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Everything posted by Cog

  1. When does Bombardier get another bailout?Only big business left out there.
  2. Running is done at what....60% of your cardiovascular capacity?As long as you aren’t grinding out last reps that threaten your life while squatting,it should be beneficial.
  3. So in the past I have added Tren enth in,15-20 mg weekly.I find this provides me with a fairly good energy boost.But I still feel undesirable sides from this eventually.Any thoughts on the lowest effective dose of caber?
  4. Pretty sure there is a new device out there.Might have been on the old forum.Will check.
  5. This is what happens when you let trust fund brats run the country.Everything is going downhill.....the buzz will wear off from legalization and the reality will sink in....
  6. Apparently SUV’s are what sells now....But Ontario is not exactly an inexpensive locale to do business in.90-100 years ago there were a number of auto manufacturing companies.....
  7. Is there not a device to test RBC for less than 200 bucks?
  8. Any comment on the lipid profile with this daily amount Oly?
  9. No,I mean how low are you bringing that bar down behind your neck.
  10. Any updates on whether IPA is in fact active over a longer time frame?
  11. Pec decks suck for reverse flyes,DBs with your forehead on the edge of a bench,the deceleration at the bottom is much more intense than a pec deck.
  12. Years back researchers claimed dbol would not work to build muscle.....at 5mg a day. The real protocols of mass building with gh are not widely shared....
  13. Vaping is much milder and better for your lungs.I don’t enjoy smoking anymore,too powerful.35 years ago I used it with a training partner regularly,some incredible workouts.Couldnt shave with one hand,natty.
  14. Some people don’t believe in feel,but many have proved it works.
  15. Pic definitely from a gay beach.?Not that I actually care.
  16. He claims he has rather poor genetics,he is rather short,but pretty thick.
  17. Well,food for thought....this is definitely tight budgeting.
  18. The fiber likely had a positive effect on your lipid profile.
  19. Never used caber.Think I should but have never even gone to moderate doses.What is never discussed is the ways it can sharpen the mind.
  20. Furious Pete looked like a complete noob on that first movement.:)
  21. Gave up on expensive electrics.Some of those inexpensive battery multi tool systems are ok to get you to a short stubble.
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