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Everything posted by Ryujiin

  1. Not much going on. In the process of moving. Good times. Gym and diet is still on point minus the 3 slices of pizza I had Friday night, but that made for one dirty pump Saturday. I also had a beer last night. I need to put an end to that before the flood gates open and its a bucket of KFC and 4 tall boys... Weight is holding, so we will see how things progress this week too see if I need to make some adjustments as I would really like to get down to around 100kg by the end of July, but 5kg in a month is a sh..tonne of weight in a short time frame so while it would be great, its not going to happen unless I sacrifice some LBM and that's a big nope. Pics in two days.
  2. 1 year later CBDB, how are things looking? Although Im sure Covid has not made things easy going.
  3. Second this. Keep on it man. The scale will stop from time to time as your muslce/fat ratio change rebalances, but the change is there.
  4. LMAO. Just a note, with DNP, carbs = heat. I hope you are taking my advice for some added safety supps. I did see the note about the Benadryl. FYI, the other reason people will tend to dose lower for about a week the first go, is you dont know this product and how accurate the dosing is. It could be spot on 200 each, it could be +/-100mg. Just be careful. You don't really get a do over with DNP.
  5. Follow up to see how your doing man. All good?
  6. Not a fan of where this is going, but just some advise as you are going to run it: 2 cans V8 (1 post workout) 1 banana (pre-workout) 2 grams Vitamin C day (divided doses) 1200 IU Vitamin E day (divided doses) 600 mg Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) day (divided doses) 10 mg Claritin in the morning Multivitamin in the morning Pre-workout or 16mg Ephedrine at gym time (lethargy is a bitch) Stay hydrated 45 minutes – 1 hour cardio post-workout No Drugs. No drinking. Watch your carb intake and don’t go hypo.
  7. Micro Update: 105.6kg as of Sunday AM, so not much going on. I have noticed my ability to perform a vacuum has increased drastically for some reason. Random. Diet has not changed much: Meal 1: 2 scoops whey, 1 tsp fiber, 1 tsp instant coffee, 1 jian bing (2 eggs, extra spicy), multi and extra vitamin D Meal 2: 100g white meat, 300g mixed stir fry, 2 scoops whey, 1 tsp raw chia, 50-100g rice (no rice some days, 200g some days) Meal 3: 100g chicken, 1 whole wheat wrap, wasabi or mustard, 2 caps calcium/mag, 3 EFA Meal 4: 1 medium/large apple, 1 serving BCAA Meal 5: 2 scoops whey (post workout) Meal 6: 100g chicken, 300g mixed veg, 500-100g rice I did create a 3rd leg day option for when my knees are really bugging me: Leg Extensions (unilateral) 10 x 20, 20, 18, 18, 16, 16, 14, 14, 12, 12 + Static Hold (the first 7-8 sets serve as progressive warmup, but the intensity is there) Standing Leg Curls (unilateral) 10 x 20, 20, 18, 18, 16, 16, 14, 14, 12, 12 + Static Hold (the first 7-8 sets serve as progressive warmup, but the intensity is there) Bulgarian Split Squats 2 + 4 x 8-10 (2 = warm up sets, 4 = working sets) Landmine Squats 4 x 10-15 Leg Press (giant set) 2 x about 2 min of non-stop drop setting (slow tempo) Barbell Hypers 5 x 10-12 Calf Press 5 x 10-12 Farmers Walk 1 x 1 lap around the indoor track, 25kg plate in each hand OTC "fat burner" added. Its a nice kick in the morning. Pre-workout dropped. No other supplement changes.
  8. Don't take this the wrong way man @eightyeight14 but DNP is not for you. You don't need it and honestly, I would be worried about your ability to self moderate. Take it slow and steady, adjust week by week. I know you want to get peeled and drew a line in the sand for July, but your health is one of the most important things you have.
  9. Micro Update: 106kg this AM. Improvements are noticeable. Strength sucks. I'm going to forget about Tren as I'm too old to playing with it at this point I think. Sticking to my TRT dose for now. I may add an OTC fat burner starting next week and drop the pre-workout. (I would be over 800mg of caffeine per day if i kept it) See if the changes keep coming. New pics end of this month. Maybe give clen a go in July, but that's just me randomly thinking about stuff. Current goal is to drop around 1kg a week. If I can hold that pace from here on then I should reach my goal weight around October 1. In theory at 90kg, I should be close to 15% bf.
  10. Nice little goose egg there. The redness is not that bad from what I can tell. Has it (the redness) improved over the last few days? Has the lump started to get smaller? Assuming you never had any issues with the same gear in any other injection site, but wondering what the oil mix is?
  11. I thought it was 1CC combined. 2CC into a virgin delt, you will feel that either way. If the redness is worrying you, throw up a delt photo for us to check out.
  12. Sounds like you did not go deep enough and ended up with some gear more sub-q than IM as @BodyTechPharma said. Also, make sure you just don't slam the gear in. With only 1CC you can take a little time with it and read up on z-track to prevent oil leak in the future. Again, don't put anything on it. Don't press on it. You will be fine. The bump will go away in 2-3 days to go down. I have had this happen before. Just keep an eye on it.
  13. This... And this. Stay on track man. Consistency is key and the “woosh effect” is real. Definitely get your diet up to speed so you don’t have to worry about dropping muscle. Save the ECA for when you are 15% And trying to get under it. Add more cardio when the fat loss slows and not before.
  14. Update: Knees pain still persisting so I have shifted my leg training to a more high volume but lighter weight approach for now. Keeping the intensity really high with good control though. So far so good. Dropping my carbs down has definitely had an impact on my weight in the form of a glucose and water dump as I dropped about 7KG this last week and my in gym strength has taken a shit kicking. So I have slowly started to increase my carb intake and eventually will move into the zone of daily carb cycling. (off/heavy/light days) I still have not introduced any fat burners (OTC or Clen) or extra "supps" at this time, as much as I want to. I am pretty sure I can get close to 15% without them and then if I feel a little nuts I could always try to get to 10-11%, but that would be pretty insane for someone like me to be thinking about at this point. That's it for now.
  15. I think we are all cheering for you to succeed man. More so in a healthy way. Looking forward too seeing the pics. I don't know about the pussy statement though...lol.
  16. @Mikk0090 dude, discussing stealth is like discussing fight club... A positive post otherwise and good review @CapeBretonDadBod quick scrub down?
  17. Different angles and stress type. Its good to change it up sometimes lol.
  18. Update: So as of today I have cleaned the diet up a little. The mother in law is gone so I have more control over food prep now. Meal 1: 2 scoops whey, 1 tsp fiber, 1 tsp instant coffee, 1 jian bing (2 eggs, extra spicy), multi and extra vitamin D Meal 2: 100g white fish, 300g mixed stir fry, 2 scoops whey, 3 EFA Meal 3: 100g chicken, 1 whole wheat wrap, wasabi or mustard, 2 caps calcium/mag Meal 4: 1 medium/large apple, 1 serving BCAA Meal 5: 2 scoops whey (post workout) and 100g chicken, 300g mixed veg, 100g rice (solid food) I know its a lot of protein powder, its just hard to get meat in right now with everything going on. Workouts are the same setup as previously posted, just trying to always increase weight or rep count. Also randomly adding in some extra work if feeling it (forced negatives, drop-sets, etc) The above has me around 2000 CAL, but I will use engineering tolerance and say more like 2200-2500. Lets see if the scale moves this week and if any change in appearance is noticeable. A friend of mine told me I should run a 6-8 blast of tren prop at 100mg mon/wed/fri on top of my 150mg test and mast that I am on right now. I dont know if that would have any worth or not. Never run tren prop before, but I have run tren-e in the past and handle the sides well, but I never really noticed the "crazy recomp" everyone talks about. Thoughts?
  19. Way back in the day I used a test and tren suspension mix, that was kinds of fun. Have a few bottles of Madol I am looking forward to trying out but in the interim, I can attest to Cialis being nice (pump vs. stim) though.
  20. Progress Photos. Not sure I can notice anything, so I must be slacking off and I need to tighten my diet up and look at a bit more cardio maybe. Not sure if its the lighting or the angle, but I think I might actually look better last update.
  21. Micro Update: Not much to report. Strength is still going up but I am been finding it hard to catch my breath at the gym as well as feeling some bad nausea. Hit 8 weeks on Var/MK mix so I dropped it. Weight holding at 115KG and i will try to get 1 month photos up Monday, see if there has been any progress this month. Going to try and clean up the calories a little more and keep on the post weight cardio train.
  22. When you guys do get back into it, if they have mask rules in place, be careful. I have almost blacked out a few times now due to the air-restriction.
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