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Everything posted by NorthernLifters

  1. Ever try supplementsource.ca? I've seen their link posted a few times
  2. Set you up as trusted member for now at Olympics request. Will upgrade to vet if you hang around. Always good seeing old school guys come together
  3. Make sure to do a log. Nothing more better to keep yourself in check and motivated
  4. Welcome to northern fam bro
  5. on a side note, coming from an intl board,as does @DWBO (brotherhoodofpain) ill say this straight up, these canadian labs and boards have the most amount of drama. I am shocked that such a small group of labs/boards can create more drama than a fuckin soap opera. If youre going to put someone on blast,give them a chance to reply. If youre going to lay accusations,back them up. If you dont, i dont give a crap who you are, i will ban you myself. This board will not become cjm,cm where a few people can dictate what is allowed and not allowed,nor will this become a platform where people can talk shit and try to surpress the other side This whole vet this is a fackin scam,most people are promoted due to allegiance to board and labs,its quite visible. Most of the people from NM that were vets were all taureaus friend and what a surprise ,because taureau was front rep for bt and they were all his customers. I think you guys need to come to big boards like brotherhood and profesionalmuscle because this behaviour would of got shot down ,banned and shamed. its disgusting how this is permitted and allowed.
  6. @Deus Pharmaceuticals ive unhid this post of yours. if people can put you on blast,you have every right to speak up to clear doubt It would be unjust to simply let one side speak against you and not give you a chance to reply. especially as afflicted has said thar he spoke to a mod etc. as i dont know the details but i also dont see any proof,so far this is he say she say. Im giving you a platform to clear any doubt and respond to the accusations presented by @Afflicted because the accusations are not small. Platform is all yours And ill make one thing clear,every board from cm,to cjm have all been used to promote their agendas. They bash people who they dont like and ban anyone who speaks up against their lines such as syn etc. So i would not use cjm as an example to show any type of validity , if anything,it kills your story,
  7. With that many Arnold classics now a days, it just doesn't feel like the real deal all the times, like back in the time of when I read the magazine days, the Arnold Classic I really wanted to read that coverage. But still with that many now, many others could win a pro show. And I really liked the mens open of it, really liked it, bit of good classic look to them. Gongrats to Juan Morrel 1. Juan Morel 2. Rafael Brandao 3. Akim Williams 4. Essa Obaid 5. Eddie Brocamotes
  8. Their recipe can stay secret, that doesn't mean they can't list ingredients. 2 different topics.
  9. Some people run some mild pct in between cycles aswell. Example 500 iu hcg weekly
  10. Being a board for canadians, we decided to open the board to sponsors who also supply intl and are willing to supply to Canadians. We will be limiting sponsors on our board now as we are not greedy for revenue. We prefer to diversity, loyalty and integrity. If we find labs are breaking rules simply because they feel they have a rep to do so, we will remove you. Stay tuned as NL becomes the first Canadian board to go international. If you are interested in being a sponsor on Northernlifters.com please pm @OLYMPIC @Talon or myself.
  11. Im not sure, I'm on both professional muscle and bop and all the huge labs from sciroxx to ppl etc could never make it at 100 mg without guiacol. I'm sure they tried eo and many other methods before other labs here tried, seeing that Canada has only as of recent jumped on the dhb bandwagon. As of now we don't have a make up of genetec. I'm sure he has it listed on his ingredient list. He'll chime in eventually. I do hope genetec becomes the first lab to do what all labs failed it. Would put Canada on the map lol.
  12. Trade secrets are fine. But not listing ingredients will not be fine. Especially if eo is used as people are allergic to it. Im hoping this is not the case as you guys are very reputable.
  13. btw wrong section,this would be a log.im going to move this
  14. guaicol has a distinct smell,i really hope if its in there it should be on the label ive yet to see anyone ever produce 100mg of dhb wihtout super solvent and not crashing @GenetecResearch care to chime in here?
  15. hats off to you for your service,wish there was more people like you
  16. @Physlifter you 2 make a power couple. Glad you took the Proviron.
  17. id like to announce our new sponsor,PPL(Purple panda labs) @Purplepandalabs . ive tagged the rep here,ill be creating his section tomorrow. Remember,our sponsors are visible to our vets and trusted members only. Get those posts up and earn that promotion
  18. welcome to the fam brother
  19. haha ,glad the cycle is having multiple benefits. I love these type of logs grats on the wing competition win DId you include proviron yet?
  20. its all about knowing how your body reacts and that comes from trial and error. Glad you are getting to a point of control and i wish everything stays well Test base is magnificent,especially as a pre workout on hard lifts. Use it as you feel your body can handle it. Maybe your body reacted negatively because it was too much test in the system at once?this is merely my guess btw
  21. happy easter bro, we all got our issues but theres nothing better than a supportive partner. chin up and keep at it bro.
  22. clearly you lack intelligence and have a hard time comprehending what i wrote. enjoy the ban
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