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Everything posted by Mikk0090

  1. In my experience it’s normal bro. Tren will bring up the jealousy and and overthinking. Your estrogen levels are probably peaking with the test. I’m usually not emotional per say on cycle. But the right YouTube video will squeeze a couple tears out lol. I’m on 900 test, 500 deca right now, I’ll be normal all day then hear a certain song or see an emotion video and I’ll be sniffling. Just comes with the territory bro.
  2. If I can find some I may run some when I’m in the pre contest cut for early spring. That’s if they have any shows going on there. I’m from Midwest USA and all shows have been canceled until further notice. DNP is hard to find around here, it’s one of those things dumb people use and don’t do the research and land up in the hospital and end up rolling over on their source and fucking it up for the rest of us. So people are scared to carry it anymore. Same thing with Cheque drops these days it seems.
  3. Awesome advice bro! I’ll clean up that disaster of a post and do that. I havnt competed in 2 years, and always open to advice and criticism!
  4. Those are pretty drastic results bro. DNP is one thing I have not tried, but know a few guys who have and tell me you feel like death and are irritable as fuck on it. Look man, I’m newer to this forum, and I really don’t want to sound like a prick, and hope that some constructive criticism is ok.. I don’t know your background, but judging by your physique now, and you don’t look very old at all. I think you may be a little over your head with wanting to cycle AAS and especially something as harsh on your system like DNP. TRT is one thing, like I said I don’t know your history, but doctors seem to be handing it out to younger and younger guys now a days. But it’s your body and your prerogative, I just want to give my opinion from being in this game for over 15 years now. have you tried a strict keto diet for 6 weeks with cardio and lifting heavy? Sometimes just cleaning up the diet will have dramatic effects without really needing to be in a “deficit”. If you were my client, I would put you on a clean diet with cardio and heavy strength training for at least 8-12 weeks and asses it as needed before even thinking about something as mild as a 4 week 25mg a day anavar only cycle. what are your future goals? To get big and lean? Small and lean like a distance runner? Remember, most of the “quick fix” drugs like DNP, tren, superdrol, m1t etc take a huge toll on your body, and in my experience, with every cycle that you do, you will never get the same results as the first time, and will as time goes on need more of the drug to get comparable results. if your plan is to get big, I highly suggest you train natural, or if you can’t contain yourself, small cycles of the more mild drugs like anavar, winny, tbol etc for at least a year. You don’t even have a good foundation yet. A lot of people don’t understand what I mean when I say a good foundation. What I mean is a good base, natural muscle, with experience in the gym to know what your doing so you don’t hurt yourself, and time for your tendons to strengthen up, and be used to regular heavy lifting. Starting juice cycles with little experience in the gym or without your body even being conditioned to a regular lifting schedule, you are begging for injuries and some fucked up joints in the future. Even with the proper base, years of using AAS with take a toll on your joints, as with me and I’m sure a lot of other fellows on this forum can tell you. if you can afford cycles, then you can afford a personal trainer who can teach you about nutrition, and start you off in the right direction, all the while be making progress to whatever your goal is in mind. a deficit does not guarantee fat loss. What is your diet like, honestly. We are here to help you on your way. in all honesty, if you’re new to lifting, a clean surplus will get you bigger while leaning out at the same time, judging by your physique, you’ve got all kinds of newbie gains to be made which will work in your favor to lose body fat. Diet and training is key here. i am in no way telling you not to cycle whatever you want, just want to educate you. Looking back, I wish I could have hit my genetic limits before jumping into gear. All I can do is educate you with my experience, and with being a certified personal trainer myself. i am in no way bashing you, just keeping your health in mind, and trying to educate.
  5. Hi all. I joined this forum a few months back, and have made a few replies. I’ve stayed in a different thread what my covid blast was, and I figured this would be the best way to give some updates. i am about half way through my cycle. 900 test e, 500 deca, 200 DHB. I’ve ran many test/deca cycles in the past, and aside from bloat, it is my go to bulk cycle. My body just seems to respond to deca best for building mass. Can play with calories week by week and see what’s working and not working pretty quickly. I started off with 20mg superdrol for 4 weeks as a kicker. Killed my appetite as expected, but was able to trim a bit of fat while getting full and strong while waiting for the oils to kick in. Started off at 260lbs (wife had a baby and then got put on covid lock down). Was at 245 after the superdrol. Was mainly on a home made mass shake diet to get calories down my throat at that time. But strength was up and the fullness was there. about week 5 I could tell my old friend deca was doing its job, strength leveled off after the superdrol run, but I could tell water was going to all the right places, appetite was up, endurance was up, and paired with the test I felt immortal. I just started week 11. (16 week cycle). Back up to 255, cycling 3500-5000 calories a day. 2 cheat meals a week. Delts and chest are huge and full. Quads have probably seen the most growth. I’ve always had a hard time getting biceps to grow, but arms are big and full. Back is thicker and lats a lot meatier. Rear delts and upper back has exploded over the last 5 weeks or so. So far I’m pretty happy with results. I’ve been out of the game for about a year and a half due to life, but size wise I back to where I’m was about 2 years ago. now let’s talk about the DHB. This is the first time I’ve ran it, and yea 200mg is probably a super low dose, but I figured I would run it with a tried and true cycle I was already comfortable with to see what it could help with. I’ve read so many conflicting things about it online. My gains do seem to be a biter harder than what I’m used to with deca/test gains, I’m full, but also don’t feel like a water balloon, which I’m contributing to the DHB, other than that I notice some insomnia, which I normally sleep like a baby on a test/deca cycle. stregth stats. before starting flat bench was 315, squats 405, and dead’s right over 500. I’ve added about 30lbs to squats and bench, but right now the lower back pumps are too intense for heavy deads. I switched to stiff leg deads and reverse hypers on ham and glute days. training schedule is not a set mtwtfss schedule, but rather I put in rest days when my body tells me to. I’ve never been a “split bro” but schedule looks a lot like this.. delts. Upper back. Chest. Arms. Hams and glutes and lower back. Quads and calves. Rinse and repeat. I train arms twice a week, one day devoted to bi/tri and then the other I’ll add into one of my other body parts. i would love to post some progress pictures, but every time I try to upload from my iPhone I get an error message. I’m probably doing something wrong because I suck at technology. ps. I’ve got some anadrol and dbol on hand I might add in for a few weeks after last shot of deca. The plan is to cruise on TRT for 8 weeks and then start my tren/eq/mast cycle to lean out for the winter. Plan is to do a show mid spring (if there will be any). So use the late fall and winter months to slow cut, before the 12 week pre contest cycle. thanks for reading all
  6. Purple panda test e and deca is pretty painless avogen DHB 100mg cyp is pretty good, their tren and mast pretty smooth as well. i heat up my oils before injecting most of the time and don’t rush it. I’ve had some gear that has rendered a body part useless for a week too.
  7. Good looking cycle. I love the moderate doses. It seems everyone today thinks the need to run over a gram of test during any cycle. As far as the proviron, I will usually run pro/masteron with any cycle to help combat sides, labido (especially for deca) and to help with water (might be placebo). And I think it just makes the over all look of the gains better. Too many people underestimate proviron/masteron. been a few weeks, hope those gainz are still comin!
  8. I apologize, I should have known better. Will not happen again.
  9. I ordered about a grand worth of gear from PPL about a month and a half ago, and received it in about 3 weeks. Great shipping. I got as follows 8-20ml vials of test e @300mg 5-10ml vials of deca @250mg bottle of adex bottle of 100 tabs of 50mg abombs bottle of 100 tabs of 20mg sdrol 2 bottles liquid sdrol oral 1 bottle 50mg x 100ml of liquid winny oral and a few vials of injectable dbol just for fun. i can tell you that I’ve started the test, deca and superdrol and everything seems legit and dosed as advertised, still waiting for deca to kick in. Sdrol is legit as it has killed my appetite and giving me bad back pumps (which I always get running sdrol). My buddy is running the same cycle of the same gear aside from the sdrol, he’s running anadrol with his and has put 15 lbs back on that he lost during quarantine. im extremely happy with my purchase
  10. Just chiming in on this one. I’ve used a few different labs out there, and have a buddy that home brewed for a while. There is also the risk vs reward factor in the UGL scene. I use 2 domestic (us) labs, and one based out of China. The domestic labs are a bit pricier, but also carry a few tried and true brands that I know is legit, sterile and potent. If I find myself in a jam, and my nips get puffier than normal and my dumb ass realizes I’m out of nolva, I will gladly pay a small premium for a product I will receive in 2-3 days. As far as the lab in China, it takes a good month to get to me, but is super cheap and they are geniuses with packaging to pass customs. back to the risk vs reward. Getting busted with lab equipment and raw products will guarantee you spending time in prison here in the USA. Not to mention being able to send these products in the mail, most distributions are using fake addresses which is felony mail fraud. some labs are fly by night operations that produce a bunch at one time and slowly sell off products to make a quick buck and will sell at whatever prices people will pay for it. In my early years I paid $500 for my first ever test cycle because i was dumb enough to pay for it. in my opinion, with all of the laws I would be breaking to ship the raws in from China, produce the final product, and then sell to strangers who could just as easily roll over on me if they get caught, I should be able to charge whatever I want because my risk as the producer is way more than the risk of the consumer. i am in no way advocating for high prices of gear, but I would gladly pay more for something I know is being produced in a sterile environment over something someone is making in the bathroom of their apartment to pay their way through college. just some food for thought
  11. I have an old blend I picked up a few years ago called “frog juice”. It’s 50mg test suspension, 50mg tren suspension 25 dbol and 25 anadrol. It stings a bit after injection, but makes for a fun dead lift session. Not to mention I always seem to look a bit harder the next morning.
  12. In my experience using all of the above mentioned esters. Test suspension is great for peaking before a show or as a pre workout, as it gives and instant dose of testosterone, without (in my opinion) giving the body enough time to compensate with estrogen to hold onto water. I’m not the smartest dude in the world so I hope that makes sense. with longer ester test, the drug is being released a lot slower, giving estrogen time to ramp up as the test is ramping up. Test suspension, giving used properly will provide a more full, dry and lean look compared to let’s say Sustanon, which carries many longer esters. for me, when I use suspension, I can see a dramatic change the next day or 2 without holding onto water. The same can be said using NPP compared to deca. this is all based on my personal experiences
  13. 2nd post but I figured I would share my cycle as my home town gym has opened back up. 750 sust 500 deca (350 npp week 1-3) 200 DHB 20mg superdrol kick start 4 weeks This is a lean bulk cycle, and first time ever throwing in DHB, mainly for thermo and helping with water retention
  14. Hello bros and gals. This is my first post as I have recently just signed up. 34 years old male 5’11 currently at 260lbs (Quarantine belly) I havnt had my wife measure me but my lifts are as follows bench 315 for reps squats 365 deads 505 slowly getting back to my old self, am currently 8 months sober. Unfortunately alcohol was running my life, but gtg now. future plans are to enter a show early spring, not sure what physique style yet. thanks a lot, and excited to be here!
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