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Everything posted by Mikk0090

  1. Yea, tbol is seriously under rated, or people just have never heard of it. It has definitely made a comeback the last few years due to the online labs. Back when I first started, it was basically only test, tren, deca, dbol, and winny. If you could find anavar it was under dosed and over priced, all primo was fake, and turanibol was marketed as the female Dbol lol. I’m definitely not complaining with the variety and prices now a days though, and the ease of getting what you need without the hassle of the old days lol. back to the tbol. I love the stuff, and can be used in so many different ways. It’s safe for women in low doses, and it reminds me of dbol with the “feel good” mental properties of it. Now that I think of it, I might opt for it instead of dbol in my next cycle. i hope things are calming down for you bro, stress, life, injury frustration etc. you’ve got a lot on your plate now, and I hope that tren doesn’t bring on extra anxiety and stupid thoughts for you. By our short little conversation here on the forum, you seem like a great, smart, and funny guy. I hate seeing guys down in the dumps, so in the least gay way possible, I’ve been thinking about you a lot bro. I sincerely hope things turn around for you soon!
  2. Glad to hear you’re feeling better, that superdrol is some nasty stuff. If you’re wanting to stay fuller on that tren but keep the bloat down, throw in some TBOL. You’re already on the anavar, and in my experiences anavar and tbol together will give comparable results on the physique as superdrol will, and it’s 700000 times less harsh on the system as superdrol is.
  3. I am glad you got some suggest with that little suggestion! Do you think the CRP levels could be from a cleaner diet as well? Sugars and other processed crab cause cause all kinds of inflammation. Clean eating can help all sorts of ailments out there. The healing power of food is quite remarkable.
  4. Exactly. I’ve seen it first hand myself. I usually place in the top 6, but never top 3, and I know it’s mostly do to lacking body parts than I can’t seem to grow. Skinny guys genetics lol. But when you see a guy that obviously got 10lbs on you and obviously prepped with gear (easy to spot natty prep and gear prep) smoke everyone because they have a name, drug tests kept hidden and obviously out of the weight class it’s pretty apparent what’s happening lol
  5. Superdrol does that to me. Makes me unmotivated and tired all of the time. Could be the orals doing it to you bro, when your liver has to work hard, the lethargy comes quick. I would keep the tren, since it’s already a mild dose and drop the superdrol and see how you feel after a couple days. If still feel the same, drop the tren and keep superdrol. I love the effects of superdrol on my physique, especially while getting shredded, but the sides associated with it make it such a chore to run. As I get older I try to stick with the “feel good” type cycles unless it’s time for a prep, then in just going to be miserable anyway. There is definitely a lot of hype associated with superdrol, but those sides just make it not worth the trouble in most situations. hope you start feeling better soon bro!
  6. Laying awake in bed, been talking to my bro about our next cycle. We usually run about the same things, almost like a friendly competition, as well as suggestions to each other for lacking body parts, sides, diet, etc. he’s been my best friend for 20 years now. We got to talking, we both love deca. And we havnt ran a deca/tren cycle is quite some time. Now before any inexperienced nay sayers chime in that have never than this cycle do to the “information on the internet” it really isn’t that crazy running them together. Yes there are different sides that can come up such as DHT and progesterone, but at mild doses it isn’t too bad. We have both had amazing results with deca/tren cycles. And the effect on the physique is crazy. Deca takes away that tren flatness, so the results are a huge full and shredded look. It’s a very fun cycle to run, but I would never suggest it to anyone who hasn’t ad a few tren and a few deca cycles under their belt first, as there are a few things that can come up that can jack you up if you don’t know what your doing. Now my bro is massive, 5’7 240 lbs with abs. Definitely a little mass monster. I blame his genetics and my metabolism lol. Anyway. We were thinking of running 400-600 test 300 deca 400 tren 25mg ED winny (for dht issues and synergy) blast some dbol at the start, probably a mild 30-40mg ED 1mg Arimidex EOD .5mg caber weekly, but we might have to settle for Prami I’m looking for a good 5-7lbs on my current physique while saying as lean as I am now. That’s probably pushing it, but goals are goals. I really need to work on my chest, arms and lats. They melted away during my time of non consistency lol
  7. I’m a big CBD guy. I can’t do THC do to my profession, but CBD is a game changer for me. I’m a paramedic by trade, and was on antidepressants for years just due to the daily trauma I see. When my doc suggested I try CBD, it completely took me off all of those harsh meds. Great for inflammation, mental well being and many other things, I’ve swore by it since. SSRI Meds can do wonders, but they definitely take a toll on your system, not to mention the mood swings associated with them. So glad I don’t have to rely on them anymore. as far as the suggestion for sleep, cutting carbs at last meal. I don’t know if there’s any science behind that, but it helps me and a few others I’ve suggested it to. I over heat like crazy on tren, and cutting the carbs 3-4 hours before bed helped with the racing mind, and night sweats associated with it. Hope it goes well bro! If anything else, get that doc to write you a script for 150mg trazadone, and you’ll sleep like an infant sucking on mommas nipple lol.
  8. I took the day off. Scale still the same this morning but really starting to dry out. At this point seems to be more of a “gaintain” than a bulk anymore lol. That’s ok. Definitely exceeded my expectations from where I started at. Still going to keep on this diet with my wife, she’s seeing some good results, and still producing more than enough milk. And as a benefit, baby hasn’t had a diaper rash since she started!! Could be a fluke, or could be contributed to the diet, but that’s all the more motivation for my wife, it’s definitely a win, win in her eyes. looks like I’ve got 250mg left of the deca which will be my dose next week. The week following I will start to taper down my test to about 150 a week for a while before putting together my next cycle. Still have quite a way to go if I plan on stepping on the stage in the spring, I definitely need more thickness in my arms and lats, chest is looking to be lacking too. I did get my pizza this evening. It was soooo amazing, and I’ve been sweating every since lol. I’ve got legs in the morning, then will be mowing my lawn after, supposed to be hot and humid as balls tomorrow so I’ll be sweating all those carbs out lol. I did take a side profile pic last night I forgot to add with my post, I definitely got a hell of a lot more lean than I expected with this cycle while adding on a good amount of lean tissue. I’m pretty happy.
  9. There are Definitely politics in bodybuilding. I’ve seen it personally. The up and coming guys will pose in a natural, tested show (while on gear) and their tests will stay private, as they go on to the next level. Big names bring big money to shows. Arnold was a popular, charismatic guy. He along with a couple others brought bodybuilding and especially the Olympia more main stream. More people in the seats is more money for the sport. But there are politics in everything. Is it fair? Absolutely not. Are there guys out there that could compete at a higher level than they do? Obviously yes. Don’t count out the rivalries too. Bottom line, when you get past locals and regionals, there is a lot of pressure to bring a fan base with you. Which ultimately means more dollars for the organization. There have been quite a few judges out there that have gone on the record to talk about the politics in the sport.
  10. Hell yea, I love me some John meadows. He’s a treasure trove of material. Over the years I’ve built most of my quad thickness on the leg press machine. I still do normal squats, because it does hit a lot of the smaller muscle groups in the legs, but I do them mainly to keep strength up. Meadows has been around forever, and he’s just a super nice a like able guy, and one of my top favorite pros. He shoots it to you straight, in the nicest possible way. I might give that workout a shot this weekend. I don’t have a pendulum, but I could make something work. Looks to be a hella burn/pump type workout. back in the 70s all they really had were squats, different variations of squats, and more squats. But as the late 80s more machines started coming out and you can just see the evolution of leg mass and definition change on the top pros as the decades go by. Like I said, when I learned the different foot positions on the sled, my legs started exploding. My legs aren’t huge by any means, but well poportioned to my body
  11. Haha, gotta love that gym lighting bro! I’ll hit the gym and see all my veins and angles and muscle separations what have you, just to get home, get ready for a shower and check the guns out in the mirror just to be like. WTF. We all need gym lighting at home, it makes everything looks better!
  12. Loving this post! You guys had close to 10 years on me, and those abs are starting to look great man! Less is definitely more. A lot of people underestimate the gains that can be made on as little as 150-200mg test. Sure it takes a little more time but it’s definitely surprising! And you get caber paid for?! Lol that’s enough savings in itself to justify the money on the cycle. I’m looking at 150-200$ for a bottle of caber around me, so unfortunately I’ll opt for Prami. I usually will only run it if I’m doing tren and deca together, I am more sensitive to estrogen sides than I am prolactin. if I may give one small suggestion for the tren sides at night. For me, if I cut carbs out all carbs on my last meal about 3-4 hours before I plan to sleep, I’ve found that I sleep better and don’t soak the bed near as much. Could be worth a try. But so far I’ve yet to find anything to help those lucid dreams. Looking amazing man!
  13. Sorry about being a day off. Been busy here, wife has been putting in a lot of hours, and with my schedule, I get a lot of time home. Been thinking about the craziness of the last couple years. How I wasn’t super consistent with diet and training last year. Coming up on 10 months sober, which is an awesome accomplishment for me. The wife said I could get a new motorcycle on my 1 year sober Mark, so super stoked for that. I started hitting it hard again this past may. Started this bulk cycle then. Went from a chubby 260-265 before I started, and the scale is saying 237 this morning. Most of that is just eating clean again. I do have a great metabolism going for me, which also makes it difficult to add muscle. I went from no abs and a fat ass to pretty lean, all while eating big and training like an animal. I found myself getting aggravated on someone’s post and knew I needed to take a step back. I reflected about it, and realize that I have made this progress due to my work ethic. Sure I’m on cycle, which is definitely giving me an edge, but AAS make me want to work that much HARDER, it’s not magic, like some people seem to think. rant over.. lol.. closing in on week 2 of the keto diet. Energy is up, strength still up, still getting a good pump, but the pump fades pretty quick. Noticing I’m getting a little more sore than normal after workouts. Calories are still above the 4K mark. Protein around 300g staying below 50g carbs. I get pizza tomorrow for cheat, and I feel like a little kid about it lol on to the good stuff thursday was chest day. Feeling strong and beastly. warmed up and stretched the chest out with some bands. incline dumbell press 60x12 80x12 110x12 125x10 135 (heaviest dumbells my gym has) got 10 reps, could have pinched out a couple more. dumbell flys with a slight decline, 1/2 reps to keep more tension, working on outer chest sweep. Elbows bent, almost like a fly press position 45x12 55x12 65x10. Really fealt it on this set and decided to not over do it, I’ve torn my left pec with these before. incline barbell press 225 until right before failure. 30second rest, 6 more reps, 20sec rest 3 more hard reps. flat bench plate loaded Atlantis machine 1 plate each side x 12 2 plates x 12 3 plates x 10 4 plates x 8 drop sets all the way back down taking a plate off each time and switching up the grips, went to failure until 1 plate left and did 12 reps. chest was done after that but did a burnout with cable flys at the high position, crab most muscular pose holding for 3 secs at bottom of the rep, I think I got about 8 with 80lbs today was arm day. I did mostly dumbell work for biceps, triceps were still pretty sore from doing chest yesterday. tricep pulldowns with V handle. 80x40. Warming up, walking in and back for different range of motion. 120x 15 160x 12 180x 12 220x 12 with drop set 160x12 rope over head tricep extensions 60x 20 80x12 100x12 120x10. Shoulder was giving me trouble on last set dumbell alternating curls 25x12 35x12 45x12 55x 10 no rest after last set and went directly into hammer curls 25x12. Burning 35x10. Really burning 45x10 had to cheat last 2 reps 55x 6. Had a bit of a swing going on. concentration curls, I don’t support my elbow on these but lean over and grab the top row of dumbells giving my arm a bit of swing room. (Arnold style from pumping iron) decided to go lower weights with slow and controlled reps, with a good 1.5 sec squeeze at the top 25x10 35x10 45x10, had to swing out the last 2 reps. last exercises I super settled between the plate loaded preacher curl machine, and the seated dips machine, alternating my hand placement with each set on both dip machine 4plates x12 6 plates x 12 8plates x 12. Drop sets back down plate loaded preacher curl machine 1plate x 12 2plates x 12 3 plates x 12 4 plates x 12 with about 6 partials and then drop set back down. last 2 exercises I went from dips, to curls, back and forth with no rest between. was over all a good workout.
  14. It’s rediculous how many guys at my gym I have never seen in the squat rack. I always wear baggy shorts at the gym, but always opt for the “shorty shorts” as my wife calls them for leg days. Yes leg days are painful, dug. But for all of the natty lifters out there, squats and dead lifts spike testosterone and growth hormone production, which aids in all the other gains. I get it that not everyone is a bodybuilder, but I know of at least 5 guys that every day is back and bicep day, and another 5 that’s chest and arms day. Every single time I see them in there lol. The squat racks aren’t just for the women to show off their asses in yoga pants you know lol. My favorite is a natty guy that comes in, he’s ripped, reps 315 on flat bench with no spot and has big arms. But absolutely no back, legs, or delts. It’s so bad that his chest and arms fucked with his posture so bad he looks rediculous. But hey that’s my opinion, if he prefers to look goofy, then that’s his business, I could never rep 315 as natty, but I’m also genetically a skinny dude lol.
  15. Remember brothers, women like nice legs and booty too! I can be shredded and my wife will still only compliment my legs and ass lol. Gives her something to hold on to I guess
  16. I’ve just come to realize that random boners at the gym are just part of being on gear lol. I’ve got some pre workout injection that’s 50 tren susp, 50 test susp, 25 anadrol and 25 dbol I’ll sometimes shoot before a leg day when I have a partner, and it’s pretty much insta boner lol. Tren cycles for me will have me huge and full for the first 2 weeks, then the flat, dry and grainy look starts to come in. Superdrol can be finicky, and I’ve ran both 10mg and 20mg before, I don’t see much difference other than strength gainz and hella more sides on the higher end. Aesthetically the doses seem the same for me, and with the other stuff your on, 10mg is enough to really shine and get you that full and hard look with noticeable size gains. I’ve always said tren with superdrol is the body changer, as long as you can keep the appetite from tanking too bad. when I mentioned diuretic I mean just a normal over the counter one. No lasix lol. But it could very well help with the BP issue, and around here a store brand non stimulant is like $7
  17. Definitely keep track of those carbs while on the tren and superdrol. Those two are going to make you flat anyway. Cycling the carbs will definitely help with blood pressure. Sodium intake too, though it’s very hard to really measure sodium when the tren sweats come into play, but less carbs equal less tren sides as well. You’re on a pretty hefty cycle, so a baby aspirin and 15-30mins of cardio a day will also help the BP issues. I always keep labetalol (super mild and safe bp pill they give to pregnant women) on hand for tren. Or if you can get yourself some cialis or Viagra pre workout to lower BP. Cialis is better for a pump, Viagra will just be an even more annoying boner you’re already getting from the test and tren lol. I hope that helps. I’m a paramedic by trade, so I’m really thinking here. If you know any old people, you could swipe some of their nitro they have for chest pains. That’s an instant drop in blood pressure lol also just thought, if you’re holding water, which in theory you really should be do to the compounds your on, and I suspect it is more stress related, that’s also taking a toll on your BP and grabbing a non stimulant diuretic (water pill is how it’s sometimes marketed) could also aid in some relief, just keep up with your potassium if you go that route
  18. Mmmm pancakes... I like pancakes!!! hope your stress has come down some. That bloat could be stress related, cortisol can do some funny things to the body. You’re also on quite a few orals, and just added in tren, your liver is now working overtime which can also result in some bloat. If anything else, dump a couple scoops of fiber in your next protein drink and call the plumber!
  19. Ate good today. Got up early and grilled up a bunch of chicken thighs while I let the dog run. I love grilled thighs with buffalo sauce, tastes just like big meaty hot wings. appetite was a little off today, but I still finished above the 4K calorie Mark. Had an extra shake with a few tablespoons of good grape seed oil to help hit the macros. Still under 50cabs. I have a pretty fast metabolism, and when I’ve been in ketosis for a while I can usually get away with close to 100g of carbs a day and still be in ketosis. So I’ll definitely start incorporating more penutbutter and such in my diet in a few weeks. i decided to do pizza for a cheat meal this weekend before legs. That will put me at close to 2 weeks on the no carb diet. I usually incorporate one good cheat meal a week on a keto diet, usually timed around leg day. Gives me something to look forward to, and I can usually shift back into ketosis a day or 2 later. did back today, can definitely tell I’m carb depleted, no biggie, just took a little longer rest periods between sets. Intensity and strength is still there. Scale said 236 this morning before meals. I’m liking what I see in the mirror though. warmed the joints up with some range of motion stuff with bands seated pulldowns with wide grips. Was alternating pulling to chin and pulling to lower chest to get everything warmed up. 80x20 120x20 160x12 200x12 same exercise but with reverse grip, hands about shoulder with apart 80x12 120x12 150x12 180x12 chest supported t-bar plate loaded machine. Using close grips, really trying to build lat and mid back thickness lately. 1platex20 2plate x 12 3plate x 12 4 plate x8 with double drop set 3plates to failure, 2 plates to failure bent over dumbell rows 60x12 80x12 100x12 110x 8 with drop set of 80 to failure dunbell pullovers 60lbx12 did 4 sets with same weight. last exercise was the plate loaded Atlantis pull down machine 2 plates on each side until failure. Did 3 sets nothing crazy today, but still pretty good workout!
  20. Yep! you’re a man, not gonna tell you what to do. But just giving advice, been in the game over a decade. I’ve done fucked up shit thinking it was the ticket to get huge. I learned the hard way, and that being said, I like to steer the younger guys in the right direction. You are seriously fucking your shit up relying on DNP to lean out, and running these “mini” cycles. Whatever you gain on this cycle will melt away if you can’t dial in that diet. Stuff like DNP, clen, t3, etc should be used to break that plateau after dieting To get lean. Shouldn’t be used as the “magic pill” so to speak. seriously think about what I said about the 500 test, 250 deca. Add in dbol to make you feel like a god. It’s a feel good beginner bulk cycle with minimal sides. The changes won’t be over night, but with the right diet and training you’re looking at 10+lbs of keepable gainz as a beginner. A lot of guys I know do sust just because they can’t wait the 2 weeks for test e to peak, but then become bloated moody messes. test e is my eater of choice unless I’m blasting a short tren cycle, then I’ll add in prop. Test e is just so much easier to keep stable. the way you’re going with these crazy little cycles, and shitty eating and blasting DNP because you can’t do cardio in a deficit for a few weeks you’re going to end up in the hospital or worse. This is the only life you get bro, we all want to see you be successful in your goals. There’s a lot of advice in this forum, but I for one can’t comment on these kind of posts anymore because I don’t want to feel like I’m enabling dangerous behavior. no disrespect but you sound like a kid who discovered steroid.com, read prospective results, and just jumped in without the slightest knowledge or experience in nutrition and training bostin loyd comes to mind thinking about it. That dude looks like shit, because he’s running so much gear. He will sit and argue with the seasoned pros about the mentality of running 2 grams of test on top of everything else under the sun in order to get to pro level. He refuses to believe some of the greats got there with more than half of the doses he runs. Look at Arnold, in that era all they really had was dbol, deca and he brought primo with him from Austria. And to this day his era were the best looking guys, and they were massive
  21. I do the same. Usually pre cook my proteins at night after kiddos go to bed. Here lately I’ve been letting my daughter help, she is pre type 1 diabetic so I share my meals with her. 13 and she’s allergic to everything, red head and pre diabetic. Poor thing. Doc wants her on 5 low carb meals a day, and since I’ve switched to keto, we share a lot of stuff. Makes that prep grind a little more fun too. I definitely agree. 180ish lbs and 4K cals is easy. Especially making it clean cals. Feel better, digest better, control bloat better (sust can bloat me worse than dbol with the ups and downs). At that weight and 4K clean cals you would be making gainz and getting leaner. 4K is a lot at that weight. If you’re struggling now to get food in and doing it dirty, you’re going to have a hard time once you break 200lb lean mass. as far as superdrol goes. I think a lot of people misinterpret it. It’s a very potent oral for sure, but imo it really shines in the cut. You might be hungry now, but when you close up week 2 on 20-30mg a day, your appetite is going to tank and you’re going to feel like crap. ive noticed in a lot of your posts that you do a lot of “mini” bulk and cuts with some of the harshest crap out there. Bodybuilding doesn’t work that way, if that were the case we would all look like Arnold. Extend your goals man, nothing is instant in this game, and it took us guys that have decent physiques YEARS to get where we are now, and we all crave more. With your size now, 500 test and 250 deca for 12 weeks would be a night and day cycle for you. Throw in an oral if you want, eat clean. Nutrition is 90% of this game, and make that trash food as a reward for eating clean all week. Once you can dial in your nutrition and a good training routine, the gear will really shine. At your age and experience, less is more.
  22. Alright guys. I took sunday as a rest day. Hit quads yesterday and delts today feeling awesome. Mental clarity and energy definitely came in. Been hitting my calorie and protein marks with ease while staying under 50g carbs a day.. still feeling full, but definitely lost the water. Pumps are still good, but I may be adding in that injectable dbol soon. The scale said 235 today. Looking leaner, but lifts are still steadily going up. I hit a bit of an old school style delt workout today. monday. Quads. started off with hack squats with feet in a lower position on the platform. As far down as I could go that my ankles could still be comfortable. 1 plate (each side) x20. Nice and slow to get everything warmed up and stretched 2 plates x10 3 plates x6 4 plates x6 5 plates x6 squats with safety bar (bar with pads around neck with handles in front). I like this bar for quad work because it’s a different feel than a regular bar and you can swing the weights more forward 135x10 225x10 315x10 365x6 405x4 with drop set 225x8 leg extensions 150 to failure with drop set of 75 to failure leg press with balls of feet at the very bottom of platform 6 plates to failure, 3 minute rest, to failure again. 10 min rest, legs are now useless. went outside and did walking lunges from one end of parking lot back. About 200 feet, then 200 feet back. laid around for a minute. Then very carefully lowered myself into my car lol. delts. Went old school. did a rack run on lateral raises 25lb-50lb 6-8 reps each, and then back down. Havnt done that in a while and the pump was insane, you can see it in the pics lol seated barbell military press 135x10 185x10 225x10 275x7 25 sec rest, 3 more reps. 25 sec rest, 2 more reps took a yoga pad, bent over and rested my head against the pat against the wall. Body is at 90* angle, back parallel to floor. barbell with 135lbs. Towed to chest til failure for 3 sets. Epic rear delt pump last set I did a monster set. 40lb dumbells, and 60lb pre lodes ez bar. seated lateral raises to failure, seated rear delt raises to failure with dumbells. Stood up and did high rows with the pre loaded ez bar til failure. No rest between sets. shoulders were done after that. So I went over to the preacher curl machine and got a nice bicep pump. i havnt got a delt pump like that is quite a while. can definitely tell I’ve dried out in the 7 days I’ve been on keto, but pumps are still there.
  23. Bro, I’m sending you a huge hug. All of this is hard for me to read. I can’t imagine the demons you are dealing with right now. I can’t say anything that is going to make you feel better, but please stop blaming yourself. My sister went through this same thing with many failures and heart broken years until she finally just decided to adopt. im sure you’re wife is thinking a lot of “what if’s” right now, and words are said during stressful situations and stressful times. But you are her man, her rock, her safety and the other half of her soul. As she is for you. None of this is failure my friend, and you for sure are not a failure. All of these trials are proving your relationship with you wife, and proving that you are a man, and a spectacular future father. Chin up man, level out your stress levels. Go on a date day, go rent a king suite hotel room with a hot tub for a night or two and just be with your wife. Have a picnic, take a walk. Cook dinner together, and act like two kids falling in love. All of that might sound rediculous, but it may just be what the doctor ordered to help cut through these trying times. best of luck my friend.
  24. I like face pulls too. I usually do high reps and lower weight with them. Alternated pulling to my throat, forehead, then above my head in the same set to hit rhomboids, traps, rear delts, and some side delts all at the same time. It’s a different kind of pump, but inflates everything to look extra big walking out of the gym lol. one thing that helps me with sdrol is breaking up the doses, and slamming a shake or a small meal directly after taking it. Definitely helps me with the nausea and appetite. Push fluids and electro lytes, and take your liver aids and it will help with the lethargy.
  25. Nice workout bro. I’ve turned away from front raises that past few years. I feel it takes away from the aesthetics of my side and read delt cap. I used to be a front raise animal, just glaring in the mirror and watching the striations lol. Over time I realized that over developed front delts take away from my pec/deltoid insertion points and give my shoulders and overall flatter look. Since I stopped, I’ve noticed the rounded deltoid cap becoming more pronounced when I look in the mirror. It’s hard to describe, I suck at words sometimes lol. If you’re working through an injury and want the capped, developed deltoid look, the same principle could work for you too. I myself have just not liked the look of over developed front delts on my frame. They get enough work on chest days as it is.
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