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Everything posted by Mikk0090

  1. You’re a stand up guy CBDB. We seem to share a lot of the same values with a lot of things. You’ve always been prompt and fair and have given a lot of insight and experience! I’m not good at these things, but you take care of things on the home front. Let me know if there is anything you need me to do.
  2. I like those macros bro. Enough carbs to time throughout the day to not kill someone and fuel workouts, and just enough fat to not be starving all the time. Looks like a good solid deficit diet
  3. Yea there’s a thing that extra body fat will give your body the “energy” it needs to grow. Sort of like a recomp. I usually recomp after a bulk instead of a pure cut. I’ll figure out my maintenance calories when I’m done bulking and hit that instead of going into a deficit. Usually works well for me unless I’m trying to get crazy shredded. if you don’t have a hack machine available, you can use the smith machine. Set your legs out in front of the machine at a slight angle where you are carrying the bar high on the shoulders and leaning back toward the bar. Grab a plate, and go narrow stance with your toes up on the plate and your heals on the floor. Drive up with your heals, and go deep keeping knees in. I like to go about 4 inches apart for foot placement. You can’t go super heavy on these but the volume and driving with your heals will give those quads a good run for their money, and going deep will work those glutes.. this variation is easy on the lower back and knees. Some gyms have a pad specific for this exact squat variation to help placement and comfort on the bar. I suck at explaining stuff so hopefully you get the jist of what I’m saying lol.
  4. Looks pretty good for a cut bro. If you want to bring those legs up, throw in some squat or hack squat volume. Something like work up to a heavy 8 where 9 would be failure with a cluster set as top set. 8 reps, 20 secs rest, same weight to failure, then drop a plate and go to failure again. Those work better with hack. Go deep and you’ll put some meat on. The compound movements are what do it for mass on the legs. For hammies you could throw in stiff deads after the high and wide on sled. Bringing size up is close to impossible on a cut, but I’ve done it with cheat meals focused around the body part I’ve had lacking. Go high carbs pre, then a meal with 300-400 extra cals post as your refeed. Also helps metabolism. just a couple tips than can work for you.
  5. I agree with airman. With that type of intensity, if the diet is right, I don’t see much need for cardio either. In fact you may have issues keeping your energy up if you plan on this program in a deficit. Could cause you some issues. Also, splitting up legs is best for growth period in my opinion
  6. I followed a protocol from John Meadows. 8iu insulin pre workout in the belly, 60 mins of high intensity, heavy training followed by 5iu of growth sub Q about 15 mins after training. Wait 30 mins then a good clean meal of 40g protein and 60g carbs. all in all I saw good growth in my chest, arms, and legs during the 4 weeks which was above and beyond gains from the gear I was on. ive got about 6 more solid weeks of bulking before starting a contest prep. With the prep I’ll be using some MK677 instead of hgh. But my buddy does take 3iu daily and is able to maintain his physique while enjoying some junk foods through out the week.
  7. Technically if you run it as the 5 on and 2 off scheme like most guys I know do. $150 will last you over a month. You can also rub your anabolics at a lower dose while running Hgh, which balances out cost. I just recently came off an 8iu insulin pre workout and 5iu pharma growth post workout. 5 on 2 off. First experience with growth and I loved it.
  8. Yea dude TRT with “low dose Hgh” assuming 3-4iu on that one. I follow Seth pretty close and use his suppliments. I really respect what he stands for and his work ethic. Makes me wish I was a short dude, at my weight I’d be massive lol
  9. I’ve heard of this stuff and they sell it at the local gas stations and vape shops. I researched into a bit and the stuff can be extremely harsh on your system. You might want to dig deeper into some of the studies of the stuff. I’ll stick to my good ol CBD. Helps recovery, inflammation, anxiety, sleep and loads of other goodies
  10. Yes I didn’t want to speak of this publicly, but I have been in contact with BT about my recent order and was informed about the emergency. Family comes before ALL ELSE! Especially in my world. I have a wife and 5 children and my life would stop if anything happened to any one of them. So I totally understand and appreciate the communication. I have faith things will be worked on for me, and most importantly the person who is experiencing a possible life changing event. hopes and prayers.
  11. It’s not just Canada my friend. It’s the same way down here in the states. Here in the states it’s more of people willing to give up freedoms for the sense of “safety”. The more the people will allow the government to take away from them, the more they wil in turn take. I work in the medical field so I definitely see both sides of things. Luckily I am in a situation where the financial burden isn’t crippling us. But in many cases it is, and people are being vilified for just trying to put food on their table. If you go against the grain and keep a business open, they blast you all over the media and paint you as a villain. It’s just chaos everywhere and unfortunately us little guys don’t have many options than to conform to the “new norm” I think it’s the damn shape shifting lizard aliens myself but no one listens to my conspiracy theories
  12. I suck at anything design and digital. Hoping admin to see this and get some traction and to stoke the minds of some of the contributors here. NL admin would make the items. I would purchase them for a profit that can go back into the boards. And sell at the price I purchased for. So technically all I would be doing is the advertising through my gym. that is if it’s ok first. I do live in the USA
  13. Good day. I have a suggestion. i, my wife and our business partner are in the process of buying land and construction of a true bodybuilding/power lifting gym here in my home town. Covid restrictions and quite a bit less strict in my area. Long story short a big box gym opened up in my town and has completely destroyed most of the mom and pop type gyms around. We are slowly losing the gyms in my area that have the weights and equipment needed to progress past a certain level. These gyms can’t compete with $10 a month so they have no choice but to close up shop. my idea is to bring in a gym that will give the bigger guys an alternative. Most now hare driving an hour to get to a gym with equipment they need in an area that gyms are open. what about you guys put your brains together and come up with a good tank and hoodie design, I purchase them and sell at cost in my gym. Gets the name out with a bad ass graphic to wear around.
  14. I second CBDB. Though I’ve only used BT and PP which are part of this particular forum, if I were to have issues with any brand/lab. I would definitely take it up with the rep before posting anything on the website. Mistakes happen, everyone is human. Only if the rep was not interested in addressing my concern would I put a negative review. Trash talking is stupid and get nowhere. Level headed debate is the best way to resolve things. Luckily admin has used most of not all brands endorsed on this board, and have the experience behind them to know if something was off. tons of knowledge here without the drama. It isn’t super busy here as of late, but lockdowns are in effect in a lot of places. And life tends to get crazy at time. But I highly suggest sitting through the member logs, and other info on the board. And I am always available for questions as well, if I can’t answer one, I’m sure I could direct you in the right direction. too many keyboard warriors on other boards.
  15. Not a problem sir. Just glad I could help! I, along with most other members on this board just want people to be successful. Sometime the simple little tips like that can make all the difference in the world!
  16. They know we got our stimmy checks here in the states! Lol.. scammer did it all wrong. He should have just left it at the DEA has your info fucker. Just to scare people. As soon as there’s a bribe mentioned it’s always fake. I can’t say I feel bad for the dude. I could only imagine what’s going to happen to him for his stupidity. Probably too Mach sake to drink. whatever happened to getting drunk and “accidentally “ sending everyone in your address book a dick pic?
  17. Assuming this is Canada only? I’ll gladly bid handsomely if it could find its way down here in the states. I’ve had my eye on vortex
  18. Ok awesome! I am not too familiar with the blends. Just have ruined some tren myself when I was younger and didn’t want him to lose it. Always learning something new!
  19. Be careful with re warming tren. Tren oxidizes at a lower temperature. If the golden color starts to darken up on you then you know it’s starting to oxidize. With tren, if you start to get crystals I prefer slowly warming it up in water on the stove top while swirling to get it back into solution. If you have access to benzyl, then a drop or 2 will put it back into suspension as well. tren can be trickier than most other gear when it crystallizes because of the heat point. just my 2c
  20. If injections are painful, it could be a few things. if you haven’t injected in 8 years, it may take you’re muscles a few rounds to get used to the swing of things again. BT uses MCT oil base which is extremely thin. Plunging too fast can cause lumps and pain. I like to use the 30 second rule per 1cc. I.e. 1cc of test e, inject needle and slowly plunge the dose throughout 30 seconds. too short of needle? If the needle is too short, then sub q injections are probable, or just barely reaching through the sheath of the muscle. You can use different length for different muscles, but it’s very dependent on body fat. could be sensitive to a solvent as well. hope this helps
  21. Yea superdrol is very liver toxic. Putting the liver in overdrive is what makes you feel sluggish. I tend to need a nap during the day while on it, halo does the same thing to me. Definitely not a feel good type drug bay any stretch.
  22. Try putting some more meat on that lat before injecting. Lats are tricky, and you don’t appear advanced enough to know really what’s going on. (Judging by your physique). You could be sensitive to the MCT oils or solvents themselves. The issue is with you, not the company as a whole. different people have different reactions to millions of things. My skin is sensitive and certain laundry detergents break me out. Should I blame that company due to my sensitivity? It appears in your rationale I should.. not going to get you very far in this game bro. Only board drama I’m seeing is from some crying on your side.
  23. Running tren e, tren a, and equipoise from BT. Also my first time with them, and everything is smooth as silk. 3cc in the glute no issues. You using too short a needle? Plunging too fast? Virgin muscles? Putting 3cc in your tear drop? no issues here. Loving my experience with BT
  24. I would like to add that I received my first order from BodyTech over the weekend (USA). Communication was seamless, any questions or issues (on both sides) were resolved within hours. I received my items in about 7 days after payment processed. I ordered quite a few goodies, but currently using the following of their brand since 11/29 Tren e tren a (burning lungs is a good sign of potency) Helios - I’ve been interested in this products for a while now Clen @ 50mcg - together with the helios I can definitely feel them working, racing heart, shaky hands, raised body temp. Only negative side is a dull headache. The MCT carrier oil is thinner than what I’m used to, and flows very smoothly. Didn’t even get the burning sensation at injection site that tren tends to do to me after injection. other items purchased deca 300 eq 300 TE 400 nolvadex i will be using them on my next endeavor. so far very pleased being a first time customer
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