my commute to work my bus got smashed into by a car. I was standing holding a grip. I guess the force of the hit/stop and me not letting go caused the bone to crack. Its odd as it did not start hurting until a day or so later. But CT confirmed it. Nice thing is its a crack through and not a full separation style or shatter break. So recovery in theory is 4-6 weeks. They did find other damage in my shoulder that the doctor tried to blame on lifting lol. Chinese doctors man. "Drink more hot water, don't drink or eat cold things, no meat, no alcohol" lol. Everytime.
  8. Quick update for you guys. I kinda broke my shoulder. Lotsa pain, not much ability to move lol. Trying to figure out how to train around it. Bright side, its my right shoulder, so if i only train left it might help my muscle imbalance on that side. Waiting to find out if i need surgery or not. Its been 4 days. Hate hospitals here. Well, I wanted to switch things up...
  9. Looking lean man. Hope for me yet lol.
  10. Thanks man. I dont know why, but with lower ab, love handle and side chest fat, I still feel like im 25% + lol. I do have little little but of pubescent gyno though. I run push/pull/legs with calf work on random push/pull days. I pretty much destroy my legs but they just dont like to grow. Ill have to snap a pic next gym session. I remember a few from way back (injectable fat burners) as well as some topical one. I think that was back in the Innovogen, PVL and Medistar days lol. Hell, I still remember Spectro. Man Im old. The current trend right now is injectable l-carnitine it seems. 500mg/ml etc concentrations etc. Could be a new product line @BodyTechPharma wink wink.
  11. Thanks man. Still a hella long way to go it seems, but eventually.
  12. Been slacking on the updates; Diet: Not much change Meal 1: 2 servings whey w/15g raw chia seeds, 2 EFA, Multi V, 5000IU VD Meal 2: 200-300g veg, 2 servings whey w/15g raw chia seeds, 2 EFA, 100g meat (random) and sometimes 100-200g rice depending on how I'm feeling (my lunches are provided at work) Meal 3: 100-150g chicken breast, 1 whole wheat wrap, mustard (plain yellow), some kind of green leady stuff, diet coke fiber+ Meal 4: 100-150g chicken breast, 1 whole wheat wrap, mustard (plain yellow), some kind of green leafy stuff, diet sprite fiber+ Pre-Workout: 1 serving ANS Prophecy Post-Workout: 1.5 servings whey Meal 5: 150-200g veg, 100-150g meat (random), 100-150g rice (optional) I do want to up my fiber intake so I just ordered a jug of inulin. I figure an additional 10-15g of fiber should do it. Meal 4, on leg days I have gone to 2 wraps as well as always eating the rice at lunch. Training: Still running a push/pull/legs split with runs in the PM (a few hours after the gym) Last night was leg night but I was short on time. Here is what it came out to: Leg Extensions: Giant Set (single leg) 15kg x 50 per Leg Curls: Giant Set 30kg x 50 Abduction Machine: Pyramid Set (half stack x 15, 3/4 stack x 15, full stack until my ass fell off) Adduction Machine: Same as above, but my sack fell off. Leg Press (some ass was in the rack for a solid 45 min taking selfies) 50kg x 50, 100kg x 30, 150kg x 25, 200kg x 20, 250kg x 20/15/15/10. I then dropped to 100kg and did 25 rep sets with 25 seconds rest until I could no long get 25 reps. Landmine Squat: 75kg x 15, 15, 10, 8 Sumo Deadlifts: 150kg x 15, 15, 15, 15 Leg Curls: 45kg x 15, 15, 13, 10, 9 Leg Extensions (single leg) 25kg x 20, 20, 15, 14, 12, 60 second static Hyper Extensions (bodyweight) 3 x failure-ish About 3 hours later I went for a run with the wife and hit just over 5km total. Pic updates: This is this AM at 112.2kg. So a weight gain over the previous photos. Sorry as I still try to work out getting the lighting and pose consistent. I threw in a lazy vacuum pose so you can see the stretch mark, loose skin on my mid/lower stomach. Good times. I don't know if I see any improvement vs last month, and any decline. That shoulder vein though does make me feel kinda good. On that note, I am a little lost as to were to go to next. I did increase may calories a little this last month, so maybe I need to drop them back down a little this month. Small progress is still progress, but I am hoping to get more aggressive with it come the new year as far as diet and supplements (as that is when I am assuming I can get home and look at stocking up on some goods) As always, I appreciate the feedback.
  13. Good to hear man. As Milkk said, it will start to come back fast, just dont rush it. Ill be honest, when it comes to training, I'm a solo guy. My girl used to come with me and workouts would take forever lol.
  14. I have found the same thing with the cheat meals, but then the super watery pump that follows a day later is fun. But the hangover effect does suck. I always thought it had to do with insulin response. How do you feel on that much fiber btw? @Talon
  15. Now that you are back at in (gym side) any plans to keep leaning out or are you going to put some size back on? Looking fantastic btw.
  16. @BobTheOldLifter keep us updated. IP6 is 1g a day on an empty stomach (I take mine before bed) and Curcumin is 500mg to 1g. I just pop 500mg with my AM goodies about an hour before I eat. Different strokes though lol.
  17. I know a fair number of people that supplement with IP6 (Inositol Hexaphosphate) and curcumin to help. Also keeping the amount or iron you intake down (which tends to be high in most bodybuilding diets) helps. Both should really be part of your health stack. I know my hemocrit will sit around 52 if I don't use something to pull it back down to within reference range.
  18. Did the Canada Post tracking ever go active and get resolved? That would be the final nail right there.
  19. Solid solid log man. Post up some photos of the new bike when you get it, just to make the rest of us jealous. Curious as to what kind of numbers you pull on 150mg test a week as its a pretty reasonable TRT dose.
  20. Sometimes you need to get away from it all and just take a step back for some perspective. Life can really get in the way, of; well, life. If that makes sense. How are you liking the tren/mast combo btw?
  21. The mirror says I am getting bigger and more veiny. Even in the AM when Im flat and dry. Couple veins in my shoulders and seeing them in my triceps now as well. I just wish the fat was coming off faster especially around my lower back/waist and of course around my chest. The more I lean out the more I do notice that I do have some crunchy fat deposits in my chest including a small lump just under and to the side of the my right nipple so I imagine that surgery might be in my future...one day. To be honest, given that its my understanding you cant actually destroy fat cells (only shrink them) that once I get lean enough I should actually consider a quick lipo session along with the gyno removal. Who knows. I would be insanely happy if I could have decently visible abs, some decently sized legs with some separation and my lower back/waist was just jiggly skin by next summer. 10 months and counting.
  22. FML, I guess the coffee had not kicked in yet. Ill leave it up there for kicks, lol. But ya, 110.5...as Im sure everyone can figure out.
  23. No issues with whey bloat or gas. I guess my body is used to it. I had thought about mixing it up and using casein 50/50 with the whey (1 scoop each) to slow things down a bit so I might give that a go next time I order some protein powder. I used to love a good omelet in the AM, but my mornings start at 5 now and I need to be a bullet train out the door so my first meal is normally at the office. On that note, I could pack a few hard boiled eggs or something for the AM. Things to think about for sure.
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