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    S4 (Andarine)

    S4 (Andarine) or Acetamidoxolutamide, is a SARM (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator). But the idea for S-4 didn’t start out as many believe. It wasn’t an attempt to create a safer version of steroids or any of that nonsense people use to sell anabolics. S-4 started out as a new development for male contraceptives and showed promising results like decreases in spermatogenesis and huge boosts in male libido. For any of you who have had trouble getting your wife pregnant while on sarms…you’re welcome. However, when researchers began experimenting on mice with S4, they discovered interesting findings about how this first generation SARM affected castrated lab mice. Not only did Andarine increase the production of muscle mass and calcium for bone density, but was COMPLETELY SELECTIVE in its tissue growth! As studies continued, many of these research trials resulted in astonishing outcomes creating a benchmark for even more research. Today, we’ll take a closer look at everything we currently know in 2018 about Andarine in this writeup How Andarine (S4) Works To start, let’s describe what a SARM does. There are three type of chemicals that act on the androgen receptor (AR): 1st is the AR antagonist, which is a chemical that binds to the receptor to prevent it from activating. 2nd is an AR agonist, which binds to the receptor and detaches, then binds again, over and over. 3rd is an AR modulator, or basically a molecule that attaches to an AR and changes its structure to react however it wants. A SARM such as S-4 is a good example. S-4 attaches to the AR and sticks to it; each time the AR interacts with testosterone, S-4 forces it to produce genes that exclusively benefit muscle and bone growth. In other words, S4 is a form of SARM that attaches to the androgen receptor (AR) the same with regular androgens, the only variation is that S4 generates selective anabolic activity. As mentioned earlier, SARMS function by tying to the AR resulting to anabolic activity. Due to this fastening and stimulation, more protein is produced which allows muscle building. S4 can trigger muscle development in the same way as steroids, but minus the same unwanted side effects. S4 is a SARM with utmost androgenic effects and is 33% of the strength of testosterone when attaching to AR. S-4 also increases the amount of muscle mass produced by desensitizing the AR to the individual’s natural testosterone to influence a stronger effect. The Key Benefits of S4 (Andarine) S-4 is by far the most versatile SARM ever created. Not only is it the first SARM approved for a stage 2 research study, it has become the most analyzed and investigated SARM so far. After the discovery of its anabolic potential, the primary purpose of S-4 aimed to develop an alternative treatment to age-related muscle wasting, osteoporosis, and similar symptoms of hypogonadism, or end-stage renal disease. Aside from preserving lean body mass, S4 can also help improve it. From a stage 1 study, S-4 has provided evidence of a 3.3 lbs increase in less than 90 days with no increases exercise or change in daily diet. An unintended side effect (or benefit if you will) is the decrease in body fat [Chen et al., 2005; Gao et al., 2005; Kearbey et al., 2007]. Decreases in body fat are dependent on the person’s genetics, but it will definitely have strong effects on the body’s ability to oxidize fatty tissue. S-4 was found to not only have a great affinity (potency in binding to androgen receptors), while also presenting greater anabolic effects than some traditional steroids [Kearbey et al., 2007]. Aside from its muscle building advantages, S4 won’t cause liver damage, can prevent gynecomastia (enlarged breasts in men) and can help boost your overall health. Here are some of the other benefits of Andarine that are worth noting: Very minimal growth on secondary sexual organs such as the prostate. The LDL/ HDL ratio is not affected which makes it a low cardiovascular risk. 0% chance of aromatization, male breast lactation, or rise in any other female characteristic during the post cycle recovery. [Kearbey et al., 2007] Testosterone is not diminished in any capacity during the post cycle recovery. Very exclusive in tissue selection and growth which means it will not cause heart enlargement or damage to neighboring organs. SARMs do NOT require the utilization or devouring of liver enzymes to activate their anabolic effects. This eliminates any risk of hepatotoxicity or hepatitis. Although SARMs such as S-4 are not as powerful as comparable steroids such as Winstrol, they do not require the extensive post cycle therapy and can be cycled back to back throughout the year. Over the course of a year, obtaining the same results is very possible. SARMs is very female friendly and does not cause excessive masculine features such enlarged sexual characteristics. S-4 has overall presented larger increases in muscle mass than DHT. Full Muscle Regeneration & Lean Body Mass Once more, an early study done on S-4 provided proof of full muscle regeneration in volunteers with degenerative disorders without the use of exercise and the minimum dosage of 3mg/kg/day. Changes can be seen anywhere from 1-2 weeks. This was the very first study classified S-4 as CLINICALLY SIGNIFICANT by improving skeletal muscle strength, lean body mass, and a reduction in body fat [Chen et al., 2005; Gao et al., 2005; Kearbey et al., 2007]. Unfortunately, there are always some side effects that arise when using Because S-4 is a ligand by definition, the side effects will never be permanent even at supraphysiological dosages and can be easily avoided through proper dosing. The Side Effects: What You “See” Is What You Get Unfortunately, there are always some side effects that arise when using Because S-4 is a ligand by definition, the side effects will never be permanent even at supraphysiological dosages and can be easily avoided through proper dosing. Also, Andarine follows the law of diminishing returns meaning that over time, your body will develop a tolerance and the SARM will become less effective after a certain milligram percentage. For the average person, it ranges from 50mg to 75mg. there are people that can go above this range for even more amazing results or need to stay below this range because they are unable to tolerate the chemical. About 99.5% of the population should fall within the 50mg to a 75mg range. The most popular negative effects of S-4 are visual issues such as the yellow tint and difficulty adjusting to night vision. These side effects are unique to S-4 and are sometimes overblown. If these side effects present themselves, simply stop taking S-4 for two days and stay at a 5 day on/ 2 day off cycle. THESE EFFECTS ARE NOT PERMANENT! Once a ligand (such as a SARM) leaves the system, its effects disappear completely. Lastly, S-4 and most other SARMs have been known to cause depression in a small population of people. This has been discovered as more of a psychological issue than a physiological issue. researchers with mice suffering from any emotional disorders need to be cautious when using this chemical. Andarine Dosing Guidelines Benefits of Andarine have been reported with dosages ranging between 25mg and 50mg 3x per day. Unfortunately, the higher the dosage, the higher the side effects. S4 is a rare form of SARM that has a greater risk of side effects than most other SARMs. These effects are not permanent. S4 has been proven safe and effective for cycles up to 3 months.

    YK11, Myostine

    YK11, also known as Myostine, is considered one of the strongest SARMs on the market. In fact, it’s so strong and has comparable anabolic activity to steroids that it may actually be a synthetic steroid that was mislabeled a SARM in the first place. History YK11 was first studied by Japanese researcher Yuichiro Kanno in 2011. It was found to be a partial agonist of the Androgen Receptor (AR) with gene-selective properties, leading researchers to suggest that the compound is a SARM. [1] To date, limited studies have been undertaken, although preliminary findings in vitro on muscle cells are very promising. Initial studies suggest that YK11 may have greater muscle building effects than those of DHT and a propensity to act as a myostatin inhibitor. How YK11 works As a relatively new compound, exactly how YK11 works to improve lean muscle mass in humans can only be discussed based on initial in vitro studies. However, what we do know is that YK11 may be a Myostatin blocker – essentially allowing users to reap continuous gains without stalling and requiring a break in a cycle. Myostatin is a protein that is released to limit muscle growth to ensure they do not get ‘too large’. It is found predominantly in skeletal muscle, and studies show that individuals with a gene mutation that limits Myostatin production are both stronger and more muscular than those with normal amounts. YK11 may help to inhibit the production of Myostatin in muscles by attaching itself to the Androgen Receptor. From there, it may induce muscles to create more Follistatin, which in turn limits the levels of Myostatin, allowing increased muscle growth beyond genetic capability. The confusion over whether Myostatin is a SARM or a steroid lies in the naming conventions (or lack thereof) in relation to newer compounds. Kanno, the original Japanese researcher, discovered that YK11 works via the androgen receptor, which is why he initially claimed it to be a SARM. Newer research suggests that the backbone of YK11 is identical to those of steroids. In reality, we won’t know for sure until more studies are conducted. Benefits of YK11 There are 3 primary benefits that have been observed in both initial studies and user-reported reviews. YK11 may block Myostatin, allowing continues lean body mass gains The primary benefit of YK11 and the reason it shows huge promise in the bodybuilding world is its potential to activate more Follistatin in muscles, subsequently blocking the production of Myostatin. By blocking Myostatin, a user could potentially unleash huge gains with continuous muscle growth. [1] YK11 may be comparable to testosterone in its ability to build strength in muscles It’s a commonly held belief that while SARMs produce less negative side effects than testosterone, they’re also less effective at creating an anabolic effect in muscle growth. Initial studies [1] show that muscle cells produce more anabolic factors when exposed to YK11 than they do when exposed to DHT (testosterone). This suggests that YK11 is potentially more powerful than testosterone at producing impressive gains with fewer side effects than steroids. YK11 shows potential for fast, large gains Many users report seeing results from YK11 in as little as a single week of use, with the amazing results after an eight-week cycle. YK-11 Side Effects YK11 has only been tested in vitro – meaning that it has been tested on cells in a petri dish rather than on live animals or humans – where it has shown great promise in building lean muscle mass. However, this also means that until animal or human trials are conducted, we will not know what the potential side effects may be. Anecdotal evidence from individuals who have cycled YK11 suggests that for those prone to hair loss, shedding may occur. Other users have noted zero hair loss, so it may be a case-by-case situation based on each individual. Other anecdotal evidence suggests that mild acne may be a side effect of YK11, but this also disappears after a few weeks or once the cycle is complete. It has also been suggested that YK11 may cause mild, reversible liver damage. This means that any damage caused is repaired by the body once the cycle is complete. Make sure to purchase a cycle support product in order to help protect your liver and other organs. If you do experience any serious side effects, make sure to stop taking YK11. YK11 Dosing Recommendations Dosing Guidelines for YK11 User reviews suggest that the ideal human dosage for YK11 is 2-5mg twice per day for eight weeks (a total of 5-10mg per day for men). The dosage can be split up in 2 times a day, depending on what kind of substance you have. Sarms4you sells capsulated and powder YK11 so you can easily decide what kinda dosage you need. The capsules come in 5mg, that means you can take 1-2 caps a day. 1 in the morning and 1 in the evening. Anecdotally, some users suggest increasing the YK11 dosage to 20mg per day in total over the course of a cycle, although it’s best to start at a lower dosage and find your sweet spot. Men 5-10mg total per day split into two doses. Women 0.5-2mg total per day split into two doses. Stacking YK11 with other SARMs There have been quite a few anecdotal reports from users who have stacked YK11 with RAD140 with incredible results. YK11 is often stacked with LGD-4033. LGD-4033, also called Ligandrol, is known for its ability to gain a lot of lean muscle similar to RAD140. A YK11 LGD stack would be great for gaining lean muscle mass in a short period of time Users report increased strength and an increase in lean muscle mass similar to testosterone results but without the water bloat. It works great for users looking to bulk with lean, dry gains. Dosages RAD140 YK11 stack: RAD140 (Testolone) – 15-30mg YK11 (Myostine) – 5-10mg Dosages YK11 LGD stack: LGD-4033 (Ligandrol) – 5-15mg YK11 (Myostine) – 5-10mg
  3. Ostarine, also known as MK-2866 is a SARM (selective androgen receptor module) created by GTx to avoid and treat muscle wasting. It can, later on, be a cure for avoiding atrophy (total wasting away of a body part), cachexia, sarcopenia and Hormone or Testosterone Replacement Therapy. This type of SARM cannot only retain lean body mass but as well as increase it. Ostarine is often mistaken as S1 but S1 was created earlier and is no longer going through more expansion. MK-2866, although totally safe, can provide subtle but consistent gains in muscle, size and strength in your rodent. It’s safe to say you can easily gain 5-10 lbs of muscle over several weeks. What’s most important is that the gains you receive are lasting and will stay with you for the most part. If your diet and workouts are on point, you will definitely see some amazing results from MK-2866. Some of the other benefits include: Increased lean mass gains Better strength More endurance Joint healing abilities Anabolic (even at doses as low as 3 mg) In fact, many athletes take Ostarine for those very reasons, like Amanda Ribas UFC fighter who was tested positive for the compound in June of 2017 and suspended for two years over it. Now this gives you a pretty good idea of just how powerful MK-2866 (Ostarine) is. The Science Behind Ostarine SARMS bind to the androgen receptor (AR), which then show osteo (bone) and myo (muscular) selective anabolic activity as a result. This tying and stimulation intensifies protein synthesis and builds muscle. Ostarine causes muscle growth in a similar way to steroids, but without the negative effects, you would typically experience like on the prostate or other secondary sexual organs. Benefits MK-2866 uses its anabolic effects on muscle tissue fully so it’s not only a potential cure for muscle wasting ailments but brings incredible benefits to athletes who want to build muscle. It is also an agent to reduce degeneration during recovery times from serious surgery or similar conditions. *Ostarine has undergone 8 scientific trials by GTx with about 600 subjects plus 3 efficiency studies. A 4-month Phase IIb medical trial including 159 patients have shown a complete boost in total lean muscle mass compared to placebo and the secondary goal of increasing muscle strength. In terms of bodybuilding, Ostarine users have proven that MK-2866 can help improve lean muscle mass and strength levels. • Muscle Building This compound does not only help in preventing loss of muscle tissue but also helps you gain lean muscle mass. It works amazingly for you whether you want to lose body fat or gain muscle mass. The best thing about this compound is that it ensures that your gains are actual gains and not water. It does not lead to fat gain or water retention, unlike other steroids. This basically means that the results will be a bit slow but you can be sure that the muscles you gain lean muscles and not just packed water or fat. Water retention can be very frustrating at times, which is why users love this compound. • Burning fat Ostarine is a very effective weight loss tool. It ensures that you burn more calories than you intake. Losing weight can be very difficult at times and exercise alone can not give you the results that you want to see. So adding this compound in your diet can be of great help. Many users have confirmed that they have witnessed a considerable reduction in their body fat after cycling with this compound. • Other benefits This compound does not lead to gynecomastia. So you don’t need to worry about developing female like breasts. Moreover, Ostarine improves recovery time so you can workout more frequently. Lastly, it will be easier for you to maintain your gains because they’re actual lean muscles and not fat or water. Ostarine for Preventing Injuries The effects of MK-2866 convert to anabolism in bone and skeletal muscle tissue, which means it could be used in the future for different purposes such as osteoporosis and as a simultaneous treatment with drugs that decrease bone density. So, it has great use as a compound for injury recovery, specifically bone and tendon related injuries. Users report running MK-677 alongside MK-2866 to combat nagging injuries, it is often referred to as the healing stack. Studies have shown that Ostarine (MK-2866) is stronger than Testosterone when it comes down to injury prevention. Ostarine Dosage Benefits of the well known SARM Ostarine have been documented in countless studies with effective dosages ranging from 25mg to 50mg per 24-36 hours. There is no evidence that surpassing the 50mg dosage will provide any increases in benefits. Even though MK2866 resembles a mild version LGD 4033, it’s duration and tolerability throughout multiple studies have demonstrated safety and effectiveness for up to 6 months (24 weeks). The best Ostarine dosage would be roughly 20 to 30mg for about 6 weeks. You can choose to extend the cycle if you are making good progress, however that would be completely up to you. This compound is taken orally in the form of solution or tablets. In tablet form, the recommended dosage is 1-2 tablets per day. Experienced users can increase their dose up to 3 tablets. The recommended cycle duration is 6-8 weeks and it is reported that the results start becoming visible in the 4th week of use. Also, when your cycle is completed, make sure to take a 4 weeks break before starting the next round and take proper post cycle therapy meanwhile in order to recover from all the health damage. For Bulking Ostarine shines best when used for gaining lean muscle (bulking) or putting on extra size. The Ostarine dosage for bulking is 20-30 mg for 4-6 weeks. PCT is not necessary. An increase of 6 lbs. of lean, keepable gains can be observed during this period. That is pretty amazing if you think about it, we all know how hard it can be to gain and keep lean muscle. You can take Ostarine as high as 40 mg for 8 weeks BUT only if you weigh 210 lbs. Suppression is expected in higher doses so PCT after a cycle is a must. For Recomping Ostarine shines in recomping due to its nutrient portioning results. A calorie is used to build muscle which helps in weight loss and enhancing muscle mass and strength. Suggested dosing is 10-20 mg for 4-8 weeks. *Your diet must contain 30% of lean sources of protein to achieve the best recomp result. Diet is very important when recomping, and I would recommend you go with either a bulking or cutting cycle. For Cutting MK-2866 can help cut whilst preserving muscle gains and decreasing calories. The most used ostarine dosage for cutting is 10-20 mg for 4-6 weeks. You can always choose to do a longer cutting cycle depending on how things work out. Many users report that Ostarine really shines during a caloric deficit. Because it was designed to treat muscle wasting it has the capacity to hold onto your lean muscle mass when eating much less. Timing MK-2866 has a half-life of 24 hours. Each Ostarine dosage should be taken ONCE per day. Whenever you want to dose the MK-2866 is up to you. For example, you could take your dosage every morning with your breakfast. It is important to dose each day because of the 24 hour half life, so make sure that you don’t forget the ostarine dosage. Ostarine Side Effects MK-2866 is as good as side effect free. The only threat is that it’s possible to experience some mild natural test shut down in cycles over 4 weeks, but the time between cycles are only 4 weeks. Just make sure you stay within the recommended dosages and you will be fine. We all know that a higher dosage of MK-2866 can increase the Ostarine side effects so I would recommend using roughly 20mg a day to stay safe. The great thing about SARMs is that you barely experience any side effects at all. As you might already know, stuff like prohormones or anabolic steroids are a nightmare when it comes to side effects. The most reported Ostarine side effects include: Slight Nausea (Only after taking the first few dosages) Lethargy (This one is really dose dependent) Make sure to keep in mind that there is no real proof that these side effects are connected to the use of MK-2866. You have to make sure you are buying real MK-2866. I will tell you more about one of my favorite sources to buy SARMs later in this article. PCT is not really required for an Ostarine only cycle. Although, if you want to play it safe I would recommend going with a Test Booster and a Cycle support product. They contain a lot of natural ingredients which are able to offer you some protection during a cycle. Ostarine does not have any notable side effects. However, it may lead to some mild ones like slight increase in your estrogen level. This slight increase can at times be beneficial for you as it helps heal injured joints. It is recommended that you avoid taking any anti-estrogen medication during the cycle as it may lead to hormonal imbalance. Although it usually believed that SARM products affect androgen levels, they don’t do so. Ostarine does not affect liver or heart health. Also, it does not cause any harm to your sexual organs and similarly it does not cause issues like acne and hair loss. Another good thing about this compound is that it does not involve a dramatic reduction in testosterone levels. However, slight suppression might occur, but it all depends on the individual.
  4. What is GW 501516 (Cardarine)? GW 501516 (or Cardarine), is a research chemical developed in the 1990s to prevent and cure tumor formation in the colon, prostate, and breasts. Studies done in the early 2000s have found that GW 501516 and other PPAR agonists have also been able to stop metabolic disorders such as obesity and diabetes through specific gene expressions. As research continued to grow, bodybuilders quickly caught on to GW 501516, calling it “the ultimate endurance enhancing supplement.” Plus, Cardarine’s ability to burn off excess fatty tissue, enhance recovery, and dramatically increase endurance has made this product a staple in every athlete’s cycle and PCT. With no harmful side effects found in the past 20 years, no wonder why GW 501516 has become a legend in the world of sports and athleticism. Let’s take a closer look… How It Works GW501516 is is a PPARδ agonist and NOT a SARM, but does work in very similar ways. In this case, GW 501516 targets the androgen receptors that stimulate glucose uptake and skeletal muscle tissue. Currently, it is being suggested as a potential treatment for obesity by rapidly melting through what’s called “fatty acid oxidation“. Also, Cardarine is said to increase HDL by an average of 79% (good cholesterol) and decrease LDL (bad cholesterol) in current Phase II trials. These help increase your HDL levels from an enhanced expression of the cholesterol transporter ABCA1. The Benefits of GW 501516 The benefits of Cardarine seem to be endless, both in medical science and in the gym. Many studies have been done on GW 501516 showing numerous positive effects during the trial, despite minimum side effects. That is part of the reason why Cardarine has recently become so popular. Below is a list of the most powerful benefits that you could experience while taking a cycle of GW 501516 (compiled from much research and study) The Ultimate Endurance Supplement GW 501516 is literally the best it gets when it comes to endurance, energy, stamina, and performance enhancement of any kind. It is used by elite athletes for a reason, from cyclists to elite bodybuilders. In fact, WADA has even added GW 501516 to their list of banned substances because of its competitive advantage. You can expect insane levels of intensity in the gym, shorter recovery times, and be able to bust through plateaus like never before. Also, the energy you get from Cardarine is not experienced as jittery or anxious. It’s not a stimulant, and you won’t crash hours later. In fact, many users even report feeling an overall sense of well being and calmness. Some of the other benefits include: Rapidly melts fat and NON-catabolic; Provides noticeable results on the first dose; The ability to run for as long as 8-12+ weeks; Is versatile and can be stacked with anything; Can be used while cutting OR bulking; No side effects, liver toxicity, or suppression have been reported; No need for a PCT. Cardarine: The Cure for Obesity? The primary role of GW’s ability to rid the body of unwanted fatty tissue is almost LEGENDARY. The chemical compounds in this particular PPAR agonist functions in the differentiation of adipocytes. Much like growth hormone, GW501516 generates proinflammatory markers in adipose tissue and decreasing the activity of genes involved in lipogenesis. This means that the body is able to block fatty acid chains from forming and being stored as fat. A study from Scientific Reports published in 2015 stated: “GW501516 acts on PPAR beta cells that exclusively use body fat as energy in the same way the body would when going through “starvation mode”. The study is quoted stating: “physiological and pathophysiological functions of PPAR and generated novel strategies to treat metabolic diseases”. The activation of these particular genes in the body has been seen to burn body fat at such an alarming rate that it is being coined “the cure to obesity”. There were absolutely no adverse side effects detected in the last 20 years of study and it was extremely rare to see muscle wasting at any point during the research. Cardarine’s Effects on Muscle Fibers The 2015 study by Wei Chen, Ph.D. and his colleges has also found that dramatic increases in the PPAR gene in slow twitch muscle fibers increases oxygen usage and greatly increases endurance. The enhanced endurance was seen in lab mice with a normal oxygen supply and those with oxygen restrictions which provided significant evidence that GW501516 targets and enhances skeletal muscle endurance and recovery time to a supraphysiological level. Cardarine Results This compound has a long range of proven benefits. The results you can expect while cycling with Cardarine include: • Boost in energy levels: This compound helps you boost your energy levels when you are on a cutting diet. It helps you train longer and harder. You will feel the difference considerably when you are lifting as it improves your strength levels. • Fat loss: Cardarine increases the rate at which stored fat is converted into energy by our body. In this way, you lose fat quickly and look leaner. • Improved recovery: This compound leads to increased oxygen use by increasing the PPAR gene expression located in slow twitch muscle fibres. In this way, it improves your recovery rate and enables you to recover faster and workout more frequently. • Muscle Building: This anabolic compound helps you gain considerable muscle mass. It is a must-have compound if you want to put on some good muscles. It helps in muscle growth by developing existing cells and forming new cells. You should definitely add this to your bodybuilding diet for quick results. GW-501516 Side Effects Not to say that there are none, but in the last 20 years no side effects have been seen by anyone studying the drug. GW501516 has not only been tested in healthy subjects, but also those with simulated “real life” habits (such as drinking alcohol, stimulant narcotics, and the use of tobacco products). It is uncertain if there are long-term ramifications, but no research has been published stating otherwise. This is what makes Cardarine so incredibly popular and usable over long periods of time. In certain studies, there have even been signs showing the reversal of diabetes, obesity, Dyslipidemia and many other diseases. Liver Damage In contrast to popular belief, GW501516 doesn’t promote damage to liver cells. The chemical has actually been known to promote healthy liver function and faster healing properties to the skin and muscle tissue. In essence, you will not heal rapidly like Wolverine from the X Men movies, but you will shorten your recovery time from scratches, blisters, and injured muscles by a significant amount. Cardarine Cancer There have been many forum comments expressing the concerns of GW501516 and it’s relationship to cancer and tumor development. The hypothesis for this controversy stems from GW’s ability to improve Angiogenesis in the body at an extremely high rate and the rate of cancer growth in the colons of lab mice. This is a common occurrence among endurance athletes and children going through adolescence. Scientists had speculated that if there were tumor cells active in the body, that they would be especially susceptible to angiogenesis and cause the tumor to grow at a much faster rate. Since 2004 many experiments have been done to prove this hypothesis, but so far, all of them have been largely unsuccessful. A study published in 2004 by the American Association of Cancer Research stated that PPAR agonists have: …Shown to have no effect on the proliferation of colorectal cancer cells and “…under normal culture conditions, PPAR activation has no effect on cell growth”. Keep in mind that this study was done in rats given amounts of 400 mg a day and was abused and ran for hundreds of weeks to top it all off. Time and time again this study has been refuted and shown to be deeply flawed and inaccurate. In a 2008 experiment done on human breast cancer and colon cancer cells, not only did the PPAR agonist GW 501516 prove to be safe for use, it has proven to inhibit cancer cell growth. The National Institute of Health has confirmed without a reasonable doubt that GW 501516 inhibits a multitude of cancers in human cells. Over a decade of research studies on human PPAR beta (the primary target of GW) has only proven a decrease in cancer cells with extended use (up to two years). The confusion for these previous allegations of cancer growth was from results published in 1996 and have long since been abandoned due to new clinical research. The chemical compound has been dosed in human PPAR for a number of years and has only provided positive results on cancer treatments, liver function, and metabolic efficiency. In all of the human studies done so far, there were no noticeable side effects at all while running GW. Check out some of the studies and resources on GW 501516 for more info: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22814748 http://diabetes.diabetesjournals.org/content/57/2/332.long http://atvb.ahajournals.org/content/27/2/359.long
  5. Produced by Reverse Pharmacology, MK 677 (commonly known as Nutrobal or Ibutamoren) is an orally administered growth hormone secretagogue that is designed to stimulate the pituitary gland to release growth hormone. Yes, that’s right – this stuff is able to boost your growth hormone levels. It was originally formulated to manage health problems like osteoporosis, obesity and muscle wasting, but MK 677 has been shown to promote an increase in lean body mass as well as a boost in IGF-1 serum concentration during clinical runs. For this reason, it didn’t take people in the bodybuilding industry very long to start using it as a way to enhance their performance. How MK 677 (Nutrobal) Works Like most other SARMs, Nutrobal works by targeting specific androgen receptors and alters the way they function in the body. As a result, this stimulates them in a way that can mimic the anabolic effects of steroids and prohormones. MK 677 (Nutrobal) is rather similar to peptides like Ipamorelin and GHRP-6, but you won’t experience any of the typical side effects. This is why SARMS like MK 677 are considered as game changers in the world of fitness and in pharmaceutical science. Moreover, here are the positive effects of MK 677 (Nutrobal) in terms of improving growth hormone pulse intensity: Inhibits the signalling of somatostatin receptors; Slows down the activity of somatostatin in the system; Improves somatotroph signalling in growth hormone releasing hormones (GHRH); Amplifies and increases the overall production and release of GHRH. Benefits of MK 677 (Nutrobal) Aside from a dramatic change in your IGF-1 and growth hormone levels while on MK 677, you can experience many benefits from a cycle including: a more rapid healing of ligaments, tendons, bones as well as old injuries builds lean muscle mass and size gains increases the oxidation of fat and has even been shown to loosen tight skin after weight loss! In Terms of Sleep: Most users who have already tried taking MK 677 shared that they experienced better sleep while on this growth hormone secretagogue. They also had an increase in vivid dreaming in the process, which made going to bed much more satisfying and exciting from their perspective.
  6. What is LGD-4033? *LGD-4033 is a selective androgen receptor modulator a novel non-steroidal, oral SARM that binds to AR with high affinity (Ki of ~1 nM) and selectivity, class of androgen receptor (AR) ligands that is tissue selective, developed to treat muscle wasting associated with cancer, acute and chronic illness and age-related muscle loss. LGD-4033 is expected to produce the therapeutic benefits of testosterone with improved safety, tolerability and patient acceptance due to tissue-selective mechanism of action and an oral route of administration. How it works LGD-4033, a novel nonsteroidal, oral selective androgen receptor modulator, binds androgen receptora with high affinity and selectivity. It demonstrates anabolic activity in muscles, anti-resorptive and anabolic activity in bones and a robust selectivity for muscle and bone versus prostate and sebaceous glands. LGD-4033 has recently completed a Phase I Multiple Ascending Dose study in healthy volunteers this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled Phase I study established the safety and tolerability up to doses of 22*mg. Usage LGD is still fairly new but the results have been very similar in studies and logs. LGD-4033 has undergone several recent studies and trials to find the best and safest way to use it. From these trials, the results have shown increases in lean body mass and decreases in body fat. There is also a significant increase in strength, well being as well as healing possibilities as well. As a bulker LGD has shown the most ability of any SARM to put on size that could be considered a bulk. This will, of course, be dependent upon the diet used. Users that have experienced more than 10lb. increases have had a significant increase in calorie intake. The possibility of this type of size is present with LGD use. A recommend dosage for this type of goal would be 5-10 mg day for 8 weeks. Recomp agent LGD seems to shine with this method. Many have seen an increase in lean body mass and a decrease in body fat. LGD seems to work the best with this method. Ran in conjunction with other SARMS will only increase the liklihood of a stronger recomp. Recommended doses for recomping would be 5-8 mg a day for 8 weeks. As a Cutter LGD can be used to cut as well. It will shine moreso if ran in conjunction with SARMS S-4 and GW-501516. This would be similar to a SARMS triple stack that is normally ran with ostarine, except there is a possibility of more size being put on while cutting. A good dose for this method would be 3-5 mg a day for 8 weeks. Side effects Through studies and logs, the side effects from LGD have so far shown to be minimal. The suppression that has shown has been dose dependent but there has been a decrease in total and free test as well as SHBG. The interesting findings shown have show NO significant decrease in LH or FSH. This is very encouraging to users as it shows that while suppressive, recovery will still not be near as long as with anabolics. It has shown to be non toxic and side effects have been mild to minimal. LGD has not shown increases in estradiol but as with anything, an anti aromatizer should be kept on hand. A full pct, as opposed to a mini pct with other SARMS, is recommended after a cycle of LGD. While it may not be quite as suppressive as anabolics, the suppression is much higher than other SARMS, thus, requiring a full PCT. Summary fo LGD 4033 Effects similar to anabolics with size and strength Minimal Side Effects Excellent for recomping Healing properties Prevents muscle wasting Works well as a stand alone or stacked with other SARMS (May compete w/ MK2866 Ostrine thus may not be benefitial to stack with) - Great results in every aspect for different types of goals Half life of 24-36 hours
  7. letro or caber,lots of people swear by caber but it is not cheap
  8. Stack them up (pun intended) and compare to see what is the best anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS). This is the ongoing competition that is best portrayed by the voluminous tomes on bodybuilding drugs by writers such as William Llewellyn’s Anabolics. The 800-pound gorilla in the room when it comes to AAS is testosterone. Bodybuilders and athletes opine that there is much to love about testosterone— it dependably builds size, strength, improves mood and frequently enhances sexual arousal and libido. Of course, many responses to testosterone are dose-dependent, including the primary goals of muscular hypertrophy and strength gains. Unfortunately, adverse side effects also become more prevalent and problematic in a dose-dependent fashion during supraphysiologic use. Also, as testosterone is the endogenous (natural) AAS produced by the body, it necessitates the use of supraphysiologic dosing to exceed what the body naturally provides. Unfortunately, this also shuts down endogenous testosterone production— so much of a dose is spent replacing what is shut down by “doping.” There is also the issue of how the body handles testosterone, using it not only as a hormone, but also as a prohormone. Testosterone readily converts into either estradiol (an estrogen) or DHT (a more potent androgen) in a tissue-specific manner. While this is necessary and beneficial for proper function and health of most tissues in the body, in the setting of supraphysiologic testosterone, both estradiol and DHT also increase. The consequences are side effects that range from cosmetic to catastrophic. As most AAS misuse is limited in dose and duration, AAS users are only familiar with superficial effects: gynecomastia (breast development in males), virilization (male features in women), acne, hair loss and testicular atrophy (small balls).1 A New Class of Drugs More than 60 years ago, chemists purposefully created analogs of testosterone to reduce the potential for estrogenic and androgenic side effects. This created the class of drugs known as androgenic anabolic steroids. More recently, pharmaceutical companies have pursued non-steroidal alternatives, called selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs). Note, the difference between AAS and SARMs is not functional, but notational. The correct designations should be s-SARMs for AAS and ns-SARMs for the drugs designed to function at the androgen receptor, but lacking a steroidal “backbone.” This article does not account for ns-SARMs. Among the many AAS created, mostly during the 1950s and 1960s, several have attracted a strong following among bodybuilders. It is important to appreciate the dissimilarities between bodybuilders and powerlifters, as well as performance athletes. Though bodybuilding is based upon an exercise component (resistance training, as well as fat-reducing aerobic training), the scoring in competition is based upon the relative appearance of the contestants. There is no functional component. Contestants do not perform strength or fitness tests as part of the competition. Thus, the desired effects of any physique-enhancing drugs relates to their ability to improve muscularity, definition and/or symmetry. As stated earlier, testosterone is highly regarded, and proven as a builder of muscle mass and strength. It is commonly the foundation drug in “stacks” due to this feature— in addition to maintaining physiologic functions that depend upon endogenous testosterone, or its metabolites. However, used as a solo drug (for the sake of a direct comparison), it falls somewhat short due to the propensity to increase water retention and fat accretion at doses used to promote short-term increases in muscle mass. This is particularly pronounced with testosterone-based orals, which advanced bodybuilders do not find suitable for single-drug cycles. Novices will often experience notable changes with the proto-typical eight-week cycle of oral Dianabol, stanozolol or oxandrolone, but the degree of effect is limited. Oral AAS also carry a greater risk of hepatotoxicity (liver damage) and are associated with potentially harmful changes to the lipid profile (cholesterol) that may increase the risk of cardiovascular events with long-term use, and they do not provide an acceptable risk-to-benefit ratio for many.2,3 It is their convenience and ease of use that appeal to most. Among the injectable AAS, certain drugs have withstood the test of time. While it is possible that AAS with more “ideal” properties exist in the archives of pharmaceutical companies, accessibility is an issue that needs to be considered. Patrick Arnold, infamous for his role in the BALCO scandal, synthesized norbolethone— an AAS developed but never marketed by Wyeth Laboratories, as well as creating THG.4,5 Both of these “designer steroids” provided performance-enhancing effects, provided to elite cyclists and Olympians. However, too little is known about their effect on body composition or potential risks.6 Most Users Combine AAS It is incorrect to compare AAS based upon “popularity” as that relates to accessibility, and most users combine AAS with the intention of gaining additive benefits. Deca-Durabolin is a trade name for nandrolone decanoate, a 19-nortestosterone AAS. It is familiar to most, and often included in stacks due to its perceived lesser androgenic potency, mood effect and perceptible gains when added to a testosterone-based stack. However, as a solo agent, nandrolone has not gained a following. In part, this is due to its pharmacokinetics— how long it takes to build up to an effective concentration, and how long it takes to clear from the system.7 Nandrolone can continue to suppress natural testosterone production for months following a standard cycle. Further, though it is protected from aromatization via the aromatase enzyme complex, it is still capable of being converted into estradiol— perhaps at 20 percent efficiency compared to testosterone. And while nandrolone is thought of as a “less androgenic” AAS, it is in fact more androgenic than testosterone prior to being acted upon by 5-alpha reductase— the enzyme that converts testosterone into DHT. It is true that in tissue containing 5-alpha reductase (e.g., skin, prostate), dihydronandrolone (DHN) is much less androgenic than DHT, even less than testosterone. However, this does not preclude androgenic effects with anabolic dosing. Lastly, nandrolone also interacts with the progesterone receptor at a relative potency of 10 percent of progesterone (another female sex hormone).8 Though this is thought to aid in relieving joint pain experienced with non-aromatizable AAS, it can exacerbate gynecomastia. Nandrolone is anecdotally associated with AAS-related erectile dysfunction when used as a solo agent, though this is not well documented in the medical literature. Trenbolone: Near-Mythical Status There is one AAS that raises the interest of most experienced bodybuilders. Trenbolone has a near-mythical status due to its discontinuation in 1997. Then, a source for trenbolone was revealed by none other than the late Dan Duchaine, who disclosed a method for extracting trenbolone acetate from pellets designed to enhance meat production after being implanted into cattle. This form of trenbolone was the acetate ester, a shorter-acting but more rapidly bioavailable form that provided exactly the kind of results that the old-school bodybuilders whispered about during the 1970s through the 1990s. Despite the absence of a licensed and approved human pharmaceutical source, several different esters are now widely available through black-market sources, produced with varying quality and purity in “underground laboratories.” These esters include the previously mentioned acetate, an enanthate ester, as well as the same ester used in the original Parabolan formula, cyclohexylmethylcarbonate. Trenbolone’s reputation is for building muscle size, strength and furnishing a rock-hard physique with a dry appearance. It is most commonly used along with testosterone, as the two used together have reliably provided greater gains than an equivalent testosterone ester single-agent cycle. Also, the gains are believed to be better retained, perhaps in part due to an greater recruitment of satellite cells.9 Satellite cells donate another nucleus to muscle fibers, raising the potential volume of a growing muscle. This may also aid in “muscle memory,” though this effect has not been noted in anecdotal reports. Of course, it would be impossible for an individual to assess. Commonly, testosterone is the dominant AAS, with trenbolone added in complementary but lesser doses. However, there are some in underground communities who claim that trenbolone should be used as the dominant AAS in the greater dose, with testosterone being held to replacement doses only.10 The rationale behind those advocating this position is intriguing, as they state that testosterone serves only to compete with trenbolone in most effects, and that the need for higher doses of testosterone is to counter the potential trenbolone-induced hyperprolactinemia. Instead of relying upon testosterone to compensate for the libido-crushing, erectile dysfunctional effects of prolactin (a posterior pituitary hormone), these proponents suggest adding an adjunct drug to combat prolactin production— much like aromatase inhibitors are used in testosterone-based cycles.11 Moderate Dosing Nonetheless, the common dosing for trenbolone is surprisingly moderate, as reported by six-time Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates in an interview with Muscular Development. Trenbolone is commonly dosed for bodybuilding purposes (acknowledging that it is typically stacked with other AAS), in a dosing range of approximately 75 to 150 milligrams every two or three days when used in the acetate ester form. The total administered is similar for the other esters, accounting for the different pharmacokinetics. This makes a recent paper published in the scientific journal Steroids particularly relevant.12 The group of Australian researchers provided trenbolone in a dose that is equivalent to the reported dosing schemes used by bodybuilders. The male rats were dosed using pellets at two milligrams per kilogram per day. This would be the equivalent of a 200-pound adult human male receiving between 126 to 210 milligrams per week— or the previously stated 76 milligrams, every-other-day schedule of trenbolone acetate.13 It is interesting that both cattle and the rats respond to implanted pellets, yet this method has not found its way into the bodybuilding practices. In the Australian study, the researchers were investigating the effect of trenbolone on body composition, markers of cardiovascular risk factors, insulin sensitivity as well as the rats’ ability to survive a created “heart attack.” In addition to dissecting the heart, the liver and testes of the rats were removed and examined under a microscope for possible damage. Contrary to what popular media and politicized science would suggest, the findings were remarkably favorable, with no adverse effects noted. It is also relevant to note that the rats were intact, meaning they had not been circumcised (much to the rats' relief, I am sure), increasing the relevance to human application. To provide an accurate assessment of the study findings, it is best to quote the authors’ conclusion: “In conclusion, 2 mg/kg/day TREN treatment of eugonadal rats improved body composition, lipid profile and insulin sensitivity without: (1) adverse cardiovascular effects or increasing myocardial susceptibility to I/R injury; and (2) compromised hepatic structure or function... Further investigation into the comparative benefits conferred by trenbolone therapy relative to the current gold standard, testosterone, are well justified by these findings...”12 Changes in Body Composition The most relevant effects for bodybuilders are the body composition changes seen with trenbolone treatment. The control rats that did NOT receive trenbolone gained eight percent body mass over the course of the study, with all of that gain (and then some) accounted for by an increase in fat mass. Body composition was measured by DEXA, so the results are reliable. The trenbolone-treated rats did not gain any significant mass during treatment. HOWEVER, there was a significant increase in lean mass, with a concordant reduction in fat mass. The trenbolone-treated rats saw a gain of 11 percent in lean mass, and dropped 37 percent of fat mass. Compare that to the unchanged lean mass of the control rats and 34 percent increase in fat mass. The results would be outrageous in a human study. This change in body composition was not overtly stressful to the organs or metabolism of the rats. In fact, the opposite occurred— as it was discovered that the body became more sensitive to the signaling function of insulin. Insulin resistance precedes type 2 diabetes and is believed to play a role in a number of chronic diseases. The trenbolone-treated rats demonstrated a HOMA-IR score (measure of insulin resistance) that was roughly half that of the control rats. Additionally, and particularly relevant in light of the presumptive (and possibly incorrect) black box warning now being attached to pharmaceutical testosterone products, markers of cardiovascular risk IMPROVED for the trenbolone-treated rats. Those opposed to androgen replacement therapy would point out that HDL (good) cholesterol dropped by 57 percent. In fact, all cholesterol values dropped with the HDL:LDL ratio IMPROVING significantly, as well as a 51 percent drop in triglycerides. Further, when a heart attack was induced surgically, trenbolone-treated rats responded the same as the control rats, with no increase in tissue damage markers. The researchers suggest that the reduction in DHT, secondary to the suppression of endogenous testosterone, may have protected the heart from some of the ischemia reinjury (heart attack related) damage. Yes, endogenous testosterone fell considerably, as would be expected due to the negative feedback to the hypothalamic-pituitary-testes regulatory system. Further, the prostate was enlarged approximately 50 percent, but no evidence of malignancy was reported. In other words, it was “normal” prostate growth and not cancer. Best Bodybuilding Drug? This rat study mimics the anecdotal reports given by bodybuilders on the effects of trenbolone, at a dose range commonly practiced in that community. Improvement in body composition, with positive health markers and no overt evidence of organ damage in the studied tissues, is promising. Now, many bodybuilders have reported that trenbolone is difficult to tolerate, with accelerated hair loss, sleep disruption, erectile dysfunction, mood changes and “tren cough.” Clearly, there is need for more formal study. However, the current findings further support investigating the use of trenbolone further, in contrast to previous papers suggesting a contribution to neurodegenerative conditions, such as Alzheimer’s.14,15 If the findings in this recent rat study are indicative of trenbolone’s effects in humans, it certainly supports the argument that trenbolone could vie for the title of “best bodybuilding drug.”
  9. absolutely amazing at 154,well done.
  10. thank you all for keeping this thread going and sharing the sales
  11. i know a few guys doing out pre workout 10iu slin,5iu gh. roughly 8 grams carbs per iu slin. Slin would be the cheaper way but is nothing compared to des. how much gh you planning to use?
  12. clean that table bro lol youll thank me after when you do this cycle,igf des took physique to another level
  13. You know it bro, no room for those people on this board. What's upsetting was seeing people take sides without even further inquiring or asking what the other side of the story was. Well hopefully the light bulb turns on
  14. My mistake was giving him a second chance, i thought after we came to an agreement he would live up to it. Call it being human and giving people chances. The delay was my fault but as a human i had to let him blow the trust,which he did
  15. had to play the patient game,it worked out but i understand where you're coming from
  16. ive emailed you the bt info also if you check on the bt review section,you will see the reps name and email
  17. i can vouch for that statement
  18. Possibly the best intro lol
  19. welcome to the board,lots of experts here to help out bro. wish you the best on your journey
  20. @Blitz i had all my levels tested prior to doing this and it was at 13. 13 isnt good enough. So by me adding 100mg test e i climbed to 29 which is considered perfect while keeping my semen production going. End of the day ,semen production is essential for people trying to have kids. Or else all of this is irrelevant.
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